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Created April 22, 2018 08:28
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听云 JS 加了点注释。。。
var TINGYUN = function (t, e, n) {
function r(t) {
var e = !!t && "length" in t && t.length, n = typeof t;
return "function" !== n && ("array" === n || 0 === e || "number" == typeof e && e > 0 && e - 1 in t)
function i(t, e) {
var n, i = 0;
if (t) if (r(t)) for (n = t.length; i < n && !1 !==[i], t[i], i); i++) ; else for (i in t) if (!1 ===[i], t[i], i)) break;
return t
function o(t) {
return function (e) {
return "Array" === t && Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(e) : === "[object " + t + "]"
function a(t) {
switch (typeof t) {
if (!t) return null;
if (t instanceof Array) return i(t, function (e, n) {
t[n] = a(e)
}), "[" + t.join(",") + "]";
if (t instanceof Date) return t.getTime().toString();
var e = "";
return i(t, function (t, n) {
At(t) || (e += a(n) + ":" + a(t) + ",")
}), e && (e = e.substr(0, e.length - 1)), "{" + e + "}";
return Bt + t.replace(Mt, "\\$1").replace(jt, "\\n") + Bt;
return isNaN(t) ? null : t;
return t;
return a(t.toString());
return '"undefined"'
function u(t) {
return t && qt(t) ? Rt(t) : t
function s(t, e, n, r) {
var i = function () {
return Ft(t, e, i), n.apply(this, arguments)
return Dt(t, e, i, r)
function c(t, e) {
return Function.prototype.apply.apply(t, e)
function f(t, e) {
return function () {
t.apply(e, arguments)
function l(t) {
return Pt ? Pt(t) : t
function d(t) {
return arguments.length < 2 || !t ? t : (i(, 1), function (e) {
i(e, function (e, n) {
t[n] = e
}), t)
function h(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = 0, i = null == t ? 0 : t.length, o = []; ++n < i;) {
var a = t[n];
e(a, n, t) && (o[r++] = a)
return o
function p(t, e) {
return t ? e ? t.replace(/\{(\w+.?\w+)\}/g, function (t, n) {
return e[n] || ""
}).replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (t, n) {
return e[n] || ""
}) : t : ""
function v(t) {
return setTimeout(t, 0)
function g() {
function m() {
return +new Date
function y(t) {
return function () {
if (null !== t) {
var e = t;
t = null, e.apply(this, arguments)
function b(t) {
return t ? qt(t) ? t.length : e.ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? t.byteLength : e.Blob && t instanceof Blob ? t.size : t.length ? t.length : 0 : 0
function S(t) {
return Xt !== Gt && /^https/i.test(t && t.protocol || Xt) ? "https:" : Gt
// TODO: 生成 url
function x(host, path, n, r) {
var o = null;
return host && path && (o = S(r) + "//" + host + path, n && (o += "?", i(n, function (t, e) {
var n = [l(e), "=", l(t), "&"];
o += n.join("")
}), o += "__r=" + m())), o
function _() { = {}
function w(t) {
return !(t in Vt) || Vt[t]
function E(t) {
var e = $t.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + t + ")=([^;]*)"));
return e ? e[3] : null
function T(t, e, n) {
var r = t + "=" + e;
if (n) {
var i = new Date;
i.setTime(i.getTime() + 1e3 * n), r += ";expires=" + i.toGMTString()
$t.cookie = r
function k(t, e, n) {
var r = $t.createElement(t);
try {
for (var i in e) r[i] = e[i]
} catch (a) {
var o = "<" + t;
for (var i in e) o += " " + i + '="' + e[i] + '"';
o += ">", n || (o += "</" + t + ">"), r = $t.createElement(o)
return r
function C(t, e, n, r) {
At(n) && (r = n);
var i = k("div", {style: we}), o = k("iframe", {name: "ty_form", width: 0, height: 0, style: we}),
a = k("form", {
style: we,
action: t,
enctype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
method: "post",
target: "ty_form"
}), u = k("input", {name: "data", type: "hidden"}, !0);
u.value = Nt(e), a.appendChild(u), i.appendChild(o), i.appendChild(a), $t.body.appendChild(i), a.submit(), o.onreadystatechange = function () {
o.readyState !== ve && 4 !== o.readyState || (r(null, o.innerHTML), $t.body.removeChild(i))
