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Forked from westcripp/Resurrection Remix changelog
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Resurrection Remix ROM
Source Code:
For extended changelog, track github activities
The Changelog
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1 - v5.4.8
- Added RR logo to updater script
- Added RR OTACenter
- AudioService: don't launch music player while in call
- Close cursor after getting supported components.
- SettingsProvider: turn off mobile data roaming by default
- Revert "Status bar expanded header: Custom background color, (2/2)"
- Trebuchet: Don't load title from intent if title loaded from DB
- Call recording encoder/format choice
- Show reboot dialog using themed resources
- Get themed resources in KeyButtonView
- Hide blur when showing keyguard media
- Properly animate SIM PIN entry screen transition.
- Disable mobile network settings if sub is invalid/unusable.
- BatteryLight: Reset all settings back to default
- Expose values in status bar expanded header
- Don't reinflate search view on rotate
- Fix incall music
- Add new dimens values for expanded status bar padding
- Boot up optimization for phoneprocess
- MediaScanner: Detect folders
- SlimRecents: Update to PS19 (1/2)
- Don't dismiss notification if expanding status bar from top of heads up
- frameworks: display: shorten automatic brightness debounce
- Use framework name and icon for system UID.
- Updated RU translation
- Many more, all updates from CM and AOSP
- Many device-specific updates as well
- Track github commits for a more detailed changelog
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1 - v5.4.7
- Add SlimPie
- Slim recent app screen
- Over scroll effects
- Power menu QS tile
- Action: Add screenshot action
- Action: Add kill-app and last-app actions
- SlimAction as QuickTile
- QSTile: Reboot/Recovery tile
- Slim Shortcuts
- Add SuperSU root binary as preinstalled
- Launch SuperSU from Settings
- Lock screen: Update Handle no weather information available
- Update slim actions
- Update Bootanimations for per resolutions
- Theme chooser: Small UI refresh
- Modify GC Delay to include subsequent launches. (fix)
- Determine default 12/24 hour time format setting from locale.
- SystemUI: prompt for SIM PIN if lockscreen is disabled
- Fix install apps will fail after setting Preferred install location as Removable SD card and removing SD card
- Profiles: Setup uuid's for the defaults
- translation imports
- enable localization of Chinese operator's PLMN
- Introduce Theme Versioning
- VolumePanel: show hint for unlinked notification slider too
- VolumePanel: better handling of updating sliders in expanded view
- SystemUI: fix adding headsup view after boot
- Task manager improvements
- Task Manager : On switch recreate statusbar to fix task view
- Task manager : Remove empty notification after switch on/off logic
- VolumePanel: volume bar disorderly jump when drag it.
- Code Cleanup: No longer required as AOSP commit supersedes this
- Drop protection level of certain SMS-related system permissions
- Fix SystemUI FC on theme change (recreateStatusbar())
- PowerManagerService: Fix updating of mUserActivitySummary
- Observer DEV_FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR in LockTaskNotify
- TaskManager: Update some functions
- Add longpress action for TaskManager button
- Move LatinIME to phone/tablet configs
- Settings: fix potential NPE
- Fix input method settings fc
- Remove LatinIME as it is included per target in vendor/cm
- g3: Better performance profile values
- g3: use xxxhdpi dalvik and hwui memory sizes
- g3: init: remove bugreport service
- g3: init: enable tap to wake on boot
- g3: cmhw: TapToWake: Don't attempt to parse a null from FileUtils
- g3: cmhw: TapToWake: detect if node exists to determine if supported
- g3: fix UX lags
- hammerhead: Fix apps2d to usb storage
- hammerhead: Give unpriviledged users write perms to USB storage
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
- includes Other cm 12.1 and AOSP updates
- For extended changelog, track github activities
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1 - v5.4.6
- Android 5.1.1_r2 -> 5.1.1_r3
- New Bootanimation for XXXHDPI anx XXHPI devices (XHDPI AND HDPI will come soon)
- CryptKeeper: layout whole screen in bounds
- Settings: add marquee to Device administrators screen
- CryptKeeper improvements
- apps2sd: Enable apps2sd for apps with unspecified install location
- Exclude themes from being moved to external storage
- Keep the content when change the orientation
- apps2sd: Only allow move to _ if the media is mounted
- Status bar expanded header: Custom background color
- Settings: Add some more entries into 'SMS message limit' menu
- Kill off a few MSIM tab hosts.
