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Last active September 2, 2019 12:33
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  • Save GiacomoP/6b9aa872baef9687a0583473813426cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GiacomoP/6b9aa872baef9687a0583473813426cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
M5S Rousseau - Admin Frontend app
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u && u(t);
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exports: {}
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i = a[e];
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var n = t && ("load" === t.type ? "missing" : t.type),
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s = new Error("Loading chunk " + e + " failed.\n(" + n + ": " + o + ")");
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get: i
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value: "Module"
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value: !0
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enumerable: !0,
value: e
}), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e)
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return e[t]
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return e["default"]
} : function() {
return e
return r.d(t, "a", t), t
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return, t)
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throw console.error(e), e
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"0275": function(e, t) {
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value: "EditPoll"
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kind: "Name",
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kind: "NonNullType",
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kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "UpdatePollInput"
directives: []
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
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kind: "Name",
value: "id"
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kind: "NonNullType",
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kind: "NamedType",
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kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
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value: "polls"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "pollUpdate"
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kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
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kind: "Name",
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kind: "Variable",
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kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
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kind: "Field",
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value: "details"
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
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arguments: [],
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "poll"
arguments: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "publicResults"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
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end: 464
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation EditPoll($attributes: UpdatePollInput!, $id: ID!) {\n polls {\n pollUpdate(id: $id, attributes: $attributes) {\n errors{\n details{\n base\n }\n messages{\n base\n }\n }\n poll {\n id\n title\n slug\n status\n publicResults\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
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line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["EditPoll"] = s(i, "EditPoll")
"0a5e": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("3114"),
a = i.n(n);
"0be4": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("8a79"),
a = i.n(n);
"0e5f": function(e, t, i) {},
1: function(e, t) {},
1060: function(e, t, i) {},
"11e1": function(e, t) {
var i = {
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kind: "OperationDefinition",
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kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequestApprove"
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
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kind: "NonNullType",
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kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
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directives: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "certification"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequestApprove"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 160
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation identityVerificationRequestApprove($requestId: ID!) {\n\tcertification {\n\t\tidentityVerificationRequestApprove(requestId: $requestId) {\n\t\t\terrors\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["identityVerificationRequestApprove"] = s(i, "identityVerificationRequestApprove")
"127f": function(e, t, i) {},
1584: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
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a = i.n(n);
"1c8b": function(e, t) {
var i = {
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kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
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kind: "Name",
value: "RemovePoll"
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
directives: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollCancel"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 114
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation RemovePoll($id: ID!) {\n polls {\n pollCancel(pollId: $id) {\n errors\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["RemovePoll"] = s(i, "RemovePoll")
"1d95": function(e, t, i) {},
"1f63": function(e, t, i) {},
2: function(e, t) {},
2243: function(e, t, i) {},
2500: function(e, t) {
function i(e) {
var t = new Error("Cannot find module '" + e + "'");
throw t.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", t
i.keys = function() {
return []
}, i.resolve = i, e.exports = i, = "2500"
"286c": function(e, t, i) {},
"289d": function(e, t) {
var i = {
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kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
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kind: "Name",
value: "deleteUser"
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
arguments: [],
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selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userDelete"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 122
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation deleteUser($userId: ID!) {\n users {\n userDelete(userId: $userId) {\n errors\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["deleteUser"] = s(i, "deleteUser")
"2cc0": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("1f63"),
a = i.n(n);
"2d5e": function(e, t, i) {},
3: function(e, t) {},
3114: function(e, t, i) {},
"31b2": function(e, t, i) {},
3559: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("2d5e"),
a = i.n(n);
"37bb": function(e, t) {
var i = {
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kind: "OperationDefinition",
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kind: "Name",
value: "getPollResult"
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
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selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "poll"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "resultSummary"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "submittedAnswerCount"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "totalAnswerCount"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "averageAnswerCount"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "results"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "count"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "option"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "InlineFragment",
typeCondition: {
kind: "NamedType",
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kind: "Name",
value: "TextOption"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "text"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 473
i.loc.source = {
body: "query getPollResult($id: ID!) {\n poll(id: $id) {\n title\n status\n resultSummary {\n submittedAnswerCount\n totalAnswerCount\n averageAnswerCount\n results {\n nodes {\n count\n option {\n ... on TextOption {\n text\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
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line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["getPollResult"] = s(i, "getPollResult")
"391b": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "search"
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "String"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "String"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "search"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "search"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "first"
value: {
kind: "IntValue",
value: "50"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "orderAttribute"
value: {
kind: "EnumValue",
value: "first_name"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "orderDirection"
value: {
kind: "EnumValue",
value: "ASC"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pageInfo"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "endCursor"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "hasNextPage"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "firstName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "lastName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "phoneNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "email"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "codiceFiscale"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createdAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 379
i.loc.source = {
body: "query users($search: String, $after: String) {\n users(search: $search, after: $after, first: 50, orderAttribute: first_name, orderDirection: ASC) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n nodes {\n firstName\n lastName\n phoneNumber\n email\n codiceFiscale\n createdAt\n slug\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["users"] = s(i, "users")
4: function(e, t) {},
"414a": function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() {
return utils
const utils = {
methods: {
checkNull(path, placeholder) {
for (var pathElements = path.split("."), field, i = 0; i <= pathElements.length; i++) {
for (var pathCompletion = "", j = i; j >= 0; j--) void 0 !== pathElements[j] && (pathCompletion = pathElements[j] + "." + pathCompletion);
if (pathCompletion = pathCompletion.substring(0, pathCompletion.length - 1), field = eval(pathCompletion), !field) return placeholder
return field
"42f3": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionDelete"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroups"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "options"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionDelete"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "option"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "__typename"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "InlineFragment",
typeCondition: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "TextOption"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "text"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 408
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation optionDelete($id: ID!) {\n polls {\n optionGroups {\n\t\t options {\n\t optionDelete(optionId: $id) {\n\t errors\n option {\n id\n __typename\n ... on TextOption {\n text\n }\n }\n\t }\n\t }\n\t }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["optionDelete"] = s(i, "optionDelete")
5203: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("7a3c"),
a = i.n(n);
"529d": function(e, t, i) {},
"56d7": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = {};
i.r(n), i.d(n, "snackBar", function() {
return pa
}), i.d(n, "snackBarMessage", function() {
return va
}), i.d(n, "snackBarTimeout", function() {
return fa
}), i.d(n, "allowed", function() {
return ha
var a = {};
i.r(a), i.d(a, "snackBar", function() {
return ka
}), i.d(a, "allowed", function() {
return ga
var o = {};
i.r(o), i.d(o, "someAction", function() {
return ba
var s = i("2b0e"),
r = i("8c4f"),
l = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [void 0], 2)
d = [],
c = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("div", [i("navigation-drawer", {
attrs: {
show: e.drawer
}), i("header-custom", {
attrs: {
toggleDrawer: e.toggleDrawer
}), i("v-snackbar", {
attrs: {
timeout: e.$store.getters["utils/snackBarTimeout"],
"multi-line": "",
top: ""
model: {
value: e.snackBar,
callback: function(t) {
e.snackBar = t
expression: "snackBar"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.snackBarMessage) + "\n "), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red",
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.snackBar = null
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("close")])], 1)], 1), i("v-content", [e._t("default")], 2)], 1)
u = [],
m = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
n = e._self._c || t;
return e.allowed ? n("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
color: "red",
dense: "",
fixed: "",
"clipped-left": "",
app: ""
}, [e.allowed ? [n("v-btn", {
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
return t.stopPropagation(), e.toggleDrawer(t)
}, [n("v-icon", {
attrs: {
color: "white"
}, [e._v("menu")])], 1), n("img", {
staticClass: "header-img",
attrs: {
src: i("0054")
}), n("v-toolbar-title", {
staticClass: "mr-5 align-center"
}, [n("span", {
staticClass: "title header-title"
}, [e._v("Pannello Amministrazione Rousseau")])]), n("v-spacer"), n("user-header", {
attrs: {
user: e.user
})] : e._e()], 2) : e._e()
p = [],
v = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-menu", {
attrs: {
"offset-y": ""
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(t) {
var n = t.on;
return [i("v-btn", e._g({
attrs: {
flat: ""
}, n), [i("span", {
staticClass: "font-white"
}, [e._v(e._s(]), i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
color: "white"
}, [e._v("keyboard_arrow_down")])], 1)]
}, [i("v-list", [i("v-list-tile", {
on: {
click: e.logout
}, [i("v-list-tile-title", [e._v("LOGOUT")])], 1)], 1)], 1)
f = [];
function h(e) {
return window.location.origin + e
var k = {
name: "UserHeader",
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: !0
methods: {
logout() {
redirectUri: h("/")
g = k,
b = (i("c603"), i("2877")),
_ = Object(b["a"])(g, v, f, !1, null, null, null),
N = _.exports;
const S = {
data() {
return {
user: {}
computed: {
isAuthenticated() {
return this.$keycloak.authenticated
watch: {
isAuthenticated(e) {
e && this.fetchUserInfo()
methods: {
fetchUserInfo() {
this.$keycloak.loadUserInfo().then(e => {
this.user = e, this.user.roles = this.$keycloak.resourceAccess
mounted() {
this.isAuthenticated && this.fetchUserInfo()
var y = {
name: "HeaderRousseau",
components: {
"user-header": N
computed: {
allowed() {
return this.$store.getters["utils/allowed"]
props: {
toggleDrawer: {
type: Function,
required: !0