function I(t, e, n) {
if (t && n && At(n)) {
var r = t[e];
if (!r || !r._wrapped) {
var i = n(r);
return i && (i._wrapped = !0), t[e] = i, i
function R(t) {
ke && t()
function N(t) {
return function () {
ke && t.apply(this, arguments)
function q() {
ke = !1
function O() {
Ne.on(fe, y(function () {
var e = m();
R(function () {
Ce.load = e
}), Le.loadEventEnd = e
})), i([fe, le, de, he], function (t) {
Dt(e, t, function (e) {
R(function () {
(Ce.e[t] || (Ce.e[t] = [])).push(m())
}), Ne.emit(t, e)
var t = y(function () {
var t = m();
// TODO: 收集元素
R(function () {
Ce.end = t
}), Le.domContentLoadedEventStart = t, $t.querySelectorAll && (Re.resources = Re.resources || [], i($t.querySelectorAll("head>link,head>script"), function (t) {
var e;
"LINK" == t.tagName ? e = t.href : "SCRIPT" != t.tagName || t.defer || t.async || (e = t.src), e && Re.resources.push(e)
Dt($t, "DOMContentLoaded", t), Dt($t, pe, function (e) {
$t.readyState === ve && t()
var n = y(function () {
Le.touch = m()
i(["scroll", "click", "keypress"], function (t) {
s($t, t, n)
var r = e.requestAnimationFrame;
!r || r.toString().indexOf("[native code]") < 0 || I(e, "requestAnimationFrame", function (t) {
return function () {
if (!Le.firstPaint) {
var n = m();
R(function () {, = n
}), Le.firstPaint = n, e.requestAnimationFrame = t
return t.apply(this, arguments)
function A(t) {
H(t, qe)
function L(t) {
H(t, Oe)
function H(t, e) {
var n = "ok";
if (!t) return n = e.length ? e.join("\n") : n;
function B() {
var t = this;
t.xhrs = {}, t.errs = [],
function M(t, e) {
this.flags = 0, At(t.create) && (this.create = t.create, this.flags |= Fe), At(t.before) && (this.before = t.before, this.flags |= Pe), At(t.after) && (this.after = t.after, this.flags |= Ue), At(t.error) && (this.error = t.error, this.flags |= Ye), = e
function j(t, e) {
if (!Ge) {
if (!Lt(t) || !t) throw new TypeError("callbacks arguments must be an object");
return Ge = new M(t, e)
function z(t) {
var e =;
if (0 != (Ge.flags & Fe)) {
var n = Ge.create(;
n !== undefined && (e = n)
return function __ty_aysncWrap__() {
0 != (Ge.flags & Pe) && Ge.before(this, e);
var n = __ty_aysncWrap__;
n._ && (n._ = 1);
try {
var r = t.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (i) {
throw 0 != (Ge.flags & Ye) && Ge.error(e, i), i
return 0 != (Ge.flags & Ue) && Ge.after(this, e), r
function D(t) {
return !Ge || Ge.flags <= 0 ? t : z(t)
function F() {
function t(t) {
return function (e) {
var n =, 0);
At(e) && (n[0] = D(e));
var r = this;
try {
return t.apply(r, n)
} catch (i) {
return c(t, [r, n])
I(e, "setTimeout", t), I(e, "setInterval", t)
function P() { = null, = null, this._set = []
function U() {
var t = new P;
return = j({
create: function () {
}, before: function (e, n) {
n && t.enter(n)
}, after: function (e, n) {
n && t.exit(n)
}, error: function (e, n) {
if (e) {
try {
n.moduleId = e.moduleId
} catch (r) {
}), t
function Y(t) {
De && console.warn(t || "Event key required!")
function X(t) {
t = t || {}, this.key = t.key;
var e = t.timeout || 6e5;
this.i = e ? setTimeout(f(, this), e) : null, this.status = 1, this.remain = 0, this.xhrs = [], this.s = m(), this.e = null, this.called = this.sent = !1
function G() {
if (Object.defineProperty) {
var t = e[be];
Object.defineProperty(e, be, {
get: function () {
return nn++ > 0 && e.console && console.warn("window.%s is deprecated, use window.%s instead.", be, Se), t
function W(t) {
try {
return u(t)
} catch (e) {
A(e && e.message)
return null
function J() {
return Le[sn] || Le._end
function $() {
return Le.loadEventEnd || Le._end
function K(t) {
function r(e) {
return t[e] > 0 ? t[e] - a : 0
var o = {}, a = n;
if (t) {
R(function () {
var e = Ce.t = {};
i(t, function (t, n) {
At(t) || (e[n] = t)
a = t.navigationStart;
