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Created September 19, 2021 23:13
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- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well-- I suppose this would be a good time to introduce myself! My name
is Matt Hink- as the fourth member of the Paradox Space team, I am the resident
web developer and in fact, all-round technical guy for the site. A significant
portion of my job is taking the (often somewhat unhinged) ideas that the rest
of the team has and turn them into a functioning website. As some of you may
have noticed, this is generally easier said than done. Websites can often be distinctly
<p>The remainder of my job is attempting not to cry as Tauhid, Kory, and Rachel
find ways to misuse the site. I am not particularly good at this. My beard is
stained with tears.</p>
<p>Anyways, circumstances like last night''s outage are likely the only time you''ll
hear from me, as the rest of the team is much better than I am at saying words
to people. But you can rest assured that I am constantly behind the scenes keeping
a wary and at times paranoid eye over the Paradox Space server(s).</p>
<p>And now, a few fun facts.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? During launch, our rate of requests peaked at around 3500 requests
per minute, meaning that <strong>every second</strong>, about 58 users were accessing
the site. Happily, the wave of the Homestuck fandom didn''t even come close to
knocking us over. Since then, we''re down to about 200-300 requests per minute
over the course of the day.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The 404 (File Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) images
were drawn by KC Green and Shad Andrews, respectively.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The final pre-launch touches to Paradox Space were made 4 minutes
and 13 seconds before 4:13 on 04/13?</p>
<p>Well, now you do.</p>
<p>Couple notes of recognition: thanks to everyone who''s emailed in bug reports
to <a href=""></a>-
I do read them and generally take them into account. I''d also like to thank
everyone who''s sent in encouraging emails to the team- I have this massive amount
of respect for Rachel, Kory, and Tauhid, who constantly bust their rumps to make
great stuff for you guys.</p>
<p>P.S. To whoever it was on Tumblr that discovered the Swedish translation of
my last name, thanks a WHOLE lot. My co-workers found out about it and now they
won''t stop calling me "bucket". :(</p>
date: April 28, 2014
timestamp: 1398639600.0
title: oh hey the site's back up
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey all! </p>
<p>As you might have heard from <a href="">the
latest newspost</a>, PXS will be taking a hiatus starting today! Keep an eye out
here and on MSPA for news as it occurs. (Speaking of which, if you haven''t seen
<a href="">this
teaser</a> yet, now''s the time to see it and get excited!) In the meantime, we''d
like to thank each and every one of you who''ve supported us during this past
year. It''s been a new experience for all of us, and we''re so grateful you came
along with us on this weird little journey!</p>
<p>From myself personally, I''d like to extend an extra thanks to everyone we''ve
worked with--especially my coworkers, the other editors of PXS, who are hardworking,
tireless, and lovely. I''d also like to thank all the visual artists, writers,
designers, and other freelancers we''ve worked with, who have sweat blood for
what are objectively very silly stories, and to whom I could not be more grateful
or appreciative. Working with, as they say, "creatives" is my favorite part of
the job and I feel very humbled and lucky to have worked with you all!</p>
<p>Happy 413, everyone. :)</p>
date: April 13, 2015
timestamp: 1428879600.0
title: A particularly unusual year!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to Incineraptor and Mary Cagle!!
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello everyone! I hope your weekends were great, and that if you live in
the US/celebrate the 4th of July you got to see some pretty fireworks! </p>
<p>I wanted to thank everyone who wrote to me in response to my last post where
I called for writers! We''ve gotten some great portfolios to check out and we''re
going through them busily now. If you''ve been meaning to write in, please do.</p>
<p>I also wanted to throw in a little link to <a href="">this
post I made about process work</a> since I think it might be interesting to some
readers. </p>
<p>This comic was penciled and inked by EK Weaver, who is a new contributor to
Paradox Space! Her incredible comic <a href="">The
Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal</a> ended recently, so I advise you to
go buy all three volumes and read them back-to-back, greedily, like an animal.
She is a lovely person and an absolute dream to work with, as are Zack and Adrienne!
So basically this comic was made by a bunch of fantastic people, like our other
comics. How did we get so lucky?? </p>
date: July 7, 2014
timestamp: 1404687600.0
title: Just checking in
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello everyone! I hope you''re enjoying this tea party. Crumpets are over
there, and cucumber sandwiches are there. Sugar cubes are in this cute little
pot right here. </p>
<p>A belated Canada day to all our Canadian readers, and a pre-emptive happy Fourth
of July to our US-ian readers! I am kind of not so hot on the 4th as a holiday,
but it''s as good a reason as any to wish people well. </p>
<p>As many readers have noticed, we''ve been having some troubles with our tags.
This is due to something Technical that I don''t understand completely enough
to give you a good explanation for; but rest assured, we''re working on it, and
will soon have the tags fixed up. We''re also working on some improvements to
the tag system that we hope to have up in the next week or two. </p>
<p>I''d also like to ask that if you find any problems while you''re browsing
the site, you please send an email in to <a href=""></a>,
as that is the ideal method to let us know there''s something technical going
on! Sending an email to another address or writing in through Tumblr or Twitter
is still helpful, but is likely to mean a longer delay in seeing your message
and addressing the problem.</p>
<p>I''d also like to thank everyone who wrote in response to my last newspost
where I asked for inkers to step forward! I received a lot of really nice emails
with links to some really gorgeous portfolios. We''ve put a whole bunch of new
names into our useful little artists spreadsheet, and will no doubt be calling
on many of you in the future! </p>
<p>Because we had such success asking for inkers, we''re also taking a tentative
next step: we are looking for writers. However, I want to stress that we are looking
for <strong>experienced</strong> writers. If this is you, please, as before, <a
me</a>. Guidelines for these emails: use your <strong>real name</strong>, send
a <strong>link to your portfolio</strong> (not attached files), be <strong>clear
about your experience level</strong>, and if you''re feeling especially helpful,
<strong>give us an idea of your per-page rate</strong>.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone, hope you''re staying cool! If you''re feeling a bit toasty,
the iced tea''s right here.</p>
date: July 2, 2014
timestamp: 1404255600.0
title: Tea & Tags & T... uh, writing
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope everybody enjoys Party Crashers! It is eight pages long and I drew
it! Rachel and I wrote it! <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a> colored it. If you like it, maybe you would be interested in my comic,
<a href="">Skin
Deep</a>! It is about mythical creatures with personal problems.</p>
<p>There is also a new post over at the <a href="">What
Pumpkin tumblr</a>! New merch is in the store!</p>
date: June 24, 2014
timestamp: 1403564400.0
title: 'Cat Status: My cat stole my computer chair'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>A brand new webcomic, to be exact. One that has launched on the 5th anniversary
of Homestuck''s first page. If the thirteenth of April holds a magical place in
your heart, then chances are, you are on pins and needles waiting for me to post
the end of the story. It will still be quite some time before that happens. I''ve
had too much else going on to be able to attack the remaining content with the
ferocity that has been characteristic of my update schedule over the years. It
is nothing short of The Greatest Tragedy that a beloved story is held hostage
to the ability of a single artist to continue creating it. Which brings us to
the website called Paradox Space, and the chapter it will represent in Homestuck''s
extended life cycle.</p>
<p>As I work on finishing the story, I tend to think a lot about where Homestuck
as a creative property goes from here. It''s hard to ignore the fact that it has
turned into something much bigger than just a long, crazy story on the internet.
It has a lot of fans, and there''s a whole culture surrounding it. Friendships
have been made, lives have been changed, or so people tell me. Those who like
HS are extremely fond of the characters, yet those characters are trapped - "stuck"
if you will - inside a very particular narrative, which itself has been at the
mercy of my ability to produce it. So when I think about the future of Homestuck,
I envision projects which liberate the things people love about it from the story
itself, and most importantly, from my intensive personal effort.</p>
<p>So this website is the first major step in that direction. Here is the idea:</p>
<p>Paradox Space will feature many short comic stories involving literally any
characters and settings from Homestuck. Any point in canon could be visited and
elaborated on, whether it''s backstory, some scenes that were skipped over or
alluded to, funny hypothetical scenarios which have nothing to do with canon events,
or exploring things that could have happened in canon through the "doomed timeline"
mechanic that is a defining trait of Homestuck''s multiverse-continuum known as
"paradox space". There is a WHOLE LOT of fun stuff we can do here; and we will!</p>
<p>The idea is also to get a lot of different artists and writers involved. It''s
going to be a major team effort. Occasionally I will write some comic scripts,
particularly at the onset to help get this off the ground. But I''d like that
to be the exception rather than the rule. I think it will be exciting to see how
a talented pool of creators can work within the HS universe, and what they will
bring to these characters. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who''s
contributing so far. I guarantee that list of names will expand considerably in
the months ahead.</p>
<p>And a quick shout-out to those I regard as the core contributors of Paradox
Space. Rachel and Kory, who are the managing editors of the content. Tauhid, who
designed this sick website. And Matt, who coded this sick website. These people
worked very hard to get this site up and running. They did a great job.</p>
<p>Paradox Space updates with a new page every weekday, starting this week. Next
update is Tuesday, with the first page of another short story. What''s it gonna
be?? Believe me when I say these arcs can involve anything and anyone.</p>
<p>The first story was drawn by Zack Morrison, who is a super solid comic maker.