mixins: [S]
E = y,
D = (i("a211"), Object(b["a"])(E, m, p, !1, null, "73b09bc9", null)),
C = D.exports,
w = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-navigation-drawer", {
attrs: {
fixed: "",
clipped: "",
app: "",
dark: e.allowed
model: {
callback: function(t) { = t
expression: "show"
}, [i("v-list", {
attrs: {
dense: ""
}, e._l(e.userRoles, function(t) {
return i("v-list-tile", {
key: t.roleName,
on: {
click: function(i) {
return e.$router.push({
name: t.routeName
}, [i("v-list-tile-action", [i("v-icon", [e._v(e._s(t.icon))])], 1), i("v-list-tile-content", [i("v-list-tile-title", {
staticClass: "font-white"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.resourceTitle))])], 1)], 1)
}), 1)], 1)
x = [];
const P = [{
clientName: "camelot-backend",
roleName: "admin",
routeName: "admin",
resourceTitle: "Cerca Utente",
icon: "search"
}, {
clientName: "camelot-backend",
roleName: "view-permissions",
routeName: "view-permissions",
resourceTitle: "Vedi Permessi",
icon: "control_camera"
}, {
clientName: "camelot-backend",
roleName: "view-poll-results",
routeName: "view-poll-results",
resourceTitle: "Risultati Votazioni",
icon: "poll"
}, {
clientName: "camelot-backend",
roleName: "manage-certification",
routeName: "manage-certification",
resourceTitle: "Gestisci certificazioni",
icon: "drag_handle"
var O = {
name: "NavigationDrawer",
mixins: [S],
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
required: !0
data() {
return {
adminRoles: P
computed: {
allowed() {
return this.$store.getters["utils/allowed"]
userRoles: function() {
if (!this.user || !this.user.roles) return [];
try {
const t = this.adminRoles.filter(e => {
return this.user.roles[e.clientName].roles.indexOf(e.roleName) >= 0
return this.$store.commit("utils/allowed", !0), t
} catch (e) {
return window.location.replace("")
$ = O,
F = (i("9e99"), Object(b["a"])($, w, x, !1, null, "217b2a6c", null)),
V = F.exports,
R = {
name: "MainLayout",
components: {
"header-custom": C,
"navigation-drawer": V
data: () => ({
drawer: !1
computed: {
allowed() {
return this.$store.getters["utils/allowed"]
snackBar: {
get() {
return this.$store.getters["utils/snackBar"]
set(e) {
this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", e)
snackBarMessage() {
return this.$store.getters["utils/snackBarMessage"]
methods: {
toggleDrawer() {
this.drawer = !this.drawer
q = R,
T = Object(b["a"])(q, c, u, !1, null, null, null),
A = T.exports,
I = {
name: "Admin",
components: {
"main-layout": A
j = I,
L = Object(b["a"])(j, l, d, !1, null, null, null),
U = L.exports,
G = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("search.title")))]), i("v-text-field", {
attrs: {
solo: "",
label: "Ricerca Utenti"
on: {
change: e.searchInput
model: {
value: e.input,
callback: function(t) {
e.input = t
expression: "input"
}), i("admin-table", {
attrs: {
items: e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", []),
update: e.fetchMore
})], 1)]
], 2)
B = [],
z = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", [i("v-data-table", {
staticClass: "elevation-0 table-padding",
attrs: {
headers: e.headers,
items: e.items,
pagination: e.pagination
on: {
"update:pagination": [function(t) {
e.pagination = t
}, e.update]
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "headers",
fn: function(t) {
return e._l(t.headers, function(t, n) {
return i("th", {
key: n,
class: ["row sortable", 0 === n ? "text-xs-left" : ""],
on: {
click: function(i) {
return e.changeSort(t.value)
}, ["go" !== t.value && t.value === e.pagination.sortBy ? i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
small: "",
color: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.pagination.descending ? "expand_less" : "expand_more") + "\n ")]) : "go" !== t.value ? i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
small: "",
color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)"
}, [e._v("\n expand_less\n ")]) : e._e(), i("span", {
staticClass: "table-header-left-margin f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.text))])], 1)
}, {
key: "items",
fn: function(t) {
return [i("tr", [i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.item.firstName))]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.item.lastName))]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.item.phoneNumber))]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.item.codiceFiscale))]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(i) {
return e.$router.push("admin/" + t.item.slug)
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("play_circle_outline")])], 1)], 1)])]
}, {
key: "expand",
fn: function(t) {
return [i("v-card", {
attrs: {
flat: ""
}, [i("v-card-text", [e._v(e._s(t.item))])], 1)]
}, [i("template", {
slot: "no-data"
}, [i("p", [e._v("Nessun risultato")])])], 2)], 1)
M = [],
Q = {
name: "AdminTable",
data() {
return {
pagination: {
sortBy: "firstName",
descending: !1,
rowsPerPage: 10
headers: [{
text: "Nome",
value: "firstName"
}, {
text: "Cognome",
value: "lastName"
}, {
text: "Email",
value: "email"
}, {
text: "Telefono",
value: "phoneNumber"
}, {
text: "Codice Fiscale",
value: "codiceFiscale"
}, {
text: "Vai",
value: "go"
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: !0
update: {
type: Function,
required: !0
methods: {
changeSort(e) {
e !== this.pagination.sortBy ? (this.pagination.descending = !1, this.pagination.sortBy = e) : this.pagination.descending = !this.pagination.descending, console.log(this.pagination)
Y = Q,
H = (i("7e61"), Object(b["a"])(Y, z, M, !1, null, "1a9b962c", null)),
K = H.exports,
J = i("391b"),
W = i("414a"),
Z = {
name: "Admin",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"admin-table": K
data() {
return {
input: "",
search: "",
skip: !0,
users: {
pageInfo: {},
nodes: []
apollo: {
users: {
query: J["users"],
variables() {
return {
skip() {
return this.skip
mixins: [W["a"]],
methods: {
async searchInput() {
"" !== this.input ? (this.skip = !1, = this.input, this.$apollo.queries.users.refetch()) : this.users = {
pageInfo: {},
nodes: []
async fetchMore() {
this.users.pageInfo.hasNextPage && this.$apollo.queries.users.fetchMore({
variables: {
after: this.users.pageInfo.endCursor
updateQuery: (e, {
fetchMoreResult: t
}) => {
this.users.pageInfo = t.users.pageInfo, t.users.nodes.forEach(e => this.users.nodes.push(e))
X = Z,
ee = Object(b["a"])(X, G, B, !1, null, null, null),
te = ee.exports,
ie = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("userDetail.title")))]), i("br"), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-center": "",
wrap: ""
}, [i("v-flex", {
staticClass: "card-column",
attrs: {
xs11: "",
sm9: "",
md6: "",
center: ""
}, [i("main-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
user: e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", []).length > 0 ? e.users.nodes[0] : {},
update: e.update
}), i("anagraph-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
user: e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", []).length > 0 ? e.users.nodes[0] : {},
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs11: "",
sm9: "",
md6: "",
center: ""
}, [i("setting-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
user: e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", []).length > 0 ? e.users.nodes[0] : {}
}), i("preference-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
user: e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", []).length > 0 ? e.users.nodes[0] : {}
})], 1)], 1), e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", null) && e.users.nodes[0] && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests.nodes && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests.nodes.length > 0 ? i("h2", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.certification")) + "\n ")]) : e._e(), e.checkNull("this.users.nodes", null) && e.users.nodes[0] && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests.nodes && e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests.nodes.length > 0 ? i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-center": "",
row: "",
wrap: ""
}, e._l(e.users.nodes[0].identityVerificationRequests.nodes, function(e, t) {
return i("history-element-card", {
key: t,
staticClass: "card-margin-10",
attrs: {
request: e
}), 1) : e._e(), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"align-end": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "link-poll"
}, [i("i", {
staticClass: "fas fa-angle-double-left"
}), e._v(" \n "), i("router-link", {
staticClass: "link-poll-text",
attrs: {
to: "/admin"
}, [i("span", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("userDetail.back")))])])], 1), i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red",
outline: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.confirm = !0
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.delete")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("confirm-dialog", {
attrs: {
dialog: e.confirm,
closeDialog: function() {
return e.confirm = !1
action: e.doDelete,
description: e.$t("dialog.delete_description")
}), i("error-dialog", {
attrs: {
dialog: e.error,
closeDialog: function() {
return e.error = !1
})], 1)]
], 2)
ne = [],
ae = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-dialog", {
attrs: {
width: "500px"
model: {
value: e.dialog,
callback: function(t) {
e.dialog = t
expression: "dialog"
}, [i("v-card", [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "card-error f-h2"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.acceptDialog.title")))])]), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-error f-h3"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.error")))]), i("v-divider"), i("v-card-actions", [i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: e.closeDialog
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.acceptDialog.buttonOK")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)], 1)
oe = [],
se = {
name: "ErrorDialog",
props: {
dialog: {
type: Boolean,
required: !0
closeDialog: {
type: Function,
required: !0
re = se,
le = (i("9933"), Object(b["a"])(re, ae, oe, !1, null, "8ed7eff2", null)),
de = le.exports,
ce = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-dialog", {
attrs: {
width: "500px"
model: {
value: e.dialog,
callback: function(t) {
e.dialog = t
expression: "dialog"
}, [i("v-card", [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "card-message f-h2"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("dialog.confirm_dialog_title")))])]), i("p", {
staticClass: "card-message f-h3"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.description))]), i("v-divider"), i("v-card-actions", {
staticClass: "card-padding"
}, [i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
outline: "",
color: "red"
on: {
click: e.closeDialog
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("dialog.button_cancel")) + "\n ")]), i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
outline: "",
color: "primary"
on: {
click: e.doConfirm
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("dialog.button_confirm")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)], 1)
ue = [],
me = {
name: "ConfirmDialog",
props: {
dialog: {
type: Boolean,
required: !0
description: {
type: String,
required: !0
closeDialog: {
type: Function,
required: !0
action: {
type: Function,
required: !0
methods: {
doConfirm() {
this.action(), this.closeDialog()
pe = me,
ve = (i("9328"), Object(b["a"])(pe, ce, ue, !1, null, "5f6d7f02", null)),
fe = ve.exports,
he = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-content"
}, [i("v-list", [i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.mainCard.firstName")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("editable-field", {
attrs: {
field: e.user.firstName ? e.user.firstName : "",
fieldName: "firstName",
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.mainCard.lastName")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("editable-field", {
attrs: {
field: e.user.lastName ? e.user.lastName : "",
fieldName: "lastName",
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("editable-field", {
attrs: {
field: ? : "",
fieldName: "email",
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.mainCard.phoneNumber")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("editable-field", {
attrs: {
field: e.user.phoneNumber ? e.user.phoneNumber : "",
fieldName: "phoneNumber",
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.mainCard.codiceFiscale")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("this.user.codiceFiscale", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1)], 1)], 1)
ke = [],
ge = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-end": ""
}, [e.edit ? i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: ""
}, [i("v-text-field", {
staticStyle: {
width: "20px"
attrs: {
placeholder: e.field,
height: 20,
autofocus: ""
on: {
keyup: function(t) {
return !t.type.indexOf("key") && e._k(t.keyCode, "enter", 13, t.key, "Enter") ? null : e.saveField(t)
model: {
value: e.model,
callback: function(t) {
e.model = t
expression: "model"
}), i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "icon-button",
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: e.saveField
}, [i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
small: "",
color: "red"
}, [e._v("fas fa-save")])], 1)], 1) : i("span", [i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("this.field", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))]), i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "icon-button",
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.edit = !0
}, [i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
small: "",
color: "red"
}, [e._v("fas fa-pencil-alt")])], 1)], 1)], 1)
be = [],
_e = {
name: "EditableField",
data() {
return {
edit: !1,
model: ""
props: {
field: {
type: String,
required: !0
fieldName: {
type: String,
required: !0
update: {
type: Function,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]],
methods: {
saveField() {
switch (this.edit = !1, this.fieldName) {
case "email":
email: this.model ? this.model : this.field
case "phoneNumber":
phoneNumber: this.model ? this.model : this.field
case "dateOfBirth":
dateOfBirth: this.model ? this.model : this.field
case "firstName":
firstName: this.model ? this.model : this.field
case "lastName":
lastName: this.model ? this.model : this.field
Ne = _e,
Se = (i("7701"), Object(b["a"])(Ne, ge, be, !1, null, "c1311752", null)),
ye = Se.exports,
Ee = {
name: "MainCard",
components: {
"editable-field": ye
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: !0
update: {
type: Function,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]]
De = Ee,
Ce = (i("b569"), Object(b["a"])(De, he, ke, !1, null, "2ef894d2", null)),
we = Ce.exports,
xe = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-content"
}, [i("v-list", [i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.dateOfBirth")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("editable-field", {
attrs: {
field: e.user.dateOfBirth ? new Date(e.user.dateOfBirth).toLocaleDateString() : "",
fieldName: "dateOfBirth",
update: e.update
})], 1), i("v-list-tile", [i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.residence")))]), i("v-spacer")], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.regione")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.provincia")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.comune")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.anagraphCard.municipio")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1)], 1)], 1)
