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Last active February 21, 2019 07:34
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PHP 7 features and brief notes
Better performance - PHP 7 is twice as fast as PHP 5.6. Optimization
Scalar type declarations - pass function params with variable type
function sum (int $a, int $b){
Return type declarations - mention the return variable type of a function
function sum ($a, $b): int{
combined comparison operator - <=>
compares two values return
-1 if left value is lesser
0 is equals
1 left value is greater
Null coalescing operator - ?? - returns first value if that exists and not NULL
$value = $user_value ?? $default_value;
echo $page_title ?? "My Cool PHP App";
$username = $_POST['username'] ?? 'guest';
Anonymous classes - useful for throw away classes - just for one time use class
new class { ... }
$quick_deck = new class (52) {
private $card_count;
public function __constructor($num){
$this->card_count = $num;
Array as constants
// Define constants in PHP
define('APP_VERSION','1.0'); // defined at run time
// PHP 5.3
const APP_VERSION = '1.0'; // defined at compile time - bit faster - cons - can't use conditionall value as its assigning in compile time
// PHP 5.6
const APP_DIRS = array('app','incl','lib');
// PHP 7
define('APP_DIRS', array('src','lib','vendor')); // allowed in PHP 7 but not in PHP 5
Unicode codepoint escape syntax "\u{ codepoint }"
echo "\u{002764}"; // print black heart symbol
echo "\u{260F}"; // print telephone
echo "\u{1F600}";
Uniform variable syntax - Evaluate dynamic variable names left to right
$name = 'car';
$car = array ('name' => 'Jetta', 'year' = > 2018);
echo $$name['name'];
// PHP 5: Warning: Illegal string offset 'name'
// Evaluated as ${$name['name']}
// PHP 7: Jetta
// Evaluated as ($$name)['name']
cachable exceptions and syntax - no need to throw exceptions to catch errors
function hello_from($user) {
return $user->say_hello();
try {
echo hello_from(NULL);
} catch (Error $e) {
echo "Rescued from: {$e->getMessage()}";
// PHP 7: Rescused from: call to a member function say_hello() on null
PHP Error Hierarchy
Integer division with intdiv()
// PHP 7
echo intdiv(5,2);
// 2
// PHP 5 & earlier
echo (int)(5 / 2);
echo floor(5 / 2);
Modulus operator returns remainder
echo 5 % 2;
// 1
Filtered unserialize() - unserialize($string, $options)
here $options = array('allowed_classes' => array('User'));
It has options to add additional params to either true or false to allowed_classes or array of allowed classes that can be serialized.
Grouped imports with use():
Now, in PHP 7, we can use single use to add multiple files from a single directory
// PHP 5
use App\Library\Constants;
use App\Library\Database as DB;
use App\Library\Plurals;
// PHP 7
use App\Library\{Constants, Database as DB, Plurals};
Other less frequently used features in PHP 7:
CSPRNG library - random_bytes() and random_int()
CSPRNG - Cryptographically Secure Sudo Random Number Generator
New IntlChar class provides utility functions for working with Unicode characters and codepoints
session_start() - accepts an array of options which overrides php.ini file configuration
Closure::call for binding and calling a closure
assert() - can throw custom exceptions; can configure to be ignored (e.g., in production)
preg_replace_callback_array() - similar to preg_replace_callback() but executed per pattern.
Generator::getReturn() - allows returning final value from a generator
Generators can delegate to other generators using yield from
New reflection classes - ReflectionGenerator and ReflectionType
New reflection methods in ReflectionParameter and ReflectionFunctionAbstract
Deprecations and Deletions
PHP 4 Constructors - The class and method has the same name
// old way of constructor function
Class User {
public $name;
function user($name){
$this->name = $name;
// new way of constructor function
Class User {
public $name;
function __construct($name){
$this->name = $name;
Alternative PHP Tags:
<?php echo "PHP Tags"; ?> - Standard way - recommended
<% echo "ASP-style tags"; %> - removed in PHP 7
<%= "ASP-style tags with echo"; %> - turn on PHP parser and echo the output
<script language="php"> - removed in PHP 7
echo "Script-style tags";
// Does not change "short-open" tags
<? echo "Short-open tags"; ?>
<?= "Short-open tags with echo"; ?>
Time Zone Warnings - removed
PHP 5: Date and time functions emit warnings if date.timezone is not set in php.ini; defaults to UTC
PHP 7: Date and time functions emit NO warnings if date.timezone is not set in php.ini; defaults to UTC
PHP 5 Deprecations and removed completely in PHP 7:
All ereg_* functions; use preg_* instead
All mysql_* functions; use mysqli_* or OOP instead - deprecated since php 5.5.
Magic quotes functions
In PHP 7, you can no longer call non-static methods inside an object statically. This is really bad programming. These were deprecated in php 5.6.
mcrypt_ecb, mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_cfb, mcrypt_ofb
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