- WakeLock: Layout Improvements
- Add option to set default custom function to button recents
- Add CAF Task Manager switch
- PackageManager: don't attempt to get theme on core boot
- Implement better legacy support for themes
- AudioService: persist volume of ring stream when ringer mode changed
- BaseStatusBar: Inform StatusBarService if a notification is flagged spam
- Make default overlay for "spell checker"
- Return original value if icon info is null
- Make ACCESS_THEME_MANAGER permission system|signature
- Measure absolute value of pointer motion distance
- Fix racing condition of mTouchExcludeRegion
- Only one task within the stack should moveToBack
- Don't relayout based on a window that isn't visible
- Remove the window whose client process has died or become zombie
- Fix bug of unnecessary wakeups after completed syncs.
- Fix for infinite loop in RemoteViewsAdapter
- Fix bugs regarding delay the dispatching of non-wakeup alarms
- SystemUI: improve dpad arrow key state logic
- DreamManager: be aware of device lid
- Recognized multiple wallpapers in theme
- VolumePanel: Properly update expanded volume panel sliders
- Fix tiles with custom colors toggle issues
- Fix clock seconds display with am/pm
- SystemUI: Move custom tile listener service registration to phonestatusbar
- Fix another off-by-one error in computeEllipsis
- Fix array bounds exception in getSecondaryStorageState …
- Add alternate WebView provider package
- SystemServer: Skip TorchService construction if no flash feature detected
- Revert to previous battery padding
- PackageManagerService: Create means of installing prebundled applications
- Allow sending vendor- or device-specific commands to the camera HAL
- Revert display: Added automatic brightness configs
- Increase brightness faster if ambient light is brightening quickly.
- systemui: notify everyone that lockscreen is not going to be shown
- Profiles: re-enable data toggling
- Remove unnecessary videos
- Theme reboot menu
- Themes: Fix Reboot Background
- SystemUI: Add task manager
- Fix ForceClose due to TaskManger.
- Expose task manager values for themers
- Materialize task kill button & Improve Task manager UI
- Modify GC Delay to include subsequent launches. (fix)
- Determine default 12/24 hour time format setting from locale.
- Allow changing status/navigation bars when styles selected
- ThemeChooser: add uninstall shortcut to ChooserDetailFragment
- Libcore: FIX google Play Services Crash
- translation Imports
- msm8974: Disable BLE peripheral mode
- msm8974: Update WCN configuration
- msm8974-common: Use RIL version 10
- g3: Fix cpu heating
- g2: Fix missing usbdisk0 in symlink and export
- g2 :fix usb-otg
- g2: FIX Double Tap to Wake For GOOD
- g2 :Fix 4k recording profile
- g2: gps: Update HALs from oppo msm8974
- sprout: Set DPI to 182
- smdk4412:audio: enable noise suppression by default
- hammerhead: Update build fingerprint and description to LMY48B
- hammerhead: Give unpriviledged users write perms to USB storage
- Moto : Add Moto Doze Mode
- Falcon/Titan : Add More options For Doze
- bacon: Add Linaro Optimizations to Fix google Play Services FC
- All Bug Fixes And performance Improvements From CM
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1 - v5.4.5
- allow overlaying default quick settings tiles
- base: Fix notification sounds for wifi only devices …
- Improve SeekBarVolumizer behavior with unlinked streams
- policy: fix device sleeping with lid with incoming call
- policy: respect FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON flag with device flip covers
- PowerManagerService: Honor config_dreamsActivatedOnSleepByDefault
- Change lock gesture correct color
- Themes: Make parse() method in FontListParser public
- frameworks: fix setting up linked notification stream on boot
- Keyguard: reinflate security views after user change
- Adding additional Nova theme identifier to legacy icon support.
- Improve Recents-View
- Telephony: Convert subscription ID to int from long
- framework/base: add dock sd card string
- QS: fix filtering additional tiles
- SystemUI: Use smaller battery padding
- Update lock weather widget layout
- dozeui: Broadcast an intent when beginning a doze pulse
- textclock: Update the time when performing a doze pulse
- Remove resources.apk from ZipSet when removing overlay
- TorchService: close all opened cameras
- SystemUI: Fix EL translation
- Fix setting hotspot bounds in a drawable container
- Fix PackageManager crashes w/ queryIntent using callerUID of 0
- SystemUI: Speed up and clean tests (squash)
- FWB: Battery light: 100% charged level
- SystemServer: Allow starting of overlaid external services.