Pe = [],
Oe = {
name: "AnagraphCard",
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: !0
update: {
type: Function,
required: !0
components: {
"editable-field": ye
mixins: [W["a"]]
$e = Oe,
Fe = (i("1584"), Object(b["a"])($e, xe, Pe, !1, null, "7a8f2d64", null)),
Ve = Fe.exports,
Re = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-content"
}, [i("v-list", [i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.createdAt")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.createdAt", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(new Date(e.user.createdAt).toLocaleDateString()) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.placeholder")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.emailVerified")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.emailVerified", null) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.true")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.false")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.identityVerified")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.identityVerified", null) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.true")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.false")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.enabled")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.enabled", null) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.true")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.false")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.settingCard.status")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.checkNull("this.user.status", e.$t("userDetail.placeholder"))))])], 1)], 1)], 1)
qe = [],
Te = {
name: "SettingCard",
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]]
Ae = Te,
Ie = (i("0a5e"), Object(b["a"])(Ae, Re, qe, !1, null, "20857ed6", null)),
je = Ie.exports,
Le = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-content"
}, [i("v-list", [i("v-list-tile", [i("v-spacer"), i("b", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.title")))]), i("v-spacer")], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.sms")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noSms", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.localEventsEmail")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noLocalEventsEmail", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.nationalEventsEmail")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noNationalEventsEmail", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.newsletterEmail")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noNewsletterEmail", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.rousseauEventsEmail")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noRousseauEventsEmail", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.voteEmail")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), e.checkNull("this.user.noVoteEmail", !1) ? i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.false")) + "\n ")]) : i("b", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("userDetail.preferenceCard.true")) + "\n ")])], 1)], 1)], 1)
Ue = [],
Ge = {
name: "PreferenceCard",
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]]
Be = Ge,
ze = (i("e3f3"), Object(b["a"])(Be, Le, Ue, !1, null, "4960908a", null)),
Me = ze.exports,
Qe = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-flex", {
class: e.flex && "card-padding",
attrs: {
xs6: e.flex
}, [i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-padding"
}, [e.checkNull("this.request.createdAt", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h2 card-title"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.historyCard.description_1")) + "\n " + e._s(new Date(e.request.createdAt).toLocaleDateString(void 0, {
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric"
})) + "\n ")]) : i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h2 card-title"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.historyElementDate")) + "\n ")]), i("v-divider"), e.checkNull("this.request.status", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h2 card-margin"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.historyCard.description_2")) + "\n "), "REJECTED" === this.request.status ? i("span", {
staticClass: "card-red-text"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.request.status) + "\n ")]) : "PENDING" === this.request.status ? i("span", {
staticClass: "card-orange-text"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.request.status) + "\n ")]) : "APPROVED" === this.request.status ? i("span", {
staticClass: "card-green-text"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.request.status) + "\n ")]) : i("span", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.request.status) + "\n ")])]) : i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h2 card-margin"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.historyCard.description_2")) + "\n "), i("span", {
staticClass: "card-grey-text"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.historyElementStatus")))])]), e.checkNull("this.request.rejectionReason", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h3 card-margin"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.request.rejectionReason) + "\n ")]) : "REJECTED" === e.request.status ? i("div", {
staticClass: "text-center f-h3 card-margin"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.historyElementReason")) + "\n ")]) : e._e(), e.checkNull("this.request.documents", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "card-margin"
}, e._l(e.request.documents, function(t, n) {
return i("div", {
key: n,
attrs: {
request: e.request
}, [t.originalUrl ? i("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.originalUrl,
target: "_blank"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.historyCard.description_3")) + e._s(n + 1) + "\n ")]) : i("div", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.historyElementDocument_1")) + "\n " + e._s(n + 1) + "\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.historyElementDocument_2")) + "\n ")])])
}), 0) : e._e()], 1)], 1)
Ye = [],
He = {
name: "HistoryElementCard",
props: {
request: {
type: Object,
required: !0
flex: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
mixins: [W["a"]]
Ke = He,
Je = (i("8aca"), Object(b["a"])(Ke, Qe, Ye, !1, null, "038f7dbd", null)),
We = Je.exports,
Ze = i("6154"),
Xe = i("713c"),
et = i("289d"),
tt = {
name: "UserDetail",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"error-dialog": de,
"confirm-dialog": fe,
"main-card": we,
"anagraph-card": Ve,
"setting-card": je,
"preference-card": Me,
"history-element-card": We
mixins: [W["a"]],
props: {
id: {
type: String,
required: !0
data() {
return {
users: [],
error: !1,
confirm: !1
mounted() {
apollo: {
users: {
query: Ze["users"],
variables() {
return {
methods: {
async doDelete() {
try {
const t = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: et["deleteUser"],
variables: {
}); ? (this.error = !0, console.log( : ca.push({
name: "admin"
} catch (e) {
this.error = !0, console.log(e)
async update(e) {
if ( && (this.users.nodes[0].email =, e.phoneNumber && (this.users.nodes[0].phoneNumber = e.phoneNumber), e.firstName && (this.users.nodes[0].firstName = e.firstName), e.lastName && (this.users.nodes[0].lastName = e.lastName), e.dateOfBirth) {
var t = e.dateOfBirth.split("/");
this.users.nodes[0].dateOfBirth = new Date(t[2], t[1] - 1, t[0])
try {
const t = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Xe["updateUser"],
variables: {
attributes: e
}); && (this.error = !0, console.log(
} catch (i) {
this.error = !0, console.log(i)
it = tt,
nt = (i("8114"), Object(b["a"])(it, ie, ne, !1, null, "27f74eee", null)),
at = nt.exports,
ot = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v("Gestione Email")]), i("v-card", {
staticClass: "editor-card"
}, [i("vue-editor", {
staticClass: "editor-html",
model: {
value: e.content,
callback: function(t) {
e.content = t
expression: "content"
})], 1)], 1)]
], 2)
st = [],
rt = i("5873"),
lt = {
name: "Email",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"vue-editor": rt["a"]
data() {
return {
content: ""
methods: {
print() {
dt = lt,
ct = (i("7f1a"), Object(b["a"])(dt, ot, st, !1, null, null, null)),
ut = ct.exports,
mt = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center"
}, [i("v-card", {
attrs: {
color: "grey lighten-4"
}, [i("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
color: "grey darken-1",
dark: ""
}, [i("v-toolbar-title", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.title")))])], 1), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-center": ""
}, [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: ""
}, [i("v-list", {
attrs: {
dark: ""
}, [i("poll-list-item", {
attrs: {
poll: e.newPoll
on: {
updatePoll: function(t) {
e.newPoll = e.defaultPoll
shouldRefetchPolls: e.refetchPolls
})], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1), e.polls && e.polls.nodes && e.polls.nodes.length ? i("v-card", {
attrs: {
color: "grey lighten-4 margin-top"
}, [i("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
color: "grey darken-1",
dark: ""
}, [i("v-toolbar-title", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.pollList")))]), i("v-spacer"), i("v-toolbar-items", [i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
outline: e.trash,
icon: ""
on: {
click: e.toggleTrash
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("delete")])], 1)], 1)], 1), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-center": ""
}, [e.loadingPolls ? i("v-flex", {
staticClass: "padding",
attrs: {
xs12: "",
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
loading: "",
readonly: ""
})], 1) : i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: ""
}, [e.pollsFiltered.length ? i("v-list", {
attrs: {
dark: ""
}, e._l(e.pollsFiltered, function(t, n) {
return i("poll-list-item", {
key: "pollListItem-" + n,
attrs: {
poll: t
on: {
shouldRefetchPolls: e.refetchPolls,
updatePoll: function(e) {
t = e
}), 1) : i("p", {
staticClass: "padding text-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.noPollsFound")))])], 1)], 1)], 1) : e._e()], 1)], 1)
pt = [],
vt = i("cc71"),
ft = i.n(vt),
ht = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("div", [i("v-list-tile", {
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.showDetails = !e.showDetails
}, [i("v-list-tile-content", [ ? i("v-list-tile-title", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.poll.title) + " \n ")]) : i("v-list-tile-title", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("editPoll.title")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("v-list-tile-avatar", [e.poll && e.poll.status ? i("v-btn", {
class: e.color(e.poll.status),
attrs: {
small: ""
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.poll.status) + "\n ")]) : e._e()], 1), i("v-list-tile-action", [e.showDetails ? i("v-icon", [e._v("keyboard_arrow_down")]) : i("v-icon", [e._v("keyboard_arrow_up")])], 1)], 1), e.showDetails ? i("v-card", [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: ""
}, [i("v-stepper", {
model: {
value: e.stepper,
callback: function(t) {
e.stepper = t
expression: "stepper"
}, [i("v-stepper-header", [i("v-stepper-step", {
attrs: {
complete: e.step1Complete,
step: "1"
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.stepper = 1
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll_title")))]), i("v-divider"), e.poll && e.poll.slug ? i("v-stepper-step", {
attrs: {
complete: e.step2Complete,
step: "2"
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.stepper = 2
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.option_group_title")))]) : e._e(), i("v-divider"), e.poll && e.poll.slug ? i("v-stepper-step", {
attrs: {
complete: e.step3Complete,
step: "3"
on: {
click: function(t) {
e.stepper = 3
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.actions")))]) : e._e()], 1), i("v-stepper-items", [i("v-stepper-content", {
attrs: {
step: "1"
}, [i("poll-panel", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
poll: e.poll
on: {
shouldRefetchPolls: e.refetchPolls,
updatePoll: e.updatePoll
})], 1), i("v-stepper-content", {
attrs: {
step: "2"
}, [i("option-group-panel", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
poll: e.poll
on: {
updatePoll: e.updatePoll
})], 1), i("v-stepper-content", {
attrs: {
step: "3"
}, [i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
loading: e.loadingPublish
on: {
click: e.publish
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("publish")]), e._v(" \n " + e._s(e.$t("editPoll.publish")) + "\n ")], 1), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
loading: e.loadingOpen
on: {
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("lock_open")]), e._v(" \n " + e._s(e.$t("")) + "\n ")], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1) : e._e()], 1)
kt = [],
gt = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "padding",
attrs: {
elevation: "0"
}, [e.poll && e.poll.slug ? i("v-form", [i("v-divider", {
staticClass: "margin-bottom"
}), i("h2", {
staticClass: "margin-bottom"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.option_group_title")))]), i("v-layout", [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs6: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.title_placeholder")))]), i("v-text-field", {
staticClass: "margin-right-10",
model: {
value: e.optionGroup.title,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.optionGroup, "title", t)
expression: "optionGroup.title"
})], 1), i("v-spacer"), "MULTIPLE" == e.poll.optionType ? i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs6: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.option_number")))]), i("v-text-field", {
attrs: {
type: "number",
min: 0
on: {
input: function(t) {
e.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber = parseInt(e.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber)
model: {
value: e.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.optionGroup, "maxSelectableOptionsNumber", t)
expression: "optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber"
})], 1) : e._e()], 1), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.description_placeholder")))]), i("v-textarea", {
attrs: {
"auto-grow": ""
model: {
value: e.optionGroup.description,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.optionGroup, "description", t)
expression: "optionGroup.description"
}), "BINARY" == e.poll.optionType && e.options.length < 2 || "MULTIPLE" == e.poll.optionType && e.options.length < e.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber || "ENTITY" == e.poll.optionGroup ? i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: "",
wrap: ""
}, [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.new_option_placeholder")))]), i("v-text-field", {
attrs: {
"append-icon": "add"
on: {
"click:append": e.createOption
model: {
value: e.newOption,
callback: function(t) {
e.newOption = t
expression: "newOption"
})], 1)], 1) : e._e(), e._l(e.options, function(t, n) {
return [i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: "",
wrap: ""
}, [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.option_placeholder") + (n + 1)))]), i("v-text-field", {
attrs: {
"append-icon": "delete",
readonly: !!
