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Last active December 20, 2015 23:09
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  • Save GianlucaGuarini/6210149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GianlucaGuarini/6210149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Here we will could extend lodash with some custom useful methods
(function (_) {
'use strict';
* Initialize a new array having a custom length and a custom default value
* @param { Number | Object | String } defaultValue: any valid javascript element
* @param { Int } length: the length of the output
* @return { Array } having a custom value and custom length
var CustomArray = function (defaultValue, length) {
var _arr = [];
while (length--) _arr.push(defaultValue);
return _arr;
var _arrOperation = function (arr1, arr2, operation) {
var arr2 = arr2 || arr1;
if (_.isNumber(arr2)) arr2 = new CustomArray(arr2, arr1.length);
if (_.isNumber(arr1)) arr1 = new CustomArray(arr1, arr2.length);
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) throw ('Please the two arrays must have the same length');
return, function (val, i) {
switch (operation) {
case 'max':
return val > arr2[i] ? val : arr2[i];
case 'min':
return val < arr2[i] ? val : arr2[i];
case '+':
return val + arr2[i];
case '*':
return val * arr2[i];
case '/':
return val / arr2[i];
* Similar to the _.pick method but it could be used with more than one property
* @return { Object } new object containing only the properties filtered
'multiplePick': function (obj, array) {
var ret = {};
_.each(array, function (key) {
ret[key] = obj[key];
return ret;
* @param { Array } arr
* @param { Array | Object | String | Number } elm: element contained inside this array
* @return { Boolean } return whether the element is the last one of the array
'isLast': function (arr, elm) {
var length = arr.length - 1,
elmIndex = _.indexOf(arr, elm);
// if this element is not contained iside this array
if (!~elmIndex) return false;
return elmIndex === length;
* Merge two arrays picking the max numeric value per each index
* @param { Array } arr1
* @param { Array } arr2
* @return { Array }
'arrMax': function (arr1, arr2) {
return _arrOperation(arr1, arr2, 'max');
* Return the sum of all the numeric items in the first array or merge two numeric arrays summing the value of each index of these last
* @param { Array } arr1
* @param { Array } arr2
* @return { Float }
'arrSum': function (arr1, arr2) {
return _arrOperation(arr1, arr2, '+');
* Multiply two array
* @param { Array } arr1
* @param { Array } arr2
* @return { Float }
'arrMultiplication': function (arr1, arr2) {
return _arrOperation(arr1, arr2, '*');
* Divide two array
* @param { Array } arr1
* @param { Array } arr2
* @return { Float }
'arrDivision': function (arr1, arr2) {
return _arrOperation(arr1, arr2, '/');
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