o = {
f: r(rn),
qs: r(on),
rs: r(an),
re: r(un),
os: r(sn),
oe: r(cn),
oi: r(fn),
oc: r(ln),
ls: r(dn),
le: r(hn),
tus: r(pn),
tue: r(vn)
var u = r(gn),
s = r(mn),
c = r(yn),
f = r(bn),
l = r(Sn),
d = r(xn);
if (d - l > 0 && (o.cs = l, o.ce = d),
s - u > 0 && (o.ds = u, = s),
(f - c > 0 || f > 0) && ( = c, = f),
0 === o.le) {
var h = $();
o.ue = h - a
Le._le = o.ue || o.le;
var p, v;
// TODO: 微软私有接口
if (t.msFirstPaint)
p = t.msFirstPaint, R(function () {
Ce.fp = "m_" + p
// TODO: Chrome 私有接口(<64)
else if (false && (v = && v.loadTimes) {
var g = v.loadTimes();
g && g.firstPaintTime && (p = 1e3 * g.firstPaintTime), R(function () {
Ce.fp = "c_" + g.firstPaintTime
else Le.firstPaint && (p = Le.firstPaint, R(function () {
Ce.fp = p
// firstPaint
if (p) {
o.fp = Math.round(p - a);
Le.fp = o.fp;
if (t[_n]) = r(_n)
} else
o = {
t: a,
os: J() - a,
ls: $() - a
console.log("ms/Chrome fp: ", Ce.fp); = Le.errs && Le.errs.length || 0, Le.ct && (o.ct = Le.ct - a), Le.touch && ( = Le.touch - a)
return o
function Q(t, e) {
var r = {tr: !1, tt: l($t.title), charset: $t.characterSet};
Ie.resources && d(r, Ie.resources), R(function () {
r.debug = Ce
}), q();
var o = Le.errs;
i(o, function (t, r) {
var i = t.toObject();
i.o = i.o - e && e.navigationStart || n, o[r] = i
}), r.err = o;
var a = "getEntriesByType";
return t[a] ? ( = !0, r.res = [], i(t[a]("resource"), function (t) {
function e(e) {
var n = t[e];
return n > 0 ? n : 0
var n = t.initiatorType, i =, o = {
o: e("startTime"),
rt: n,
n: i,
f: e(rn),
ds: e(gn),
de: e(mn),
cs: e(Sn),
ce: e(xn),
sl: e(_n),
qs: e(on),
rs: e(an),
re: e(un),
ts: t.transferSize || 0,
es: t.encodedBodySize || 0
if ("xmlhttprequest" === n) {
var a = V(i);
a && (o.aid =, o.atd = a.trId, = a.action, = a.time && a.time.qu, = a.time && a.time.duration)
})) : L(p(Me, [a])), r
function V(t) {
var e;
return i(Le.xhrs, function (n, r) {
if (r && r.indexOf(t) > -1) return e = n, !1
}), e
function Z(t) {
var e = {};
return t && ( =, e.a = t.a, e.q = t.q, e.tid = t.tid, e.n = t.n), e
function tt(t) {
// TODO: 通过去除资源加载时间
var e = 0, n = t.timing;
if (n) {
if (t.getEntriesByName) {
e = n.domLoading;
i(Re.resources, function (r) {
var i = t.getEntriesByName(r);
if (1 === i.length) {
var o = i[0].responseEnd + n.navigationStart;
o > e && (e = o)
e -= n.navigationStart;
} else {
R(function () {
Ce._fp = e
return Math.round(e)
function et(t, n, r, o) {
var a = r || 0, u = Ie.firstScreenResources;
if (u && u.length && t.getEntriesByName) return i(u, function (e) {
var n = t.getEntriesByName(e);
if (n.length) {
var r = n[0].responseEnd;
r > a && (a = r)
}), o.fs_s = 1, Math.round(a);
if (!$t.createElement("img").getBoundingClientRect) return R(function () {
Ce.fs = a
}), a;
if (t.getEntriesByName) {
var s = e.innerHeight, c = e.innerWidth, f = [];
i($t.querySelectorAll("img"), function (t) {
t.src && nt(rt(t), s, c) && !it(t) && f.push(t.src)
var l = (n.loadEventEnd || Le.loadEventEnd) - n.navigationStart;
i(f, function (e) {
var n = t.getEntriesByName(e);
if (n.length) {
var r = n[0], i = r.responseEnd;
r.fetchStart <= l && i > a && (a = i)
return Math.round(a)
function nt(t, n, r) {
if (t) {
var i = e.pageYOffset;
if ( + (0 === i ? 0 : i || $t.scrollTop || 0) - ($t.clientTop || 0) >= n) return !1;
var o = t.left;
return o >= 0 && o < r
return !1
function rt(t) {
return At(t.getBoundingClientRect) ? t.getBoundingClientRect() : undefined
function it(t) {
return oe.reliableHiddenOffsets() ? t.offsetWidth <= 0 && t.offsetHeight <= 0 && !t.getClientRects().length : ot(t)
function ot(t) {
for (; t && 1 === t.nodeType;) {
if ("none" === at(t) || "hidden" === t.type) return !0;
t = t.parentNode
return !1
function at(t) {
return &&
function ut(t) {
var e = n, r = 0;
