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Forked from ikt32/input.lua
Last active April 17, 2024 16:01
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BeamNG Steering Assist (Updated with v0.32 or 24/04/17)
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the bCDDL, v. 1.1. If a copy of the bCDDL
-- was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
-- Modified by E66666666, mihaits & GettingWhiter. (lines 638 - 692)
local understeerAssistedSurfaces = {METAL = 1, PLASTIC = 1, RUBBER = 1, GLASS = 1, WOOD = 1, ASPHALT = 1, ROCK = 1, RUMBLE_STRIP = 1, COBBLESTONE = 1} -- taken from game\lua\common\particles.json
local M = {}
M.keys = {} -- Backwards compatibility
local MT = {} -- metatable
local keysDeprecatedWarned
MT.__index = function(tbl, key)
if not keysDeprecatedWarned then
log("E", "", "Vehicle " .. dumps(vehiclePath) .. " tried to use input.keys[" .. dumps(key) .. "] which is outdated. The vehicle creator should instead use vehicle-specific bindings (see for more info)")
keysDeprecatedWarned = true
return rawget(M.keys, key)
setmetatable(M.keys, MT)
M.state = {}
M.lastFilterType = -1
M.lastInputs = {}
M.allowedInputSources = {}
M.steeringInputs = {}
--set kbd initial rates (derive these from the menu options eventually)
local kbdInRate = 2.2
local kbdOutRate = 1.6
--set kbd understeer limiting effect (A value of 1 will achieve min steering speed of 0*kbdOutRate)
local kbdUndersteerMult = 0.7
--set kbd oversteer help effect (A value of 1 will achieve max steering speed of 2*kbdOutRate)
local kbdOversteerMult = 0.7
local rateMult = nil
local kbdOutRateMult = 0
local kbdInRateMult = 0
local understeerInRateMult = 1 -- used by understeer assist to mitigate the slow return-to-center after long understeers
local understeerOutRateMult = 1 -- used by speed-sensitive assist to mitigate the fast turn-in at high speeds
local padSmoother = nil
local kbdSmoother = nil
local vehicleSteeringWheelLock = 450
local handbrakeSoundEngaging = nil
local handbrakeSoundDisengaging = nil
local handbrakeSoundDisengaged = nil
local inputNameCache = {}
local inputTSCache = {}
local gxSmoothMax = 0
local gx_Smoother = newTemporalSmoothing(4) -- it acts like a timer
local velVec = vec3()
-- oversteer reduction assistant
local stabilizationEnabled = false
local stabilizationEnabledDirect = false
local stabilizationEndSpeed = 13
local stabilizationMultiplier = 0
-- understeer reduction assistant
local understeerReductionEnabled = false
local understeerReductionEnabledDirect = false
local understeerReductionMultiplier = 0
local frontWheels = {}
local smUndersteer1 = newTemporalSmoothing()
local smUndersteer2 = newTemporalSmoothing()
local smOversteer = newTemporalSmoothing()
-- slower steering at high speed
local slowdownEnabled = false
local slowdownEnabledDirect = false
local slowdownMultiplier = nil
local slowdownM = nil
local slowdownB = nil
-- limit steering at high speed
local limitEnabled = false
local limitEnabledDirect = false
local limitMultiplier = nil
local limitM = nil
local limitB = nil
-- slower autocenter at low speed
local autocenterEnabled = false
local autocenterM = nil
local autocenterN = nil
local min, max, abs, sqrt = math.min, math.max, math.abs, math.sqrt
local function init()
--inRate (towards the center), outRate (away from the center), autoCenterRate, startingValue
M.state = {
steering = {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(),
minLimit = -1,
maxLimit = 1
throttle = {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(3, 3, 1000, 0),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(100, 100, nil, 0),
minLimit = 0,
maxLimit = 1
brake = {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(3, 3, 1000, 0),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(100, 100, nil, 0),
minLimit = 0,
maxLimit = 1
parkingbrake = {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 10, nil, 0),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 10, nil, 0),
minLimit = 0,
maxLimit = 1
clutch = {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 20, 20, 0),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 10, nil, 0),