- SystemUI: Squash custom tile commits
- base: Nat464: unregister network observer when we stop!
- [ActivityManager] Avoid unnecessary restart provider process
- SystemUI: Point to correct permission for BIND_CUSTOM_TILE_LISTENER
- Notification drawer: Custom clear all icon color
- SystemUI: Squash custom tile commits
- SystemUI: Point to correct permission for BIND_CUSTOM_TILE_LISTENER
- Improve
- fixup volume stream linking
- Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
- Remove some useless debug spam.
- Revert "ConnectivityService: add"
- SystemBars: Allow the StatusBarComponent be externally defined
- KeyGuard: Fix the wrong Plmn/SPN display.
- [ActivityManager] Move UI operation to UI handler
- [ActivityManager] Fix activity always visible.
- [ActivityManager] Finish the failed-to-pause activity
- Profiles: make Default profile change ring mode back on
- Fix navbar NPE
- improve navbar switch
- Improve PreviewsColumns Implementation
- Don't dismiss keyguard if recreating status bar
- Re-add missing ellipsis string
- Fix LiveDisplay QS icon size.
- Frameworks/base: Fix old code in MediaPlayer
- Fix context leak
- Sometimes the application context is null
- Prevent windows from freezing screen while timeout
- fix return value scale of notifyANR()
- Check caller status precisely when registering receiver.
- Also restart provider if there is external handle.
- Fix lost singleton provider after force-stopping user or package.
- Adjust display inversion matrix to account for luminance
- Use the correct parent size to initialize animations
- Don't apply animation clip to dialog activities
- Settings : Update blacklist strings
- Settings: update About screen device model fields
- Custom clear all icon color remove dependency
- Updated RU translation
- Show Toast if usb not connected in Storage Settings
- Settings: fix BT switch enabling discoverable mode
- Used fixed size for app icon width in default sms dialog
- Change Usb not connected string to capital letters.
- Fix mobile network switch for CDMA phones
- Do not allow privacy guard for core system apps.
- msm8974-common: Use RIL version 10
- msm8974: sepolicy: vold gets persist
- bacon: Add more options For Ambient Display
- g2: Add more options For Ambient Display
- bacon: FIX Ghost touch issues
- d855: Fix apps2sd to usb storage
- g3:fix memory leak after return battery save mode
- g3: Add the ability for call recording
- g3:wcnss: update configs and firmware from V23C
- g3:Fix cpu heating
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1-r1 - v5.4.4
- Reorganized button settings
- SettingsProvider: Make the default battery style Circle
- SysUI: Add lockscreen visualizer for MSIM devices
- Themes: Pass ComposedIconInfo into createIconBitmap
- Themes: Add randomization to composed icon rotation
- frameworks: add ongoing notification while collecting bug report
- Re-add dump() method to TorchService
- TorchService: improve state management
- Themes: Translate before rotating composed icons
- QS: don't stay in vibrate mode when toggling to important interruptions
- Apply sounds on theme update
- Unset frame listener before tearing down GLThreadManager
- Torch: remind user flashlight is still on
- Doze: make brightness level and auto brightness configurable
- Fix fetching application context for ThemedUiContext.
- Fix NPE in NetdResponseCode.InterfaceClassActivity
- doze: Separate proximity check by reason
- GlobalActions: add zen mode buttons
- Set DataUsageTile button padding to 8
- Fix DataUsageTile button layout
- Themes: include new icon features in shouldComposeIcon()
- optimize wallpaper load,avoid show black wallpaper.
- SystemUI: bluetooth tile: fix disconnect action
- Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing
- Fix no vibration during shutdown.