return t && (e = t.navigationStart || e, r = t[sn] || t.domInteractive || t.domLoading || r), (r = Le[sn] || r || Le._end) - e
function st(t) {
if (t) {
var e = t.fetchStart;
if (e) return e - t.navigationStart
return undefined
function ct(t) {
return function __ty_aysncWrap__(e, n) {
var r = this, i = __ty_aysncWrap__;
if (i._ && (i._ = 1), !r[_e]) {
var o = r[be] = {};
o.method = e, o.url = n, = Rn++;
var a = Je.get("event");
a && (o.key = a.key, a.remain++)
try {
return t.apply(r, arguments)
} catch (u) {
return c(t, [r, arguments])
function ft(t) {
return function __ty_aysncWrap__(e) {
var n = this, r = __ty_aysncWrap__;
if (r._ && (r._ = 1), !n[_e]) {
var i = n[be];
i && (i.start = m(), i.reqSize = b(e)), lt(n), n.setRequestHeader && && i && On(i.url) && (i.r = m() % 1e9, n.setRequestHeader("X-Tingyun-Id", + ";r=" + i.r))
try {
return t.apply(n, arguments)
} catch (o) {
return c(t, [n, arguments])
function lt(t) {
function e(e) {
return D(function __ty_aysncWrap__() {
var n = __ty_aysncWrap__;
n._ && (n._ = 1), dt(t);
var r;
if (At(e)) {
var i = t[be];
if (i && 4 == t.readyState) var o = m();
r = e.apply(this, arguments), i && 4 == t.readyState && (i.cbTime = m() - o, t[be] = null)
return r
function n(e) {
t[be] && (t[be].errorCode = e)
if (t[qn]) I(t, qn, e); else try {
Dt(t, pe, D(function __ty_aysncWrap__() {
var e = __ty_aysncWrap__;
e._ && (e._ = 1), dt(t)
})), i(Nn, function (e, r) {
Dt(t, r, function () {
} catch (r) {
return void v(function () {
i(Nn, function (e, r) {
var i = "on" + r;
t[i] ? I(t, i, function (t) {
if (n(e), At(t)) return t.apply(this, arguments)
}) : t[i] = function () {
}), I(t, qn, e)
v(function () {
I(t, qn, e)
function dt(t) {
var e = t[be];
if (e && (e.end = m(), e.readyState = t.readyState, 4 == t.readyState)) {
e.status = t.status, e.resSize = ht(t);
var n = Je.get("event");
v(function () {
var r = !1;
if (i(In, function (t) {
if ( === return r = !0, !1
}), !r) {
var o = pt(e, t);
n && n.key == e.key && (n.xhrs.push(o), 0 == --n.remain && n._end()), Le.xhrs && (Cn(e), Le.xhrs[e.url] = o), In.push(o)
function ht(t) {
var e = 0;
if ("" == t.responseType || "text" == t.responseType) e = b(t.responseText); else if (t.response) e = b(t.response); else try {
e = b(t.responseText)
} catch (n) {
return e
function pt(t, e) {
if (t) {
var n = t.status, r = {
req: t.method + " " + t.url,
start: t.start,
du: n > 0 ? t.end - t.start : 0,
cb: t.cbTime || 0,
status: n,
err: t.errorCode ? t.errorCode : 0,
rec: t.resSize,
send: t.reqSize
if (t.r) {
var i = gt(e, t);
i && (r.s_id =, r.s_name = i.action, i.time && (r.s_du = i.time.duration, r.s_qu = i.time.qu), r.t_id = i.trId)
return r
function vt(t, e) {
if (t && t.getResponseHeader) return t.getResponseHeader(e)
function gt(t, e) {
var n = W(vt(t, "X-Tingyun-Tx-Data"));
return n && n.r && mt(n.r) === mt(e.r) ? n : null
function mt(t) {
return t + ""
function yt() {
return setInterval(function () {
if (In && In.length) {
var t = [];
i(In, function (e) {
var n = null;
Ie.ulabel && (n = {ulabel: Ie.ulabel}), Le.emit("send", "/xhr1", n, {xhr: t}, function () {
In = h(In, function (e) {
return t.indexOf(e) < 0
}), Yt() && !e.XDomainRequest && (In = [])
}, Tn)
function bt() {
var t = Kt && Kt.prototype;
return t ? (I(t, "open", ct), I(t, "send", ft)) : Kt && (e.XMLHttpRequest = function () {
var t = new Kt;
return I(t, "open", ct), I(t, "send", ft), t
}), yt()
function St(t) {
this.limit = t, this.reset()
function xt(t, e, n, r) {
return String(t) + String(e) + String(n) + String(r)
function _t(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
var u = this; = t, u.time = m(), u.msg = e, u.lineno = r, u.colno = i, u.filename = n, u.count = 1, u.stack = o && o.stack || "", u.module = a, u.fix();
var s = Bn[t];
u.ep = s ? 0 : 1, Bn[t] = !0
function wt(t) {
var e = function (t) {
var e = [];