minLimit = 0,
maxLimit = 1
local function getLongitudinalLateralPrefix(wheelName)
local long, side = string.match(wheelName, "^([FR][FR0-9_]*)([RL][RL0-9]*)")
long = long or string.match(wheelName, "^([FR]+)")
--print(string.format("/ Splitting '%10s' into long: '%5s', side: '%5s' .", wheelName, long, side))
long = long and long:sub(1, 1) or long
side = side and side:sub(1, 1) or side
--print(string.format("\\_ Splitting '%10s' into long: '%5s', side: '%5s' .", wheelName, long, side))
return long, side
local function initSecondStage()
--scale rates based on steering wheel degrees
local foundSteeringHydro = false
if hydros then
for _, h in pairs(hydros.hydros) do
--check if it's a steering hydro
if h.inputSource == "steering_input" then
foundSteeringHydro = true
--if the value is present, scale the values
if h.steeringWheelLock then
vehicleSteeringWheelLock = abs(h.steeringWheelLock)
if and ~= nil then
vehicleSteeringWheelLock =
elseif foundSteeringHydro then
if == nil then = {}
end = vehicleSteeringWheelLock
for wi, wd in pairs(wheels.wheels) do
if wd.parkingTorque and wd.parkingTorque > 0 then
handbrakeSoundEngaging = handbrakeSoundEngaging or sounds.createSoundscapeSound("handbrakeEngaging")
handbrakeSoundDisengaging = handbrakeSoundDisengaging or sounds.createSoundscapeSound("handbrakeDisengaging")
handbrakeSoundDisengaged = handbrakeSoundDisengaged or sounds.createSoundscapeSound("handbrakeDisengaged")
-- identify and cache which are the front wheels
local debug = false
for wi1, wd1 in pairs(wheels.wheels) do
local long1, side1 = getLongitudinalLateralPrefix(
if debug then
print(string.format("----- '%s' = %s, %s",, long1, side1))
if long1 == "F" then -- this is a front wheel
local rearWheels = {}
for wi2, wd2 in pairs(wheels.wheels) do
local long2, side2 = getLongitudinalLateralPrefix(
if long2 == "R" then -- this is a rear wheel
if side1 == nil then -- we don't know the side of front wheel (maybe it's a 3-wheel pigeon)
table.insert(rearWheels, wi2)
if debug then
print(string.format(" * '%s' = %s, %s",, long2, side2))
elseif side1 == side2 then -- this rear wheel is from the same side
table.insert(rearWheels, wi2)
if debug then
print(string.format(" - '%s' = %s, %s",, long2, side2))
table.insert(frontWheels, {wi1, wd1, rearWheels, #rearWheels})
if debug then
for k, v in ipairs(frontWheels) do
local namef = wheels.wheels[v[1]].name
local namesr = {}
for l, w in ipairs(v[3]) do
table.insert(namesr, wheels.wheels[w].name)
print(string.format("front wheel '%s' has these rear wheels: %s", namef, dumps(namesr)))
rateMult = 5 / 8
if vehicleSteeringWheelLock ~= 1 then
rateMult = 450 / vehicleSteeringWheelLock
kbdOutRateMult = min(kbdOutRate * rateMult, 2.68)
kbdInRateMult = min(kbdInRate * rateMult, 3.68)
padSmoother = newTemporalSmoothing()
kbdSmoother = newTemporalSmoothing()
local function dynamicInputRateKbd(v, dt, curx)
local signv = sign(v)
local signx = sign(curx)
local gx = sensors.gx
local signgx = sign(gx)
local absgx = abs(gx)
local gs = kbdSmoother:getWithRateUncapped(0, dt, 3)
if absgx > gs then
gs = absgx
-- centering by lifting key:
if v == 0 then
local lowSpeedCoef = 1
if autocenterEnabled then
local wheelSpeed = electrics.values["wheelspeed"]
local spd = max(abs(wheelSpeed), velVec:length()) -- ensure the fallback case is a high speed (using max instead of the usual min), so that autocentering happens when in doubt (airplane carriers, tanks with reported wheelspeed of zero, etc)
lowSpeedCoef = clamp(autocenterM * spd - autocenterN, 0, 1)
return lowSpeedCoef * understeerInRateMult * kbdInRateMult
local g = abs(obj:getGravity())
--reduce steering speed only when steered into turn and pressing key into direction of turn (help limit the understeer)
if signx == -signgx and signv == -signgx then
local gLateral = min(absgx, g) / (g + 1e-30)
return understeerOutRateMult * (kbdOutRateMult - (kbdOutRateMult * kbdUndersteerMult * gLateral))
--increase steering speed when pressing key out of direction of turn (help save the car from oversteer)
if signv == signgx then
local gLateralSmooth = min(gs, g) / (g + 1e-30)