- SystemUI: small optimization for notification icon numbers
- ambient display: Fix volume key music control
- Base: enable/disable doze through Profiles
- Make minfree values optimal for 32bit devices
- Fix system server crash
- MediaSessionService: Error checks for UserRecord object
- libandroidfw: Fatal exception of dlfree often causes the system crashed
- Update carrier label / custom & change color
- Base: Second Clock
- Squashed: Status bar greeting & timeout + Statusbar logo & color
- Add missing import for navbar
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- SystemUI: Use smaller battery padding
- Revert "Settings: use correct default value for backlight brightness"
- Settings: fix button back light restore logic
- Settings: use ActivityManager method for requesting bug report
- Settings: persist backlight brightness setting
- Update VibratorIntensity
- CryptKeeper: pattern unlock displays incorrect pw when correct
- Settings: disable mobile network switch when SIM isn't ready
- Settings: fix non lock pattern CryptKeeper crash
- Settings: fix bad MTP uncheck behavior
- Improve color picker:
- Color picker: Enable alpha slider as default
- Open app when clicking on icon in App Info screen
- hammerhead: mm-camera-interface: Retry in case of timeouts
- g3:Add HW keys config
- g3:GPS updates
- g3:Camera Updates
- g3:Switch to governor "conservative" for better performance results
- g3:Revert "Revert "ril: add support for sprint nonstandard SIM""
- g3:sepolicy: mpdecision: allow socket_device dir remove_name
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.1-r1 - v5.4.3
- Update to android-5.1.1_r1
- Themes: Add rotation and translation to composed icons
- QS: Add heads up tile
- Add preinstalled PitchBlack Theme
- Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime
- Frameworks: Allow/Prevent notification light in Zen mode
- Invert notification backgrounds
- Fix HTC headset handling.
- AudioService: fix crash when no music player found
- frameworks: display: Added automatic brightness configs
- Fix ANR caused by hwuiTask thread
- framework: add KillSwitch stubs
- fix Notification volume slider linking
- Added carrier selection to DataUsageTile
- Show Optimizing app dialog on first boot
- base: ConnectivityServer: Don't reap the new network
- ScreenCap : Add jpeg support
- Fix: In Afrikaans the unit name is not before size but after.
- Return of Silent mode
- doze: Do not bother checking proximity for the DOZE_ACTION intent
- printspooler: Print view crash.
- qs: support for all timeout value in case set by user apps
- Update boot string
- Frameworks/base: Compile-time optimize SQLiteConnection
- Hide Volumepanel on incoming call
- Remove minimal dead zone at navigation bar (fix Nexus 4)
- Make MediaPlayer fail fast on UnknownServiceException.
- PowerProfile: allow overriding default power profile
- AudioManager: update references to application context
- Edit boot dialog swap strings
- Fix boolean hasNavigationBar issues
- Keyguard: only tint the sim card drawable when multisim is enabled
- Update navbar layout
- Themes: Add palettized icon background support
- frameworks: prepare for Profiles trust agent
- SystemUI: improve visualier tile state management
- ConnectivityService: add
- Heads up tile : open notification settings action on long press
- Heads up tıle : Grey out off vector
- Telecomm: Fix doc-comment-check for linking of hidden API.
- NotificationMgr: Only do DOS protection if not updating a notification.
- SystemUI: add a disabled state for Quick Tiles
- SystemUI: Set Occluded to false when keyguard is not showing
- Black Screen: Fix dlfree error when delet mZipInflater.
- Launch app privacy settings when tapping on PG notification
- Settings: re-index search after setting new lockscreen
- Settings: fix search key not opening search
- settings: fix RTL layouts
- translation imports
- G3 Kernel & performance ,sensor,wifi improvements
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
- includes Other cm 12.1 and AOSP updates
- For extended changelog, track github activities
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.0-r5 - v5.4.2
- Anadroid update 5.1.0_r5
- Only go HOME if screen is fully awake
- Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache
- Fix DataInputStream leaks
- inputservice: Allow disabling the usage of cursor layers.
- QS: change live display off color to grey
- Forward port pattern visibility settings
- forward port lock pattern grid size
- fix race condition with occluded keyguard on non-navbar devices
- Add USB Tether tile
- Fix signal annunciators missing issue.
- Add music tile
- Restore proper ringtone for msim
- EdgeGesture service: add more sensitivity steps
- Automatic translation imports
- Fix screen pinning averting soft reboot
- Zen mode add 10 and 12 hours downtime
- Screenshots info is not updated when device is plugged in MTP mode
- Modify the display of system default ringtone when it is none.
- Find wall clock RTC through sysfs
- Show operator name UI after getting valid operator name
- third part apps can disable the secret lockscreen
- Fix memory leak in Connectivity Service when phone app crashes
- Prevent unexpected rotation while going back to keyguard
- Optimize IncallUI delay for voice calls
- Fix an apk icon animation corruption issue
- restrict updateExternalMediaStatus to non-emulated storage
- Avoid duplicated calling to isRestricted to improve performance
- nat464X: Only update ipv4 pseudo-interface when it's connected
- always update volumes slider state
- Mobile data tile: open network settings
- Add a timeout state to frozen windows
- Allow screen unpinning on devices without navbar
- SystemUI: hide navigation bar faster in SetupWizard
- System UI: Improve Recents
- The DUT can't screen shot in guest mode
- Always show ZenPanel when showing expanded volume panel
- animate clear recents button on exit animation
- add CPU info overlay
- allow recent tasks to draw behind the status bar
- Statusbar header: Add vibration to settings button
- SystemUI: Update doze pulse-in option
- fix keyguard charging text not showing
- fix updating keyguard insecure lock icon
- WIFI Improvements
- Fix up torch tile handling.
