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Last active March 28, 2018 09:12
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" LaTeX Quickrun
let g:quickrun_config['tex'] = {
\ 'runner' : 'vimproc',
\ 'runner/vimproc/updatetime' : 60,
\ 'command' : 'latexmk',
\ 'outputter' : 'error',
\ 'outputter/error/success' : 'null',
\ 'outputter/error/error' : 'quickfix',
\ 'srcfile' : expand("%"),
\ 'cmdopt': '-pdfdvi',
\ 'hook/sweep/files' : [
\ '%S:p:r.aux',
\ '%S:p:r.bbl',
\ '%S:p:r.blg',
\ '%S:p:r.dvi',
\ '%S:p:r.fdb_latexmk',
\ '%S:p:r.fls',
\ '%S:p:r.log',
\ '%S:p:r.out'
\ ],
\ 'exec': '%c %o %a %s',
" 部分的に選択してコンパイル
" を参考に
let g:quickrun_config.tmptex = {
\ 'exec': [
\ 'mv %s %a/tmptex.latex',
\ 'latexmk -pdfdvi -pv -output-directory=%a %a/tmptex.latex',
\ ],
\ 'args' : expand("%:p:h:gs?\\\\?/?"),
\ 'outputter' : 'error',
\ 'outputter/error/error' : 'quickfix',
\ 'hook/eval/enable' : 1,
\ 'hook/eval/cd' : "%s:r",
\ 'hook/eval/template' : '\documentclass{jsarticle}'
\ .'\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx, hyperref}'
\ .'\usepackage{float}'
\ .'\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm,ascmac,mathrsfs}'
\ .'\allowdisplaybreaks[1]'
\ .'\theoremstyle{definition}'
\ .'\newtheorem{theorem}{定理}'
\ .'\newtheorem*{theorem*}{定理}'
\ .'\newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{定義}'
\ .'\newtheorem*{definition*}{定義}'
\ .'\renewcommand\vector[1]{\mbox{\boldmath{\$#1\$}}}'
\ .'\begin{document}'
\ .'%s'
\ .'\end{document}',
\ 'hook/sweep/files' : [
\ '%a/tmptex.latex',
\ '%a/tmptex.out',
\ '%a/tmptex.fdb_latexmk',
\ '%a/tmptex.log',
\ '%a/tmptex.aux',
\ '%a/tmptex.dvi'
\ ],
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <F5> :QuickRun -mode v -type tmptex<CR>
" QuickRun and view compile result quickly (but don't preview pdf file)
nnoremap <silent><F5> :QuickRun<CR>
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.tex QuickRun tex
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