You should take a look at <a href=""
target="_blank">his webcomic</a> when you get the chance. It''s really good! I''m
not even "just sayin" that either. Why do ya think we asked him to make the first
comic?? Dude''s great. ;-]</p>
date: April 13, 2014
timestamp: 1397343600.0
title: A young reader stands in a webcomic.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>A brand new webcomic, to be exact. One that has launched on the 5th anniversary
of Homestuck''s first page. If the thirteenth of April holds a magical place in
your heart, then chances are, you are on pins and needles waiting for me to post
the end of the story. It will still be quite some time before that happens. I''ve
had too much else going on to be able to attack the remaining content with the
ferocity that has been characteristic of my update schedule over the years. It
is nothing short of The Greatest Tragedy that a beloved story is held hostage
to the ability of a single artist to continue creating it. Which brings us to
the website called Paradox Space, and the chapter it will represent in Homestuck''s
extended life cycle.</p>
<p>As I work on finishing the story, I tend to think a lot about where Homestuck
as a creative property goes from here. It''s hard to ignore the fact that it has
turned into something much bigger than just a long, crazy story on the internet.
It has a lot of fans, and there''s a whole culture surrounding it. Friendships
have been made, lives have been changed, or so people tell me. Those who like
HS are extremely fond of the characters, yet those characters are trapped - "stuck"
if you will - inside a very particular narrative, which itself has been at the
mercy of my ability to produce it. So when I think about the future of Homestuck,
I envision projects which liberate the things people love about it from the story
itself, and most importantly, from my intensive personal effort.</p>
<p>So this website is the first major step in that direction. Here is the idea:</p>
<p>Paradox Space will feature many short comic stories involving literally any
characters and settings from Homestuck. Any point in canon could be visited and
elaborated on, whether it''s backstory, some scenes that were skipped over or
alluded to, funny hypothetical scenarios which have nothing to do with canon events,
or exploring things that could have happened in canon through the "doomed timeline"
mechanic that is a defining trait of Homestuck''s multiverse-continuum known as
"paradox space". There is a WHOLE LOT of fun stuff we can do here; and we will!</p>
<p>The idea is also to get a lot of different artists and writers involved. It''s
going to be a major team effort. Occasionally I will write some comic scripts,
particularly at the onset to help get this off the ground. But I''d like that
to be the exception rather than the rule. I think it will be exciting to see how
a talented pool of creators can work within the HS universe, and what they will
bring to these characters. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who''s
contributing so far. I guarantee that list of names will expand considerably in
the months ahead.</p>
<p>And a quick shout-out to those I regard as the core contributors of Paradox
Space. Rachel and Kory, who are the managing editors of the content. Tauhid, who
designed this sick website. And Matt, who coded this sick website. These people
worked very hard to get this site up and running. They did a great job.</p>
<p>Paradox Space updates with a new page every weekday, starting this week. Next
update is Tuesday, with the first page of another short story. What''s it gonna
be?? Believe me when I say these arcs can involve anything and anyone.</p>
<p>The first story was drawn by Zack Morrison, who is a super solid comic maker.
You should take a look at <a href=""
target="_blank">his webcomic</a> when you get the chance. It''s really good! I''m
not even "just sayin" that either. Why do ya think we asked him to make the first
comic?? Dude''s great. ;-]</p>
date: April 13, 2014
timestamp: 1397343600.0
title: A young reader stands in a webcomic.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>We have a special meal for you this week! That''s right, it''s a Sweet
Bro and Hella Jeff Meowrail Sandwich!</p>
<p>They''re a little more unusual than your garden variety tuna salad so let me
explain. You take two thin slices of SBAHJ bread--not too much or it will become
overwhelming--and between them you put a nice sturdy helping of meowrails. Two
great tastes that taste great together, and need a whole week to be fully enjoyed!</p>
<p>So what I''m saying is we have one page of SBAHJ to start you off, by the illustrious
and hilarious <a href="">KC
Green</a>. KC is a super cool guy and one of the few who really have the chops
to make something SBAHJ without being over the top. Plus, he just started a cool
<a href="">comic
called "Back"</a> that he''s making with <a href="">Anthony
Clark</a>! You should check it out. </p>
<p>In the middle of the week--right now--we have <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a>''s second story, "Hunting Lesson," this one illustrated by the extremely
skilled <a href="">Adrienne
Garcia</a>, who you may know by the name "paperseverywhere." She came to our attention
with her gorgeous fan art and we were extremely pleased that she had the time
and desire to work with us!</p>
<p>And to round out the week we''ll have one more slice of SBAHJ--but I''ll leave
that mysterious for now. </p>
<p>I''m extremely pleased on a personal level that we finally have a story where
Equius gets to shine. He is my pride and joy, inasmuch as a sweaty, fictional
alien teen can be such a thing. For a while I was trying to think of something
special I could do whenever we had an Equius comic, but I ultimately decided that
I would have to be content with just feeling smug. (Which I do.)</p>
<p>Finally, a small note. PXS is currently looking for <strong>professional freelance
inkers</strong>. We have avoided opening submissions in any way because we''re
more than sure that it would be opening a floodgate we don''t have the time or
energy to deal with. However, in this case, we are counting on you, our perspicacious
audience, to self-select wisely. If you are an experienced artist whose inking
skills are as exemplary as your professionalism, please <a href="">shoot
me an email</a>. In this email, please include a link to your portfolio (not attached
files), a little about yourself and your level of experience, and any other information
that might be germane to working with you. If you know someone who fulfills these
requirements we would vastly prefer that rather than writing in to us with their
info, you ask them to email us themselves. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy your sandwich! There''s also some potato chips
to go with it, and a nice apple, because fruits and veggies are important.</p>
date: June 18, 2014
timestamp: 1403046000.0
title: A healthy lunch is important.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Back-to-School Sale at What Pumpkin" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Midnight
to midnight July 14th is our back to school sale!</a></p>
date: July 13, 2014
timestamp: 1405206000.0
title: Back-to-School sale at WP!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey y''all! Long time no see! We''ve been super busy getting the second
Paradox Space book ready for you! This one includes Mister 7 and also a BRAND
NEW story not seen on this site, drawn by Mallory Dyer and written by Andrew Hussie!
Who could it 8e a8out????????</p>
<p><a href=""><img
<p>Pre-order now!!</p>
date: February 21, 2016
timestamp: 1456012800.0
title: Paradox Space Book 2 up for Preorder!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: "<div class=\"media-body\">\n\n\n<p>\n</p><p>Alright, then. I'll take this\
\ biddy out on the floor and spin her. But, before I begin, let's have another\
\ big hand for Andrew, without whom none of this would be possible and I in particular,\
\ would still be trying to murder local sports coaches and garage bands with my\
\ mind. Also, big-ups to <a href=\"\"\
>KC Green</a> for the latest story. One day we're all going to find out that he\
\ was just a man-suit full of comics. </p>\n<p>I'm Tauhid Bondia, also known\
\ as \"Black, Not-Hussie\". Not to be confused with Rachel \"My Last Name is so\
\ Cool, Your Last Name Will Kill Itself\", Kory \"So This is What's up With My\
\ Cat, You Guys\" and Matt \"There's a Strong Chance I'm Wearing a Hat Right Now\"\
. You'll meet them all shortly. Together, we comprise the Paradox Space Crew and\
\ each of us brings something essential to the site. My job is to lend an eye\
\ to the design of and provide all the graphical elements on the site. I also\
\ manage the ads (you're WELCOME). The others can tell you more about themselves,\
\ but I think my point is that (much like the stories you'll be enjoying here)\
\ the Paradox Space site is a strong collaborative effort. </p>\n<p>Since it looks\
\ like we're answering burning questions, I'll take this time to go ahead a field\
\ a few.</p>\n<p><strong>\u2022 Can I work for What Pumpkin?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably!\
\ If you want to know my secret, it's been to know these people for something\
\ like 10 years and spend most of that time learning about and practicing my craft.\
\ I don't know if that's helpful, though. You could always murder me and take\
\ my job, but you wouldn't be the first to have tried.</p>\n<p>Far from it...</p>\n\
<p><strong>\u2022 Does Andrew read these emails?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably not.\
\ When he's not flying all over the country, or working tirelessly on some project\
\ or other, he's likely floating, semi-conscious, in his Michael Jackson chamber.\
\ It does not get wifi. The good news is that I and the others do read your emails.\
\ We talk about you over cereal and coffee. All good stuff, though. </p>\n<p><strong>\u2022\
\ I thought some other thing was going to happen, but Paradox Space happened instead!\
\ Why is that?</strong></p>\n<p>This must be the first time something like this\
\ has happened to you! I can't imagine what that must be like. The only explanation\
\ I can offer has to do with some of the more controversial theories of quantum\
\ physics and, frankly, this is not the venue. </p>\n<p>Anyway, to wrap this up:\
\ Team Paradox Space, is <a href=\"\"\
>at your disposal</a> and are doing our very best to continue bringing you Homestuck\
\ stuff. If you want to talk about PxS, give a thought to visiting the <a href=\"\!\"\
>forum discussion</a> which is still in full swing. And don't forget to follow\
\ us on <a href=\"\"\
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: "It's Pronounced \"tah\u2022heed\""
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey all! </p>
<p>As you might have heard from <a href="">the
latest newspost</a>, PXS will be taking a hiatus starting today! Keep an eye out
here and on MSPA for news as it occurs. (Speaking of which, if you haven''t seen
<a href="">this
teaser</a> yet, now''s the time to see it and get excited!) In the meantime, we''d
like to thank each and every one of you who''ve supported us during this past
year. It''s been a new experience for all of us, and we''re so grateful you came
along with us on this weird little journey!</p>
<p>From myself personally, I''d like to extend an extra thanks to everyone we''ve
worked with--especially my coworkers, the other editors of PXS, who are hardworking,
tireless, and lovely. I''d also like to thank all the visual artists, writers,
designers, and other freelancers we''ve worked with, who have sweat blood for
what are objectively very silly stories, and to whom I could not be more grateful
or appreciative. Working with, as they say, "creatives" is my favorite part of
the job and I feel very humbled and lucky to have worked with you all!</p>
<p>Happy 413, everyone. :)</p>
date: April 13, 2015
timestamp: 1428879600.0
title: A particularly unusual year!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to Incineraptor and Mary Cagle!!