- SystemUI: move keyguard visualizer behind notifications
- Bluetooth improvements
- Themes improvemnts
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
- includes Other cm 12.1 and AOSP updates
- For extended changelog, track github activities
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.0-r3 - v5.4.1
- Lock screen Weather panel
- Add membar to recents options
- Quick settings customizations
- Volume panel timeout
- QS :Make tiles visible behind of transparent detail view
- Add RR boot dialog
- Make G notification font colors more compatible with dark and light themes
- keyguard: dont show enter key when quick unlock is enabled
- Use actual storage type of sdcard/usb
- follow charging notification settings also for wireless charging
- Hide secondary icon and divider on expanded volume panel
- Add brightness settings to Profiles
- If a wake key is disabled by the user, do not wake from doze.
- Themes: Remove unnecessary query in updateWallpaper
- SystemUi: Nuke secondaryIcon.
- bootanimation: Set CPU boost hint
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- long press back to kill configurable timeout
- remove redundant ic_qs_signa
- don't use SIM display name if there isn't available info l_hp.PNG
- Move default value for Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_MODE to core
- Make forward/reverse lookup default overlay
- add back permission-group SECURITY to fix blacklist
- System ui : Restore text Styles to stock
- systemui: Boost when expanding the notification shade
- fix BluetoothControllerImpl formatting issues
- Fix FC after starting screen recording
- policy: don't allow app switch/recents key to be pressed on lockscreen
- included all cm 12.1 updates and fixes
- For extended changelog, track github activities
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.1.0-r3 - v5.4.0
- Switched to Android version 5.1.0- r3
- Changelog 5.1.0 -
- Changelog 5.1.0 r3 -
- Reverted volume panel timeout
- Reverted QS Customization
- All other RR 5.3.9 features still presents
- Enjoy the best android experience
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.9
- Fix 2g/3g/LTE switch
- Allow lock screen visualizer to be disabled
- Use 100K steps for color temperature sliders.
- livedisplay: Fix for multiuser
- merge ProfilesList into ProfilesSettings
- Regulatory text color: make this readable
- Return stock colors on default material settings theme
- Add left padding to wakelock title/summary
- Dotted circle battery option
- livedisplay: Add an "off" state
- Added a check if a custom activity can be started
- Revert Port long press back to kill configurable timeout
- MTP: Update JNI for new packet getters
- Themes: Switch themes when user changes
- Factory reset: Allow passing wipe_media to recovery
- SystemUI: CellularTile support multi-sim
- Lockscreen visualizer: Disable out animation
- Do not start music app when headset is unplugged
- Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
- livedisplay: Updated icon from Asher
- Themes: Change themeChange config value to 0x300000
- Themes: Add CONFIG_THEME_FONT to Configuration.diff()
- SysUI: Clip to outline in ActivatableNotificationView
- Remove more duplicate sounds
- Provider: Add multi SIM ringtone support in SettingsProvider
- Properly clean up when setting new InputFilter.
- AudioEffect JNI: use new max preprocessing constant
- Fix build breakage in older branches by avoiding <> notation
- keyguard: don't use eq visualized in LowEndGfx devices
- Themes: Process theme resources after package scanned
- Themes: Switch themes when user changes
- Improve system ui pngs & add missing navbar buttons for other resolutions
- Mising back_ime_land.png
- Unknown source apps: enable apk installation by default
- SystemUI: improve recreating statusbar
- And other bug fixes and improvements
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.8
- Implement ambient display as Active Display
- add visualizer to lock screen
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Wakelock Blocker
- Fix race condition in setting notification panel height
- Implement active display adjustment and tile
- Change to CmHardwareService
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Hide unused msim icons on setting preference
- Mirroring layout on RTL languages
- animate clear recents exit
- Fix some notification still unreadable
- Quick settings customizations and fixes
- Improve HeadsUp
- Materialize toast frames
- Ambient display tile
- fix qs main tiles settings not refreshing tiles
- long press lock screen lock icon to sleep (1/2)
- hide floating clear all only if were removing all tasks
- update battery saver off and sync drawables
- don't show headsup if IME is showing
- launch default music player on headset connect
- Don't show warning notification on disabled.