on: {
"click:append": function(i) {
return e.removeOption(t)
model: {
value: t.text,
callback: function(i) {
e.$set(t, "text", i)
expression: "option.text"
})], 1)], 1)]
}), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-end": ""
}, [e.error ? i("span", {
staticClass: "poll-card-badge"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.error")) + "\n ")]) : e._e(), i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
disabled: e.disabled,
loading: e.loadingSave
on: {
click: e.submit
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("save")])], 1)], 1)], 2) : [i("p", {
staticClass: "text-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.notEnoughInfo")))])]], 2)
bt = [],
_t = i("8679"),
Nt = i("dcc1"),
St = i("71c3"),
yt = i("42f3"),
Et = {
name: "option-group-panel",
created() {
this.poll && (this.poll.optionGroups && this.poll.optionGroups.length && (this.optionGroup = this.poll.optionGroups[0]), this.optionGroup && this.optionGroup.options ? this.options = this.optionGroup.options : this.options = [], this.slug = this.poll.slug)
data() {
return {
error: !1,
loadingSave: !1,
slug: "",
newOption: "",
optionGroup: {
title: "",
description: "",
maxSelectableOptionsNumber: 0
options: [{
text: "",
type: "TextOption"
props: {
poll: {
type: Object
computed: {
disabled: {
get() {
return !this.optionGroup.title || this.options.filter(e => !e.text).length > 0 || this.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber < 1
methods: {
canAdd() {},
async createOption(e, t) {
try {
const t = {
text: this.newOption,
type: "TextOption"
e = null;
if (this.optionGroup && && (e = atob(, e = e.replace(e.split("-")[0] + "-", "")), !e) {
const t = {
title: this.optionGroup.title,
description: this.optionGroup.description,
maxSelectableOptionsNumber: this.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber ? this.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber : 2
let i =;
i = atob(i), i = i.replace(i.split("-")[0] + "-", "");
const n = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: _t["createOptionGroup"],
variables: {
pollId: i,
attributes: t
}); ? (this.error = !0, console.error("optionGroup Create Error")) : (this.optionGroup =, e = atob(, e = e.replace(e.split("-")[0] + "-", ""))
const n = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: St["optionCreate"],
variables: {
option_group_id: e,
attributes: t
}); ? this.error = !0 : (this.newOption = "", this.options.push(
} catch (i) {
async removeOption(e) {
try {
const i = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: yt["optionDelete"],
variables: {
this.options = this.options.filter(t => !=, ? this.error = !0 : (this.newOption = "", this.error = !1)
} catch (t) {
async submit() {
this.loadingSave = !0;
try {
var e = null,
t = atob(;
t = t.replace(t.split("-")[0] + "-", ""), e = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Nt["editOptionGroup"],
variables: {
id: t,
attributes: {
title: this.optionGroup.title,
description: this.optionGroup.description,
maxSelectableOptionsNumber: this.optionGroup.maxSelectableOptionsNumber
}), ? this.error = !0 : this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectSaved"))
} catch (i) {
this.error = !0, console.log(i)
this.loadingSave = !1
Dt = Et,
Ct = (i("7ca7"), Object(b["a"])(Dt, gt, bt, !1, null, "4fcf31cd", null)),
wt = Ct.exports,
xt = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "padding",
attrs: {
elevation: "0"
}, [i("v-form", [i("v-layout", [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs6: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.title_placeholder")))]), i("v-text-field", {
model: {
value: e.poll.title,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "title", t)
expression: "poll.title"
})], 1), i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs6: ""
}, [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.type_placeholder")))]), i("v-select", {
attrs: {
items: e.types
model: {
value: e.poll.optionType,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "optionType", t)
expression: "poll.optionType"
})], 1)], 1), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.description_placeholder")))]), i("v-textarea", {
attrs: {
"auto-grow": ""
model: {
value: e.poll.description,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "description", t)
expression: "poll.description"
}), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.show_starting_date")))]), i("date-component", {
attrs: {
date: e.poll.showStartingDate
on: {
dateTimeChange: function(t) {
e.setDate("showStartingDate", t)
}), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.vote_starting_date")))]), i("date-component", {
attrs: {
date: e.poll.voteStartingDate
on: {
dateTimeChange: function(t) {
e.setDate("voteStartingDate", t)
}), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.vote_ending_date")))]), i("date-component", {
attrs: {
date: e.poll.voteEndingDate
on: {
dateTimeChange: function(t) {
e.setDate("voteEndingDate", t)
}), e.poll.slug ? [i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.resultsLink")))]), i("v-text-field", {
model: {
value: e.poll.resultsLink,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "resultsLink", t)
expression: "poll.resultsLink"
}), i("label", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.announcementLink")))]), i("v-text-field", {
model: {
value: e.poll.announcementLink,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "announcementLink", t)
expression: "poll.announcementLink"
})] : e._e(), i("v-checkbox", {
attrs: {
label: e.$t("editPoll.poll.publicResults")
model: {
value: e.poll.publicResults,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.poll, "publicResults", t)
expression: "poll.publicResults"
})], 2), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-end": ""
}, [e.canDelete() ? i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red white--text",
loading: e.loadingDelete
on: {
click: e.remove
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.poll.title) + "\n "), i("v-icon", [e._v("delete")])], 1) : e._e(), e.error ? i("span", {
staticClass: "poll-card-badge"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("editPoll.poll.error")) + "\n ")]) : e._e(), i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
loading: e.loadingSave,
disabled: e.disabled
on: {
click: e.submit
}, [i("v-icon", [e._v("save")])], 1)], 1)], 1)
Pt = [],
Ot = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-layout", [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: "",
md6: ""
}, [i("v-menu", {
attrs: {
"close-on-content-click": !1,
"nudge-right": 40,
lazy: "",
transition: "scale-transition",
"offset-y": "",
"full-width": "",
"min-width": "290px"
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(t) {
var n = t.on;
return [i("v-text-field", e._g({
attrs: {
label: e.$t("editPoll.poll.date_placeholder"),
"prepend-icon": "event",
readonly: ""
model: {
value: e.datePart,
callback: function(t) {
e.datePart = t
expression: "datePart"
}, n))]
model: {
value: e.menuDate,
callback: function(t) {
e.menuDate = t
expression: "menuDate"
}, [i("v-date-picker", {
on: {
change: e.setDate
model: {
value: e.datePart,
callback: function(t) {
e.datePart = t
expression: "datePart"
})], 1)], 1), i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs12: "",
md6: ""
}, [i("v-menu", {
ref: "menuTime",
attrs: {
"close-on-content-click": !1,
"nudge-right": 40,
"return-value": e.timePart,
lazy: "",
transition: "scale-transition",
"offset-y": "",
"full-width": "",
"max-width": "290px",
"min-width": "290px"
on: {
"update:returnValue": function(t) {
e.timePart = t
"update:return-value": function(t) {
e.timePart = t
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(t) {
var n = t.on;
return [i("v-text-field", e._g({
attrs: {
label: e.$t("editPoll.poll.time_placeholder"),
"prepend-icon": "access_time",
readonly: ""
model: {
value: e.timePart,
callback: function(t) {
e.timePart = t
expression: "timePart"
}, n))]
model: {
value: e.menuTime,
callback: function(t) {
e.menuTime = t
expression: "menuTime"
}, [e.menuTime ? i("v-time-picker", {
attrs: {
"full-width": ""
on: {
change: e.setDate,
"click:minute": function(t) {
return e.$
model: {
value: e.timePart,
callback: function(t) {
e.timePart = t
expression: "timePart"
}) : e._e()], 1)], 1)], 1)
$t = [],
Ft = {
name: "DateComponent",
data() {
return {
dateMenu: !1,
menuTime: !1,
menuDate: !1,
datePart: "",
timePart: ""
props: {
date: {
type: String
watch: {
date: function() {"T")[0] ? this.datePart ="T")[0] : this.datePart = "","T")[1] ? this.timePart ="T")[1].substr(0, 5) : this.timePart = ""
methods: {
setDate() {
try {
var e = this.datePart,
t = this.timePart,
i = e.split("-");
i = i.concat(t.split(":")), this.$emit("dateTimeChange", new Date(...i).toISOString()), this.menuTime = !1, this.menuDate = !1
} catch (n) {
console.error(n, "setDate.DateComponent")
formatDate(e) {
var t = new Date(e),
i = "" + (t.getMonth() + 1),
n = "" + t.getDate(),
a = t.getFullYear();
return i.length < 2 && (i = "0" + i), n.length < 2 && (n = "0" + n), [a, i, n].join("-")
Vt = Ft,
Rt = (i("f327"), Object(b["a"])(Vt, Ot, $t, !1, null, "3bedf230", null)),
qt = Rt.exports,
Tt = i("8d60"),
At = i("0275"),
It = i("1c8b"),
jt = {
name: "poll-panel",
components: {
"date-component": qt
data() {
return {
loadingSave: !1,
loadingDelete: !1,
types: ["BINARY", "MULTIPLE", "ENTITY"],
error: !1
props: {
poll: {
type: Object,
required: !1
computed: {
disabled: {
get() {
return !this.poll.title || !this.poll.optionType || !this.poll.description || !this.poll.showStartingDate || !this.poll.voteStartingDate || !this.poll.voteEndingDate
methods: {
async remove() {
this.loadingDelete = !0;
const e =;
await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: It["RemovePoll"],
variables: {
id: e
}), this.$emit("shouldRefetchPolls"), this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectDeleted")), this.loadingDelete = !1
async submit() {
this.loadingSave = !0;
try {
var e = null;
