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Created April 12, 2020 01:43
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package name.mymiller.geo;
import name.mymiller.lang.IllegalValueException;
import name.mymiller.lang.UnitOfDistance;
* Class to represent a Latitude/Longitude location on Earth. Methods to move to
* a new location.
* @author jmiller
public class GeoLocation implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3667455081379978811L;
* Earth Diameter in in Kilometers
public static double EARTH_DIAMETER = 12756.274D;
* The latitude of the location
private Latitude latitude = null;
* The longitude of the location
private Longitude longitude = null;
* Constructor to create a Geolocation based on a decimal degree.
* @param latitude Decimal Degree of the Latitude
* @param longitude Decimal Degree of the Longitude
* @throws IllegalValueException Illegal value, outside of the range of values.
public GeoLocation(final Double latitude, final Double longitude) throws IllegalValueException {
this.setLatitude(new Latitude(latitude));
this.setLongitude(new Longitude(longitude));
* Constructor to crate a GeoLocation from Latitude/Longitude directly
* @param latitude Latitude of the GeoLocation
* @param longitude Longitude of the GeoLocation
public GeoLocation(final Latitude latitude, final Longitude longitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
* Constructor to create a GeoLocation from Latitude/Longitude String directly
* @param latitude Latitude of the GeoLocation
* @param longitude Longitude of the GeoLocation
* @throws NumberFormatException String wrong format for Double
* @throws IllegalValueException Value not a Double.
public GeoLocation(String latitude, String longitude) throws NumberFormatException, IllegalValueException {
this(Double.parseDouble(latitude), Double.parseDouble(longitude));
* A method to add distance in an easterly direction to a coordinate
* @param distance the distance to add in metres
* @param unit The UnitOfDistance to use for measuring the distance.
* @return the new coordinate
* @throws IllegalValueException Illegal value, outside of the range of values.
public GeoLocation addDistanceEast(final int distance, final UnitOfDistance unit) throws IllegalValueException {
// convert the distance from metres to kilometers
final double kilometers = (distance * unit.getConversionRateToMeters()) / 1000.0;
// calculate the new longitude
final double newLng = this.getLongitude().getDecimal()
+ (kilometers / this.longitudeConstant(this.getLatitude().getDecimal()));
return new GeoLocation(this.getLatitude().getDecimal(), newLng);
* A method to add distance in a northerly direction to a coordinate
* @param distance the distance to add in metres
* @param unit The UnitOfDistance to use for measuring the distance.
* @return the new coordinate
* @throws IllegalValueException Illegal value, outside of the range of values.
public GeoLocation addDistanceNorth(final int distance, final UnitOfDistance unit) throws IllegalValueException {
// convert the distance from metres to kilometers
final double kilometers = (distance * unit.getConversionRateToMeters()) / 1000d;
// calculate the new latitude
final double newLat = this.getLatitude().getDecimal() + (kilometers / this.latitudeConstant());
return new GeoLocation(newLat, this.getLongitude().getDecimal());
* A method to add distance in a southerly direction to a coordinate
* @param distance the distance to add in metres
* @param unit The UnitOfDistance to use for measuring the distance.
* @return the new coordinate
* @throws IllegalValueException Illegal value, outside of the range of values.
public GeoLocation addDistanceSouth(final int distance, final UnitOfDistance unit) throws IllegalValueException {
// convert the distance from metres to kilometers
final double kilometers = (distance * unit.getConversionRateToMeters()) / 1000d;
// calculate the new latitude
final double newLat = this.getLatitude().getDecimal() - (kilometers / this.latitudeConstant());
return new GeoLocation(newLat, this.getLatitude().getDecimal());
* A method to add distance in an westerly direction to a coordinate
* @param distance the distance to add in metres
* @param unit The UnitOfDistance to use for measuring the distance.
* @return the new coordinate
* @throws IllegalValueException Illegal value, outside of the range of values.
public GeoLocation addDistanceWest(final int distance, final UnitOfDistance unit) throws IllegalValueException {
// convert the distance from metres to kilometers
final double kilometers = (distance * unit.getConversionRateToMeters()) / 1000;
// calculate the new longitude
final double newLng = this.getLongitude().getDecimal()
- (kilometers / this.longitudeConstant(this.getLatitude().getDecimal()));
return new GeoLocation(this.getLatitude().getDecimal(), newLng);
* Converts decimal degrees to radians
* @param degree Decimal Degree to convert
* @return Radians
private Double deg2rad(final Double degree) {
return ((degree * Math.PI) / 180.0);
* Calculate the distance between two GeoLocations and return the results in the
* indicated UnitOfDistance
* @param to GeoLocation to measure the distance to.
* @param unit The UnitOfDistance to use for measuring the distance.
* @return The distance between the two location in the UnitOfDistance.
public Double distanceTo(final GeoLocation to, final UnitOfDistance unit) {
final double theta = this.getLongitude().getDecimal() - to.getLongitude().getDecimal();
double dist = (Math.sin(this.deg2rad(this.getLatitude().getDecimal()))
* Math.sin(this.deg2rad(to.getLatitude().getDecimal())))
+ (Math.cos(this.deg2rad(this.getLatitude().getDecimal()))
* Math.cos(this.deg2rad(to.getLatitude().getDecimal())) * Math.cos(this.deg2rad(theta)));
dist = Math.acos(dist);
dist = this.rad2deg(dist);
dist = dist * 60 * UnitOfDistance.Nautical_Miles.getConversionRateToMeters();
return (dist * unit.getConversionRateFromMeters());
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final GeoLocation other = (GeoLocation) obj;
if (this.latitude == null) {
if (other.latitude != null) {
return false;
} else if (!this.latitude.equals(other.latitude)) {
return false;
if (this.longitude == null) {
return other.longitude == null;
} else {
return this.longitude.equals(other.longitude);
* @return The Latitude of this GeoLocation
public Latitude getLatitude() {
return this.latitude;
* Set the Latitude for this GeoLocation
* @param latitude The Latitude to use for this GeoLocation
public void setLatitude(final Latitude latitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
* @return The Longitude of this GeoLocation
public Longitude getLongitude() {
return this.longitude;
* Set the Longitude for this GeoLocation
* @param longitude The Longitude to use for this GeoLocation
public void setLongitude(final Longitude longitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = (prime * result) + ((this.latitude == null) ? 0 : this.latitude.hashCode());
result = (prime * result) + ((this.longitude == null) ? 0 : this.longitude.hashCode());
return result;
* A private method to calculate the latitude constant
* @return a double representing the latitude constant
public double latitudeConstant() {
return GeoLocation.EARTH_DIAMETER * (Math.PI / 360.0D);
* A private method to caluclate the longitude constant
* @param latitude a latitude coordinate in decimal notation
* @return a double representing the longitude constant
public double longitudeConstant(final double latitude) {
return (GeoLocation.EARTH_DIAMETER * Math.PI * Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.abs(latitude)))) / 360.0D;
* Converts radians to decimal degrees
* @param radians Radians to convert
* @return Decimal Degree
private Double rad2deg(final Double radians) {
return ((radians * 180) / Math.PI);
public String toString() {
return "GeoLocation [latitude=" + this.latitude + ", longitude=" + this.longitude + "]";
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