return i(t, function (t) {
}), e
if (!e || !e.length) return null;
var r = {fu: Ln || Ln++, os: parseInt((m() - (Re.pfStart || n)) / 1e3)};
Ie.ulabel && (r.ulabel = Ie.ulabel), Le.emit("send", "/err1", r, {datas: e}, f(Hn.reset, Hn))
function Et(t, e, n, r, o) {
if (e || !Zt) {
var a = !1;
if (i(, function (t) {
if (a = t.test(e)) return !1
}), !a) {
var u = o && o.moduleId, s = xt(t, n, r, u), c = Hn.get(s);
c ? c.increase() : (c = new _t(s, t, e, n, r, o, u), Hn.add(s, c), Le.errs && Le.errs.push(c))
function Tt() {
var t = e.onerror;
e.onerror = function (e, n, r, i, o) {
if (Et(e, n, r, i, o), At(t)) return t.apply(this, arguments)
}, e.onerror._ty = !0
function kt() {
var t = e.onerror;
t && t._ty || Tt()
function Ct() {
var t = Yt();
return t ? Tt() : Dt(e, ce, function (t) {
var n, r, i, o, a;
(t instanceof e.Event || e.ErrorEvent && t instanceof e.ErrorEvent) && (n = t.message || t.error && (t.error.message || || "", r = t.lineno || 0, i = t.colno || 0, (o = t.filename || t.error && t.error.filename || && || "") == $t.URL && (o = "#"), a = t.error), Et(n, o, r, i, a)
}), Ne.on([fe, le, de, he], function (t) {
}).on(fe, function () {
t && v(kt)
}), setInterval(wt, An)
function It() {
var t = Array.prototype;
t.indexOf || (t.indexOf = function (t, e) {
var n = this.length >>> 0;
if ((e |= 0) < 0) e = Math.max(n - e, 0); else if (e >= n) return -1;
if (t === undefined) {
do {
if (e in this && this[e] === undefined) return e
} while (++e !== n)
} else do {
if (this[e] === t) return e
} while (++e !== n);
return -1
var Rt, Nt, qt = o("String"), Ot = o("Array"), At = o("Function"), Lt = o("Object"), Ht = o("Undefined"),
Bt = '"', Mt = /([\"\\])/g, jt = /\n/g, zt = e.JSON;
zt && zt.parse && zt.stringify ? (Rt = function (t) {
return JSON.parse(t)
}, Nt = function (t) {
return JSON.stringify(t)
}) : (Rt = function (t) {
return new Function("return " + t)()
}, Nt = a);
var Dt, Ft;
e.addEventListener ? (Dt = function (t, e, n, r) {
return t.addEventListener(e, n, r)
}, Ft = function (t, e, n) {
return t.removeEventListener(e, n)
}) : (Dt = function (t, e, n) {
return t.attachEvent("on" + e, n)
}, Ft = function (t, e, n) {
return t.detachEvent("on" + e, n)
var Pt = e.encodeURIComponent, Ut = [].slice, Yt = new Function("return!+[1,]"), Xt = e.location.protocol,
Gt = "http:", Wt = function () {
function t(t) {
return t < 0 ? NaN : t <= 30 ? 0 | Math.random() * (1 << t) : t <= 53 ? (0 | Math.random() * (1 << 30)) + (0 | Math.random() * (1 << t - 30)) * (1 << 30) : NaN
function e(t, e) {
for (var n = t.toString(16), r = e - n.length, i = "0"; r > 0; r >>>= 1, i += i) 1 & r && (n = i + n);
return n
return function () {
return e(t(32), 8) + "-" + e(t(16), 4) + "-" + e(16384 | t(12), 4) + "-" + e(32768 | t(14), 4) + "-" + e(t(48), 12)
_.prototype = {
on: function (t, e) {
var n = this;
return qt(t) ? ([t] || ([t] = [])).push(e) : Ot(t) && i(t, function (t) {
n.on(t, e)
}), n
off: function (t, e) {
var n = arguments.length, r = this;
if (0 === n) return = {}, r;
var i =[t];
if (!i) return r;
if (1 === n) return[t] = null, r;
for (var o = i.length; o--;) if (i[o] === e) {
i.splice(o, 1);
return r
emit: function (t) {
var e = [], 1), n =[t];
return n && i(n, function (t) {
return t.apply(this, e)
}), this
unshift: function (t, e) {
var n = this;
return ([t] || ([t] = [])).unshift(e), n
var Jt = e.Error, $t = e.document, Kt = e.XMLHttpRequest, Qt = {};
var Vt = Qt.server || {};
Vt = d({fp_threshold: 2e3, fs_threshold: 4e3, dr_threshold: 4e3}, Vt);
var Zt = w("ignore_err"), te = w("debug"), ee = e.location, ne = e.navigator, re = e.HTMLElement,
ie = function () {
try {
var t = Wt();
return e.localStorage.setItem(t, t), e.localStorage.removeItem(t), !0
} catch (n) {
return !1
}(), oe = {};
oe.localStorage = ie;
(function () {