this.poll; ? (e = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: At["EditPoll"],
variables: {
attributes: {
title: this.poll.title,
description: this.poll.description,
showStartingDate: this.poll.showStartingDate,
voteStartingDate: this.poll.voteStartingDate,
voteEndingDate: this.poll.voteEndingDate,
announcementLink: this.poll.announcementLink,
resultsLink: this.poll.resultsLink,
publicResults: this.poll.publicResults
}), ? this.error = !0 : (this.error = !1, this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectSaved")), this.$emit("shouldRefetchPolls"))) : (e = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Tt["CreatePoll"],
variables: {
attributes: {
title: this.poll.title,
optionType: this.poll.optionType,
description: this.poll.description,
showStartingDate: this.poll.showStartingDate,
voteStartingDate: this.poll.voteStartingDate,
voteEndingDate: this.poll.voteEndingDate,
publicResults: this.poll.publicResults
}), ? this.error = !0 : (this.error = !1, this.$emit("shouldRefetchPolls"), this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectCreated")), this.$emit("updatePoll")))
} catch (t) {
this.error = !0, console.error(t)
this.loadingSave = !1
setDate(e, t) {
this.poll[e] = t
canDelete() {
const e = new Date;
return this.poll && && e.getTime() < new Date(this.poll.showStartingDate).getTime()
updatePoll(e) {
this.$emit("updatePoll", e)
Lt = jt,
Ut = (i("df09"), Object(b["a"])(Lt, xt, Pt, !1, null, "4873ad4b", null)),
Gt = Ut.exports,
Bt = i("7075"),
zt = i("6287"),
Mt = {
props: ["poll"],
components: {
"option-group-panel": wt,
"poll-panel": Gt
data() {
return {
loadingPublish: !1,
loadingOpen: !1,
stepper: 1,
showDetails: !1
computed: {
step1Complete() {
return 1 == (this.poll &&
step2Complete() {
return 1 == (this.poll && this.poll.slug.length)
step3Complete() {
return 1 == (this.poll && this.poll.slug.length)
methods: {
color(e) {
switch (e) {
case "OPEN":
return "blue";
case "CLOSED":
return "black";
return "red";
case "PENDING":
return "orange";
return "green"
updatePoll(e) {
this.$emit("updatePoll", e)
refetchPolls() {
async open() {
this.loadingOpen = !0;
try {
const t =;
await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Bt["OpenPoll"],
variables: {
id: t
}), this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectOpened")), this.refetchPolls()
} catch (e) {
this.loadingOpen = !1
async publish() {
this.loadingPublish = !0;
try {
const t =;
await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: zt["PublishPoll"],
variables: {
id: t
}), this.$store.commit("utils/snackBar", this.$t("snackBar.objectPublished")), this.refetchPolls()
} catch (e) {
this.loadingPublish = !1
Qt = Mt,
Yt = (i("dc40"), Object(b["a"])(Qt, ht, kt, !1, null, "b6994b6c", null)),
Ht = Yt.exports,
Kt = {
name: "EditPolls",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"poll-list-item": Ht
computed: {
pollsFiltered() {
return this.trash ? this.polls.nodes.filter(e => "CANCELLED" == e.status).sort(this.sortPolls) : this.polls.nodes.filter(e => "CANCELLED" !== e.status).sort(this.sortPolls)
loadingPolls() {
return this.$apollo.queries.polls.loading
data() {
return {
pollSlug: null,
after: null,
trash: !1,
defaultPoll: {
title: "",
description: "",
showStartingDate: "",
voteStartingDate: "",
voteEndingDate: ""
newPoll: {
title: "",
description: "",
showStartingDate: "",
voteStartingDate: "",
voteEndingDate: ""
apollo: {
polls: {
query: ft.a,
variables() {
return {
after: this.after
methods: {
sortPolls(e, t) {
return e.showStartingDate < t.showStartingDate ? 1 : e.showStartingDate >= t.showStartingDate ? -1 : 0
refetchPolls() {
setSlug(e) {
this.pollSlug = e
toggleTrash() {
this.trash = !this.trash
updatePoll(e) {}
Jt = Kt,
Wt = Object(b["a"])(Jt, mt, pt, !1, null, null, null),
Zt = Wt.exports,
Xt = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("h1", [e._v("View Polls")])]
], 2)
ei = [],
ti = {
name: "ViewPolls",
components: {
"main-layout": A
ii = ti,
ni = Object(b["a"])(ii, Xt, ei, !1, null, null, null),
ai = ni.exports,
oi = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.title")))]), i("v-select", {
attrs: {
solo: "",
items: e.pollTitles,
label: e.$t("viewPollResult.select_placeholder")
model: {
callback: function(t) { = t
expression: "id"
}), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: ""
}, [i("v-spacer"), i("span", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.checkNull("this.poll.title", "")) + "\n ")]), i("v-spacer"), "OPEN" === e.checkNull("this.poll.status", "CLOSED") ? i("span", {
class: ["timer", this.seconds > 9 ? "timer-padding-double" : "timer-padding-single"]
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(this.seconds) + "\n ")]) : e._e()], 1), i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: "",
"justify-center": "",
wrap: ""
}, [i("v-flex", {
staticClass: "card-padding",
attrs: {
xs12: "",
sm8: ""
}, [i("option-card", {
attrs: {
poll: e.poll,
theme: e.theme
})], 1), i("v-flex", {
staticClass: "card-padding",
attrs: {
xs12: "",
sm4: ""
}, [i("color-picker-card", {
staticClass: "poll-card-margin",
attrs: {
setTheme: e.setTheme
}), e.checkNull("this.poll.resultSummary", !1) ? i("summary-card", {
attrs: {
poll: e.poll
}) : e._e()], 1)], 1)], 1)]
], 2)
si = [],
ri = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", [i("option-pie", {
attrs: {
poll: e.poll,
theme: e.theme
}), i("option-list", {
attrs: {
poll: e.poll
})], 1)
li = [],
di = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("GChart", {
attrs: {
type: "PieChart",
data: e.pieOptions,
options: e.chartOptions
ci = [],
ui = i("cb43"),
mi = i("a925"),
pi = {
snackBar: {
objectSaved: "Elemento salvato correttamente",
objectDeleted: "Elemento eliminato correttamente",
objectCreated: "Elemento creato correttamente",
objectPublished: "Elemento pubblicato correttamente",
objectOpened: "Elemento aperto correttamente"
editPoll: {
actions: "Azioni",
noPollsFound: "Nessuna votazione attiva",
title: "Nuova Votazione",
pollList: "Lista delle votazioni",
noPolls: "Nessuna votazione modificabile",
poll_title: "Info votazione",
option_group_title: "Opzioni di voto",
save_button: "SALVA",
delete_button: "ELIMINA",
publish: "Pubblica Votazioni",
open: "Apri Votazioni",
option_number: "Numero Opzioni Selezionabili",
notEnoughInfo: "Modifica non ancora abilitata",
poll: {
publicResults: "Risultati pubblici",
resultLink: "Link risultati",
title_placeholder: "Inserisci Titolo",
type_placeholder: "Seleziona Tipo Votazione",
description_placeholder: "Inserisci Descrizione",
new_option_placeholder: "Nuova opzione di voto",
resultsLink: "Link ai risultati",
announcementLink: "Link annuncio risultati",
date_placeholder: "Data",
add: "Aggiungi opzione",
list: "Elenco",
time_placeholder: "Ore",
option_placeholder: "Inserisci Opzione ",
show_starting_date: "Data Pubblicazione",
vote_starting_date: "Data Inizio Votazione",
vote_ending_date: "Data Fine Votazione",
error: "Ops, qualcosa è andato storto..."
search: {
title: "Ricerca Utenti"
viewPermission: {
title: "Vedi Permessi",
placeholder: "Nessun Utente",
placeholder_element: "Non Disponibile"
userDetail: {
title: "Dettaglio Utente",
certification: "Richieste di Certificazione",
back: "INDIETRO",
placeholder: "Non Disponibile",
mainCard: {
firstName: "Nome",
lastName: "Cognome",
email: "Email",
phoneNumber: "Telefono",
codiceFiscale: "Codice Fiscale"
anagraphCard: {
dateOfBirth: "Data di Nascita",
residence: "Informazioni di Residenza",
country: "Stato",
regione: "Regione",
provincia: "Provincia",
comune: "Comune",
municipio: "Mucipio"
settingCard: {
true: "SI",
false: "NO",
createdAt: "Data Iscrizione",
emailVerified: "Verifica Email",
identityVerified: "Verifica Identità",
enabled: "Abilitato",
status: "Status"
preferenceCard: {
title: "Preferenze sulle Comunicazioni",
true: "SI",
false: "NO",
sms: "SMS",
localEventsEmail: "Email su Eventi Locali",
nationalEventsEmail: "Email su Eventi Nazionali",
newsletterEmail: "Newsletter",
rousseauEventsEmail: "Email su Eventi Rousseau",
voteEmail: "Email di Avviso al Voto"
dialog: {
confirm_dialog_title: "CONFERMA",
delete_description: "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo utente?",
button_cancel: "ANNULLA",
button_confirm: "CONFERMA"
manageCertification: {
title: "Gestione Certificationi",
subtitle_1: "Ci sono ",
subtitle_2: " richieste in sospeso",
buttons: {
accept: "ACCETTA",
reject: "RESPINGI"
documentCard: {
description_1: "Nato il ",
description_2: "Residente in ",
error_2: "Clicca per visualizzare il file"
historyCard: {
description_1: "Richiesta del ",
description_2: "Status: ",
description_3: "Vedi Documento "
rejectDialog: {
labelSelect: "Seleziona motivazione",
labelText: "Spiega la motivazione",
option_1: "Non leggibile",
description_1: "L'immagine del documento che hai caricato non risulta leggibile. Caricane una più nitida.",
option_2: "Dati Errati",
description_2: "I dati del profilo non coincidono con quelli presenti nel documento che hai caricato. Modifica i dati del tuo profilo o carica un nuovo documento d'identità.Ti ricordiamo che i documenti ritenuti validi sono la carta di identità, la patente e il passaporto.",
option_3: "Non Valida",
description_3: "L'immagine che hai caricato non è un documento di identità accettato in questo processo di registrazione. Ti ricordiamo che i documenti ritenuti validi sono la carta di identità, la patente e il passaporto.",
option_4: "Retro",
description_4: "Hai caricato il retro del documento. Ai fini della certificazione devi caricare il lato frontale: dati anagrafici e foto devono essere visibili.",
option_5: "Data di Nascita",
description_5: 'La data di nascita che hai inserito nel modulo di registrazione, non coincide con quella presente nel documento che hai caricato. Accedi a "Modifica profilo" e inserisci la data corretta.',
option_6: "Altro",
description_6: "",
buttonCancel: "ANNULLA",
buttonConfirm: "CONFERMA",
error: "C'è stato un errore, riprova più tardi"
acceptDialog: {
title: "ERRORE",
buttonOK: "OK!"