return understeerInRateMult * (kbdOutRateMult + kbdOutRateMult * kbdOversteerMult * gLateralSmooth)
return understeerOutRateMult * kbdOutRateMult
local function dynamicInputRateKbd2(v, curx)
local signv = sign(v)
local signx = sign(curx)
local gx = sensors.gx
local signgx = sign(gx)
local mov = v - curx
local signmov = sign(mov)
-- centering by lifting key:
if v == 0 then
return understeerInRateMult * kbdInRateMult
-- centering by pressing opposite key:
if signmov ~= signx then
return understeerInRateMult * kbdInRateMult * 1.5
-- recovering from oversteer:
if signv == signgx or signmov == signgx or signx == signgx then
return understeerInRateMult * kbdInRateMult * 1.8
-- not enough data, fallback case
local speed = electrics.values["wheelspeed"]
if speed == nil then
return understeerInRateMult * kbdInRateMult
-- regular steering:
speed = abs(speed)
local g = abs(obj:getGravity())
return understeerOutRateMult * kbdOutRateMult * (1.4 - min(speed / 12, 1) * min(gxSmoothMax, g) / (g + 1e-30)) / 1.4
local function dynamicInputRatePad(v, dt, curx)
local ps = padSmoother:getWithRateUncapped(0, dt, 0.2)
local diff = v - curx
local absdiff = abs(diff) * 0.9
if absdiff > ps then
ps = absdiff
local baserate = (min(absdiff * 1.7, 3) + ps + 0.35)
if diff * sign(curx) < 0 then
return understeerInRateMult * min(baserate * 2, 5) * rateMult
return understeerOutRateMult * baserate * rateMult
-- return vehicle mass at spawn time (will not change e.g. after losing a bumper)
local vehicleMassCache
local function vehicleMass()
if not vehicleMassCache then
vehicleMassCache = 0
for _, n in pairs( or {}) do
vehicleMassCache = vehicleMassCache + n.nodeWeight
return vehicleMassCache
local function getTotalDownforceFactor()
local downforce = 0
for _, wd in pairs(wheels.wheels or {}) do
downforce = downforce + wd.downForce
return downforce / vehicleMass()
-- return what we estimate is the tightest possible vehicle turn radius, given the grip, downforce and speed of the vehicle
-- e.g. at 500 kmh, the best turn radius is likely huge (hundreds or thousands of meters), even if we're using slick tires.
-- while at 1 kmh, the best turn radius is tiny (maybe 0-5 meters), usually only achievable by installing a drift angle-kit (or anything that can make the front wheels turn much more than a typical street car)
local function getBestTurnRadius(vel)
local accel = obj:getStaticFrictionCoef() * getTotalDownforceFactor()
local radius = square(vel) / accel
return clamp(radius, 0, 100000)
-- return surface materials where we allow understeer assistant to kick in
-- normally we allow this assistant on tarmac-like surfaces, and gravel-like surfaces benefit from understeer (so understeer should be allowed, in order to reach maximum grip)
local understeerAssistedSurfacesCache = nil
local function getUndersteerAssistedSurfacesById()
if not understeerAssistedSurfacesCache then
understeerAssistedSurfacesCache = {}
for k, v in pairs(particles.getMaterialsParticlesTable()) do
understeerAssistedSurfacesCache[k] = understeerAssistedSurfaces[]
return understeerAssistedSurfacesCache
-- 1 if all front wheels are on rigid surface, 0 if all front wheels are in loose surface, 0.5 if it's half and half, etc.
-- wheels with greater downforce have a greater contribution to the final value. wheels with no downforce have no contribution
local function getRatioFrontWheelsOnSolidSurface()
local assistedSurfaces = getUndersteerAssistedSurfacesById()
local assistedDownForce = 0
local totalDownForce = 0
for _, v in ipairs(frontWheels) do
local wd = v[2]
local mat, mat2 = wd.contactMaterialID1, wd.contactMaterialID2
if mat == 4 then
mat, mat2 = mat2, mat
totalDownForce = totalDownForce + wd.downForceRaw
if assistedSurfaces[mat] then
assistedDownForce = assistedDownForce + wd.downForceRaw
return assistedDownForce / (totalDownForce + 1e-10)
-- compute the requested turn radius (what the user is asking by turning the steering wheel)
-- e.g. when in full lock, the requested turn radius is often 5-10 meters. vehicle speed does not matter in this calculation
local function getRequestedTurnRadius()
local turnRadiusTotalWeighted = 0