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to Incineraptor and Mary Cagle!!
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: "<div class=\"media-body\">\n\n\n<p>\n</p><p>Alright, then. I'll take this\
\ biddy out on the floor and spin her. But, before I begin, let's have another\
\ big hand for Andrew, without whom none of this would be possible and I in particular,\
\ would still be trying to murder local sports coaches and garage bands with my\
\ mind. Also, big-ups to <a href=\"\"\
>KC Green</a> for the latest story. One day we're all going to find out that he\
\ was just a man-suit full of comics. </p>\n<p>I'm Tauhid Bondia, also known\
\ as \"Black, Not-Hussie\". Not to be confused with Rachel \"My Last Name is so\
\ Cool, Your Last Name Will Kill Itself\", Kory \"So This is What's up With My\
\ Cat, You Guys\" and Matt \"There's a Strong Chance I'm Wearing a Hat Right Now\"\
. You'll meet them all shortly. Together, we comprise the Paradox Space Crew and\
\ each of us brings something essential to the site. My job is to lend an eye\
\ to the design of and provide all the graphical elements on the site. I also\
\ manage the ads (you're WELCOME). The others can tell you more about themselves,\
\ but I think my point is that (much like the stories you'll be enjoying here)\
\ the Paradox Space site is a strong collaborative effort. </p>\n<p>Since it looks\
\ like we're answering burning questions, I'll take this time to go ahead a field\
\ a few.</p>\n<p><strong>\u2022 Can I work for What Pumpkin?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably!\
\ If you want to know my secret, it's been to know these people for something\
\ like 10 years and spend most of that time learning about and practicing my craft.\
\ I don't know if that's helpful, though. You could always murder me and take\
\ my job, but you wouldn't be the first to have tried.</p>\n<p>Far from it...</p>\n\
<p><strong>\u2022 Does Andrew read these emails?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably not.\
\ When he's not flying all over the country, or working tirelessly on some project\
\ or other, he's likely floating, semi-conscious, in his Michael Jackson chamber.\
\ It does not get wifi. The good news is that I and the others do read your emails.\
\ We talk about you over cereal and coffee. All good stuff, though. </p>\n<p><strong>\u2022\
\ I thought some other thing was going to happen, but Paradox Space happened instead!\
\ Why is that?</strong></p>\n<p>This must be the first time something like this\
\ has happened to you! I can't imagine what that must be like. The only explanation\
\ I can offer has to do with some of the more controversial theories of quantum\
\ physics and, frankly, this is not the venue. </p>\n<p>Anyway, to wrap this up:\
\ Team Paradox Space, is <a href=\"\"\
>at your disposal</a> and are doing our very best to continue bringing you Homestuck\
\ stuff. If you want to talk about PxS, give a thought to visiting the <a href=\"\!\"\
>forum discussion</a> which is still in full swing. And don't forget to follow\
\ us on <a href=\"\"\
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: "It's Pronounced \"tah\u2022heed\""
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>We have a special meal for you this week! That''s right, it''s a Sweet
Bro and Hella Jeff Meowrail Sandwich!</p>
<p>They''re a little more unusual than your garden variety tuna salad so let me
explain. You take two thin slices of SBAHJ bread--not too much or it will become
overwhelming--and between them you put a nice sturdy helping of meowrails. Two
great tastes that taste great together, and need a whole week to be fully enjoyed!</p>
<p>So what I''m saying is we have one page of SBAHJ to start you off, by the illustrious
and hilarious <a href="">KC
Green</a>. KC is a super cool guy and one of the few who really have the chops
to make something SBAHJ without being over the top. Plus, he just started a cool
<a href="">comic
called "Back"</a> that he''s making with <a href="">Anthony
Clark</a>! You should check it out. </p>
<p>In the middle of the week--right now--we have <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a>''s second story, "Hunting Lesson," this one illustrated by the extremely
skilled <a href="">Adrienne
Garcia</a>, who you may know by the name "paperseverywhere." She came to our attention
with her gorgeous fan art and we were extremely pleased that she had the time
and desire to work with us!</p>
<p>And to round out the week we''ll have one more slice of SBAHJ--but I''ll leave
that mysterious for now. </p>
<p>I''m extremely pleased on a personal level that we finally have a story where
Equius gets to shine. He is my pride and joy, inasmuch as a sweaty, fictional
alien teen can be such a thing. For a while I was trying to think of something
special I could do whenever we had an Equius comic, but I ultimately decided that
I would have to be content with just feeling smug. (Which I do.)</p>
<p>Finally, a small note. PXS is currently looking for <strong>professional freelance
inkers</strong>. We have avoided opening submissions in any way because we''re
more than sure that it would be opening a floodgate we don''t have the time or
energy to deal with. However, in this case, we are counting on you, our perspicacious
audience, to self-select wisely. If you are an experienced artist whose inking
skills are as exemplary as your professionalism, please <a href="">shoot
me an email</a>. In this email, please include a link to your portfolio (not attached
files), a little about yourself and your level of experience, and any other information
that might be germane to working with you. If you know someone who fulfills these
requirements we would vastly prefer that rather than writing in to us with their
info, you ask them to email us themselves. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy your sandwich! There''s also some potato chips
to go with it, and a nice apple, because fruits and veggies are important.</p>
date: June 18, 2014
timestamp: 1403046000.0
title: A healthy lunch is important.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey all! </p>
<p>As you might have heard from <a href="">the
latest newspost</a>, PXS will be taking a hiatus starting today! Keep an eye out
here and on MSPA for news as it occurs. (Speaking of which, if you haven''t seen
<a href="">this
teaser</a> yet, now''s the time to see it and get excited!) In the meantime, we''d
like to thank each and every one of you who''ve supported us during this past
year. It''s been a new experience for all of us, and we''re so grateful you came
along with us on this weird little journey!</p>
<p>From myself personally, I''d like to extend an extra thanks to everyone we''ve
worked with--especially my coworkers, the other editors of PXS, who are hardworking,
tireless, and lovely. I''d also like to thank all the visual artists, writers,
designers, and other freelancers we''ve worked with, who have sweat blood for
what are objectively very silly stories, and to whom I could not be more grateful
or appreciative. Working with, as they say, "creatives" is my favorite part of
the job and I feel very humbled and lucky to have worked with you all!</p>
<p>Happy 413, everyone. :)</p>
date: April 13, 2015
timestamp: 1428879600.0
title: A particularly unusual year!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey! I''ve already gotten a TON of writers emailing and I wanted to clarify,
the same instructions hold as last time:</p>
<p><strong>Please email with your full name, a link to your professional portfolio,
and a description of your experience level. You should have some experience writing
for sequential art, as well as some experience doing freelance work.</strong></p>
date: August 14, 2014
timestamp: 1407970800.0
title: Note about call for writers
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>A brand new webcomic, to be exact. One that has launched on the 5th anniversary
of Homestuck''s first page. If the thirteenth of April holds a magical place in
your heart, then chances are, you are on pins and needles waiting for me to post
the end of the story. It will still be quite some time before that happens. I''ve
had too much else going on to be able to attack the remaining content with the
ferocity that has been characteristic of my update schedule over the years. It
is nothing short of The Greatest Tragedy that a beloved story is held hostage
to the ability of a single artist to continue creating it. Which brings us to
the website called Paradox Space, and the chapter it will represent in Homestuck''s
extended life cycle.</p>
<p>As I work on finishing the story, I tend to think a lot about where Homestuck
as a creative property goes from here. It''s hard to ignore the fact that it has
turned into something much bigger than just a long, crazy story on the internet.
It has a lot of fans, and there''s a whole culture surrounding it. Friendships
have been made, lives have been changed, or so people tell me. Those who like
HS are extremely fond of the characters, yet those characters are trapped - "stuck"
if you will - inside a very particular narrative, which itself has been at the
mercy of my ability to produce it. So when I think about the future of Homestuck,
I envision projects which liberate the things people love about it from the story
itself, and most importantly, from my intensive personal effort.</p>
<p>So this website is the first major step in that direction. Here is the idea:</p>
<p>Paradox Space will feature many short comic stories involving literally any
characters and settings from Homestuck. Any point in canon could be visited and
elaborated on, whether it''s backstory, some scenes that were skipped over or
alluded to, funny hypothetical scenarios which have nothing to do with canon events,
or exploring things that could have happened in canon through the "doomed timeline"
mechanic that is a defining trait of Homestuck''s multiverse-continuum known as
"paradox space". There is a WHOLE LOT of fun stuff we can do here; and we will!</p>
<p>The idea is also to get a lot of different artists and writers involved. It''s
going to be a major team effort. Occasionally I will write some comic scripts,
particularly at the onset to help get this off the ground. But I''d like that
to be the exception rather than the rule. I think it will be exciting to see how
a talented pool of creators can work within the HS universe, and what they will
bring to these characters. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who''s
contributing so far. I guarantee that list of names will expand considerably in
the months ahead.</p>
<p>And a quick shout-out to those I regard as the core contributors of Paradox
Space. Rachel and Kory, who are the managing editors of the content. Tauhid, who
designed this sick website. And Matt, who coded this sick website. These people
worked very hard to get this site up and running. They did a great job.</p>
<p>Paradox Space updates with a new page every weekday, starting this week. Next
update is Tuesday, with the first page of another short story. What''s it gonna
be?? Believe me when I say these arcs can involve anything and anyone.</p>
<p>The first story was drawn by Zack Morrison, who is a super solid comic maker.