placeholders: {
name: "Nome non disponibile",
dateOfBirth: "Data di nascita non disponibile",
municipality: "Residenza non disponibile",
history: "Storico richieste non disponibile",
historyElementDate: "Data non disponibile",
historyElementStatus: "NON DISPONIBILE",
historyElementReason: "Motivo non disponibile",
historyElementDocument_1: "Documento ",
historyElementDocument_2: " non disponibile "
viewPollResult: {
title: "Risultati Votazioni",
select_placeholder: "Seleziona Votazione",
percentage: "%",
other: "Altre Opzioni",
votes: " voti",
vote: " voto",
total_voters: "Totale Votanti",
total_votes: "Totale Voti",
average_votes: "Media Voti"
function vi() {
const e = i("2500"),
t = {
it: {
return e.keys().forEach(i => {
const n = i.match(/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)\./i);
if (n && n.length > 1) {
const a = n[1];
t[a] = e(i)
}), t
var fi = new mi["a"]({
locale: Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
}).VUE_APP_I18N_LOCALE || "it",
fallbackLocale: Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
messages: vi()
hi = {
name: "OptionPie",
components: {
GChart: ui["GChart"]
props: {
poll: {
type: Object,
required: !0
theme: {
type: Array,
required: !0
computed: {
pieOptions: {
get() {
var e = [
["Option", "Value"]
if (!this.poll || !this.poll.resultSummary || !this.poll.resultSummary.results || !this.poll.resultSummary.results.nodes) return e;
var t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.poll.resultSummary.results.nodes));
t.sort((e, t) => t.count - e.count);
var i = [];
return t.length > 5 && (i = [fi.t("viewPollResult.other"), 0]), t.forEach((n, a) => {
t.length > 5 && a > 3 ? i[1] += n.count : e.push([n.option.text, n.count])
}), e.sort((e, t) => e[1] - t[1]), t.length > 5 && e.splice(1, 0, i), e
chartOptions: {
get() {
return {
height: 350,
is3D: !0,
fontSize: 15,
colors: this.theme,
pieSliceText: "percentage",
legend: {
position: "none"
tooltip: {
color: "red",
trigger: "selection",
isHtml: !0,
ignoreBounds: !0
ki = hi,
gi = Object(b["a"])(ki, di, ci, !1, null, null, null),
bi = gi.exports,
_i = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("div", [i("v-expansion-panel", {
attrs: {
expand: ""
model: {
value: e.panel,
callback: function(t) {
e.panel = t
expression: "panel"
}, e._l(e.listOptions, function(t, n) {
return i("v-expansion-panel-content", {
key: n,
attrs: {
"expand-icon": t.short !== t.long ? e.$vuetify.icons.expand : "fiber_manual_record"
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "header",
fn: function() {
return [i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs1: ""
}, [i("b", [e._v(e._s(t.percentage) + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.percentage")))])]), i("span", {
staticClass: "option-list-short"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.short))]), i("v-spacer"), i("span", {
staticClass: "option-list-value"
}, [i("b", [e._v(e._s(t.count))]), e._v(e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.votes")) + "\n ")])]
proxy: !0
}], null, !0)
}, [t.short !== t.long ? i("v-card", [i("v-card-text", {
staticClass: "grey lighten-3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(t.long) + "\n ")])], 1) : e._e()], 1)
}), 1)], 1)
Ni = [],
Si = {
name: "OptionList",
data() {
return {
panel: []
props: {
poll: {
type: Object,
required: !0
computed: {
listOptions: {
get() {
var e = [];
if (!this.poll || !this.poll.resultSummary || !this.poll.resultSummary.results || !this.poll.resultSummary.results.nodes) return e;
var t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.poll.resultSummary.results.nodes));
return t.sort((e, t) => t.count - e.count), t.forEach(t => {
short: t.option.text.length > 40 ? t.option.text.substring(0, 40) + "..." : t.option.text,
long: t.option.text,
count: t.count,
percentage: Math.round(100 * t.count / this.poll.resultSummary.totalAnswerCount * 10) / 10
}), e
yi = Si,
Ei = (i("a640"), Object(b["a"])(yi, _i, Ni, !1, null, "422f42a1", null)),
Di = Ei.exports,
Ci = {
name: "OptionCard",
components: {
"option-pie": bi,
"option-list": Di
props: {
poll: {
type: Object,
required: !0
theme: {
type: Array,
required: !0
wi = Ci,
xi = Object(b["a"])(wi, ri, li, !1, null, null, null),
Pi = xi.exports,
Oi = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", [i("v-list", {
staticClass: "list-padding"
}, [i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.total_voters")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("span", {
staticClass: "f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.poll.resultSummary.submittedAnswerCount))]), e._v(" \n " + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.votes")) + "\n ")], 1), i("v-divider"), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.total_votes")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("span", {
staticClass: "f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.poll.resultSummary.totalAnswerCount))]), e._v(" \n " + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.votes")) + "\n ")], 1), i("v-divider"), i("v-list-tile", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.average_votes")) + "\n "), i("v-spacer"), i("span", {
staticClass: "f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.poll.resultSummary.averageAnswerCount))]), e._v(" \n "), 1 === e.poll.resultSummary.averageAnswerCount ? i("span", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("")))]) : i("span", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("viewPollResult.votes")))])], 1)], 1)], 1)
$i = [],
Fi = {
name: "SummaryCard",
props: {
poll: {
type: Object,
required: !0
Vi = Fi,
Ri = (i("b0d6"), Object(b["a"])(Vi, Oi, $i, !1, null, "168425bc", null)),
qi = Ri.exports,
Ti = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", [i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "color-button",
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
return e.setTheme(
}, [i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
large: "",
color: "#E2711D"
}, [e._v("fiber_manual_record")])], 1), i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "color-button",
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
return e.setTheme(e.purple)
}, [i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
large: "",
color: "#bab7d9"
}, [e._v("fiber_manual_record")])], 1), i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "color-button",
attrs: {
flat: ""
on: {
click: function(t) {
return e.setTheme(e.mix)
}, [i("v-icon", {
attrs: {
large: "",
color: "#F4C95D"
}, [e._v("fiber_manual_record")])], 1)], 1)
Ai = [],
Ii = {
name: "ColorPickerCard",
data() {
return {
orange: ["#E2711D", "#FFC971", "#CC5803", "#FFB627", "#FF9505"],
purple: ["#bab7d9", "#7164ff", "#463d96", "#a6a0e6", "#8c83f2"],
mix: ["#2E1F27", "#854D27", "#DD7230", "#E7E393", "#F4C95D"]
props: {
setTheme: {
type: Function,
required: !0
ji = Ii,
Li = (i("bd8a"), Object(b["a"])(ji, Ti, Ai, !1, null, "1daaf8d8", null)),
Ui = Li.exports,
Gi = i("37bb"),
Bi = i("5118"),
zi = {
name: "ViewPollResult",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"option-card": Pi,
"summary-card": qi,
"color-picker-card": Ui
data() {
return {
id: null,
seconds: 10,
polls: {
nodes: []
poll: {},
skip: !0,
theme: ["#E2711D", "#FFC971", "#CC5803", "#FFB627", "#FF9505"],
scheduler: null
mixins: [W["a"]],
apollo: {
polls: {
query: vt["listPolls"]
poll: {
query: Gi["getPollResult"],
variables() {
return {
skip() {
return null ===
watch: {
poll: function() {
this.seconds = 10, Object(Bi["clearInterval"])(this.scheduler), "OPEN" === this.poll.status && (this.scheduler = Object(Bi["setInterval"])(() => {
this.seconds -= 1, 0 === this.seconds && ("OPEN" === this.poll.status ? (this.reload(), this.seconds = 10) : Object(Bi["clearInterval"])(this.scheduler))
}, 1e3))
$route: "pollTitles"
computed: {
pollTitles: {
get() {
var e = [];
return this.polls.nodes.forEach(t => e.push(t.slug)), console.log(e), e
methods: {
setTheme(e) {
this.theme = e
reload() {
Mi = zi,
Qi = (i("642a"), Object(b["a"])(Mi, oi, si, !1, null, null, null)),
Yi = Qi.exports,
Hi = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("h1", [e._v("View Certification")])]
], 2)
Ki = [],
Ji = {
name: "ViewCertification",
components: {
"main-layout": A
Wi = Ji,
Zi = Object(b["a"])(Wi, Hi, Ki, !1, null, null, null),
Xi = Zi.exports,
en = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("viewPermission.title")))]), i("br"), e._l(e.permissions, function(e, t) {
return i("permission-card", {
key: t,
attrs: {
permission: e
})], 2)]
], 2)
tn = [],
nn = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card justify-center"
}, [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3 f-bold f-uppercase"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.permission.description) + " (" + e._s(e.permission.code) + ")")])]), i("v-divider"), i("br"), e.permission.users && e.permission.users.length > 0 ? i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
column: ""
}, [i("permission-card-table", {
attrs: {
users: e.permission.users
})], 1) : i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
"justify-center": ""
}, [i("span", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("viewPermission.placeholder")))])])], 1)
an = [],
on = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-data-table", {
staticClass: "elevation-1",
attrs: {
headers: e.headers,
items: e.users,
"hide-actions": ""
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "items",
fn: function(t) {
return [i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(t.item.firstName) + " " + e._s(t.item.lastName))]), i("td", {
staticClass: "text-xs-center"
}, [e._v(e._s(])]
sn = [],
rn = {
name: "PermissionCardTable",
data() {
return {
headers: [{
text: "Nome",
align: "center",
sortable: !1,
value: "fullName"
}, {
text: "Email",
align: "center",
sortable: !1,
value: "email"
props: {
users: {
type: Array,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]]
ln = rn,
dn = Object(b["a"])(ln, on, sn, !1, null, null, null),
cn = dn.exports,
un = {
name: "PermissionCard",
props: {
permission: {
type: Object,
required: !0
components: {
"permission-card-table": cn
mn = un,
pn = (i("3559"), Object(b["a"])(mn, nn, an, !1, null, "16d8034c", null)),
vn = pn.exports,
fn = i("a6a0"),
hn = {
name: "ViewPermission",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"permission-card": vn
data() {
return {
permissions: {}
apollo: {
permissions: {
query: fn["permissions"]
kn = hn,
gn = Object(b["a"])(kn, en, tn, !1, null, null, null),
bn = gn.exports,
_n = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("main-layout", [
[i("v-container", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"text-xs-center": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.title")))]), i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.subtitle_1")) + "\n "), i("span", {
staticClass: "f-bold"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.identityVerificationRequestsCount))]), e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.subtitle_2")) + "\n ")]), i("request-card", {
attrs: {
request: e.checkNull("this.nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest", !1) ? e.nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest : {},
reload: e.reload
}), i("history-card", {
attrs: {
request: e.checkNull("this.nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest", !1) ? e.nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest : {}
})], 1)]
], 2)
Nn = [],
Sn = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin card-padding-top"
}, [i("document-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin",
attrs: {
documents: e.checkNull("this.request.documents", [])
}), i("v-divider"), i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2 f-bold"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.checkNull("this.request.user.fullName", e.$t(""))) + "\n ")]), e.checkNull("this.request.user.dateOfBirth", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.documentCard.description_1")) + "\n " + e._s(new Date(this.request.user.dateOfBirth).toLocaleDateString(void 0, {
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric"
})) + "\n ")]) : i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.dateOfBirth")) + "\n ")]), e.checkNull("", !1) ? i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.documentCard.description_2")) + "\n " + e._s( + "\n ")]) : i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h3"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.municipality")) + "\n ")]), i("v-divider"), i("v-card-actions", {
staticClass: "justify-space-around"
}, [i("div", [i("accept-dialog", {
attrs: {
reload: e.reload,
request: e.request
})], 1), i("div", [i("reject-dialog", {
attrs: {
reload: e.reload,
request: e.request
})], 1)]), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)
yn = [],
En = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: "",
"justify-center": "",
wrap: ""
}, [0 === e.documents.length ? i("v-flex", {
attrs: {
xs4: ""
}, [i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-padding card-height"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.documents")) + "\n ")])], 1) : e._l(e.documents.slice(0, 2), function(t, n) {
return i("v-flex", {
key: n,
staticClass: "card-padding",
attrs: {
xs12: "",
md5: "",
lg4: ""
}, [i("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.originalUrl,
target: "_blank"
}, [i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-padding card-height"
}, ["IMAGE" === t.fileType ? i("v-img", {
attrs: {
src: t.originalUrl
}) : "PDF" === t.fileType ? i("pdf", {
attrs: {
src: t.originalUrl
on: {
"page-loaded": function(e) {}
}) : i("div", [i("div", [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.documentCard.error_1")))]), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-link"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.documentCard.error_2")))])])], 1)], 1)])
})], 2)
Dn = [],
Cn = i("858e"),
wn = {
name: "DocumentCard",
props: {
documents: {
type: Array,
required: !0
components: {
pdf: Cn["a"]
xn = wn,
Pn = (i("fda9"), Object(b["a"])(xn, En, Dn, !1, null, "34482762", null)),
On = Pn.exports,
$n = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-dialog", {
attrs: {
width: "500px"
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(t) {
var n = t.on;
return [i("v-btn", e._g({
staticClass: "f-h3",
attrs: {
flat: "",
color: "red",
disabled: 0 === Object.keys(e.request).length
}, n), [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.buttons.reject")) + "\n ")])]
model: {
value: e.dialog,
callback: function(t) {
e.dialog = t
expression: "dialog"
}, [i("v-card", [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.title")))])]), i("v-form", {
ref: "form"
}, [i("v-flex", {
staticClass: "card-padding"
}, [i("v-select", {
attrs: {
items: [e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_1"), e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_2"), e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_3"), e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_4"), e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_5"), e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_6")],
label: e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.labelSelect"),
solo: ""
model: {
callback: function(t) { = t
expression: "select"
}), i("v-textarea", {
attrs: {
solo: "",
label: e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.labelText")
model: {
value: e.description,
callback: function(t) {
e.description = t
expression: "description"
}), e.error ? i("div", {
staticClass: "card-error f-h3"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.error")))]) : e._e()], 1)], 1), i("v-divider"), i("v-card-actions", [i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red",
flat: ""
nativeOn: {
click: function(t) {
e.dialog = !1
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.buttonCancel")) + "\n ")]), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
flat: "",
disabled: e.disabled
nativeOn: {
click: function(t) {
return e.reject(, e.description)