function t() {
var t, f, l = $t.documentElement;
l.appendChild(s), = "-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;display:block;margin:auto;border:1px;padding:1px;top:1%;width:50%", n = i = u = !1, r = a = !0, e.getComputedStyle && (f = e.getComputedStyle(c), n = "1%" !== (f || {}).top, u = "2px" === (f || {}).marginLeft, i = "4px" === (f || {width: "4px"}).width, = "50%", r = "4px" === (f || {marginRight: "4px"}).marginRight, (t = c.appendChild($t.createElement("div"))).style.cssText = = "-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0", = = "0", = "1px", a = !parseFloat((e.getComputedStyle(t) || {}).marginRight), c.removeChild(t)), = "none", (o = 0 === c.getClientRects().length) && ( = "", c.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>", (t = c.getElementsByTagName("td"))[0].style.cssText = "margin:0;border:0;padding:0;display:none", (o = 0 === t[0].offsetHeight) && (t[0].style.display = "", t[1].style.display = "none", o = 0 === t[0].offsetHeight)), l.removeChild(s)
var n, r, i, o, a, u, s = $t.createElement("div"), c = $t.createElement("div"); && ( = "float:left;opacity:.5", oe.opacity = "0.5" ===, oe.cssFloat = !!, = "content-box", c.cloneNode(!0).style.backgroundClip = "", oe.clearCloneStyle = "content-box" ===, (s = $t.createElement("div")).style.cssText = "border:0;width:8px;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px;padding:0;margin-top:1px;position:absolute", c.innerHTML = "", s.appendChild(c), oe.boxSizing = "" === || "" === || "" ===, oe.reliableHiddenOffsets = function () {
return null == n && t(), o
var ae, ue;
oe.localStorage ? (ae = function (t) {
return e.localStorage.getItem(t)
}, ue = function (t, n) {
return e.localStorage.setItem(t, n), n
}) : (ae = E, ue = T);
var se, ce = "error", fe = "load", le = "unload", de = "beforeunload", he = "pagehide", pe = "readystatechange",
ve = "complete", ge = "TY_DISTINCT_ID", me = "TY_SESSION_ID", ye = 86400, be = "_ty_rum", Se = "TINGYUN",
xe = 2, _e = "__ign", we = "display:none", Ee = "POST", Te = function (t, e) {
e = e || g;
var n = new Image;
Dt(n, pe, function () {
"loaded" != n.readyState && 4 != n.readyState || e(null)
}, !1), Dt(n, fe, function () {
}, !1), Dt(n, ce, function () {
}, !1), n.src = t
// TODO: 发送数据
// XDomainRequest 是在 IE8 和 IE9 上的 HTTP access control (CORS) 的实现
if (e.XDomainRequest) {
se = function (t, e, n, r) {
At(n) && (r = n);
var i = new XDomainRequest;, t), i.onload = function () {
r(null, i.responseText)
}, i.onerror = function (t) {
}, i.send(Nt(e))
} else {
if (Yt()) {
se = C;
} else {
// 通过HTTP 将少量数据异步传输到Web服务器。
if (ne.sendBeacon) {
Te = se = function (t, e, n, r) {
if (At(n)) {
(r = n, n = null)
if(ne.sendBeacon(t, Nt(e)) && r)
} else {
se = function (t, e, n, r) {
At(n) && (r = n, n = null);
var i = y(r), o = new Kt;
o[_e] = !0, o.overrideMimeType && o.overrideMimeType("text/html"), o.onreadystatechange = function () {
4 === o.readyState && 200 === o.status && i(null, o.responseText)
}, o.onerror = i, e = Nt(e);
try {, t, !0)
} catch (u) {
return C(t, e, i)
for (var a in n) o.setRequestHeader(a, n[a]);
var ke = te, Ce = {start: n, e: {}, an: {count: 0}, visible: []}, Ie = {}, Re = {};
!function () {
if (te) {
var t, e, n = "visibilitychange";
Ht($t.hidden) ? Ht($t.msHidden) ? Ht($t.webkitHidden) || (t = "webkitHidden", e = "webkit" + n) : (t = "msHidden", e = "ms" + n) : (t = "hidden", e = n), Ht($t.addEventListener) || Ht($t[t]) || Dt($t, e, N(function () {
Ce.visible.push([$t[t], m()])
var Ne = new _, qe = [], Oe = [], Ae = B.prototype;
Ae.start = function () {
if (!Vt.key) return A("missing config, agent disabled!"), !1;
var t = e[be] || e[Se];
return t && t.server ? (A("already loaded!"), !1) : (O(), this)
}, d(Ae, _.prototype);
var Le = new B;