You should take a look at <a href=""
target="_blank">his webcomic</a> when you get the chance. It''s really good! I''m
not even "just sayin" that either. Why do ya think we asked him to make the first
comic?? Dude''s great. ;-]</p>
date: April 13, 2014
timestamp: 1397343600.0
title: A young reader stands in a webcomic.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey all! </p>
<p>As you might have heard from <a href="">the
latest newspost</a>, PXS will be taking a hiatus starting today! Keep an eye out
here and on MSPA for news as it occurs. (Speaking of which, if you haven''t seen
<a href="">this
teaser</a> yet, now''s the time to see it and get excited!) In the meantime, we''d
like to thank each and every one of you who''ve supported us during this past
year. It''s been a new experience for all of us, and we''re so grateful you came
along with us on this weird little journey!</p>
<p>From myself personally, I''d like to extend an extra thanks to everyone we''ve
worked with--especially my coworkers, the other editors of PXS, who are hardworking,
tireless, and lovely. I''d also like to thank all the visual artists, writers,
designers, and other freelancers we''ve worked with, who have sweat blood for
what are objectively very silly stories, and to whom I could not be more grateful
or appreciative. Working with, as they say, "creatives" is my favorite part of
the job and I feel very humbled and lucky to have worked with you all!</p>
<p>Happy 413, everyone. :)</p>
date: April 13, 2015
timestamp: 1428879600.0
title: A particularly unusual year!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to Incineraptor and Mary Cagle!!
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well-- I suppose this would be a good time to introduce myself! My name
is Matt Hink- as the fourth member of the Paradox Space team, I am the resident
web developer and in fact, all-round technical guy for the site. A significant
portion of my job is taking the (often somewhat unhinged) ideas that the rest
of the team has and turn them into a functioning website. As some of you may
have noticed, this is generally easier said than done. Websites can often be distinctly
<p>The remainder of my job is attempting not to cry as Tauhid, Kory, and Rachel
find ways to misuse the site. I am not particularly good at this. My beard is
stained with tears.</p>
<p>Anyways, circumstances like last night''s outage are likely the only time you''ll
hear from me, as the rest of the team is much better than I am at saying words
to people. But you can rest assured that I am constantly behind the scenes keeping
a wary and at times paranoid eye over the Paradox Space server(s).</p>
<p>And now, a few fun facts.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? During launch, our rate of requests peaked at around 3500 requests
per minute, meaning that <strong>every second</strong>, about 58 users were accessing
the site. Happily, the wave of the Homestuck fandom didn''t even come close to
knocking us over. Since then, we''re down to about 200-300 requests per minute
over the course of the day.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The 404 (File Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) images
were drawn by KC Green and Shad Andrews, respectively.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The final pre-launch touches to Paradox Space were made 4 minutes
and 13 seconds before 4:13 on 04/13?</p>
<p>Well, now you do.</p>
<p>Couple notes of recognition: thanks to everyone who''s emailed in bug reports
to <a href=""></a>-
I do read them and generally take them into account. I''d also like to thank
everyone who''s sent in encouraging emails to the team- I have this massive amount
of respect for Rachel, Kory, and Tauhid, who constantly bust their rumps to make
great stuff for you guys.</p>
<p>P.S. To whoever it was on Tumblr that discovered the Swedish translation of
my last name, thanks a WHOLE lot. My co-workers found out about it and now they
won''t stop calling me "bucket". :(</p>
date: April 28, 2014
timestamp: 1398639600.0
title: oh hey the site's back up
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey y''all! Long time no see! We''ve been super busy getting the second
Paradox Space book ready for you! This one includes Mister 7 and also a BRAND
NEW story not seen on this site, drawn by Mallory Dyer and written by Andrew Hussie!
Who could it 8e a8out????????</p>
<p><a href=""><img
<p>Pre-order now!!</p>
date: February 21, 2016
timestamp: 1456012800.0
title: Paradox Space Book 2 up for Preorder!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>And... yep. Went STRAIGHT to the well of juggalo humor, right off the bat.
Were you honestly expecting anything else? Frankly, shame on you if you were.</p>
<p>"Headed for Stardom" is by Jonathan Griffiths. Observe more of his fine work
<a href=""
target="_blank">over here</a>!</p>
<p>Soon I will take a step back from this news section and let other voices emerge.
I''m the stern guardian figure pushing several frightened children on a rickety
little bike, and they''re all nervous as hell. But I''m not. I''m smiling and
beaming with pride as I let go of the bike at the top of a steep hill, which has
a ramp at the bottom that launches over Sadcorpse Canyon. They''re not sure if
they can make it. But I know they can. I know they can. (Also, they''re chained
to the bike.)</p>
<p>Now for a few "frequently asked questions", or as I like to call them, FREQAQUES.</p>
<p><u>Do you have an RSS feed?</u></p>
<p>Yes, <a href=""
target="_blank">here it is</a>. </p>
<p><u>Are these comics canon?</u></p>
<p>I think you will have to use your own judgment on that. Sometimes there''s
going to be some truly ridiculous nonsense that could not have possibly happened
in canon. Other times, the events portrayed will at least be plausible, and will
present no contradiction. Does that then mean those events are canon? Hard to
say. A formal ruling here does not seem appropriate. </p>
<p>If you want me to give you some guidelines that are AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE, here
you go. For any given story, it is either "Definitely Not Canon" or "Possibly
Canon". But no story should ever be regarded as "Definitely Canon", unless Homestuck
itself confirms those events retroactively in some manner. Does that make sense??</p>
<p><u>I really want to know about X, but Paradox Space keeps running a lot of
silly shit that isn''t answering my questions about Homestuck.</u></p>
<p>This isn''t frequently asked yet (also, it isn''t a question), but I''m anticipating
the sentiment. Primarily, PS content will involve a lot of silly, funny stories
that feature fun characters saying stupid things to each other and doing funny,
silly things together. Much like Homestuck itself! SOMETIMES, these stories may
brush with topics or events that weren''t fully elaborated on in Homestuck, and
may offer some intriguing insight into what might have happened during certain
unembellished portions of canon. But such stories are not guaranteed to be the
site''s principle offering. Viewing it as an effort to pad out HS by filling all
the holes and answering all the mysteries is not the right way to look at it.
The right way to look at it is to see PS as a funny source of entertainment, where
funny and entertaining comics are posted every weekday. And sometimes, those comics
will be "interesting" as well.</p>
date: April 16, 2014
timestamp: 1397602800.0
title: Second story posted.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello, it''s me again. The fact that it''s me is how you know something
weird is going on.</p>
<p>Here''s a cool thing that will happen with this website sometimes. Every now
and then, we will flip a switch, and that little button that says "2x UPDATE COMBO
WEEK" will appear up there in the corner. This means for that week, Paradox Space
will update with two pages per day. </p>
<p>I know, right? That''s a lot of comics! When the idea for this site was first
conceived, this is something I pictured as a standard for it. Frequently more
than one (or even more than two??) pages per day. I would like to work toward
this being a more common thing for the site. For now though, it will be kind of
a special thing. It will take some time to make that idea sustainable. Posting
ten pages in a week burns through a lot of comics! But as this comic-making process
gets more streamlined, it is my hope that this will occur more often - perhaps
it will even become normal.</p>
<p>Part of "making it sustainable" has to do with cost. In case it was not obvious,
I''m paying all the writers and artists a decent page-rate to make everything
you see here. In fact, this is probably one of the most expensive webcomics to
run for that reason. Usually, a webcomic involves one guy like me, who just makes
a bunch of stuff "for free", puts it up, and whatever the site makes covers server
costs, and some extra for the webcomic guy to live on. This is a much more distributed
production though, involving many people. And that''s fine! At one page per day
we can make that work without a sweat. It''s when you start racking up multiple
pages per day, the costs start getting kooky. So my intention is to work on figuring
that out, to make it sustainable. By optimizing ads, printing books, etc. Your
support, as always, is critical and appreciated.</p>
<p>What is implied here is that I am thinking in the long term with this site,
and expecting it to grow and evolve. Part of that is frequency of the content.
The other part is nature of the content. I spoke of what kind of comics to expect
here in my initial spiel, but I think I can simplify it further.</p>
<p>It seems to me there will be two types of content this site runs. The funny
and gaggy kind, like the one my pal <a href="">
KC Green</a> did a couple weeks ago, and the one running currently by the very
funny <a href="">
David McGuire</a>. These are comics full of laffs, but quite obviously have no
relation to canon events. Then there is the more "substantive" kind, which conceivably
could have taken place in canon, and contribute a little more to your understanding
of the characters and the story overall. The Flarp story last week by Benito and
Kristin I think fits this description. Sure seems like that arc could have happened
in canon, doesn''t it? If that is what you would like to believe, you will get
no argument from me. Eridan getting owned is ALWAYS plausible, the end.</p>
<p>My sense is that as this comic goes along, the latter type of content will
be more exciting to the audience. Chuckles are always great, but "substantive"
elaboration on the characters and universe are understandably seen as more rewarding.