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.buttonConfirm")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)], 1)
Fn = [],
Vn = i("b7c2"),
Rn = {
name: "RejectDialog",
props: {
request: {
type: Object,
required: !0
reload: {
type: Function,
required: !0
data() {
return {
dialog: !1,
select: null,
rejectionReason: "",
error: !1
watch: {
dialog() {
this.$refs.form.reset(), this.error = !1
computed: {
description: {
get() {
switch ( {
case fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_1"):
return fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.description_1");
case fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_2"):
return fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.description_2");
case fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_3"):
return fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.description_3");
case fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_4"):
return fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.description_4");
case fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_5"):
return fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.description_5");
return this.rejectionReason
set(e) {
this.rejectionReason = e
disabled: {
get() {
return ! || === fi.t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.option_6") && !this.rejectionReason
set() {}
methods: {
async reject(e, t) {
try {
const n = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Vn["identityVerificationRequestReject"],
variables: {
requestId: e,
rejectionReason: t
}); ? this.error = !0 : (this.reload(), this.dialog = !1)
} catch (i) {
this.error = !0
qn = Rn,
Tn = (i("5f70"), Object(b["a"])(qn, $n, Fn, !1, null, "4622457e", null)),
An = Tn.exports,
In = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-dialog", {
attrs: {
width: "500px"
scopedSlots: e._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(t) {
return [i("v-btn", {
staticClass: "f-h3",
attrs: {
flat: "",
color: "green",
disabled: 0 === Object.keys(e.request).length
nativeOn: {
click: function(t) {
return e.approve(
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.buttons.accept")) + "\n ")])]
model: {
value: e.dialog,
callback: function(t) {
e.dialog = t
expression: "dialog"
}, [i("v-card", [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [e.error ? i("div", {
staticClass: "card-error f-h2"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.acceptDialog.title")))]) : e._e()]), e.error ? i("div", {
staticClass: "card-error f-h3"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.rejectDialog.error")))]) : e._e(), i("v-divider"), i("v-card-actions", [i("v-spacer"), i("v-btn", {
attrs: {
flat: ""
nativeOn: {
click: function(t) {
e.dialog = !1
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.acceptDialog.buttonOK")) + "\n ")])], 1), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)], 1)
jn = [],
Ln = i("11e1"),
Un = {
name: "AcceptDialog",
props: {
request: {
type: Object,
required: !0
reload: {
type: Function,
required: !0
data() {
return {
dialog: !1,
error: !1
methods: {
async approve(e) {
try {
const i = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: Ln["identityVerificationRequestApprove"],
variables: {
requestId: e
}); ? (this.dialog = !0, this.error = !0) : (this.reload(), this.dialog = !1)
} catch (t) {
this.dialog = !0, this.error = !0
Gn = Un,
Bn = (i("5203"), Object(b["a"])(Gn, In, jn, !1, null, "c0a789ce", null)),
zn = Bn.exports,
Mn = {
name: "RequestCard",
props: {
request: {
type: Object,
required: !0
reload: {
type: Function,
required: !0
mixins: [W["a"]],
components: {
"document-card": On,
"reject-dialog": An,
"accept-dialog": zn
Qn = Mn,
Yn = (i("2cc0"), Object(b["a"])(Qn, Sn, yn, !1, null, "29d581c4", null)),
Hn = Yn.exports,
Kn = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("v-card", {
staticClass: "card-margin"
}, [i("v-card-title", {
staticClass: "justify-center",
attrs: {
"primary-title": ""
}, [i("div", {
staticClass: "f-h2"
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.history")))])]), e.checkNull("this.request.user.identityVerificationRequests.nodes", !1) ? i("v-layout", {
attrs: {
row: "",
wrap: ""
}, e._l(e.request.user.identityVerificationRequests.nodes, function(e, t) {
return i("history-element-card", {
key: t,
attrs: {
request: e
}), 1) : i("div", {
staticClass: "card-margin f-h2"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("manageCertification.placeholders.history")) + "\n ")]), i("div", {
staticClass: "card-red-border"
})], 1)
Jn = [],
Wn = {
name: "HistoryCard",
components: {
"history-element-card": We
mixins: [W["a"]],
props: {
request: {
type: Object,
required: !0
Zn = Wn,
Xn = (i("0be4"), Object(b["a"])(Zn, Kn, Jn, !1, null, "8285c746", null)),
ea = Xn.exports,
ta = i("92f9"),
ia = i("593f"),
na = {
name: "ManageCertification",
components: {
"main-layout": A,
"request-card": Hn,
"history-card": ea
mixins: [W["a"]],
data() {
return {
nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest: {},
identityVerificationRequestsCount: 0
apollo: {
nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest: {
query: ta["nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest"]
identityVerificationRequestsCount: {
query: ia["getIdentityVerificationRequestsCount"],
variables() {
return {
status: "PENDING"
methods: {
reload() {
this.$apollo.queries.identityVerificationRequestsCount.refetch(), this.$apollo.queries.nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest.refetch()
aa = na,
oa = (i("d4bc"), Object(b["a"])(aa, _n, Nn, !1, null, "cfbeee24", null)),
sa = oa.exports;
class ra {
constructor() {
this._container = {}
register(e, t) {
this._container[e] = t
resolve(e) {
return this._container[e]
const la = new ra,
da = (e, t, i) => {
const n = la.resolve("keycloak");
n.authenticated ? i() : n.on("ready", t => {
t ? i() : n.login({
redirectUri: h(e.path),
scope: "email profile"
var ca = new r["a"]({
mode: "history",
routes: [{
path: "/",
name: "home",
component: U,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/users",
name: "users",
component: te,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/view-permissions",
name: "view-permissions",
component: bn,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/admin",
name: "admin",
component: te,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/email",
name: "email",
component: ut,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/edit-polls",
name: "edit-polls",
component: Zt,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/admin/:id",
name: "user-detail",
component: at,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/view-polls",
name: "view-polls",
component: ai,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/manage-certification",
name: "manage-certification",
component: sa,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/view-certification",
name: "view-certification",
component: Xi,
props: !0,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
}, {
path: "/view-poll-results",
name: "view-poll-results",
component: Yi,
beforeEnter: da,
beforeRouteUpdate: da
ua = i("2f62"),
ma = {
snackBar: null,
snackBarMessage: "",
snackBarTimeout: 4e3,
allowed: !1
function pa(e) {
return e.snackBar
function va(e) {
return e.snackBarMessage
function fa(e) {
return e.snackBarTimeout
function ha(e) {
return e.allowed
function ka(e, t) {
e.snackBarMessage = t, e.snackBar = !0, setTimeout(() => {
e.snackBar = null
}, e.snackBarTimeout)
function ga(e, t) {
e.allowed = t
function ba() {}
var _a = {
namespaced: !0,
getters: n,
mutations: a,
actions: o,
state: ma
var Na = function() {
const e = new ua["a"].Store({
modules: {
utils: _a
strict: Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
return e
Sa = i("9483");
Object(Sa["a"])("/service-worker.js", {
ready() {
console.log("App is being served from cache by a service worker.\nFor more details, visit")
registered() {
console.log("Service worker has been registered.")
cached() {
console.log("Content has been cached for offline use.")
updatefound() {
console.log("New content is downloading.")
updated() {
console.log("New content is available; please refresh.")
offline() {
console.log("No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.")
error(e) {
console.error("Error during service worker registration:", e)
var ya = i("522d"),
Ea = i("efe7");
const Da = "",
Ca = {
httpEndpoint: Da,
wsEndpoint: null,
persisting: !1,
websocketsOnly: !1,
ssr: !1,
getAuth: () => `Bearer ${la.resolve("keycloak").token}`
function wa(e = {}) {
const {
apolloClient: t,
wsClient: i
} = Object(Ea["createApolloClient"])({
t.wsClient = i;
const n = new ya["a"]({
defaultClient: t,
defaultOptions: {
$query: {}
errorHandler(e) {
console.log("%cError", "background: red; color: white; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius: 3px; font-weight: bold;", e.message)
return n
var xa = i("68ad"),
Pa = i.n(xa);
class Oa {
static install(e, t) {
Pa.a.prototype.realEventListeners = {
ready: [],
authSuccess: [],
authError: [],
authLogout: []
}, Pa.a.prototype.on = function(e, t) {
const i = new Pa.a(t),
n = new e({
data() {
return {
keycloak: i,
authenticated: i.authenticated,
tokenParsed: i.tokenParsed,
resourceAccess: i.resourceAccess
methods: {
login(e) {
return this.keycloak.login(e)
loadUserInfo() {
return new Promise((e, t) => {
loadUserProfile() {
return new Promise((e, t) => {
logout(e) {
return this.keycloak.logout(e)
i.on("authSuccess", () => {
n.authenticated = i.authenticated, n.tokenParsed = i.tokenParsed, n.resourceAccess = i.resourceAccess
}), i.onReady = function(e) {
i.realEventListeners.ready.forEach(t => t(e))
}, i.onAuthSuccess = function() {
i.realEventListeners.authSuccess.forEach(e => e())
}, i.onAuthError = function() {
i.realEventListeners.authError.forEach(e => e())
}, i.onAuthLogout = function() {
i.realEventListeners.authLogout.forEach(e => e())
}, i.onTokenExpired = function() {
i.updateToken(5).success(e => {
e ? console.log("Token was successfully refreshed") : console.log("Token is still valid")
}).error(() => {
console.error("Failed to refresh the token, or the session has expired")
}, e.prototype.$keycloak = n, i.init({
onLoad: "check-sso"
}), window.keycloak = i, la.register("keycloak", i)
var $a = i("ce5b"),
Fa = i.n($a),
Va = function() {
var e = this,
t = e.$createElement,
i = e._self._c || t;
return i("div", {
attrs: {
id: "app"
}, [i("v-app", [i("router-view")], 1)], 1)
Ra = [],
qa = {},
Ta = Object(b["a"])(qa, Va, Ra, !1, null, null, null),
Aa = Ta.exports;
i("15f5"), i("bf40"), i("b20f");
s["default"].config.productionTip = !1, s["default"].use(Oa, {
url: "",
realm: Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
}).VUE_APP_KEYCLOAK_REALM || "rousseau",
clientId: Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
}).VUE_APP_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID || "camelot-admin-dashboard"
}), s["default"].use(Fa.a, {
iconfont: "fa",
theme: {
primary: "#3b5998",
secondary: "#ffd600"
}), s["default"].use(ui["default"]), new s["default"]({
router: ca,
store: Na,
apolloProvider: wa(),
i18n: fi,
render: e => e(Aa)
}).$mount("#app", console.log("%cVersion 1.4.11", "color: green"))
"593f": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "getIdentityVerificationRequestsCount"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "AcceptanceStatus"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequestsCount"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 126
i.loc.source = {
body: "query getIdentityVerificationRequestsCount($status: AcceptanceStatus) {\n identityVerificationRequestsCount(status: $status)\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["getIdentityVerificationRequestsCount"] = s(i, "getIdentityVerificationRequestsCount")
"5f70": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("2243"),
a = i.n(n);
"610c": function(e, t, i) {},
6154: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "String"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "firstName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "lastName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "email"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "phoneNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "codiceFiscale"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "dateOfBirth"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createdAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerified"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "emailVerified"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noSms"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noLocalEventsEmail"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noNationalEventsEmail"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noNewsletterEmail"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noRousseauEventsEmail"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "noVoteEmail"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequests"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createdAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "documents"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "fileType"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "originalUrl"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "updatedAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "enabled"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "country"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "regione"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "provincia"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "comune"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "municipio"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 1068
i.loc.source = {
body: "query users($slug: String) {\n users(slug: $slug) {\n nodes {\n firstName\n lastName\n email\n phoneNumber\n codiceFiscale\n dateOfBirth\n createdAt\n status\n identityVerified\n emailVerified\n noSms\n noLocalEventsEmail\n noNationalEventsEmail\n noNewsletterEmail\n noRousseauEventsEmail\n noVoteEmail\n identityVerificationRequests {\n nodes {\n createdAt\n documents {\n fileType\n originalUrl\n }\n rejectionReason\n status\n updatedAt\n }\n }\n enabled\n country {\n name\n }\n regione {\n name\n }\n provincia {\n name\n }\n comune {\n name\n }\n municipio {\n name\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["users"] = s(i, "users")
6287: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "PublishPoll"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollPublish"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "details"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "base"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "messages"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "base"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 268
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation PublishPoll($id: ID!) {\n polls {\n pollPublish(pollId: $id) {\n errors{\n details{\n base\n }\n messages{\n base\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["PublishPoll"] = s(i, "PublishPoll")
"642a": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("610c"),
a = i.n(n);
"676b": function(e, t, i) {},
7075: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "OpenPoll"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollOpen"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "details"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "base"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "messages"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "base"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 262
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation OpenPoll($id: ID!) {\n polls {\n pollOpen(pollId: $id) {\n errors{\n details{\n base\n }\n messages{\n base\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["OpenPoll"] = s(i, "OpenPoll")
