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Created November 26, 2015 13:21
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Retrieve status of ETH automatic segmentation of femur on VSD
package vsdClientSeed
import ch.unibas.cs.gravis.vsdclient.{VSDCommonObjectInfo, VSDClient}
import ch.unibas.cs.gravis.vsdclient.VSDJson._
import scala.concurrent.Future
object VSDLegStatus {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val ctxt =
val vsd = VSDClient(new File("/home/bouabene/vsdcreds.txt")).get
val segmentationInfos = for {
segFolder <- vsd.getFolderFromPath("/bouag1/SharedFolders/SSMPipeline/Lower_Extremities/02_AutomaticSegmentation")
objList = segFolder.get.containedObjects.get
segmentationAnatomicalSides <- Future.sequence( { url => vsd.getAnatomicalSide(url) })
segmentationsInfos <- Future.sequence( { url => vsd.getVSDObjectInfo[VSDCommonObjectInfo](url) })
linkedRawObject =
rawInfos <- Future.sequence( { url => vsd.getVSDObjectInfo[VSDCommonObjectInfo](url) })
} yield (objList,, rawInfos).zipped.toList
segmentationInfos.onSuccess { case list =>
println("[Description of associated Raw image], [Anatomical side of segmentation], [Name of associated Raw Image], [URL of segmentation]")
list.foreach{ case (segURL, side, rawInfo) =>
println( rawInfo.description.get +", " + side + ", " + + ", " + segURL.selfUrl )
segmentationInfos.onFailure { case e => println("failed : " + e.getMessage); vsd.shutdown() }
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