Le.on("send", function (t, e, n, r) {
console.log(d({}, He, e || {}));
return 0;
var i = x(Vt.beacon, t, d({}, He, e || {}));
switch (r = r || g, t) {
n ? se(i, n, function () {
Le.xhrs = Le.errs = null, r()
}) : Te(i, r);
se(i, n, r)
var He = {
pvid: Wt(),
ref: $t.URL,
referrer: $t.referrer,
key: Vt.key,
v: "1.7.5",
av: "1.7.5",
did: function () {
var t = ae(ge);
return t || ue(ge, Wt(), ye)
sid: function () {
var t = E(me);
return t || (t = Wt(), T(me, t)), t
}, Be = re ? function (t) {
return t instanceof re
} : function (t) {
t && "object" == typeof t && 1 === t.nodeType && qt(t.nodeName)
}, Me = "{0} not support", je = "illegal argument", ze = {}, De = "undefined" != typeof e.console, Fe = 1,
Pe = 2, Ue = 4, Ye = 8, Xe = M.prototype;
Xe.create = Xe.before = Xe.after = Xe.error = null;
var Ge;
P.prototype = {
createContext: function () {
return Object.create ? Object.create( : U(
}, get: function (t) {
if ( return[t]
}, set: function (t, e) {
if ( return[t] = e
}, enter: function (t) {
if (!t) throw new Jt("context required!");
this._set.push(, = t
}, exit: function (t) {
if (!t) throw new Jt("context required!");
if (t !== {
var e = this._set.lastIndexOf(t);
if (e < 0) throw new Jt("context not currently entered!");
this._set.splice(e, 1)
} else = this._set.pop()
}, bind: function (t, e) {
e || (e = ? : this.createContext());
var n = this;
return function () {
try {
return t.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (r) {
try {
r.moduleId = e.moduleId
} catch (i) {
throw r
} finally {
var We = !1, Je = (We || (Je = U(), We = !0), Je), $e = Y.prototype;
$ = $e.end = g;
var Ke = X.prototype;
Ke.end = Ke.finish = = null, Ke.send = function (t) {
var e = this;
e.sent = !0;
var n = t.event && t.event.xhrs || [];
i(n, function (t) {
t.start = t.start - e.s
var r = {key: e.key, duration: e.e - e.s, status: e.status, xhrs: n};
Le.emit("send", "/spe", null, r, g)
var Qe = {}, Ve = {}, Ze = e.screen;
Ze && ( = Ze.height, Ve.sw = Ze.width);
var tn = {host: "cshst", url: "csurl"}, en = {
version: "1.7.5", config: function (t, e) {
var n;
if (Lt(t)) n = t; else {
if (!qt(t) || e === undefined) throw new Jt(je);
(n = {})[t] = e
return i(n, function (t, e) {
e in tn ? Ie[tn[e]] = t : Ie[e] = t
}), this
}, DIAGNOSE_HREF: xe, diagnose: function (t) {
function e(t, e, r) {
var i = r || "log", o = n[t] || (n[t] = {});
o[i] = o[i] || "", o[i] += e
var n = {}, r = A();
if (e("Status", r, "ok" !== r), e("Debug", L()), i(ze, function (t, n) {
e("Timeline", n + ": " + t.toString())
}), !t && De) console.log("[TingYun Agent Diagnosis]\n"), i(n, function (t, e) {
i(console[e], function (t, e) {
}); else {
if (t !== xe) return Nt(n);
ee.href = ee.href + "#" + Nt(n)
}, createEvent: function (t) {
var e = (t = t || {}).key;
if (!e) return new Y;
if (Qe[e]) return new Y("event " + e + " is executing");
Qe[e] = !0;
var n = Je.createContext();
var r = new X(t);
return Je.set("event", r), r._end = function () {
var t = this;
!t.sent && 0 === t.remain && t.called && t.finish().send(n)
}, r.end = function (t) {
var e = this;
e.called ? De && console.warn("Event " + this.key + "has ended or failed!") : (e.called = !0, Je.exit(n), e.status = arguments.length ? t : 1, e._end())
}, r.finish = function (t) {
var e = this;
return e.e = m(), e.i && clearTimeout(e.i), delete Qe[e.key], e
}, = function () {
}, r
}, logFirstScreen: function (t) {
if (t) {
var e = Ie.firstScreenResources = Ie.firstScreenResources || [];
Ot(t) || (t = [t]), i(t, function (t) {
if (qt(t)) e.push(t); else if (Be(t)) {
var n = t.src || t.href;
n && e.push(n)
}, addExcludedDomain: function (t) {
Ot(t) || (t = [t]), i(t, function (t) {
if (t) {
if (!(t instanceof RegExp)) throw new Jt("parameter's type requires RegExp");
( || ( = [])).push(t)
e[be] = e[Se] = en;