So I will try to nudge production in that direction. Again, it''ll take some time
to make that a fully sustainable idea. I can''t just snap my fingers and expect
other writers to have the comprehensive understanding of all this nonsense that
I have. It''ll take a while to get there. But I am patient. I am also confident
that the creative people behind this operation will keep putting out good comics,
and that this site will continue evolving into something you will find more rewarding
to visit with each passing month.</p>
<p>Now let''s all kick back, relax, and google some horse memes.</p>
<p>Edit: Whoaaa. Those are all HORRIBLE. Let''s forget I suggested that idea!</p>
date: May 11, 2014
timestamp: 1399762800.0
title: 2x UPDATE COMBO
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well-- I suppose this would be a good time to introduce myself! My name
is Matt Hink- as the fourth member of the Paradox Space team, I am the resident
web developer and in fact, all-round technical guy for the site. A significant
portion of my job is taking the (often somewhat unhinged) ideas that the rest
of the team has and turn them into a functioning website. As some of you may
have noticed, this is generally easier said than done. Websites can often be distinctly
<p>The remainder of my job is attempting not to cry as Tauhid, Kory, and Rachel
find ways to misuse the site. I am not particularly good at this. My beard is
stained with tears.</p>
<p>Anyways, circumstances like last night''s outage are likely the only time you''ll
hear from me, as the rest of the team is much better than I am at saying words
to people. But you can rest assured that I am constantly behind the scenes keeping
a wary and at times paranoid eye over the Paradox Space server(s).</p>
<p>And now, a few fun facts.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? During launch, our rate of requests peaked at around 3500 requests
per minute, meaning that <strong>every second</strong>, about 58 users were accessing
the site. Happily, the wave of the Homestuck fandom didn''t even come close to
knocking us over. Since then, we''re down to about 200-300 requests per minute
over the course of the day.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The 404 (File Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) images
were drawn by KC Green and Shad Andrews, respectively.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The final pre-launch touches to Paradox Space were made 4 minutes
and 13 seconds before 4:13 on 04/13?</p>
<p>Well, now you do.</p>
<p>Couple notes of recognition: thanks to everyone who''s emailed in bug reports
to <a href=""></a>-
I do read them and generally take them into account. I''d also like to thank
everyone who''s sent in encouraging emails to the team- I have this massive amount
of respect for Rachel, Kory, and Tauhid, who constantly bust their rumps to make
great stuff for you guys.</p>
<p>P.S. To whoever it was on Tumblr that discovered the Swedish translation of
my last name, thanks a WHOLE lot. My co-workers found out about it and now they
won''t stop calling me "bucket". :(</p>
date: April 28, 2014
timestamp: 1398639600.0
title: oh hey the site's back up
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope everybody enjoys Party Crashers! It is eight pages long and I drew
it! Rachel and I wrote it! <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a> colored it. If you like it, maybe you would be interested in my comic,
<a href="">Skin
Deep</a>! It is about mythical creatures with personal problems.</p>
<p>There is also a new post over at the <a href="">What
Pumpkin tumblr</a>! New merch is in the store!</p>
date: June 24, 2014
timestamp: 1403564400.0
title: 'Cat Status: My cat stole my computer chair'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey y''all! Long time no see! We''ve been super busy getting the second
Paradox Space book ready for you! This one includes Mister 7 and also a BRAND
NEW story not seen on this site, drawn by Mallory Dyer and written by Andrew Hussie!
Who could it 8e a8out????????</p>
<p><a href=""><img
<p>Pre-order now!!</p>
date: February 21, 2016
timestamp: 1456012800.0
title: Paradox Space Book 2 up for Preorder!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey all! </p>
<p>As you might have heard from <a href="">the
latest newspost</a>, PXS will be taking a hiatus starting today! Keep an eye out
here and on MSPA for news as it occurs. (Speaking of which, if you haven''t seen
<a href="">this
teaser</a> yet, now''s the time to see it and get excited!) In the meantime, we''d
like to thank each and every one of you who''ve supported us during this past
year. It''s been a new experience for all of us, and we''re so grateful you came
along with us on this weird little journey!</p>
<p>From myself personally, I''d like to extend an extra thanks to everyone we''ve
worked with--especially my coworkers, the other editors of PXS, who are hardworking,
tireless, and lovely. I''d also like to thank all the visual artists, writers,
designers, and other freelancers we''ve worked with, who have sweat blood for
what are objectively very silly stories, and to whom I could not be more grateful
or appreciative. Working with, as they say, "creatives" is my favorite part of
the job and I feel very humbled and lucky to have worked with you all!</p>
<p>Happy 413, everyone. :)</p>
date: April 13, 2015
timestamp: 1428879600.0
title: A particularly unusual year!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well-- I suppose this would be a good time to introduce myself! My name
is Matt Hink- as the fourth member of the Paradox Space team, I am the resident
web developer and in fact, all-round technical guy for the site. A significant
portion of my job is taking the (often somewhat unhinged) ideas that the rest
of the team has and turn them into a functioning website. As some of you may
have noticed, this is generally easier said than done. Websites can often be distinctly
<p>The remainder of my job is attempting not to cry as Tauhid, Kory, and Rachel
find ways to misuse the site. I am not particularly good at this. My beard is
stained with tears.</p>
<p>Anyways, circumstances like last night''s outage are likely the only time you''ll
hear from me, as the rest of the team is much better than I am at saying words
to people. But you can rest assured that I am constantly behind the scenes keeping
a wary and at times paranoid eye over the Paradox Space server(s).</p>
<p>And now, a few fun facts.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? During launch, our rate of requests peaked at around 3500 requests
per minute, meaning that <strong>every second</strong>, about 58 users were accessing
the site. Happily, the wave of the Homestuck fandom didn''t even come close to
knocking us over. Since then, we''re down to about 200-300 requests per minute
over the course of the day.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The 404 (File Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) images
were drawn by KC Green and Shad Andrews, respectively.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The final pre-launch touches to Paradox Space were made 4 minutes
and 13 seconds before 4:13 on 04/13?</p>
<p>Well, now you do.</p>
<p>Couple notes of recognition: thanks to everyone who''s emailed in bug reports
to <a href=""></a>-
I do read them and generally take them into account. I''d also like to thank
everyone who''s sent in encouraging emails to the team- I have this massive amount
of respect for Rachel, Kory, and Tauhid, who constantly bust their rumps to make
great stuff for you guys.</p>
<p>P.S. To whoever it was on Tumblr that discovered the Swedish translation of
my last name, thanks a WHOLE lot. My co-workers found out about it and now they
won''t stop calling me "bucket". :(</p>
date: April 28, 2014
timestamp: 1398639600.0
title: oh hey the site's back up
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Andrew Hussie
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>And... yep. Went STRAIGHT to the well of juggalo humor, right off the bat.
Were you honestly expecting anything else? Frankly, shame on you if you were.</p>
<p>"Headed for Stardom" is by Jonathan Griffiths. Observe more of his fine work
<a href=""
target="_blank">over here</a>!</p>
<p>Soon I will take a step back from this news section and let other voices emerge.
I''m the stern guardian figure pushing several frightened children on a rickety
little bike, and they''re all nervous as hell. But I''m not. I''m smiling and
beaming with pride as I let go of the bike at the top of a steep hill, which has
a ramp at the bottom that launches over Sadcorpse Canyon. They''re not sure if
they can make it. But I know they can. I know they can. (Also, they''re chained
to the bike.)</p>
<p>Now for a few "frequently asked questions", or as I like to call them, FREQAQUES.</p>
<p><u>Do you have an RSS feed?</u></p>
<p>Yes, <a href=""
target="_blank">here it is</a>. </p>
<p><u>Are these comics canon?</u></p>
<p>I think you will have to use your own judgment on that. Sometimes there''s
going to be some truly ridiculous nonsense that could not have possibly happened
in canon. Other times, the events portrayed will at least be plausible, and will
present no contradiction. Does that then mean those events are canon? Hard to
say. A formal ruling here does not seem appropriate. </p>
<p>If you want me to give you some guidelines that are AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE, here
you go. For any given story, it is either "Definitely Not Canon" or "Possibly
Canon". But no story should ever be regarded as "Definitely Canon", unless Homestuck
itself confirms those events retroactively in some manner. Does that make sense??</p>
<p><u>I really want to know about X, but Paradox Space keeps running a lot of
silly shit that isn''t answering my questions about Homestuck.</u></p>
<p>This isn''t frequently asked yet (also, it isn''t a question), but I''m anticipating
the sentiment. Primarily, PS content will involve a lot of silly, funny stories
that feature fun characters saying stupid things to each other and doing funny,
silly things together. Much like Homestuck itself! SOMETIMES, these stories may
brush with topics or events that weren''t fully elaborated on in Homestuck, and
may offer some intriguing insight into what might have happened during certain
unembellished portions of canon. But such stories are not guaranteed to be the
site''s principle offering. Viewing it as an effort to pad out HS by filling all
the holes and answering all the mysteries is not the right way to look at it.
