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Last active April 12, 2020 00:31
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GEO Classes
package name.mymiller.geo;
* Abstract class that will form the basis of Latitude and Longitude. Basic
* functionality is the same between the two types, just the range of values
* differentiate.
* @author jmiller
abstract public class Coordinate implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5443490914016651058L;
* The Degree of the coordinate
private Double decimal = 0D;
* returns the entire coordinate as a decimal of the degree
* @return Double representing the decimal value of the degree, minute and
* second.
public Double getDecimal() {
return this.decimal;
* Converts a decimal degree into Degree, Minute and Second
* @param decimal Decimal value of the degree
public void setDecimal(final Double decimal) {
this.decimal = decimal;
* @return the Maximum value of the Degree.
abstract protected int getDegreeLimit();
public String toString() {
return "Coordinate [decimal=" + this.getDecimal() + "]";
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