local totalDownForce = 0
for _, v in ipairs(frontWheels) do
local frontWheel = v[1]
local wd = v[2]
local rearWheels = v[3]
local nRearWheels = v[4]
-- there can be one or multiple rear wheels per front wheel (e.g. pigeon, duallies, 3-axle trucks, etc)
-- compute the average angle of front angle against all possible rear wheels
local wheelTurnRadiusTotal = 0
for _, rearWheel in ipairs(rearWheels) do
wheelTurnRadiusTotal = wheelTurnRadiusTotal + obj:wheelTurnRadius(frontWheel, rearWheel)
local wheelTurnRadiusAvg = wheelTurnRadiusTotal / (nRearWheels + 1e-10)
-- assign importance proportional to the downforce
-- e.g. in a extreme case, no downforce would mean that this front wheel is not contributing to the turning radius
turnRadiusTotalWeighted = turnRadiusTotalWeighted + wd.downForceRaw * wheelTurnRadiusAvg
totalDownForce = totalDownForce + wd.downForceRaw
return clamp(turnRadiusTotalWeighted / (totalDownForce + 1e-10), 0, 100000)
-- smart smoothing rate, to be passed onto a smoother. allows to pick how much to smooth based on how far away the smoother is from the desired value
-- a2/b2/c2 can be provided for assimetric decreases, otherwise a1/b1/c1 is used for both increases and decreases
local function getRate(currentValue, desiredValue, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2)
local diff = currentValue - desiredValue
local diffabs = abs(diff)
if a2 and diff > 0 then
return a2 + b2 * diffabs + square(c2 * diffabs)
return a1 + b1 * diffabs + square(c1 * diffabs)
-- compute which turn radius we want to aim for. this depends on user settings, driven surface, grip, empirical correction, etc
local function getTargetTurnRadius(vel, bestTurnRadius)
local factorLowSpeed = clamp(0.072 * vel, 0, 1) -- fade out assistant at low speed
local factorSurface = getRatioFrontWheelsOnSolidSurface() -- on loose surfaces, digging into the ground with massive understeer will increase grip
local factorSetting = understeerReductionMultiplier -- user can choose 0% to 100% assistant strength
return bestTurnRadius * factorLowSpeed * factorSurface * factorSetting
local function updateUIAppDebugging(st, velLen, requestedSteering, radiusRequested, radiusTarget, conversion, radiusRatio, mult, multSm, oversteerMult, overSm, assistance, understeerInRateMult, understeerOutRateMult)
local currG = abs(sensors.gx2 / obj:getGravity())
smExtra2 = smExtra2 or newTemporalSmoothing()
local currGsm = smExtra2:getWithRateUncapped(currG, dt, getRate(smExtra2:value(), currG, 0, 1.5, 5.0))
local gmax = 1.3
local gfrac = 5
--,{"currG", currG, gmax, "G"}
--,{"currGsm", currGsm, gmax, "G"}
--,{"currGPlot", ((currG*gfrac)%1)/gfrac, 1/gfrac, "Gfake"}
--,{"currGsmPlot", ((currGsm*gfrac)%1)/gfrac, 1/gfrac, "Gfake"}
--,{"assistedSteering", abs(st), 1, "x"}
--,{"static", obj:getStaticFrictionCoef(), 2, "x"}
--,{"downforce", getTotalDownforceFactor(), 12, "x"}
--,{"velLen", velLen, 100, "x"}
{"requestedSteering", abs(requestedSteering), 1, "x"},
--,{"radiusRequested", radiusRequested, 200, "m"}
--,{"radiusTarget", radiusTarget, 200, "m"}
--,{"conversion", conversion, 100, "x"}
--,{"radiusRatio", radiusRatio, 5, "x"}
--,{"mult", mult, 1.5, "x"}
--,{"multSm", multSm, 1.5, "x"}
--,{"oversteerMult", oversteerMult, 2, "x"}
--,{"overSm", overSm, 1, "x"}
{"assistance", assistance, 1.5, "x"},
{"understeerInRateMult", understeerInRateMult, 5, "x"},
{"understeerOutRateMult", understeerOutRateMult, 1, "x"}
local rightVec, frontVec = vec3(), vec3()
local function inputStabilization(st, dt, filter)
electrics.values.steeringUnassisted = st
understeerInRateMult = 1
understeerOutRateMult = 1
local direct = filter == FILTER_DIRECT
local useStabilization = stabilizationEnabled and (stabilizationEnabledDirect or not direct)
local useUndersteerReduction = understeerReductionEnabled and (understeerReductionEnabledDirect or not direct)
local useSlowdown = slowdownEnabled and (slowdownEnabledDirect or not direct)
local useLimit = limitEnabled and (limitEnabledDirect or not direct)
if not (useLimit or useSlowdown or useStabilization or useUndersteerReduction) then
return st
-- oversteer detection
