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Created February 23, 2016 10:21
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Evaluation method for the femur reconstruction contest of the FutureLearn course: Statistical Shape Modelling
package ch.unibas.cs.gravis.shapemodelling
import{PrintWriter, File}
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.mesh.{MeshMetrics, Mesh, TriangleMesh}
import scalismo.utils.MeshConversion
import vtk.{vtkPolyData, vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter}
object ReconstructionEval {
* Reconstruction evaluation function.
* Attention: this evaluates mesh distances only on the reconstructed patches and not on the entire shape
* @param givenPartialMesh the partial mesh that was given to reconstruct
* @param groundTruth the complete shape from which givenPartialMesh was generated
* @param reconstruction the reconstruction to be evaluated. This mesh needs to be in correspondence with the reference mesh provided in step 1 of the project
* @return tuple containing first the average mesh distance, then the hausdorf between the 2 reconstructed patches
def eval(givenPartialMesh: TriangleMesh, groundTruth: TriangleMesh, reconstruction: TriangleMesh): (Double, Double) = {
// identify the point identifiers for the patches that need to be reconstructed
val ptIDs = groundTruth.pointsWithId.filter { case (pt, id) =>
val distanceToPartial = (givenPartialMesh.findClosestPoint(pt).point - pt).norm
distanceToPartial < 0.1
// cut the reconstructed patches from the ground truth and the reconstruction
val truePatch = getBiggestConnectedComponent(Mesh.clipMesh(groundTruth, (pt: Point[_3D]) => ptIDs.contains(groundTruth.findClosestPoint(pt).id)))
val reconstructedPatch = getBiggestConnectedComponent(Mesh.clipMesh(reconstruction, (pt: Point[_3D]) => ptIDs.contains(reconstruction.findClosestPoint(pt).id)))
// compute average mesh distance in both directions
val averageOneWay = MeshMetrics.avgDistance(truePatch, reconstructedPatch)
val averageOtherWay = MeshMetrics.avgDistance(reconstructedPatch, truePatch)
// Hausdorff distance (symmetric)
val hausdorff = MeshMetrics.hausdorffDistance(reconstructedPatch, truePatch)
((averageOneWay + averageOtherWay) * 0.5, hausdorff)
* Extracts the biggest connected component in a mesh.
* We use this to be safe and guarantee that no disconnected points or cells are used when comparing the 2 patches
def getBiggestConnectedComponent(mesh: TriangleMesh): TriangleMesh = {
val connectivity = new vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter()
val polydata = MeshConversion.meshToVtkPolyData(mesh)
val count = connectivity.GetNumberOfExtractedRegions()
val (largestSize, largestId) = {
val vtk = connectivity.GetRegionSizes()
val out = for (i <- -0 until count) yield vtk.GetValue(i)
val out = new vtkPolyData()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (args.size < 4) {
println("usage: run <path to ground truth> <path to partialMesh> <path to reconstructedMesh> <output file>")
val groundTruth = MeshIO.readMesh(new File(args(0))).get
val partialMesh = MeshIO.readMesh(new File(args(1))).get
val reconstruction = MeshIO.readMesh(new File(args(2))).get
val (average, hausdorff) = eval(partialMesh, groundTruth, reconstruction)
val pw = new PrintWriter(args(3))
pw.println( s"""{"hausdorff":$hausdorff, "average":$average}""")
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