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Last active April 15, 2024 20:42
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using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace PaymentSystem;
internal static class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
//Выведите платёжные ссылки для трёх разных систем платежа:
//{MD5 хеш ID заказа}
//{MD5 хеш ID заказа + сумма заказа}
//{SHA-1 хеш сумма заказа + ID заказа + секретный ключ от системы}
Order order = new Order("100", 12000);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine(new RubPaymentSystem(new Md5HashService(), "{0}RUB&hash={1}").GetPayingLink(order));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine(new RubAmountPaymentSystem(new Md5HashService(), "{0}").GetPayingLink(order));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
Console.WriteLine(new EurPaymentSystem(new Sha1HashService(), "{0}&currency=RUB&hash={1}", "secret").GetPayingLink(order));
public class Order(string id, int amount)
public string Id { get; } = id;
public int Amount { get; } = amount;
public interface IPaymentSystem
string GetPayingLink(Order order);
public interface IHashService
string Hash(string data);
public class Md5HashService : IHashService
public string Hash(string data)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
throw new ArgumentException($"\"{nameof(data)}\" не может быть пустым или содержать только пробел.", nameof(data));
byte[] bytes = MD5.HashData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
return bytes.ToHex(true);
public class Sha1HashService : IHashService
public string Hash(string data)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
throw new ArgumentException($"\"{nameof(data)}\" не может быть пустым или содержать только пробел.", nameof(data));
byte[] bytes = SHA1.HashData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
return bytes.ToHex(true);
public class RubPaymentSystem(IHashService hashService, string link) : IPaymentSystem
private readonly IHashService _hashService = hashService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hashService));
private readonly string _link = string.IsNullOrEmpty(link) == false ? link : throw new ArgumentException(nameof(link));
public string GetPayingLink(Order order) =>
string.Format(_link,order.Amount, _hashService.Hash(order.Id));
public class RubAmountPaymentSystem(IHashService hashService, string link) : IPaymentSystem
private readonly IHashService _hashService = hashService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hashService));
private readonly string _link = string.IsNullOrEmpty(link) == false ? link : throw new ArgumentException(nameof(link));
public string GetPayingLink(Order order) =>
string.Format(_link, _hashService.Hash(order.Id), order.Amount);
public class EurPaymentSystem(IHashService hashService, string link, string secretKey) : IPaymentSystem
private readonly IHashService _hashService = hashService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hashService));
private readonly string _link = string.IsNullOrEmpty(link) == false ? link : throw new ArgumentException(nameof(link));
private readonly string _secretKey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(secretKey) == false ? secretKey : throw new ArgumentException(nameof(secretKey));
public string GetPayingLink(Order order) =>
string.Format(_link, order.Amount, _hashService.Hash(string.Concat(order.Amount.ToString(), order.Id, _secretKey)));
static class ByteArrayExtension
public static string ToHex(this byte[] bytes, bool upperCase)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
result.Append(bytes[i].ToString(upperCase ? "X2" : "x2"));
return result.ToString();
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