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Created June 10, 2019 11:01
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How do you impl Display for Vec

This is a common question, and applies not only to Display and Vec, but how do you implement any trait from outside your crate for any type outside your crate?

Lets create a micro app that helps us explore the problem. We'll create a simple struct implement Display for that, then try to implement Display for a Vec of that struct.


  1. The problem
    1. Preamble
    2. Display and vectors
  2. The solution
    1. The newtype pattern
    2. The ownership problem
  3. Improving the solution
    1. Referencing
    2. Dereferencing
  4. Conclusion

The problem:


To begin, we need a simple struct to play with. Lets create a simple representation of a music album.

Our app is going to print the albums in the format “title (artist)”. So, if we write:

We want it to print:

To do this, we implement the std::fmt::Display trait for Album to format the output

And now when we run the program we get the expected result

Code example
Run the example cargo run --bin preamble

Display and Vectors

Now to tackle the problem at hand. Lets try to implement Display for a Vec of Albums. Lets start by creating the Vec and handing it to println!

Obviously this won't work because we haven't described how the Vec should be displayed, but lets do some Compiler Driven Development and get an idea of whats going wrong

As usual the compiler does it's best to tell us whats wrong, and as we expected, it won't compile until we implement Display for Vec

So let’s try that:

ℹ️ A word on what this function is doing. For each item in the Vec, we want to write a new line to the formatter, however write! and writeln! return a fmt::Result, and we also need to return a fmt::Result. Using a fold allows us to do that multiple times and return a single result for the whole set. The and_then, means we won’t try to write any more after the first error, and will return that same error from our function.

Lets try again:

Now we have a new error, but if we look closely the compiler has told us why this doesn't work.

In Rust you may implement traits from your crate onto types from other crates, or you may implent traits from other crates onto your types.

⚠️ You can not apply external traits onto external types.

Since Display and Vec are both in the standard library, neither is in our crate, we may not implement one for the other.

But, we can get around that.

Code example
Run the example cargo run --bin display-and-vectors

The solution:

The newtype pattern

The solution to our problem is actually mentioned in the next line of the error:

We can’t define a new trait since we need to use Display, but we can define a new type. Obviously we don’t want to create our own Vec, but we can instead use the newtype pattern.

This pattern simply wraps one type in another. In our case:

ℹ️ This pattern is normally used to improve type safety. For example if your program needs to deal with emails which are stored in Strings, you may want a function that only handles Emails and not any old String. You could use newtype idiom to enforce this:

struct Email(pub String);

There’s one little quirk with the newtype pattern though which is that because we wrapped the data in another type, if we want to access the data itself, we need to access the zeroth element of our wrapper. I.e, if we're accessing a Vec called albums, we can just use albums. If the variable contains our newtype, to access the Vec inside we must use albums.0.

If we change our implementation of fmt::Display to use our newtype, it looks like this.

We also need to wrap our Vec in our Albums newtype before we can print it.

Now our program outputs exactly what we wanted.

There’s still a problem though, lets dig a little further.

Code example []
Run the example cargo run --bin newtype
Further Reading Rust by example: New Type Idiom

The Ownership Problem

Lets contrive a more complex example. What if the albums belong to another struct. What type should we use here?

The obvious choice, and usually the right one, is to use Albums, but that might not work in every use case.

If we’re only using the newtype for Display it will add some mental overhead where we want to use the Vec underneath, so lets give our User a Vec of Album and look at how we can get our Albums type for Displaying it.

Uh oh! The problem here is that User owns the Vec<Album> data that we need for our newtype, to get at it we only have two options:

  1. We consume User and return just its albums
  2. We make a copy of the data in albums (note: we can derive Clone for Album to do this)

Neither of these are particularly desirable, is there a better way?

Code example
Run the example cargo run --bin ownership-problem

Improving the solution


What if, rather than taking ownership of the data, the newtype just took a reference to the data? We can do that, it's going to get a little rocky but it'll be worth it:

“Argh! Lifetimes!” I hear you cry. (Or is it just me?)

Don’t worry though, all this says is that Albums has a lifetime ('a), which is tied to the owned value that &Vec<Album> references. I.e. The compiler will check that Albums isn't used after the owned Vec<Album> has been discarded.

This does change our implementation a little because we now need to acknowledge the lifetime, but it’s not involved in the display itself so only the first line has to change.

We can now wrap the album data without having to take ownership of it:

Where did the lifetimes go? Not that long ago, you would have had to specify the lifetimes on this function too, but today Rust is smart enough to know if one reference is going in (&self), and one is coming out (&self.albums) they must have the same lifetime.

Our code now works as you’d expect without making any unnecessary memory allocations, or consuming data we may want to use later.

Code example
Run the example cargo run --bin referencing


There is one more little trick you can use to make your code even cleaner. Let’s go back to when we said the User.albums probably should be the Albums newtype, is there anything we can do to make using it easier?

For example, we don’t want to type daniel.albums.0 every time we want access to the underlying vector. We shouldn’t have to understand the implementation of the object in order to use it.

Well, there’s a trait for that, std::ops::Deref. Going back to our original type that owned its data:

We can implement the Deref trait to allow the outer type to be treated as though it is a reference to the inner type. We implement Deref for Album like this:

We can take immediate advantage of this in our Display implementation:

Notice, we no longer need the .0 when getting an iterator. The iter function only needs a reference to the vector, it does not need ownership of it, so this works well.

Our User object now needs the newtype wrapper to go back in, but we can now treat albums as both a Albums type and a &Vec<Album> type.

You can remove the impl User code entirely.

Code example
Run the example cargo run --bin dereferencing


Here's what we've learned:

  1. You can not apply external traits onto external types.
  2. You can use the newtype idiom to wrap types, making it yours, allowing you to apply the external traits
  3. You can use use references inside of newtypes
  4. You can use the Deref trait to expose the contents of the newtype
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