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Last active February 23, 2024 12:38
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  • Save Girgias/a9d4cd0b595ce1dfa220e103aacdda31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Moving away from Monads to handle errors
function generateFunctionsAndClass(int $i)
$i1 = $i - 1;
return <<<TEMPLATE
enum E{$i} { case Error; }
class R{$i} {}
function f{$i}(R{$i1} \$input): R{$i}|E{$i} { return new R{$i}; }
function e{$i}(R{$i1} \$input): R{$i}|E{$i} { return E{$i}::Error; }
$code = join("\n", [
'class R0 {}',
generateFunctionsAndClass(...), range(1, 5)
function isOfSingleType($value, ReflectionNamedType $type): bool
$type_name = $type->getName();
if ($type->isBuiltin()) {
return (get_debug_type($value) === $type_name);
} else {
return ($value instanceof $type_name);
function isOfType($value, ReflectionType $type): bool
return match (true) {
$type instanceof ReflectionNamedType => isOfSingleType($value, $type),
$type instanceof ReflectionUnionType => array_reduce(
fn (bool $carry, ReflectionType $type) => $carry || isOfType($value, $type),
initial: false,
$type instanceof ReflectionIntersectionType => array_reduce(
fn (bool $carry, ReflectionType $type) => $carry && isOfType($value, $type),
initial: true,
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
function identity(mixed $x): mixed {
return $x;
* @template T
* @template S
* @template R
* @param Closure(T): S $f
* @param Closure(S): R $g
* @return Closure(T): R
function apply(Closure $f, Closure $g): Closure {
return static fn($v) => $g($f($v));
function applyAll(Closure ...$closures): Closure
return array_reduce(
callback: apply(...),
initial: identity(...)
function applyIfValid(Closure $f, Closure $g): Closure {
$input_type = (new ReflectionFunction($g))->getParameters()[0]->getType();
return static function($v) use ($f, $g, $input_type) {
$inter = $f($v);
if (isOfType($inter, $input_type)) {
return $g($inter);
} else {
return $inter;
function applyAllIfValid(Closure ...$closures): Closure
return array_reduce(
callback: applyIfValid(...),
initial: identity(...)
$g = applyAllIfValid(f1(...), f2(...), e3(...), f4(...), f5(...));
var_dump($g(new R0));
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