var nn = 0, rn = "fetchStart", on = "requestStart", an = "responseStart", un = "responseEnd",
sn = "domContentLoadedEventStart", cn = "domContentLoadedEventEnd", fn = "domInteractive",
ln = "domComplete", dn = "loadEventStart", hn = "loadEventEnd", pn = "unloadEventStart",
vn = "unloadEventEnd", gn = "domainLookupStart", mn = "domainLookupEnd", yn = "redirectStart",
bn = "redirectEnd", Sn = "connectStart", xn = "connectEnd", _n = "secureConnectionStart",
wn = function (t) {
if (!t.agent) {
var n = e._ty_rum;
if (n && n.agent) t.agent = n.agent; else {
var r = E("TINGYUN_DATA");
if (r) {
try {
t.agent = W(decodeURIComponent(r))
} catch (i) {
A(i && i.message)
T("TINGYUN_DATA", "", -1e3)
return t.agent
wn && wn.ulabel && (Ie.ulabel = wn.ulabel);
var En = function () {
var t = y(function () {
function t(t) {
return t ? "1" : "0"
var r = e.performance, o = !!r;
o || L(p(Me, ["pf"]));
var a = Z(wn),
u = r && r.timing,
s = d(K(u), a, Ie),
c = d({}, Ve);
// TODO: 获取 fp
console.log("获取 fp:", Le.fp);
if (Le.fp) {
c.fp = Le.fp;
if (o && Le.fp > Le._le) {
c.fp = tt(r);
c.__fp = 2;
} else {
if (o) {
// TODO: 常规获取 fp
c.fp = tt(r);
c.__fp = 1;
} else {
c.fp = c.__fp = 0;
c.dr = ut(u);
if (o) {
c.fs = et(r, u, c.fp, c);
} else {
c.__fs = 0;
var f, l = "";
if (o) {
var h = Math.max(, 0);
h || (h = $() - u.navigationStart || n), c.trace = h;
var v = st(u);
i(["fp", "fs", "dr", "trace"], function (e) {
l += t((v ? c[e] - v : c[e]) >= Vt[e + "_threshold"])
}), delete c.trace, l.indexOf("1") > -1 && (f = Q(r, u))
c.trflag = l || "0000", Re.pfStart = m(), delete s.firstScreenResources, delete s.resources, Le.emit("send", "/pf", d(s, c), f, function () {
L("pf sent!"), Le.xhrs = Le.errs = null
return Ne.on(fe, function () {
}).on([le, de, he], t)
}, Tn = 2e3, kn = function (t) {
var e = [];
return i(Vt.custom_urls, function (t) {
try {
e.push(new RegExp(t))
} catch (n) {
A(n && n.message)
}), e
}(), Cn = kn.length ? function (t) {
var e = t.url;
!Le.ct && e && i(kn, function (n) {
if (e.match(n)) return Le.ct = t.end + t.cbTime, !1
} : g, In = [], Rn = 0, Nn = {error: 990, abort: 905, timeout: 903}, qn = "on" + pe, On = function () {
function t(t) {
var r = t;
return e && (n.setAttribute("href", r), r = n.href), n.setAttribute("href", r), {
href: n.href,
protocol: n.protocol ? n.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
search: ?^\?/, "") : "",
hash: n.hash ? n.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "",
hostname: n.hostname,
port: n.port,
pathname: "/" === n.pathname.charAt(0) ? n.pathname : "/" + n.pathname
var e = /(msie|trident)/i.test(ne.userAgent), n = $t.createElement("a"), r = t(ee.href);
return function (e) {
var n = t(e);
return n.protocol === r.protocol && ===
}(), An = 1e4, Ln = 0;
St.prototype = {
add: function (t, e) {
this.len > this.limit || this.get(t) || (this.c[t] = e, this.len++)
}, get: function (t) {
return this.c[t]
}, reset: function () {
this.c = {}, this.len = 0
var Hn = new St(100), Bn = {};
return _t.prototype = {
increase: function () {
}, fix: function () {
var t = this, e = t.stack;
if (e && qt(e)) {
var n = [];
i(e = e.split(/\n/), function (t, e) {
-1 == t.indexOf("__ty_aysncWrap__") && n.push(t)
}), t.stack = n.join("\n")
}, toObject: function () {
var t = this;
return {
o: t.time,
e: t.msg,
l: t.lineno,
c: t.colno,
r: t.filename,
ec: t.count,
s: t.stack,
m: t.module,
ep: t.ep
}, It(), Le.start() && (En(), bt(), Ct()), Le._end = m(), R(function () {
Ce._end = Le._end
}), G(), en
}(function (ty_rum) {
ty_rum.server = {
id: 'UjkKsJlFtuA',
ignore_err: true,
beacon: '',
beacon_err: '',
key: 'GaQjbLILR18',
trace_threshold: 7000,
fp_threshold: 2000,
fs_threshold: 4000,
dr_threshold: 4000,
custom_urls: [],
sr: 1.0
}, window, +new Date);
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