- Fix MSimSignalClusterView padding when no sims inserted.
- Themes: fixes and improvements
- Volume panel timeout
- Fix Battery saver mode
- Themes: fix copy paste error for applying ringtone/alarm
- modify default system profiles
- add advanced_mode
- prevent doze notifications from inverting
- fix doze pickup
- Add missing back_ime_land.png
- Fix NP transparency background vector glitches
- hide Ambient display tile if not supported
- Move vibration intensity option to misc settings
- translation imports
- g3: enable otg storage settings
- And ton of improvements
- includes all cm updates
- And much more.
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.7
- Add power button to navbar
- App Circle Bar tile
- NavBar tile
- long press back to kill configurable timeout
- Themes: Use rounded rect for heads up notification
- Themes: Enhanced theming capabilities
- Avert duplicating translation in drawing a background drawable
- Strings improvements
- base: LT translations
- Update DPI settings
- Fix mobile network settings for multi sim
- Update mobile network settings
- Update data usage settings
- set volume wake dependency in code
- Update Translations
- TeleService: Add all supported network modes
- Improve multi-sim data configuration
- Lot of bug fixes and improvemens
- includes all cm updates
- And much more.
- Happy flashing..
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.6
- Removed PitchBlack Theme from system/app
- PitchBlack Now available on play store for free:
Note:Playstore version wont work on RR version 5.3.5
- Fixed bootloop after theme change
- Themes: Get mFontPkgName hashCode not mIconPkgName's
- Expanded Desktop : Fix Left handed navbar during landscape mode
- Enable Buttons and Status Bar settings Multi-user enabled
- Use actual storage type for format message strings
- Fix for ambiguous and broken disk formatting dialog
- Storage; Fix apps2sd for noemulated secondary storage
- GlobalActions: Always add power off option to power menu
- Expose hardcoded colors
- Themes: Include ThemeConfig for ResourceKey hash
- Themes: Add theme change timestamp to ThemeConfig
- Fix Profiles settings screen padding
- Power Menu: remove power as an option
- Don't show "Eject card" if the card is not accessible
- Fix detection of USB/UICC volumes
- Performance -> Battery mode
- improved performance and stability
- g3: fix external storage permissions
- g3: Remove deprecated Camera2 overlays
- hammerhead: Tweak speaker and headphone volumes
- includes all cm updates
- And much more.
- Happy flashing..
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.5
- Update and fixes for PitchBlack theme
- Navigation bar button color
- QS:Battery saver tile
- QS:Brightness tile
- QS:Expanded desktop tile
- QS:Screen off tile
- QS:notifications tile
- Slim doze options
- fix performance profile not showing up
- Optimizing app dialog on first boot
- fix bunch of issues after apply theme
- Create configurable default expanded desktop style.
- Don't lookup application keyguard notification visibility unnecessarily
- Hide privacyguard notifications on keyguard
- AppOps: fix deadlock issue when showing dialog
- Themes: Include ThemeConfig for ResourceKey hash
- Themes: Add theme change timestamp to ThemeConfig
- Themes: Don't clip notification when a theme defines a larger radius
- Themes: Fix theme package name being set to target's
- fix flashlight tile inconsistency
- Disable lock screen after boot
- Prevent power key capture when screen is off
- Hide msim 'no-sim' icons
- fix performance profile not showing up
- fix status bar activity indicators getting stuck when disabling
- Hide privacyguard notifications on keyguard
- Move changelog to about resurrection
- Rename : Resurrection tools >>> Configurations
- Add touchscreen hovering support
- Update translations
- move gestures setting in to device section
- hammerhead: Update removable disk configuration
- hammerhead: return to stock DPI
- includes all cm updates
- Bug fixes
- And much more..
- Enjoy!
