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Last active December 18, 2015 20:39
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Save GhostSquad57/5841763 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple shell script that converts a glc file to mkv
# created by GhostSquad57 <>
echo -n "Enter the name of the GLC file: " # prompts the user to enter the file that will be converted
read glcfile # this line creates the variable "glcfile" from what the user entered at the prompt
echo -e "\nlooking for:" $glcfile
if ! [ -e $glcfile ]; then
# if file cannot be found, exit 1
echo -e "\n" $glcfile "cannot be found"
exit 1
elif [ -e $glcfile ]; then
# if file is found, continue on!
echo -e "\nfile found!"
# in case pigs fly
echo -e "\n unknown error"
exit 1
# this part is a little hard to explain:
# basically, glc-play has the ability to stream the glc file that is playing
# the "--yuv4mpeg=" option (seen in line #30) saves the video stream in yuv4mpeg format
# the "--wav=" option (seen in line #32) saves the audio stream in wav format
# the "-o" option tells glc-play what the filename of the stream shall be
# we use "-" as the filename because that tells bash to send the stream to standard input
# we then tell avconv to read "-" (standard input) and convert the stream to mkv format
echo -e "\nConverting Video... (this may take a while)\n"
glc-play $glcfile -o - --yuv4mpeg=1 | ffmpeg -loglevel error -i - -vf "lutyuv=y=val*1.4" -qscale 0 -an -y video.mkv # this line converts the video
echo -e "\nConverting Audio... (this may take a while)\n"
glc-play $glcfile -o - --wav=1 | ffmpeg -loglevel error -i - -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 audio.mp3 # this line converts the audio
echo -e "\nDone!" #"\a"
# un-comment the above line if you want the system bell to ring at completion
exit $?
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