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Last active April 23, 2020 08:21
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namespace App\Libs\Sms;
use App\Libs\Sms\Sms;
use App\Libs\RedisLib;
class SmsVerificationCode
protected $seedLimit = 60;
protected $expire = 300;
public function send(string $phone, string $key, string $smsContent = '', int $expire = 300)
$key = self::getKey($phone, $key);
if ($this->speedLimit($key)) {
return $this->respFail('请不要在60秒内重复发送验证码');
$verificationCode = self::generateVerificationCode();
$sms = new Sms();
$msg = "验证码:{$verificationCode},您正在登录北极洲灵活用工后台,非本人使用,请立即联系客服。";
if ($smsContent) {
$msg = sprintf($smsContent, $verificationCode);
$res = $sms->sendSms($phone, $msg);
if ($res['respCode'] != '00000') {
return $this->respFail($res['respMsg']);
$content = $verificationCode . ',' . $expire;
RedisLib::set($key, $content, $expire);
$data = [
'expire' => $expire,
'expire_at' => date('YmdHis', time() + $expire)
return $this->respSuc($data);
* 验证验证码
* @param string $phone
* @param string $key
* @param string $verificationCode
* @return array
public function verifyVerificationCode(string $phone, string $key, string $verificationCode)
$key = self::getKey($phone, $key);
$content = RedisLib::get($key);
if (!$content) {
return $this->respFail('验证码错误或已失效');
$contentArr = explode(',', $content);
$redisVerificationCode = $contentArr[0];
$res = $verificationCode == $redisVerificationCode;
if ($res) {
return $this->respSuc();
return $this->respFail('验证码不正确');
* 生成验证码
* @return int
protected static function generateVerificationCode()
if (env('APP_DEBUG') && !in_array(env('APP_ENV'), ['prd'])) {
return '123456';
return mt_rand(100000, 999999);
public function speedLimit(string $redisKey)
if ($content = RedisLib::get($redisKey)) {
$contentArr = explode(',', $content);
$expire = array_key_exists(1, $contentArr) ? $contentArr[1] : $this->expire;
$ttl = RedisLib::ttl($redisKey);
return $expire - $ttl <= $this->seedLimit;
return false;
public static function getKey(string $phone, string $key)
return 'v:code:' . $phone . ':' . $key;
protected function respSuc(array $data = [])
return [
'code' => '00000',
'msg' => '成功',
'data' => $data
protected function respFail(string $msg)
return [
'code' => '10000',
'msg' => $msg
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