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.4
- PitchBlack Theme Initial release
- Option to disable search panel (navrings)
- Add ability to disable a lockscreen shortcut
- fix more battery drain
- improved overall stability
- Add default revision for AOSP remote
- apply default profile after resetting them
- Fix for bluetooth issues
- RR Tools RU and PL translations
- Update and make cLock app themeable
- Move cLock app to misc
- Remove image from about resurrection
- Fix lockscreen issues
- Disable Ambient display bools as default
- Fix profiles crash
- lowmemorykiller: Fix high min-free values
- Performance: fix mix/max cpu frequency
- improve lockscreen tile behavior
- Stylus gestures features for note devices
- Add setting for updating recovery
- AppOps: fix deadlock issue when showing dialog
- VolumePanel : Check if StreamControl is null
- Themes: Add tm command line tool
- Msim: Use SIM display name
- Fix for some of theme issues
- Move navring app loading to background tasks
- Make navbar back,recent not re-assignable
- Improve nav ring swipe behavior
- Fix Power Shutter Exception
- PhoneWindowPolicy: Fix NPE race condition by excessive screen on delay
- Camera : allow camera to use power key as shutter
- g3-common: increase overall volume levels
- includes all cm updates
- Bug fixes
- And much more..
- Enjoy!
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.3
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Navbar customization
- Navbar ring targets
- NavigationBar fixes
- Option to show four tiles per row
- Add new 100 hd lockscreen shortcus icons
- Add screen timeout tile
- Fix AudioFX tile
- QS: add Screenshot tile
- QS: add Sync tile
- protected SMS
- Fix for statusbar header weatherReceiver issue
- fix unpinning locked apps
- Fixes and update Theme chooser resources
- Disable ticker
- fix ambient display issues
- Fix issues .system ui fc s and ui refreshes after apply themes
- Update lockscreen quick unlock
- Exact solution for FC s on NavigationBarView
- Fixes for lockscreen issues
- Fixes for profile settings
- Update theme chooser icon
- g3-common: cmhw: Don't cache tap-to-wake setting
- g3: Fix hispeed frequency
- g3 kernel updates
- hammerhead: Add QCOM effect blobs
- hammerhead: Remove speaker drc flag from audio policy
- hammerhead: kernel updates
- includes all cm updates
- And much more..
- Enjoy!
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.2
- Fix and Enable DOZE (Ambient Display) (it will works if your device supports)
- Doze (ambient display) timeout option
- Skip Misc/Overcounted battery stats in builds
- Add expanded desktop
- Make power dialog profile and screenshot PNGs themeable
- Update Gestures anywhere close button to (Material FAB) and make gesture color themeable
- Fix Status bar Carrier label issues
- clean up hiding search bar
- Update cLock theme
- Expand Recents to the top if Search is disabled
- Fixes for bluetooth
- Add "Accept all files" option for incoming file via BT
- SystemUI: reset timeout when expanding volume panel
- Revert Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather (Because CM Team reverted from their source to)
- Hide GlowPadView warnings
- Themes: Restructure resource cache
- SystemUI: Fix the wrong speech in TalkBack application.
- Keyguard: Avoid null pointer exception
- Include material ringtones and notification sounds
- storage: Don't list removed volumes in storage list
- WindowManagerService: Fix On-Screen keyboard popups when hw-keyboard is present
- Do not allow the navigation bar to move if width == height
- Centralize QuickSettings constants
- bootanim: Add continuous splash support
- Themes: Ensure themed fonts always have fallbacks
- lowmemorykiller: Overwrite LMK parameters for low-tier devices
- Themes: System theme should clear wallpaper
- Themes: Update LoadedApk resources.
- Themes: Fix font layout missing a view
- Themes: Clear out icon resources for non-composed icons
- Themes: Fix launching themes using APP_THEMES category
- SystemUI: animate expanded volume panel
- ExpandedVolumePanel: Fix SystemUI FC when expands volume panel from Notifications tile
- fix derp after theme engine implemented
- Prevent AudioService dead lock issue.
- MediaCodec/Image: handle null cropRect correctly
- Fix GPS for old GPS HALs
- SystemUI : Add QSDetailItems
- SystemUI: add Profiles tile
- SystemUI : Add adb over network tile
- SystemUI: add NFC tile
- SystemUI: port compass tile to cm-12.0
- SystemUI: port lock screen toggle tile
- SystemUI: Create LteTile
- SystemUI: add AudioFX/visualizer tile (beta)
- Reduce default animation duration
- DocumentsUI: update launcher icon
- ShutdownThread: dont show advanced reboot options when long pressing power off
- Settings: fix empty Wifi triggers screen
- Settings : Update for centralized quick settings
- Cleanup and fix QS tile implementation
- Settings: Enforce non-blank profile names
- Update APN S
- G3 - Boost cpu and performance
- G3 - Add bools for DOZE
- G3 - charger: fix warnings
- G3 - charger: remove charger pecentage
- G3 - Fix kernel issues
- hammerhead: mixer_paths: Enable compander last
- hammerhead: Kernel updates
- Bug fix and source updates from cyanogenmod
- For more information about changelog check out the RR Github sources
- Note :Full Wipe installation (Highly Recommended) .After a long test. There is no problem found. Happy flashing..