local wheelSpeed = electrics.values["wheelspeed"]
local velSqLen = velVec:squaredLength()
local lowSpeedCoef = min(abs(wheelSpeed), velSqLen, 10) * 0.1
local velLen = sqrt(velSqLen)
local speedThreshold = 13
local oversteer = lowSpeedCoef * min(velLen / speedThreshold, 1) * velVec:dot(rightVec) / (velLen + 1e-10)
-- slower steering at high speed
if useSlowdown then
local speedMult = min(1, max(slowdownMultiplier, slowdownM * min(velLen, wheelSpeed) + slowdownB))
local slowdownMult = clamp(5 * abs(oversteer), 0, 1) -- don't apply while oversteering
understeerOutRateMult = max(slowdownMult, speedMult) -- slowdown the turn-in at high speed
understeerInRateMult = understeerOutRateMult -- slowdown the turn-out at high speed
-- limit steering at high speed
if useLimit then
local speedMult = min(1, max(limitMultiplier, limitM * min(velLen, wheelSpeed) + limitB))
local limitMult = clamp(5 * abs(oversteer), 0, 1) -- don't apply while oversteering
st = st * max(limitMult, speedMult) -- limit steering range
-- oversteer reduction
if useStabilization then
local oversteerMult = lowSpeedCoef * min(velLen / (stabilizationEndSpeed + 1e-10), 1) * velVec:dot(rightVec) / (velLen + 1e-10)
local countersteer = oversteerMult * stabilizationMultiplier
st = st + sign(countersteer) * max(0, 1 - square(st)) * min(1, abs(countersteer))
-- understeer reduction -- if user is requesting too much steering, compared to what we believe the car can do, we reduce steering
-- This assistant does not suit all vehicles equally:
-- - some will get max lateral G-forces, some a bit less
-- - some cars will get a bit of understeer if the user attempts a full lock (user can then pull back a tiny bit for optimum G-forces)
-- - in a few rare cases (such as burnside_drag), it'll fall too short from understeering conditions, leaving some grip unreachable
if useUndersteerReduction then
-- compute the steering requested by user, vs the maximum steering we could aim for. expressed in terms of car turning radius (rather than steering wheel angle)
local radiusTarget = getTargetTurnRadius(velLen, getBestTurnRadius(velLen))
local radiusRequested = getRequestedTurnRadius()
local radiusRatio = (radiusRequested == 0) and 0 or (radiusTarget / radiusRequested)
-- convert from radius units, into a multiplier we can apply to the steering input value
local a, b, c = 2600, -13, -3
local conversion = clamp(c + a / (max(-b, 3.6 * velLen) + b), 5, 40) * 0.01 -- equation from hundreds of tests (car/speed/surface combinations)
local steeringFactor = radiusRatio * conversion
--local steeringFactor = radiusRatio * 0.3 -- this simplistic equation would be okay at 100kmh, but useless at 50kmh or 150kmh. hence the equation above^
-- compute how much we'll correct the steering (smoothed, to avoid unrealistically sudden steering corrections)
local mult = smUndersteer1:getWithRateUncapped(steeringFactor, dt, getRate(smUndersteer1:value(), steeringFactor, 1.5, 1.5, 0.75))
local multSm = clamp(smUndersteer2:getWithRateUncapped(mult, dt, getRate(smUndersteer2:value(), mult, 0, 0.25, 2.5, 0.15, 0.5, 5)), 0, 1)
-- determine if we're oversteering and therefore we should not be providing any understeer assistance
local margin = sign(st) == sign(oversteer) and -1 or 0.15
local oversteerMult = 1 - clamp(5 * (abs(lowSpeedCoef * min(velLen / speedThreshold, 1) * sqrt(1 - max(0, velVec:dot(frontVec) / (velLen + 1e-10)))) - margin), 0, 1) -- zero while driving straight ahead (with a deadzone of 'margin' around 'straight ahead'); and 1 when sliding, spinning out, or driving in reverse
local overSm = smOversteer:getWithRateUncapped(oversteerMult, dt, 3.0) -- avoid sudden inputs if e.g. spinning out fast
-- apply assistant
local assistance = multSm * overSm
--local requestedSteering = st
st = st * (1 - assistance)
understeerInRateMult = understeerInRateMult * (1 + 3.5 * assistance) -- speedup the return to centered position (e.g. if user is full-lock but gets assisted into just 10deg of steering input, 10deg should return really fast, but the real 'full-lock' value takes longer to return - unless we speed it up to mimick the speed of a 10deg return)
