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Created June 4, 2018 19:52
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Websocket ROS client for rosbridge: publisher and subscriber
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
from uuid import uuid4
# Note that this needs:
# sudo pip install websocket-client
# not the library called 'websocket'
import websocket
import yaml
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
Class to send and receive ROS messages to a ROS master that has a rosbridge websocket.
Author: Dmitry Devitt
Rework: Sammy Pfeiffer (
class WebsocketROSClient(object):
def __init__(self, websocket_ip, port=9090):
Class to manage publishing to ROS thru a rosbridge websocket.
:param str websocket_ip: IP of the machine with the rosbridge server.
:param int port: Port of the websocket server, defaults to 9090.
print("Connecting to websocket: {}:{}".format(websocket_ip, port)) = websocket.create_connection(
'ws://' + websocket_ip + ':' + str(port))
self._advertise_dict = {}
def _advertise(self, topic_name, topic_type):
Advertise a topic with it's type in 'package/Message' format.
:param str topic_name: ROS topic name.
:param str topic_type: ROS topic type, e.g. std_msgs/String.
:returns str: ID to de-advertise later on.
new_uuid = str(uuid4())
self._advertise_dict[new_uuid] = {'topic_name': topic_name,
'topic_type': topic_type}
advertise_msg = {"op": "advertise",
"id": new_uuid,
"topic": topic_name,
"type": topic_type
return new_uuid
def _unadvertise(self, uuid):
unad_msg = {"op": "unadvertise",
"id": uuid,
# "topic": topic_name
def __del__(self):
"""Cleanup all advertisings"""
d = self._advertise_dict
for k in d:
def _publish(self, topic_name, message):
Publish onto the already advertised topic the msg in the shape of
a Python dict.
:param str topic_name: ROS topic name.
:param dict msg: Dictionary containing the definition of the message.
msg = {
'op': 'publish',
'topic': topic_name,
'msg': message
json_msg = json.dumps(msg)
def publish(self, topic_name, ros_message):
Publish on a topic given ROS message thru rosbridge.
:param str topic_name: ROS topic name.
:param * ros_message: Any ROS message instance, e.g. LaserScan()
from sensor_msgs/LaserScan.
# First check if we already advertised the topic
d = self._advertise_dict
for k in d:
if d[k]['topic_name'] == topic_name:
# Already advertised, do nothing
# Not advertised, so we advertise
topic_type = ros_message._type
self._advertise(topic_name, topic_type)
# Converting ROS message to a dictionary thru YAML
ros_message_as_dict = yaml.load(ros_message.__str__())
# Publishing
self._publish(topic_name, ros_message_as_dict)
def subscribe(self,topic_name, ros_message):
# First check if we already advertised the topic
d = self._advertise_dict
for k in d:
if d[k]['topic_name'] == topic_name:
# Already advertised, do nothing
# Not advertised, so we advertise
topic_type = ros_message._type
self._advertise(topic_name, topic_type)
# Converting ROS message to a dictionary thru YAML
ros_message_as_dict = yaml.load(ros_message.__str__())
# Publishing
return self._subscribe(topic_name, ros_message_as_dict, ros_message._type)
def _subscribe(self, topic_name, message, type):
Publish onto the already advertised topic the msg in the shape of
a Python dict.
:param str topic_name: ROS topic name.
:param dict msg: Dictionary containing the definition of the message.
msg = {
'op': 'subscribe',
'topic': topic_name,
'type' : type
json_msg = json.dumps(msg)
json_message =
dictionary = json.loads(json_message)['msg']
result = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(type, dictionary)
# print("Type: '%s' \n Received: '%s'" % (type, result))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
rospy.init_node('websicket_client', anonymous=True)
connect = WebsocketROSClient('')
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# Publish to server
pose = PoseStamped()
pose.header.stamp =
print("Publishing to server")
connect.publish('/pose_fake_topic', pose)
# subscribe
result = connect.subscribe('/pose_fake_topic', PoseStamped())
print("result:", result)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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@GigaFlopsis , I have reworked it by creating a ROS2 version which is now available here.

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@GigaFlopsis , I have reworked it by creating a ROS2 version which is now available here.

Awesome! Thanks

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