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Created November 24, 2020 11:05
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import Data.Char
iunwords :: [String] -> String
iunwords [] = ""
iunwords [x] = x
iunwords (x:y:ys) = x ++ " " ++ iunwords (y:ys)
junwords :: [String] -> String
junwords (x:xs) = foldr func "" (x:xs)
func l r | length r > 1 = l ++ " " ++ r
| otherwise = l
iwords :: String -> [String]
iwords [] = []
iwords input@(x:xs) | isSpace x = iwords xs
| otherwise = [takeWhile isNotSpace input] ++ iwords (dropWhile isNotSpace input)
isSpace c = c == ' '
isNotSpace c = c /= ' '
fwords :: String -> [String]
-- foldr op e xs
-- foldr op e [] = []
-- foldr op e (x:xs) = x op foldr op e []
fwords xs = foldr func [""] xs
func l r@(c:cs) | isSpace l && c == "" = r
| isSpace l = "" : r
| otherwise = (l : c) : cs
isSpace c = c == ' '
mfoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
mfoldl op e [] = e
mfoldl op e (x:xs) = mfoldl op (e `op` x) xs
naiveconv :: [Int] -> Int
--naiveconv xs = foldr (\l r -> l * 10 + r * 10) 0 xs
naiveconv xs = foldl (\l r -> l * 10 + r) 0 xs
-- assuming the String only contains digits
stringconv :: String -> Int
-- requires import Data.Char
--stringconv xs = naiveconv $ map digitToInt xs
stringconv xs = read xs :: Int
data Tree a = Bin (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Tip a
deriving (Show)
information :: Tree a -> [a]
information (Tip a) = [a]
information (Bin l r) = information l ++ information r
pack :: Tree Int -> String
pack (Tip a) = [intToDigit a]
pack (Bin l r) = "(" ++ pack l ++ "," ++ pack r ++ ")"
unpack :: String -> Tree Int
unpack = undefined
isBin :: Char -> Bool
isBin c = c == '('
isBinClosure :: Char -> Bool
isBinClosure c = c == ')'
isTip :: Char -> Bool
isTip c = not $ isBin c
getToClosure :: String -> String -> Int -> (String, String)
getToClosure ls [] c = (ls, "")
getToClosure ls (x:xs) c | isBin x = getToClosure (ls ++ [x]) xs (c+1)
| c == 0 = (ls, (x:xs))
| isBinClosure x = getToClosure (ls ++ [x]) xs (c-1)
| otherwise = getToClosure (ls ++ [x]) xs c
getLeftRight (x:y:ys) = (fst left, fst right)
left | isBin y = getToClosure "" (y:ys) 0
| otherwise = ([y], ys)
right | isBin (head (tail(snd left))) = getToClosure "" (tail ( snd left )) 0
| otherwise = ([(head(tail(snd left)))], (tail(tail (snd left))))
parse :: String -> Tree Int
parse [] = error "Parse error: empty string"
parse (x:xs) | isBin x = parseBin (x:xs)
| otherwise = parseTip [x]
parseBin :: String -> Tree Int
parseBin (x:xs) = Bin (parse left) (parse right)
(left, right) = getLeftRight (x:xs)
parseTip :: String -> Tree Int
parseTip (x:xs) = Tip (digitToInt x)
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