"713c": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "updateUser"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "UpdateUserInput"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userUpdate"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "userId"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "user"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "email"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "phoneNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 282
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation updateUser($userId: ID!, $attributes: UpdateUserInput!) {\n users {\n userUpdate(userId: $userId, attributes: $attributes) {\n user {\n slug\n email\n phoneNumber\n }\n errors\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["updateUser"] = s(i, "updateUser")
"71c3": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionCreate"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "option_group_id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "CreateOptionInput"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroups"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "options"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionCreate"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroupId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "option_group_id"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "option"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "__typename"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "InlineFragment",
typeCondition: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "TextOption"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "text"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 518
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation optionCreate($option_group_id: ID!, $attributes: CreateOptionInput!) {\n polls {\n optionGroups {\n options {\n optionCreate(optionGroupId: $option_group_id, attributes: $attributes) {\n errors\n option {\n id\n __typename\n ... on TextOption {\n text\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["optionCreate"] = s(i, "optionCreate")
7526: function(e, t, i) {},
"76a2": function(e, t, i) {},
7701: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("a747"),
a = i.n(n);
"7a3c": function(e, t, i) {},
"7ca7": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("d037"),
a = i.n(n);
"7e61": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("ae95"),
a = i.n(n);
"7f1a": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("1060"),
a = i.n(n);
8114: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("d74d"),
a = i.n(n);
8679: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createOptionGroup"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "CreateOptionGroupInput"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroups"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroupCreate"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollId"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroup"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "description"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "maxSelectableOptionsNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 420
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation createOptionGroup($pollId: ID!, $attributes: CreateOptionGroupInput!) {\n polls {\n optionGroups {\n optionGroupCreate(pollId: $pollId, attributes: $attributes) {\n errors\n optionGroup {\n id\n title\n description\n maxSelectableOptionsNumber\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["createOptionGroup"] = s(i, "createOptionGroup")
"86d7": function(e, t, i) {},
"8a79": function(e, t, i) {},
"8aca": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("7526"),
a = i.n(n);
"8ce4": function(e, t, i) {},
"8d60": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "CreatePoll"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "CreatePollInput"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "pollCreate"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "poll"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "publicResults"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 295
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation CreatePoll($attributes: CreatePollInput!) {\n polls {\n pollCreate(attributes: $attributes) {\n errors\n poll {\n id\n title\n slug\n status\n publicResults\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["CreatePoll"] = s(i, "CreatePoll")
"92f9": function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest"
variableDefinitions: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createdAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "documents"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "fileType"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "originalUrl"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "user"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "dateOfBirth"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "fullName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "comune"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "name"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequests"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "createdAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "documents"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "fileType"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "originalUrl"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "updatedAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 728
i.loc.source = {
body: "query nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest {\n nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest {\n id\n rejectionReason\n status\n createdAt\n documents {\n fileType\n originalUrl\n }\n user {\n id\n dateOfBirth\n fullName\n comune {\n name\n }\n identityVerificationRequests {\n nodes {\n createdAt\n documents {\n fileType\n originalUrl\n }\n rejectionReason\n status\n updatedAt\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest"] = s(i, "nextPendingIdentityVerificationRequest")
9328: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("76a2"),
a = i.n(n);
9485: function(e, t, i) {},
9933: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("a071"),
a = i.n(n);
"9e99": function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("286c"),
a = i.n(n);
a071: function(e, t, i) {},
a211: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("9485"),
a = i.n(n);
a640: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("31b2"),
a = i.n(n);
a6a0: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "permissions"
variableDefinitions: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "permissions"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "code"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "description"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "users"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "firstName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "lastName"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "email"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 127
i.loc.source = {
body: "query permissions {\n permissions {\n code\n description\n users {\n firstName\n lastName\n email\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["permissions"] = s(i, "permissions")
a747: function(e, t, i) {},
a9f5: function(e, t, i) {},
ae95: function(e, t, i) {},
b0d6: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("127f"),
a = i.n(n);
b20f: function(e, t, i) {},
b569: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("bd7e"),
a = i.n(n);
b7c2: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequestReject"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "String"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "certification"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "identityVerificationRequestReject"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "requestId"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "rejectionReason"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "verificationRequest"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "updatedAt"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 282
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation identityVerificationRequestReject($requestId: ID!, $rejectionReason: String!) {\n\tcertification {\n\t\tidentityVerificationRequestReject(requestId: $requestId, rejectionReason: $rejectionReason) {\n\t\t\terrors\n\t\t\tverificationRequest {\n\t\t\t\tid\n\t\t\t\tstatus\n\t\t\t\tupdatedAt\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["identityVerificationRequestReject"] = s(i, "identityVerificationRequestReject")
bd7e: function(e, t, i) {},
bd8a: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("529d"),
a = i.n(n);
c603: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("ecc8"),
a = i.n(n);
cc71: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
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kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "query",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "listPolls"
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kind: "VariableDefinition",
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kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "String"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
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kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "orderAttribute"
value: {
kind: "EnumValue",
value: "show_starting_date"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "orderDirection"
value: {
kind: "EnumValue",
value: "DESC"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "after"
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "pageInfo"
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kind: "Name",
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kind: "Name",
value: "startCursor"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "endCursor"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "nodes"
arguments: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "slug"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "showStartingDate"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "maxSelectableOptionsNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "alreadyVoted"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "description"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "eligible"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "publicResults"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionType"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "voteEndingDate"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "voteStartingDate"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "announcementLink"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "resultsLink"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "status"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
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kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroups"
arguments: [],
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kind: "SelectionSet",
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kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "description"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "maxSelectableOptionsNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "options"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "InlineFragment",
typeCondition: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "TextOption"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "text"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 879
i.loc.source = {
body: "query listPolls(\n\t$after: String\n) {\n\tpolls(\n\t\torderAttribute: show_starting_date, \n\t\torderDirection: DESC,\n\t\tafter: $after\n\t) {\n\t\tpageInfo{\n\t\t\thasNextPage\n\t\t\thasPreviousPage\n\t\t\tstartCursor\n\t\t\tendCursor\n\t\t}\n\t\tnodes {\n slug\n id\n\t title\n\t showStartingDate\n\t status\n\t maxSelectableOptionsNumber\n\t alreadyVoted\n\t description\n\t eligible\n\t publicResults\n\t optionType\n\t voteEndingDate\n\t voteStartingDate\n\t announcementLink\n\t resultsLink\n\t status\n \toptionGroups{\n description\n id\n maxSelectableOptionsNumber\n title\n options{\n ...on TextOption {\n id\n text\n }\n }\n \t}\n }\n\t}\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["listPolls"] = s(i, "listPolls")
d037: function(e, t, i) {},
d4bc: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("676b"),
a = i.n(n);
d74d: function(e, t, i) {},
dc40: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("86d7"),
a = i.n(n);
dcc1: function(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: "Document",
definitions: [{
kind: "OperationDefinition",
operation: "mutation",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "editOptionGroup"
variableDefinitions: [{
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "ID"
directives: []
}, {
kind: "VariableDefinition",
variable: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
type: {
kind: "NonNullType",
type: {
kind: "NamedType",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "UpdateOptionGroupInput"
directives: []
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "polls"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroups"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroupUpdate"
arguments: [{
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
}, {
kind: "Argument",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
value: {
kind: "Variable",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "attributes"
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "errors"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "optionGroup"
arguments: [],
directives: [],
selectionSet: {
kind: "SelectionSet",
selections: [{
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "id"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "title"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "description"
arguments: [],
directives: []
}, {
kind: "Field",
name: {
kind: "Name",
value: "maxSelectableOptionsNumber"
arguments: [],
directives: []
loc: {
start: 0,
end: 406
i.loc.source = {
body: "mutation editOptionGroup($id: ID!, $attributes: UpdateOptionGroupInput!) {\n polls {\n optionGroups {\n optionGroupUpdate(id: $id, attributes: $attributes) {\n errors\n optionGroup {\n id\n title\n description\n maxSelectableOptionsNumber\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}",
name: "GraphQL request",
locationOffset: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function n(e, t) {
if ("FragmentSpread" === e.kind) t.add(;
else if ("VariableDefinition" === e.kind) {
var i = e.type;
"NamedType" === i.kind && t.add(
e.selectionSet && e.selectionSet.selections.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.variableDefinitions && e.variableDefinitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
}), e.definitions && e.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
n(e, t)
var a = {};
function o(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.definitions.length; i++) {
var n = e.definitions[i];
if ( && == t) return n
function s(e, t) {
var i = {
kind: e.kind,
definitions: [o(e, t)]
e.hasOwnProperty("loc") && (i.loc = e.loc);
var n = a[t] || new Set,
s = new Set,
r = new Set;
n.forEach(function(e) {
while (r.size > 0) {
var l = r;
r = new Set, l.forEach(function(e) {
if (!s.has(e)) {
var t = a[e] || new Set;
t.forEach(function(e) {
return s.forEach(function(t) {
var n = o(e, t);
n && i.definitions.push(n)
}), i
}(function() {
i.definitions.forEach(function(e) {
if ( {
var t = new Set;
n(e, t), a[] = t
})(), e.exports = i, e.exports["editOptionGroup"] = s(i, "editOptionGroup")
df09: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("f784"),
a = i.n(n);
e3f3: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("a9f5"),
a = i.n(n);
ecc8: function(e, t, i) {},
f327: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("1d95"),
a = i.n(n);
f784: function(e, t, i) {},
fda9: function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = i("0e5f"),
a = i.n(n);
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