--updateUIAppDebugging(st, velLen, requestedSteering, radiusRequested, radiusTarget, conversion, radiusRatio, mult, multSm, oversteerMult, overSm, assistance, understeerInRateMult, understeerOutRateMult)
return st
local lockTypeWarned
local function updateGFX(dt)
gxSmoothMax = gx_Smoother:getUncapped(0, dt)
local absgx = abs(sensors.gx)
if absgx > gxSmoothMax then
gxSmoothMax = absgx
-- map the values
for k, e in pairs(M.state) do
local ival = e.val or 0
local filter = e.filter
local angle = e.angle or 0
if angle > 0 and k == "steering" then
end -- enforce direct filter if user has chosen an angle for steering binding
if filter == FILTER_DIRECT then
if k == "steering" then
-- use angle-matching for steering inputs
local lockType = (angle <= 0) and 0 or e.lockType
local vehicleAngle = vehicleSteeringWheelLock * 2 -- convert from jbeam scale (half range) to input scale (full range)
local relation = angle / vehicleAngle
-- 1:1 matching angle behaviour (in-game versus real life steering wheel angle):
if (lockType == 0) or (lockType == 3 and relation < 1) then
-- don't match
elseif (lockType == 1) or (lockType == 3 and relation >= 1) then
-- simple (may not reach full lock in some vehicles)
ival = clamp(ival * relation, -1, 1)
elseif lockType == 2 then
-- progressive (move faster after half-lock to guarantee full lock)
ival = ival * relation + sign(ival) * square(2 * max(0.5, abs(ival)) - 1) * max(0, 1 - relation) -- ival = linear + nonlinear
elseif not lockTypeWarned then
ival = 0
lockTypeWarned = true
log("E", "", "Unsupported steering lock type: " .. dumps(lockType))
ival = inputStabilization(ival, dt, filter)
ival = min(max(ival, -1), 1)
if filter == FILTER_PAD then -- joystick / game controller - smoothing without autocentering
if k == "steering" then
local prevVal = e.smootherPAD:value()
local rate = dynamicInputRatePad(ival, dt, prevVal)
local filteredVal = e.smootherPAD:getWithRateCapped(ival, dt, rate)
ival = inputStabilization(filteredVal, dt, filter)
ival = e.smootherPAD:getCapped(ival, dt)
elseif filter == FILTER_KBD then
if k == "steering" then
local prevVal = e.smootherKBD:value()
local rate = dynamicInputRateKbd(ival, dt, prevVal)
local filteredVal = e.smootherKBD:getWithRateCapped(ival, dt, rate)
ival = inputStabilization(filteredVal, dt, filter)
ival = e.smootherKBD:getCapped(ival, dt)
elseif filter == FILTER_KBD2 then
if k == "steering" then
local prevVal = e.smootherKBD:value()
local rate = dynamicInputRateKbd2(ival, prevVal)
local filteredVal = e.smootherKBD:getWithRateCapped(ival, dt, rate)
ival = inputStabilization(filteredVal, dt, filter)
ival = e.smootherKBD:getCapped(ival, dt)
elseif filter == "FILTER_AI" then
if k == "steering" then
ival = e.smootherPAD:getWithRateCapped(ival, dt, 4 * rateMult)
electrics.values.steeringUnassisted = ival
ival = e.val or 0
if k == "steering" then
if playerInfo.anyPlayerSeated and not ai.isDriving() then
if filter ~= M.lastFilterType then
obj:queueGameEngineLua(string.format('extensions.hook("startTracking", {Name = "ControlsUsed", Method = "%s"})', FILTER_NAME[filter]))
M.lastFilterType = filter
-- Custom Steering, controller only.
if k == "steering" and filter == FILTER_PAD then
-- Gathering in-game vectors.
local upVec = obj:getDirectionVectorUp()
local dirVec = obj:getDirectionVector()
local worldVel = obj:getVelocity()
-- Converting to vehicle velocities in m/s [cross(dir, up)]
local rightVecX = dirVec.y * upVec.z - dirVec.z * upVec.y
local rightVecY = dirVec.z * upVec.x - dirVec.x * upVec.z
local rightVecZ = dirVec.x * upVec.y - dirVec.y * upVec.x
local px = worldVel.x * dirVec.x + worldVel.y * dirVec.y + worldVel.z * dirVec.z -- forward (pos: forward)
local py = worldVel.x * upVec.x + worldVel.y * upVec.y + worldVel.z * upVec.z -- up (pos: downward)
local pz = worldVel.x * rightVecX + worldVel.y * rightVecY + worldVel.z * rightVecZ -- right (pos: right)
-- print(string.format("%.2f", px) .. " " .. string.format("%.2f", pz)) -- " " .. string.format("%.2f", pz))
-- jesus balls this took too long to figure out.
if px > 8.0 then -- This causes low speed shakes when set too low.
