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Created August 3, 2011 02:38
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Quick and dirty script to get flair css class usage statistics on reddit
A quick and dirty script to show some flair statistics.
Currently it only shows how many users have flair, and how many use
each css class.
(success not guaranteed, tested on Python 2.6.6 under Debian 6.0 on a
subreddit with 2 flair users)
1) run
2) enter username and password when asked
3) enter subreddit name (eg: starcraft)
4) Wait for statistics to load (could take a while for big subreddits)
from __future__ import division
import cookielib
import urllib2
import json
from urllib import urlencode
from getpass import getpass
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
def login(user, passwd):
url = ''
r =, urlencode({'user': user, 'passwd': passwd}))
def get_modhash():
url = ''
data = json.load(
return data['data']['modhash'] if 'data' in data else False
def flair_stats(subreddit, modhash):
url = '' % (subreddit,)
stats = {'total': 0, 'class': {} }
q = {'limit': 1000, 'uh': modhash}
_next = None
while True:
if _next:
q['after'] = _next
data = json.load( + urlencode(q)))
if not data:
for user in data['users']:
c = user['flair_css_class']
if c not in stats['class']:
stats['class'][c] = 0
stats['class'][c] += 1
stats['total'] += 1
if 'next' not in data:
_next = data['next']
return stats
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
username = raw_input('username: ')
passwd = getpass('password: ')
login(username, passwd)
modhash = get_modhash()
if not modhash:
print 'Unable to get modhash (invalid login?)'
subreddit = raw_input('subreddit: ')
print 'Loading stats...'
stats = flair_stats(subreddit, modhash)
print 'Total flair users: %d' % (stats['total'],)
for k, v in stats['class'].items():
print '\t%s: %d (%.2f%%)' % (k, v, v / stats['total'] * 100)
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