The right way to look at it is to see PS as a funny source of entertainment, where
funny and entertaining comics are posted every weekday. And sometimes, those comics
will be "interesting" as well.</p>
date: April 16, 2014
timestamp: 1397602800.0
title: Second story posted.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>We have a special meal for you this week! That''s right, it''s a Sweet
Bro and Hella Jeff Meowrail Sandwich!</p>
<p>They''re a little more unusual than your garden variety tuna salad so let me
explain. You take two thin slices of SBAHJ bread--not too much or it will become
overwhelming--and between them you put a nice sturdy helping of meowrails. Two
great tastes that taste great together, and need a whole week to be fully enjoyed!</p>
<p>So what I''m saying is we have one page of SBAHJ to start you off, by the illustrious
and hilarious <a href="">KC
Green</a>. KC is a super cool guy and one of the few who really have the chops
to make something SBAHJ without being over the top. Plus, he just started a cool
<a href="">comic
called "Back"</a> that he''s making with <a href="">Anthony
Clark</a>! You should check it out. </p>
<p>In the middle of the week--right now--we have <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a>''s second story, "Hunting Lesson," this one illustrated by the extremely
skilled <a href="">Adrienne
Garcia</a>, who you may know by the name "paperseverywhere." She came to our attention
with her gorgeous fan art and we were extremely pleased that she had the time
and desire to work with us!</p>
<p>And to round out the week we''ll have one more slice of SBAHJ--but I''ll leave
that mysterious for now. </p>
<p>I''m extremely pleased on a personal level that we finally have a story where
Equius gets to shine. He is my pride and joy, inasmuch as a sweaty, fictional
alien teen can be such a thing. For a while I was trying to think of something
special I could do whenever we had an Equius comic, but I ultimately decided that
I would have to be content with just feeling smug. (Which I do.)</p>
<p>Finally, a small note. PXS is currently looking for <strong>professional freelance
inkers</strong>. We have avoided opening submissions in any way because we''re
more than sure that it would be opening a floodgate we don''t have the time or
energy to deal with. However, in this case, we are counting on you, our perspicacious
audience, to self-select wisely. If you are an experienced artist whose inking
skills are as exemplary as your professionalism, please <a href="">shoot
me an email</a>. In this email, please include a link to your portfolio (not attached
files), a little about yourself and your level of experience, and any other information
that might be germane to working with you. If you know someone who fulfills these
requirements we would vastly prefer that rather than writing in to us with their
info, you ask them to email us themselves. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy your sandwich! There''s also some potato chips
to go with it, and a nice apple, because fruits and veggies are important.</p>
date: June 18, 2014
timestamp: 1403046000.0
title: A healthy lunch is important.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>You may have noticed by now that if you squint really hard, there are now
THINGS at the bottom of each comic page. These things have colors and words on
them. This may confuse and alarm you, but these things have a name.</p>
<p>They are called TAGS.</p>
<p>After talking it over in our weekly video calls (during which I usually just
nod sagely while Kory, Rachel, and Tauhid discuss the finer details of comic scheduling
and do Actual Work), we decided that what Paradox Space REALLY NEEDS is another
way for us to insert EVEN MORE hilarious sideline commentary in a website that''s
already packed to the brim with cool stuff.</p>
<p>You''ll notice that there are several types of tags which appear at the bottom
of each page. The colorful tags describe two things: the creator(s) of the comic,
and the characters appearing in the comic. (The Critical Wh8le was granted charactership
in a landslide victory for curmudgeonly sea mammals worldwide.)</p>
<p>The not-colorful tags (I''ve heard they''re called ''desaturated'', but I don''t
approve of that sort of language) are simply other ways for us to make silly and
pointless remarks about comics.</p>
<p>Last, but not least, hiding down below the "Recent Stories" panel is a friendly
button which says TAG CLOUD. Clicking this will make allllllll of the tags (all
of them) in the entire comic appear for your perusal.</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone who''s gotten in touch via and!</p>
<p>P.S. Stop hammering the url. There''s nothing there...
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: 'New Feature GET: Tags!'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: "<div class=\"media-body\">\n\n\n<p>\n</p><p>Alright, then. I'll take this\
\ biddy out on the floor and spin her. But, before I begin, let's have another\
\ big hand for Andrew, without whom none of this would be possible and I in particular,\
\ would still be trying to murder local sports coaches and garage bands with my\
\ mind. Also, big-ups to <a href=\"\"\
>KC Green</a> for the latest story. One day we're all going to find out that he\
\ was just a man-suit full of comics. </p>\n<p>I'm Tauhid Bondia, also known\
\ as \"Black, Not-Hussie\". Not to be confused with Rachel \"My Last Name is so\
\ Cool, Your Last Name Will Kill Itself\", Kory \"So This is What's up With My\
\ Cat, You Guys\" and Matt \"There's a Strong Chance I'm Wearing a Hat Right Now\"\
. You'll meet them all shortly. Together, we comprise the Paradox Space Crew and\
\ each of us brings something essential to the site. My job is to lend an eye\
\ to the design of and provide all the graphical elements on the site. I also\
\ manage the ads (you're WELCOME). The others can tell you more about themselves,\
\ but I think my point is that (much like the stories you'll be enjoying here)\
\ the Paradox Space site is a strong collaborative effort. </p>\n<p>Since it looks\
\ like we're answering burning questions, I'll take this time to go ahead a field\
\ a few.</p>\n<p><strong>\u2022 Can I work for What Pumpkin?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably!\
\ If you want to know my secret, it's been to know these people for something\
\ like 10 years and spend most of that time learning about and practicing my craft.\
\ I don't know if that's helpful, though. You could always murder me and take\
\ my job, but you wouldn't be the first to have tried.</p>\n<p>Far from it...</p>\n\
<p><strong>\u2022 Does Andrew read these emails?</strong></p>\n<p>Probably not.\
\ When he's not flying all over the country, or working tirelessly on some project\
\ or other, he's likely floating, semi-conscious, in his Michael Jackson chamber.\
\ It does not get wifi. The good news is that I and the others do read your emails.\
\ We talk about you over cereal and coffee. All good stuff, though. </p>\n<p><strong>\u2022\
\ I thought some other thing was going to happen, but Paradox Space happened instead!\
\ Why is that?</strong></p>\n<p>This must be the first time something like this\
\ has happened to you! I can't imagine what that must be like. The only explanation\
\ I can offer has to do with some of the more controversial theories of quantum\
\ physics and, frankly, this is not the venue. </p>\n<p>Anyway, to wrap this up:\
\ Team Paradox Space, is <a href=\"\"\
>at your disposal</a> and are doing our very best to continue bringing you Homestuck\
\ stuff. If you want to talk about PxS, give a thought to visiting the <a href=\"\!\"\
>forum discussion</a> which is still in full swing. And don't forget to follow\
\ us on <a href=\"\"\
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: "It's Pronounced \"tah\u2022heed\""
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well-- I suppose this would be a good time to introduce myself! My name
is Matt Hink- as the fourth member of the Paradox Space team, I am the resident
web developer and in fact, all-round technical guy for the site. A significant
portion of my job is taking the (often somewhat unhinged) ideas that the rest
of the team has and turn them into a functioning website. As some of you may
have noticed, this is generally easier said than done. Websites can often be distinctly
<p>The remainder of my job is attempting not to cry as Tauhid, Kory, and Rachel
find ways to misuse the site. I am not particularly good at this. My beard is
stained with tears.</p>
<p>Anyways, circumstances like last night''s outage are likely the only time you''ll
hear from me, as the rest of the team is much better than I am at saying words
to people. But you can rest assured that I am constantly behind the scenes keeping
a wary and at times paranoid eye over the Paradox Space server(s).</p>
<p>And now, a few fun facts.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? During launch, our rate of requests peaked at around 3500 requests
per minute, meaning that <strong>every second</strong>, about 58 users were accessing
the site. Happily, the wave of the Homestuck fandom didn''t even come close to
knocking us over. Since then, we''re down to about 200-300 requests per minute
over the course of the day.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The 404 (File Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) images
were drawn by KC Green and Shad Andrews, respectively.</p>
<p>DID YOU KNOW? The final pre-launch touches to Paradox Space were made 4 minutes
and 13 seconds before 4:13 on 04/13?</p>
<p>Well, now you do.</p>
<p>Couple notes of recognition: thanks to everyone who''s emailed in bug reports
to <a href=""></a>-
I do read them and generally take them into account. I''d also like to thank
everyone who''s sent in encouraging emails to the team- I have this massive amount
of respect for Rachel, Kory, and Tauhid, who constantly bust their rumps to make
great stuff for you guys.</p>
<p>P.S. To whoever it was on Tumblr that discovered the Swedish translation of
my last name, thanks a WHOLE lot. My co-workers found out about it and now they
won''t stop calling me "bucket". :(</p>
date: April 28, 2014
timestamp: 1398639600.0
title: oh hey the site's back up
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Well hello. It is me, Rachel, your new owl friend. Very nice to meet you.</p>
<p>This week we will be enjoying <a href="">"Prototyped,"</a>
from the illustrious Zack Morrison, who--again--creates the fantastic comic <a
When I say we will be enjoying it, I mean we <em>will</em> be enjoying it. If
you do not experience enjoyment please report to your local Paradox Space Re-Education
Center, because there has been a malfunction. </p>
<p>I guess now it is incumbent upon me to answer some questions also! </p>
<p><strong>I have a great idea and/or script and/or drawing! Can I submit it?</strong></p>
<p>I''m sorry, but at present we are not open to submissions, and we have no current
plans to open submissions. You can check out our <a href="">contact</a>
page if you are ever curious if we are opening submissions.</p>
<p><strong>Who is drawing the current comic?</strong></p>
<p>You can find this information in several places--on the title page or panel
of the story, on our <a href="">stories
page</a>, or on the footer of any image in the story (a recommendation from a
reader!). If you''re going to repost any image from Paradox Space, <strong>please
keep the footer intact.</strong> It''s respectful to the artists and allows people
who see the image but may not be familiar with PXS to find us! </p>
<p><strong>Why is this more John bullshit? John is personally victimizing me.</strong></p>
<p>Oddly, John is an important character in the comic. We, as much as you, relish
the chance that Paradox Space gives us to tell stories from characters who don''t
get as much screen time. Have patience!</p>
<p>Anyway, you are required to enjoy this comic, as it is great. Paranatural is
a comic you should definitely read between Paradox Space updates (we have helpfully
allowed you to keep your weekends free for this activity). Relatedly, "Attack
the Block" is a good movie. </p>
date: April 21, 2014
timestamp: 1398034800.0
title: My name isn't really that cool
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Consort Sale at WP!" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Starting
tomorrow, July 23rd, and running all day, consorts are on sale at What Pumpkin!</a></p>
date: July 22, 2014
timestamp: 1405983600.0
title: Consort sale at WP!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope everybody enjoys Party Crashers! It is eight pages long and I drew
it! Rachel and I wrote it! <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a> colored it. If you like it, maybe you would be interested in my comic,
<a href="">Skin
Deep</a>! It is about mythical creatures with personal problems.</p>
<p>There is also a new post over at the <a href="">What
Pumpkin tumblr</a>! New merch is in the store!</p>
date: June 24, 2014
timestamp: 1403564400.0
title: 'Cat Status: My cat stole my computer chair'
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Matt Hink
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>So, we''ve been receiving reports from several users having issues accessing
Paradox Space- specifically, that they simply cannot connect to the site whatsoever. We''ve
gotten in touch with our hosting provider, but they need a bit more information
about the issue in order to get things working. If you''re having problems accessing
the site, <em>please</em> email us at so we can get a
few details from you, and we''ll get the situation resolved as quickly as possible. Many
thanks to the readers who have already brought this to our attention!</p>
<p>(I am also not oblivious to the irony of posting about issues accessing the
site on the site itself. If you know anyone having problems with the site, please
relay this message on to them!)</p>
<p>In the meantime, you can check out <a href="">our
Tumblr</a> for the latest updates!</p>
<p>Thanks for your patience! I''ll have more information as it becomes available.</p>
date: May 23, 2014
timestamp: 1400799600.0
title: Issues accessing the site
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>We have a special meal for you this week! That''s right, it''s a Sweet
Bro and Hella Jeff Meowrail Sandwich!</p>
<p>They''re a little more unusual than your garden variety tuna salad so let me
explain. You take two thin slices of SBAHJ bread--not too much or it will become
overwhelming--and between them you put a nice sturdy helping of meowrails. Two
great tastes that taste great together, and need a whole week to be fully enjoyed!</p>
<p>So what I''m saying is we have one page of SBAHJ to start you off, by the illustrious
and hilarious <a href="">KC
Green</a>. KC is a super cool guy and one of the few who really have the chops
to make something SBAHJ without being over the top. Plus, he just started a cool
<a href="">comic
called "Back"</a> that he''s making with <a href="">Anthony
Clark</a>! You should check it out. </p>
<p>In the middle of the week--right now--we have <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a>''s second story, "Hunting Lesson," this one illustrated by the extremely
skilled <a href="">Adrienne
Garcia</a>, who you may know by the name "paperseverywhere." She came to our attention
with her gorgeous fan art and we were extremely pleased that she had the time
and desire to work with us!</p>
<p>And to round out the week we''ll have one more slice of SBAHJ--but I''ll leave
that mysterious for now. </p>
<p>I''m extremely pleased on a personal level that we finally have a story where
Equius gets to shine. He is my pride and joy, inasmuch as a sweaty, fictional
alien teen can be such a thing. For a while I was trying to think of something
special I could do whenever we had an Equius comic, but I ultimately decided that
I would have to be content with just feeling smug. (Which I do.)</p>
<p>Finally, a small note. PXS is currently looking for <strong>professional freelance
inkers</strong>. We have avoided opening submissions in any way because we''re
more than sure that it would be opening a floodgate we don''t have the time or
energy to deal with. However, in this case, we are counting on you, our perspicacious
audience, to self-select wisely. If you are an experienced artist whose inking
skills are as exemplary as your professionalism, please <a href="">shoot
me an email</a>. In this email, please include a link to your portfolio (not attached
files), a little about yourself and your level of experience, and any other information
that might be germane to working with you. If you know someone who fulfills these
requirements we would vastly prefer that rather than writing in to us with their
info, you ask them to email us themselves. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy your sandwich! There''s also some potato chips
to go with it, and a nice apple, because fruits and veggies are important.</p>
date: June 18, 2014
timestamp: 1403046000.0
title: A healthy lunch is important.