local len = math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)
local nx = px / len
local ny = py / len
local nz = pz / len
local travelDir = math.atan2(nx, nz) - math.pi/2.0
--print(string.format("%.2f", travelDir))
if travelDir > math.pi/2.0 then
travelDir = travelDir - math.pi
if travelDir < -math.pi/2.0 then
travelDir = travelDir + math.pi
-- should be adjustable
local minrad = math.rad(-30.0)
local maxrad = math.rad(30.0)
if travelDir > maxrad then
travelDir = maxrad
if travelDir < minrad then
travelDir = minrad
-- beamng specific: map radian to steering input proportional to max steering angle
--local vehicleAngle = vehicleSteeringWheelLock * 2
-- 1.0 corresponds to about 40 deg
ival = ival - travelDir * 1.25
--print(string.format("%.2f", ival))
-- ival = ival + math.atan()
ival = clamp(ival, e.minLimit, e.maxLimit)
if k == "parkingbrake" then
local prev = M[k] or e.minLimit
if handbrakeSoundEngaging and prev == e.minLimit and ival > prev then
if handbrakeSoundDisengaging and prev == e.maxLimit and ival < prev then
if handbrakeSoundDisengaged and ival == e.minLimit and ival < prev then
M[k] = ival
inputNameCache[k] = inputNameCache[k] or k .. "_input"
electrics.values[inputNameCache[k]] = ival
if e.osClockHP then
inputTSCache[k] = inputTSCache[k] or k .. "_timestamp"
electrics.values[inputTSCache[k]] = e.osClockHP
local function reset()
gxSmoothMax = 0
M.lastInputs = {}
for k, e in pairs(M.state) do
local function getDefaultState(itype)
return {
val = 0,
filter = 0,
smootherKBD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 10, nil, 0),
smootherPAD = newTemporalSmoothing(10, 10, nil, 0),
minLimit = -1,
maxLimit = 1
-- decides whether to honour or ignore steering inputs, in cases where a plugged steering wheel might be steering the car on its own (due to ffb or due to spurious input events), when the user is trying to use the nearby gamepad or keyboard instead
-- the heuristics first checks if a non-wheel device was recently used: in that case it ignores wheel and disables force feedback
-- second, it checks how much a wheel device has been used. if the movements have been tiny, they are likely just sensitive sensors, rather than intended wheel movement
local function shouldUseSteeringEvent(itype, ivalue, filter)
local useEvent = true
if true then return useEvent end -- TODO give this at least some days or weeks to verify if it's safe enough to ship to end-users. since i had no time to QA if/how the heuristics may break when enabling ffb for gamepads, or keyboard users picking the "direct" input filter, and all that weird corner-case stuff that can, and therefore will, be happening out there
if itype ~= "steering" then return useEvent end
-- store data about when different devices (or rather, different 'filter' types) were last used for steering, and how
-- this simple historic data allows to take decission in the far future (a second or 2 from now) about whether e.g. a gamepad has "recently" been used, etc
local curr = M.steeringInputs[filter] or {}
curr.time = os.clockhp()
curr.value = ivalue
curr.valueMin = min(ivalue, curr.valueMin or ivalue)
curr.valueMax = max(ivalue, curr.valueMax or ivalue)
M.steeringInputs[filter] = curr
if filter == FILTER_DIRECT then
-- this event came from wheel (probably)
-- check if we got non-wheel events recently
local recentInputsNotWheel = false
for _,i in pairs(M.steeringInputs) do
if filter ~= FILTER_DIRECT then
recentInputsNotWheel = recentInputsNotWheel or (curr.time - i.time < 2)
-- check if we got large wheel events, which indicate human input rather than noisy/sensitive sensors
local smallInputsWheel = curr.valueMax - curr.valueMin < 0.025
-- choose whether to enable to disable ffb and wheel input
if recentInputsNotWheel or smallInputsWheel then
-- wheel is not being really used. discard this event
useEvent = false
if hydros.enableFFB then
-- disable ffb while a non-wheel is being used
hydros.enableFFB = false
--dump("Disabling wheel input. recentInputsNotWheel: "..dumps(recentInputsNotWheel)..", smallInputsWheel: "..dumps(smallInputsWheel, curr.valueMax - curr.valueMin))
elseif not smallInputsWheel then
-- wheel has been turned for a bit by now
if not hydros.enableFFB then
--dump("Enabling wheel input, since there was a large enough input from wheel: ", curr.valueMax - curr.valueMin)
hydros.reset() -- gradually turn back ffb through its internal post-reset smoother
hydros.enableFFB = true -- allow ffb now that a wheel is being used again
-- event didn't come from a steering wheel (probably). likely gamepad or keyboard
hydros.enableFFB = false
local direct = M.steeringInputs[FILTER_DIRECT]
if direct then
direct.valueMin = direct.value
direct.valueMax = direct.value
-- dump("Disabling wheel input and ffb, since the event prooobably didn't come from a wheel")
return useEvent
local function event(itype, ivalue, filter, angle, lockType, osClockHP, source)
if not shouldUseSteeringEvent(itype, ivalue, filter) then return end
if M.state[itype] == nil then -- probably a vehicle-specific input
