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Last active July 7, 2024 16:00
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Automated theorem solver using sympy which also shows steps
from sympy import symbols, Implies, And, Not, simplify_logic, S
from itertools import combinations
from tqdm import tqdm
# Define the function to count nodes
def count_nodes(expr):
"""Recursively count all nodes in a SymPy expression."""
count = 1
if hasattr(expr, "args") and expr.args:
count += sum(count_nodes(arg) for arg in expr.args)
return count
def combine_expressions(knowledge_base):
combined_results = []
# Generate combinations of expressions from the knowledge base
kb_combinations = list(combinations(knowledge_base, 2))
for expr1, expr2 in tqdm(kb_combinations):
combined_expr = simplify_logic(And(expr1, expr2))
combined_expr = combined_expr.subs(expr1, True).subs(expr2, True)
combined_results.append((expr1, expr2, combined_expr))
# Sort the results by the number of nodes in the combined expression
combined_results.sort(key=lambda terms: sum([count_nodes(term) for term in terms]))
return combined_results
def prove_by_contradiction(premises, hypothesis):
# Initialize knowledge base and lineage tracking
knowledge_base = set(premises)
lineage = {expr: ("knowledge base",) for expr in premises}
# Step 1: Negate the hypothesis and add it to the knowledge base
neg_hypothesis = Not(hypothesis)
lineage[neg_hypothesis] = ("negated hypothesis",)
# Start the proof process
while True:
new_knowledge_base = knowledge_base.copy()
# Step 3: Pairwise combine knowledge base items using simplify_logic
for expr1, expr2, combined_expr in combine_expressions(knowledge_base):
# Check for contradiction (sympy's S.false)
if combined_expr is S.false:
# Trace back the lineage to the root
return trace_lineage(lineage, expr1, expr2, combined_expr)
if combined_expr not in new_knowledge_base:
lineage[combined_expr] = (expr1, expr2)
# Update knowledge base if new expressions have been added
if new_knowledge_base == knowledge_base:
break # Exit if no new knowledge is generated
knowledge_base = new_knowledge_base
return "No contradiction found, proof incomplete."
def trace_lineage(lineage, expr1, expr2, final_expr):
output = []
expr_index_map = {}
index = 1
# Recursively build lineage outputs
def build_lineage(expr):
nonlocal index
if expr not in expr_index_map:
if expr in lineage:
if len(lineage[expr]) == 1:
# Base knowledge or hypothesis
output.append(f"{index}. {expr} [Using {lineage[expr][0]}]")
# Derived expressions
for pre_expr in lineage[expr]:
origins = ", ".join(str(expr_index_map[e]) for e in lineage[expr])
output.append(f"{index}. {expr} [Using {origins}]")
# Direct knowledge base entry
output.append(f"{index}. {expr} [Using knowledge base]")
expr_index_map[expr] = index
index += 1
final_step = (
f"{index}. False [Using {expr_index_map[expr1]} and {expr_index_map[expr2]}]"
return "\n".join(output)
# Define your symbols and premises
X, Y, Z, W = symbols("X Y Z W")
premises = {X, Implies(X, Y), Implies(Y, Z), Implies(And(X, Z), W)}
hypothesis = And(X, W)
# Run the proof
proof_output = prove_by_contradiction(premises, hypothesis)
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