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Last active December 20, 2015 10:49
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Save GigsD4X/6118640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints instances of the given case-insensitive pattern in any scripts within a given object. Usage: findPatternInChildScripts( `Parent`, `pattern` )
function _trimString( str )
-- Returns string `str` without leading/trailing whitespace
return ( str:gsub( "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1" ) );
function _countStringOccurrences( haystack, needle )
-- Returns the amount of occurrences of a pattern in a string
local count = 0;
for _ in haystack:gmatch( needle ) do
count = count + 1;
return count;
function _splitString( str, delimiter )
-- Returns a table of string `str` split by pattern `delimiter`
local parts = {};
local pattern = ( "([^%s]+)" ):format( delimiter );
str:gsub( pattern, function ( part )
table.insert( parts, part );
end );
return parts;
function findPatternInChildScripts( Parent, pattern )
-- Prints any instances of the given pattern in the scripts within `Parent`, recursively
-- Go through every child of the given parent
for _, Child in pairs( Parent:GetChildren() ) do
local Output = {};
-- Add the header (the path to the object)
table.insert( Output, "\n-- in " .. Child:GetFullName() );
-- Check if this child is a script and if it is, add it to the list
if Child:IsA( "Script" ) or Child:IsA( "LocalScript" ) then
-- Keep a list of all the lines
local lines = { Child.Source };
if _countStringOccurrences( Child.Source, "\n" ) > 0 then
lines = _splitString( Child.Source, "\n" );
for line_index, line in pairs( lines ) do
local case_insensitive_pattern = pattern:gsub( "(%a)", function ( letter )
return "[" .. letter:upper() .. letter:lower() .. "]";
end );
if line:find( case_insensitive_pattern ) then
table.insert( Output, "@" .. line_index .. ": " .. _trimString( line ) );
-- If there's anything other than the header in the output stack, print it
if #Output > 1 then
for _, message in pairs( Output ) do
print( message );
-- Look for any scripts in this child
findPatternInChildScripts( Child, pattern );
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