log("W", "", "The vehicle-specific input event " .. dumps(itype) .. " was not defined, so gamepad smoothing, keyboard smoothing, and safe range of values is unknown. The vehicle creator should define this input event type, for example executing lua code such as 'input.state[" .. dumps(itype) .. "] = { minLimit=xxx, maxLimit=xxx, smootherKBD=..., smootherPAD=... }' during vehicle initialization (please search input.lua for more context). As safety fallback, a default definition will be used, which may or may not be suitable")
M.state[itype] = getDefaultState(itype)
source = source or "local"
M.lastInputs[source] = M.lastInputs[source] or {}
M.lastInputs[source][itype] = ivalue
if not M.allowedInputSources[itype] or M.allowedInputSources[itype][source] then
M.state[itype].val = ivalue
M.state[itype].filter = filter
M.state[itype].angle = angle
M.state[itype].lockType = lockType
M.state[itype].osClockHP = osClockHP
M.state[itype].source = source
local function toggleEvent(itype)
if M.state[itype] == nil then
if M.state[itype].val > 0.5 then
M.state[itype].val = 0
M.state[itype].val = 1
M.state[itype].filter = 0
-- keyboard (multi-key) compatibility
local kbdSteerLeft = 0
local kbdSteerRight = 0
local function kbdSteer(isRight, val, filter)
if isRight then
kbdSteerRight = val
kbdSteerLeft = val
event("steering", kbdSteerRight - kbdSteerLeft, filter)
-- gamepad( (mono-axis) compatibility
local function padAccelerateBrake(val, filter)
if val > 0 then
event("throttle", val, filter)
event("brake", 0, filter)
event("throttle", 0, filter)
event("brake", -val, filter)
local function settingsChanged()
-- countersteer reduction assistant
stabilizationEnabled = settings.getValue("steeringStabilizationEnabled", false)
stabilizationEnabledDirect = settings.getValue("steeringStabilizationEnabledDirect", false)
stabilizationEndSpeed = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringStabilizationEndSpeed", 0), 0, 30) -- 0..30 m/s
stabilizationMultiplier = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringStabilizationMultiplier", 0), 0, 2) -- 0..2 multiplier (up to 200%)
-- understeer reduction assistant
understeerReductionEnabled = settings.getValue("steeringUndersteerReductionEnabled", false)
understeerReductionEnabledDirect = settings.getValue("steeringUndersteerReductionEnabledDirect", false)
understeerReductionMultiplier = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringUndersteerReductionMultiplier", 0), 0, 1) -- 0..1 multiplier (up to 100%)
-- slower steering at high speed
slowdownEnabled = settings.getValue("steeringSlowdownEnabled", false)
slowdownEnabledDirect = settings.getValue("steeringSlowdownEnabledDirect", false)
local slowdownStartSpeed = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringSlowdownStartSpeed", 0), 0, 100) -- 0..100 m/s
local slowdownEndSpeed = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringSlowdownEndSpeed", 0), 0, 100) -- 0..100 m/s
slowdownMultiplier = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringSlowdownMultiplier", 0), 0, 1) -- 0..1 multiplier
if slowdownEnabled and slowdownStartSpeed > slowdownEndSpeed then
log("W", "", "Invalid configuration for slower steering at high speed. Sanitizing by swapping: [" .. dumps(slowdownStartSpeed) .. ".." .. dumps(slowdownEndSpeed) .. "]")
slowdownStartSpeed, slowdownEndSpeed = slowdownEndSpeed, slowdownStartSpeed
slowdownM = (slowdownMultiplier - 1) / (1e-30 + slowdownEndSpeed - slowdownStartSpeed)
slowdownB = 1 - slowdownM * slowdownStartSpeed
-- limit steering at high speed
limitEnabled = settings.getValue("steeringLimitEnabled", false)
limitEnabledDirect = settings.getValue("steeringLimitEnabledDirect", false)
local limitStartSpeed = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringLimitStartSpeed", 0), 0, 100) -- 0..100 m/s
local limitEndSpeed = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringLimitEndSpeed", 0), 0, 100) -- 0..100 m/s
limitMultiplier = clamp(settings.getValue("steeringLimitMultiplier", 0), 0, 1) -- 0..1 multiplier
if limitEnabled and limitStartSpeed > limitEndSpeed then
log("W", "", "Invalid configuration for limit steering at high speed. Sanitizing by swapping: [" .. dumps(limitStartSpeed) .. ".." .. dumps(limitEndSpeed) .. "]")
limitStartSpeed, limitEndSpeed = limitEndSpeed, limitStartSpeed
limitM = (limitMultiplier - 1) / (1e-30 + limitEndSpeed - limitStartSpeed)
limitB = 1 - limitM * limitStartSpeed
-- slower autocenter at low speed
autocenterEnabled = settings.getValue("steeringAutocenterEnabled", false)
local autocenterStartSpeed = 0.1
local autocenterEndSpeed = 1.0
autocenterM = 1 / (1e-30 + autocenterEndSpeed - autocenterStartSpeed)
autocenterN = autocenterStartSpeed * autocenterM
local function setAllowedInputSource(itype, source, enabled)
M.allowedInputSources = M.allowedInputSources or {}
if source == nil then
M.allowedInputSources[itype] = nil
M.allowedInputSources[itype] = M.allowedInputSources[itype] or {}
M.allowedInputSources[itype][source] = enabled
-- public interface
M.updateGFX = updateGFX
M.init = init
M.initSecondStage = initSecondStage
M.reset = reset
M.event = event
M.toggleEvent = toggleEvent
M.kbdSteer = kbdSteer
M.padAccelerateBrake = padAccelerateBrake
M.settingsChanged = settingsChanged
M.setAllowedInputSource = setAllowedInputSource
return M
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