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I forgot to mention! <strong>If you liked "Party Crashers," <a href="">check
out Kory''s print that is now available in the WP store!</a></strong></p>
date: July 7, 2014
timestamp: 1404687600.0
title: I'm making a separate post for this because it's that important
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello hello!</p>
<p>Sorry for the radio silence of late; the PXS team is a pretty small one and
we''ve all been extra busy lately! We appreciate your patience. :)</p>
<p>Tag system improvements are still in the works, currently taking a back seat
to longer-term and larger-scale technical stuff that should improve both the performance
of both PXS and MSPA itself. Sorry about that; I know the tags are often a bit
off! </p>
<p>We''ve had reports of a malicious, hijacking ad. <strong>THIS IS NOT OKAY BY
US.</strong> Sometimes bad ads can get through the ad service we use, much to
our chagrin. If this happens to you, please email with
as much information as you can get! This includes the ad itself, where the ad
sent you, what browser you''re using, anything. Thank you! We want this to happen
as little as possible, and that means getting info to the ad service as fast as
we can to get the offending ad axed.</p>
<p>We''ve had some stories from new contributors lately! Big PXS welcomes to <a
Borsellino</a> and <a href="">Magnolia
Porter</a>! Thanks for being a part of this little experiment!</p>
<p>We are still going through some of the portfolios that we''ve been linked,
both for writers and inkers. We may soon be looking for colorists; keep an eye
on this space, and get your portfolios ready! </p>
<p>Thanks everyone; have a great weekend!</p>
date: August 1, 2014
timestamp: 1406847600.0
title: 'TGIK: Thank Goodness It''s Kanaya'
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img src=""/>
New items in the <a href="">What
Pumpkin store</a>, including last year''s limited con-exclusive tees, which will
never exist ever again!
Also, this weekend (9:00pm EDT on March 20 - 11:59pm EDT on March 22) all Trickster
tees and the graphic tees are 20% off! Including Paradox Space tees! Wow!!</p>
date: March 20, 2015
timestamp: 1426806000.0
title: WP Weekend Sale + More!
- author: Tauhid Bondia
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I''ve been a huge fan of <a href="">Ian''s
art</a> since forever-ever. In fact, <a href="">Mac
Hall</a> was the first webcomic I''d ever discovered. I''m fan-plotzing right
now, but as you can see, playing it totally cool. If this was some kind of convention,
then this post would be the equivalent of my standing by his table all day, ignoring
subtle hints that it''s way past time I moved on. </p>
date: May 20, 2014
timestamp: 1400540400.0
title: I'm a Gratuitous Fanbutt
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again. It is me once more. Your owl friend.</p>
<p>It seems that people are starting to take notice of the alt text that is popping
up on some of the comic pages! For those who aren''t familiar, "alt text" comes
from "alternative text." Its original purpose was to describe the image as a sort
of fail-safe, whether that was for blind or visually impaired users, or because
someone had images disabled in their browser, or in case the internet connection
was really bad and couldn''t deal with images. Or whatever.</p>
<p>Anyway, alt text has been lovingly misused by webcomics for a long time--<a
Comics</a> and <a href="">Achewood</a>
being two great, classic examples. And as you, our loyal readers, have noticed,
we''re using it too!</p>
<p>Not all pages will have alt text. Some pages might not have alt text when they
go up, but it''ll get added in later. Some pages might have alt text when they
go up but then it gets changed or taken down later, perhaps due to members of
the team engaging in a friendly bout of one-upmanship, or an alien takeover, or
attack of conscience. Who knows? </p>
<p>Anyone in the team can write alt text, so you''ll never know who wrote what.
But regardless of who''s writing it, rest assured that all alt-text is non-canon
both for Homestuck canon at large and the specific story as well. This may change,
in which case it will probably be made explicitly clear. But for now, it''s just
for jokes. Japery. Funning. Humor, is what I''m saying. Which I know is not usually
part of the MSPA experience, so brace yourselves.</p>
<p>Anyway today wraps up this story, but there''s another page to come! Of what,
you ask?! Let''s all find out... <em>together.</em></p>
<p>Oh whoops it went up already I thought it was scheduled for later</p>
<p>no one notice this ok</p>
date: May 16, 2014
timestamp: 1400194800.0
title: Alt text?!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hello again my friends. Welcome to the weekend! Have you caught up on <a
yet? </p>
<p>It seems I have a few small issues to address! It is raining here and therefore
the title to this post is appropriate and funny (you are not required to laugh).
<p>Some people have expressed severe negative reactions to Karkat''s having a
pink tongue in this comic. For reference, I''ve come up with a series of exploratory
questions one can ask oneself to figure out whether an issue in a comic is one
that''s worth fretting over.</p>
<p><strong>Is this something that is important to canon?</strong></p>
<p>Karkat''s blood color would be an important thing, and would be a big mistake
if we got it wrong! Karkat''s tongue color, on the other hand, has not been mentioned
in canon. We can assume that unless tongue color turns out to be an extremely
important part of beating Lord English, it is probably not important at all. </p>
<p><strong>Is this important to the story being told?</strong></p>
<p>Sometimes things that aren''t important to canon can be important to the small
stories that we tell. But since Karkat''s tongue hasn''t been important (yet?!)
in this story, it''s probably not important at all.</p>
<p>I don''t want to make light of small quibbles! (Okay, I do, but not too much.)
I understand that canon adherence is really important to some people. But that''s
not what we''re really about here. If you''re looking for information, the <a
wiki</a> is remarkably well-kept by its very dedicated caretakers. (In fact, so
well-kept that we often use it to check our stories and refresh our memories.)
But Paradox Space is going to generally be much more about telling stories than
it is about canonicity. </p>
<p>I''m also aware that there''s been some dismay that no stories yet have reached
the full depth of emotion that Homestuck itself has. To this I''m sort of forced
to say, Well, duh. So far we''ve been telling short, lighthearted stories. Homestuck
has literally thousands of pages to move smoothly (or sometimes not that smoothly)
between emotional gears; our longest story so far is this seven-page one that''s
running! We do have some more serious stories in the works, and we do want to
reach more emotional range, but the only way we can even try for that is because
we''re working with established characters in an established universe. What it
boils down to, I guess, is please have patience and trust us!</p>
<p>Another thing I''ve heard pretty repetitively has been <strong>Oooh! I know
where this story is going!</strong> And again I find myself forced to say--Well,
duh. Predicting where a story is going when it''s told at this pace isn''t truly
that hard. I hope that what you enjoy is the telling of it, rather than just the
prediction of where it''s going. As always, serial readers find themselves in
a very different position than archival readers. </p>
<p>Two more things to address: One, we''re still getting lots of people writing
in and asking how they can work with us. <strong>Right now, you can''t. If we''re
interested in working together, we will come to you.</strong> I know that it''s
taught, especially in art schools, that there''s no harm in being confident and
putting yourself out there--but for us, right now, it''s truly more annoying than
it is helpful. If we''re looking for artists, we''ll let you know, I promise!