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.1
- Switch to Resurrection style light material theme
- Make RR tools icons themeable
- Remove italic fonts from settings
- Power menu: add sound toggle
- Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather
- Settings: check if ime switcher pref was remove previously
- Privacy guard: option to disable notification
- Fix NPE in HighTouchSensivity
- Settings: Show SAR on Regulatory Info (from CM11)
- Delay Explicit GC from the SystemServer.
- SystemUI: Remove redundant and broken setText on temperture view.
- Camera2 legacy: retry EGL config without EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID
- Fix nav button ripple getting stuck (Update)
- Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround
- G3 - fix WIFI cannot connect issue
- Hemmerhead : Enable performance processor settings
- Bug fix and source updates from cyanogenmod
- For more information about changelog check out the RR Github sources
- Happy flashing.
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.3.0
- Update heads up notifications with swipe actions +(Master Switch-Timeout-Blacklist and do not disturb options)
- Add Theme engine
- Quick Settings Updates
- Re themed settings and Themes app
- Update cLock app with material theme
- Create expandable volume panel.
- App Circle Sidebar & Support for Configurable Trigger Region
- Custom System Animations
- Status bar header long click actions
- Allow custom density option
- Fix more memory leaks
- Fix FC on HU language update settings strings
- Revert ticker option for now :Causes system ui fc s(enabled as system default)
- Settings : Make RR Tools icons themeable
- Fix system ui crash while continuously click flash light tIle issue
- SystemUI: Fix user profile activity overlapped by status bar panel issue
- Quick settings: fix ripple placement for dual tiles
- ConnectionSettings: Add 4g as connection options for profiles
- SystemUI: unbreak accesibility longpress Overview to unpin
- wifi: Framework support for Ad-Hoc WiFi (IBSS mode)
- Fix "ghost" weather display in expanded status bar
- DocumentsUI: catch NPE
- Update RemoteController on Session update
- ProcessList: Handle invalid state when computing next PSS Time
- privacyguard: Add Superuser summary
- Update RR_string french translations
- Settings: Improve battery percentage title
- hammerhead: set persist.sys.isUsbOtgEnabled to enable USB storage.
- G3 : change DPI to 532
- G3 . boost sound volume
- G3 : Increase boost duration
- G3 : enable all hardware button options
- Bug fix and source updates from cyanogenmod
- For more information about changelog check out the RR Github sources
- Enjoy..
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.2.9
- Add customization for Quick Settings
- Quick settings: Option to disable brightness slider
- Power menu customizations
- Status bar carrier label
- Gestures lockscreen Secure
- Battery bar customizations
- DocumentsUI: Add a standalone File Manager
- Enable tap to be developer
- Improve settings fonts
- SystemUI: fix navbar ripple getting stuck
- Changed profile selection to single-tap action
- Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
- Option to ignore the last app when clearing recents
- Use fadein/fadeout anim on FAB button
- Add Fade in and Fade out effect to Recents FAB button
- Add system setting for t9 search input locale
- Wake Keys: enforce the wake keys overlay
- Allow disabling Search/Recents button wake
- profiles: clean up default profiles
- MountService: support UMS on any volume
- System UI :Add HU translations
- Edit Status bar BatteryLevelTextView
- Edit status bar text size and style
- Resurrection Tools FR Translations
- G3 - d855: Add LTE support
- G3 - fix wifi issues
- G3 - add usb charging mode
- G3 - add dummy LgDataFeature telephony class
- MSıM updates
- Bug fix and source updates from cyanogenmod
- For more information about changelog check out the RR Github sources
- Enjoy..
# Resurrection Remix Lollipop 5.0.2 - v5.2.8
- Update popups animation
- StatusBar Ticker option
- Add navigation bar master switch option
- Add resurrection remix logo to about settings
- Recents panel clear all button tweaks
- Replace recents clear all button with a fab button
- update maintainer list
- Update Hungarian RR strings
- Remove the superuser app
- Update superuser
- Add an
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