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Created August 4, 2017 09:14
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Custom version of Scalar mesh IO, allowing to change the index of the read array.
package local
import{File, IOException}
import scalismo.common.Scalar
import scalismo.mesh.ScalarMeshField
import scalismo.utils.{MeshConversion, VtkHelpers}
import vtk.{vtkPolyData, vtkPolyDataReader}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object MyScalarMeshIO {
private def readVTKPolydata(file: File): Try[vtkPolyData] = {
val vtkReader = new vtkPolyDataReader()
val errCode = vtkReader.GetErrorCode()
if (errCode != 0) {
return Failure(new IOException(s"Could not read vtk mesh (received error code $errCode"))
val data = vtkReader.GetOutput()
def vtkPolyDataToScalarMeshField[S: Scalar: TypeTag: ClassTag](pd: vtkPolyData): Try[ScalarMeshField[S]] = {
for {
mesh <- MeshConversion.vtkPolyDataToTriangleMesh(pd)
scalarData <- VtkHelpers.vtkDataArrayToScalarArray[S](pd.GetPointData().GetArray(0).GetDataType(), pd.GetPointData().GetArray(0))
} yield {
ScalarMeshField(mesh, scalarData)
def readScalarMeshField[S: Scalar: TypeTag: ClassTag](file: File): Try[ScalarMeshField[S]] = {
val requiredScalarType = ImageIO.ScalarType.fromType[S]
val filename = file.getAbsolutePath
filename match {
case f if f.endsWith(".vtk") => readVTKPolydata(file).flatMap { pd =>
val spScalarType = ImageIO.ScalarType.fromVtkId( pd.GetPointData().GetArray(0).GetDataType())
if (requiredScalarType != spScalarType) {
Failure(new Exception(s"Invalid scalar type (expected $requiredScalarType, found $spScalarType)"))
} else {
case _ =>
Failure(new IOException("Unknown file type received" + filename))
def readScalarMeshFieldAsShort(file: File): Try[ScalarMeshField[Short]] = {
val filename = file.getAbsolutePath
readScalarMeshField[Short](file).recoverWith{case e => readScalarMeshField[Int](file).map(}
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