<p>Two, dear, sweet, precious, sweet, sweet, readers. If you''re asking <strong>Why
aren''t we talking about this?!</strong> or <strong>Has anyone else seen this?!</strong>
I can assure you on both counts that people have seen it and are talking about
it. In every single instance I have seen of those questions, it is so. Perhaps,
dear readers, you need to look around a little better. </p>
<p>If you have any other small questions, in addition to our email, you can shoot
them to me on <a href="">my
tumblr made specifically for that purpose</a> if it delights you to do so. </p>
<p>Oh--and for goodness'' sake, stop asking about <a href="">that
date: April 26, 2014
timestamp: 1398466800.0
title: Pitty-patty petty hour.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s my turn to make a news post! I''m Kory Bing, and I''m the Managing
Editor! That means I ask people if they want to make comics, hire them to make
comics, make sure they make those comics on time, and then let you read those
<p>We round out our first week of Paradox Space with a comic by <a href="">KC
Green</a>! You may remember this Zoo from KC''s comic <a href="">Gunshow</a>,
or maybe <a href="">another
comic</a>. Don''t go to that zoo, I guess is the moral here. KC also made our
404 images, which you can find by breaking the site (note: Matt has told me not
to ask you to break the site on purpose I am sorry).</p>
<p>Some people have expressed their disappointment that the first week of Paradox
Space did not include their favorite characters, but remember, this was just the
first week! We have loads of plans to feature all your favorite characters. Yes
even that one. Probably. Most likely.</p>
date: April 17, 2014
timestamp: 1397689200.0
title: 'Cat Update: My Cat is Asleep Right Now'
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Whoa. WHOA. We went a while without speaking there. We''re really sorry.
We''re not mad at you, we promise. We just get busy sometimes. </p>
<p>Well! Since we last spoke, you''ve all seen a lot, huh? You saw <a href="">A
Fun Day For GCAT</a> that was written by me and beautifully drawn by <a href="">Matt
Cummings</a>. Then you saw the exciting, mostly-grey adventure of <a href="">Quality
Time</a>, which was drawn by the incredible <a href="">Hanni
Brosh</a> and written by <a href="">an
obscure writer you probably haven''t heard of</a>. </p>
<p>And now here we are, together, with <a href="">Fetch
Quest</a>, written by <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and drawn by <a href="">Evan
Dahm</a>. Evan''s story <a href="">Rice
Boy</a> was one of the earliest webcomics I got into, and it''s really beautiful,
as are his other works. I have to admit that I am not current with <a href="">Vattu</a>--ever
since <a href="">Order
of Tales</a> my preference has been to wait and buy the books when they come out.
Curling up with a brand new Evan Dahm hardcover knowing it''s all new to you is
an experience to be cherished. But don''t let that stop you reading those stories!
I have it on good authority that my waiting around makes me A Weirdo.</p>
<p>One not-totally-intentional side effect to Paradox Space is that we''re exposing
a lot of people to artists and writers they might not have known otherwise. We
really try to work with people whose work we love and admire, which of course
leads to us approaching artists whose work we''ve followed. We do want to bring
totally new artists to you, too; but it''s my hope that you''ll follow at least
one of those author or artist links and find a new love. Homestuck is great, but
there''s so much more out there too!</p>
<h5>Haha just kidding it''s all Homestuck don''t look around <a href="">read
our comics buy our toys</a></h5>
date: June 6, 2014
timestamp: 1402009200.0
title: Did you miss us?
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Okay, so the holiday wishes are a bit early, but DAMARA is an extra-spooky
comic especially produced for Halloween, so! Here we are.</p>
<p>You may have noticed that this comic is in black and white! That''s because
DAMARA is an homage to the work of Junji Ito, particularly "TOMIE". If you like
spooky manga, check it out! (You can read DAMARA without reading TOMIE first,
but it may make more sense if you do.) (A note: TOMIE has some mature content,
particularly gore.)</p>
<p>In less-specific news: new contributors!! It''s been a while since our last
news post (not a lot to report, sorry!) but you should be sure to check out the
contributor panel for info and links on our new artists!! DAMARA is inked by the
fantastic Tom Siddell (go read <a href="">Gunnerkrigg
Court</a> right now. It''s okay, I''ll wait here until you finish) and I also
want to give shout-outs to <a href="">Incineraptor</a>
and <a href="">Mary
Oh, and there''s me I guess. Hi! My name is Blueberry and I''m an Assistant Editor
here at Paradox Space. I also have a really cute cat.</p>
<p>I think that''s everything for now. Thanks for reading!!</p>
date: October 23, 2014
timestamp: 1414018800.0
title: Happy Halloween!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Hey again everyone!</p>
<p>I hope you''re enjoying this latest comic! Speaking as a huge fan of Equius,
it''s one of my favorites. <a href="">Jon''s</a>
script is great, and as always <a href="">Mallory''s</a>
art is gorgeous! Look at all those darling, sweaty Equius faces. My heart! </p>
<p>We got a great response to our last invitation for writers, but most of the
people writing in were men. We''d really love for others to write in, too, so
please, if you were waiting for a sign, this should be it! If you''re a skilled
writer, especially if you have experience writing for comics, please send me an
email: Thank you!</p>
<p>I''m sure you''ve also noticed that our tag system is still not working right.
I''m really sorry about that! Our technical guy <a href="">Matt</a>
has been super busy. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!</p>
<p>D --&gt; Now you will all enjoy</p>
<p>D --&gt; This cultural odyssey</p>
<p>D --&gt; I command it </p>
date: August 13, 2014
timestamp: 1407884400.0
title: Writers, tags, etc
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Alpha and Beta Kid Tees Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Alpha
Kid Tees</a> and <a href="">Beta
Kid Tees</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd, from midnight to midnight
EDT. <a href="">Alpha
Kid Cosplay Tees</a> too! All of those T-shirts will be 20% off.</p>
date: September 2, 2014
timestamp: 1409612400.0
title: Alpha/Beta Kid Tees Sale!
- author: Rachel
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>It''s not March, but you know, it seemed like a good time to hang out with
some leprechauns. </p>
<p>Starting today and continuing for the next five weeks, we''ll be exploring
a very green mansion, led by Mister Seven himself. This comic was laid out and
sketched by the incredibly skilled <a href="">Allison
Shabet</a>, who will probably be talking a bit about the process at <a href="">her
blog</a> (or <a href="">her
Patreon</a>?) sometime over the next few weeks. It was drawn, colored and lettered
by the amazing <a href="">Jones
Wiedle</a>, whose lettering has been invaluable on past comics, and whose comic
<a href="">Helvetica</a>
has just restarted! You can back <a href="">Jones
on Patreon</a>, too.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I guess <a href="">some
guy wrote it</a>, too. Real newcomer to the scene, let''s all give him a big hand
in welcome, make sure he feels right at home.</p>
date: November 4, 2014
timestamp: 1415059200.0
title: Hope you like green.
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>Blueberry already mentioned that the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a> did our surprise holiday Activity Pages, but I just uploaded some
nice <a href="">print-sized
versions of them over at the Paradox Space Tumblr</a> so y''all can have some
nice print outs!</p>
<p>I''d also like to mention that Secret Sufferer is at 25 page long comic, but
it''s broken up into a couple smaller stories, so don''t be alarmed that Friday''s
page and today''s page seem to take a jump! It will all come around in the end,
I promise! Also take note! This week is a special 2X UPDATE COMBO week! Just for
you! Happy Holidays! Big thanks to <a href="">Phil
Gibson</a> and <a href="">Matt
date: December 22, 2014
timestamp: 1419206400.0
title: More Holiday Things!
- author: What Pumpkin
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p><img alt="Troll Hoodie Sale" src=""/></p>
<p><a href="">Troll
Hoodies</a> go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6th, from midnight to midnight
EDT! All Troll Hoodies will be 20% off during that time.</p>
date: August 5, 2014
timestamp: 1407193200.0
title: Troll Hoodie Sale!
- author: Kory Bing
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope y''all liked A Fun Day for Bec! It was drawn by Matt Cummings, and
you should check out his other work that you can find <a href="">right
here!</a> Our very own Rachel Rocklin wrote it!</p>
<p>Today''s comic is the start of a longer comic called Critical Miss! Eridan
and Vriska make their Paradox Space debut! I hope you like it, it was drawn by
<a href="">Kristin
Kemper</a> and written by <a href="">Benito
<p>And that''s the news you can use.</p>
date: May 1, 2014
timestamp: 1398898800.0
title: 'Cat Update: He''s Under the Bikes for Some Reason'
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you are all enjoying Secret Sufferer! It''s been super fun to work
<p>As a holiday present, we got you these Activity Pages by the wonderful <a href="">David
McGuire</a>. They''re black and white so you can print them out at home and do
them on paper!!! Wow!!!</p>
date: December 21, 2014
timestamp: 1419120000.0
title: Happy Holidays!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
- author: Blueberry
body: '<div class="media-body">
</p><p>I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful, and very green, story about
some of our favorite soft, plushy, also very green, mobster guys. I bet you wish
you had more content involving The Felt to complete your life after reading this
great comic.</p>
<p>Well, I have news for you!!! The brand new <a href="">FELT
PLAYING CARD DECK</a> is now available from What Pumpkin!
<img alt="Felt Playing Cards" src=""/>
You can also purchase it as a set with the Midnight Crew playing card deck, which
was previously an exclusive to the Homestuck Adventure Game kickstarter!</p>
<p>What Pumpkin has been rolling out a whole ton of sweet loot for you to put
on your body and/or surfaces in your home. <a href="">Check
it out!</a></p>
date: November 23, 2014
timestamp: 1416700800.0
title: New What Pumpkin merch!
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