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Last active June 9, 2018 14:04
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let i = 0;
let left = ["left_one", "left_two", "left_three", "left_four"];
let right = ["right_one", "right_two"];
let x = setInterval(() => {
if (!left[i] && !right[i]) {
} else {
console.log(`RUN ${i}: ${(i+1)*500}MS`);
if (left[i]) {
console.log("-> Display", left[i]);
if (right[i]) {
console.log("-> Display", right[i]);
}, 500);
// Expected output:
// RUN 0: 500MS
// -> Display left_one
// -> Display right_one
// RUN 1: 1000MS
// -> Display left_two
// -> Display right_two
// RUN 2: 1500MS
// -> Display left_three
// RUN 3: 2000MS
// -> Display left_four
// DONE!
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