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Last active October 17, 2020 14:28
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using Yao
using YaoBlocks
using YaoBlocks.ConstGate: TGate, SGate, TdagGate, SdagGate
function, ::MIME"qasm/open", blk::AbstractBlock)
qcode = qasm(blk)
println(io, "OPENQASM 2.0")
maincode = pop!(qcode, "main")
for k in keys
println(io, qcode)
println(io, maincode)
######################## Basic Buiding Blocks ########################
const BASIC_1GATES = [:X, :Y, :Z, :H, :S, :Sdag, :T, :Tdag]
addrs2str(locs) = join(["reg[$(i-1)]" for i in locs], ", ")
floats2str(params) = join(["$p" for p in params], ", ")
args2str(pcounts) = join(["p$i" for i=pcounts], ", ")
qasm(blk::PutBlock{N}, args...) where N = qasm(blk.block, args...) * " " * addrs2str(blk.locs)
qasm(blk::ControlBlock{N}, args...) where N = "C-" * qasm(blk.block, args...) * " " * addrs2str(blk.locs)
# u3, u2,
# cu1, cu3
# if statement
# x, y, z, h, s, sdag, t, tdag
# u1 == z
GT = Symbol(G, :Gate)
g = G |> String |> lowercase
@eval qasm(blk::$GT, args...) = "$($g)"
@eval qasm(blk::PutBlock{<:Any, <:Any, <:$GT}, args...) where N = "$($g) " * addrs2str(blk.locs)
# cx, cy, cz, ch
for G in BASIC_1GATES[1:4]
GT = Symbol(G, :Gate)
g = G |> String |> lowercase
@eval qasm(blk::ControlBlock{<:Any, <:$GT}, args...) where N = "c$($g) " * addrs2str([blk.ctrl_locs[1], blk.locs[1]])
# rx, ry, rz
# crz, crx, cry
# ccx, ccy, ccz
for G in BASIC_1GATES[1:3]
GT = Symbol(G, :Gate)
g = G |> String |> lowercase
@eval qasm(blk::ControlBlock{<:Any, <:RotationGate{<:Any, <:Any, <:$GT}}, args...) where N = "cr$($g)($(blk.content.theta)) " * addrs2str([blk.ctrl_locs[1], blk.locs[1]])
@eval qasm(blk::PutBlock{<:Any, <:Any, <:RotationGate{<:Any, <:Any, <:$GT}}, args...) where N = "r$($g)($(blk.content.theta)) " * addrs2str(blk.locs)
@eval qasm(blk::ControlBlock{<:Any, <:$GT, 2}, args...) where N = "cc$($g) " * addrs2str([blk.ctrl_locs..., blk.locs[1]])
# id
qasm(blk::I2Gate, args...) = "id"
qasm(blk::PutBlock{<:Any, <:Any, <:I2Gate}, args...) = "id " * addrs2str(blk.locs)
function qasm(blk::AbstractBlock, args...)
function qasm(blk::ChainBlock, funcs=Dict{String, String}("main"=>""), fcount::Int=0, pcount::Int=0, level::Int=0)
GNAME = "G$pcount"
# however, we don't support function parameters for the moment.
nparams = nparameters(blk)
code = "gate $GNAME reg
code *= join([" "^(level+1) * qasm(b, funcs, fcount+1, pcount+nparams, level+1) for b in subblocks(blk)], "
code *= "
funcs[GNAME] = code
"$GNAME reg"
using Test
@testset "qasm basic" begin
@test control(3, (1,3), 2=>Z) |> qasm == "ccz reg[0], reg[2], reg[1]"
@test control(3, (1,), 2=>X) |> qasm == "cx reg[0], reg[1]"
@test put(5, 2=>rot(X, 0.3)) |> qasm == "rx(0.3) reg[1]"
@test control(3, (1,), 2=>rot(X, 0.3)) |> qasm == "crx(0.3) reg[0], reg[1]"
@test put(5, 3=>X) |> qasm == "x reg[2]"
@test put(5, 3=>X) |> qasm == "x reg[2]"
@test put(5, 3=>I2) |> qasm == "id reg[2]"
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