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Created September 6, 2022 14:34
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package com.ciru.practice
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
* This is the shared view model, that will be shared by the two composables (boo and bae) [honestly change the names]
class LoginViewModel : ViewModel(){
* This represents our state I am using '_' to represent/show that it is an internal state
* Whatever the user types will be put in LoginData and then the _loginData will be updated to the current login data
* simply put
* when user types email,password and username then he/she presses login button several things will happen
* 1. A new LoginData() object will be created
* 2. when [setUserDetails] will be invoked, the newly created LoginData() object will be passed into the function
* 3. our internal state [_loginData] will reference the newly created object/the LoginData object held by
* [_loginData] will be modified to represent the newly created LoginData() object.
* I honestly hope this makes sense.
private val _loginData = MutableStateFlow<LoginData>(LoginData.EMPTY)
val loginData:StateFlow<LoginData>
get() = _loginData
fun setUserDetails(loginData: LoginData){
println("logging details: ${loginData.password},${loginData.username}, ${}")
_loginData.update {
it.copy(email =, username = loginData.username,
password = loginData.password) }
// class ViewModelA:ViewModel(){
// private val _data = MutableStateFlow("")
// val data:StateFlow<String>
// get() = _data
// fun setData(newData:String){
// // or you can use _data.update{ }
// _data.value = newData
// }
// }
// // inject your view model instance into your composables in your activitiy's onCreate
// @Composable
// fun ScreenB(sharedViewModel:ViewModel){
// val data ="")
// // do something with it
// }
// @Composable
// fun ScreenA(sharedViewModel:ViewModel){
// sharedViewModel.setData("data")
// }
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