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Last active December 30, 2017 12:18
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module AdjAverage where
import Debug.Trace
import KdTree
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import ReturnNearestMap
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
import Basis
rubicCube =
p0 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 -2 -2) 0 [(Point3d -2 -2 -3),(Point3d -2 -2 -1),(Point3d -2 -3 -2),(Point3d -1 -2 -2),(Point3d -2 -1 -2),(Point3d -3 -2 -2)]
p1 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 -2 0) 1 [(Point3d -2 -2 -1),(Point3d -2 -2 1),(Point3d -2 -3 0),(Point3d -1 -2 0),(Point3d -2 -1 0),(Point3d -3 -2 0)]
p2 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 -2 2) 2 [(Point3d -2 -2 1),(Point3d -2 -2 3),(Point3d -2 -3 2),(Point3d -1 -2 2),(Point3d -2 -1 2),(Point3d -3 -2 2)]
p3 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 0 -2) 3 [(Point3d -2 0 -3),(Point3d -2 0 -1),(Point3d -2 -1 -2),(Point3d -1 0 -2),(Point3d -2 1 -2),(Point3d -3 0 -2)]
p4 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 0 0) 4 [(Point3d -2 0 -1),(Point3d -2 0 1),(Point3d -2 -1 0),(Point3d -1 0 0),(Point3d -2 1 0),(Point3d -3 0 0)]
p5 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 0 2) 5 [(Point3d -2 0 1),(Point3d -2 0 3),(Point3d -2 -1 2),(Point3d -1 0 2),(Point3d -2 1 2),(Point3d -3 0 2)]
p6 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 2 -2) 6 [(Point3d -2 2 -3),(Point3d -2 2 -1),(Point3d -2 1 -2),(Point3d -1 2 -2),(Point3d -2 3 -2),(Point3d -3 2 -2)]
p7 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 2 0) 7 [(Point3d -2 2 -1),(Point3d -2 2 1),(Point3d -2 1 0),(Point3d -1 2 0),(Point3d -2 3 0),(Point3d -3 2 0)]
p8 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d -2 2 2) 8 [(Point3d -2 2 1),(Point3d -2 2 3),(Point3d -2 1 2),(Point3d -1 2 2),(Point3d -2 3 2),(Point3d -3 2 2)]
p9 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 -2 -2) 9 [(Point3d 0 -2 -3),(Point3d 0 -2 -1),(Point3d 0 -3 -2),(Point3d 1 -2 -2),(Point3d 0 -1 -2),(Point3d -1 -2 -2)]
p10 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 -2 0) 10 [(Point3d 0 -2 -1),(Point3d 0 -2 1),(Point3d 0 -3 0),(Point3d 1 -2 0),(Point3d 0 -1 0),(Point3d -1 -2 0)]
p11 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 -2 2) 11 [(Point3d 0 -2 1),(Point3d 0 -2 3),(Point3d 0 -3 2),(Point3d 1 -2 2),(Point3d 0 -1 2),(Point3d -1 -2 2)]
p12 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 0 -2) 12 [(Point3d 0 0 -3),(Point3d 0 0 -1),(Point3d 0 -1 -2),(Point3d 1 0 -2),(Point3d 0 1 -2),(Point3d -1 0 -2)]
p13 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 0 0) 13 [(Point3d 0 0 -1),(Point3d 0 0 1),(Point3d 0 -1 0),(Point3d 1 0 0),(Point3d 0 1 0),(Point3d -1 0 0)]
p14 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 0 2) 14 [(Point3d 0 0 1),(Point3d 0 0 3),(Point3d 0 -1 2),(Point3d 1 0 2),(Point3d 0 1 2),(Point3d -1 0 2)]
p15 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 2 -2) 15 [(Point3d 0 2 -3),(Point3d 0 2 -1),(Point3d 0 1 -2),(Point3d 1 2 -2),(Point3d 0 3 -2),(Point3d -1 2 -2)]
p16 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 2 0) 16 [(Point3d 0 2 -1),(Point3d 0 2 1),(Point3d 0 1 0),(Point3d 1 2 0),(Point3d 0 3 0),(Point3d -1 2 0)]
p17 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 0 2 2) 17 [(Point3d 0 2 1),(Point3d 0 2 3),(Point3d 0 1 2),(Point3d 1 2 2),(Point3d 0 3 2),(Point3d -1 2 2)]
p18 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 -2 -2) 18 [(Point3d 2 -2 -3),(Point3d 2 -2 -1),(Point3d 2 -3 -2),(Point3d 3 -2 -2),(Point3d 2 -1 -2),(Point3d 1 -2 -2)]
p19 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 -2 0) 19 [(Point3d 2 -2 -1),(Point3d 2 -2 1),(Point3d 2 -3 0),(Point3d 3 -2 0),(Point3d 2 -1 0),(Point3d 1 -2 0)]
p20 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 -2 2) 20 [(Point3d 2 -2 1),(Point3d 2 -2 3),(Point3d 2 -3 2),(Point3d 3 -2 2),(Point3d 2 -1 2),(Point3d 1 -2 2)]
p21 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 0 -2) 21 [(Point3d 2 0 -3),(Point3d 2 0 -1),(Point3d 2 -1 -2),(Point3d 3 0 -2),(Point3d 2 1 -2),(Point3d 1 0 -2)]
p22 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 0 0) 22 [(Point3d 2 0 -1),(Point3d 2 0 1),(Point3d 2 -1 0),(Point3d 3 0 0),(Point3d 2 1 0),(Point3d 1 0 0)]
p23 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 0 2) 23 [(Point3d 2 0 1),(Point3d 2 0 3),(Point3d 2 -1 2),(Point3d 3 0 2),(Point3d 2 1 2),(Point3d 1 0 2)]
p24 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 2 -2) 24 [(Point3d 2 2 -3),(Point3d 2 2 -1),(Point3d 2 1 -2),(Point3d 3 2 -2),(Point3d 2 3 -2),(Point3d 1 2 -2)]
p25 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 2 0) 25 [(Point3d 2 2 -1),(Point3d 2 2 1),(Point3d 2 1 0),(Point3d 3 2 0),(Point3d 2 3 0),(Point3d 1 2 0)]
p26 = Point3dIndexed (Point3d 2 2 2) 26 [(Point3d 2 2 1),(Point3d 2 2 3),(Point3d 2 1 2),(Point3d 3 2 2),(Point3d 2 3 2),(Point3d 1 2 2)]
getRelativeTwnPos relv =
case relv of
--relv:: 左下から1_indexed の 1~8頂点
-- 返り値::[[(int,int,int,int)]] (x,y,z,1~8頂点)
getRelVertsNearRelVert relv =
case relv of
1 -> [(-1,-1,-1,7),(0,-1,-1,8),(-1,0,-1,6),(0,0,-1,5),(-1,-1,0,3),(0,-1,0,4),(-1,0,0,2),(0,0,0,1)]
2 -> [(0,-1,-1,7),(1,-1,-1,8),(0,0,-1,6),(1,0,-1,5),(0,-1,0,3),(1,-1,0,4),(0,0,0,2),(1,0,0,1)]
3 -> [(0,0,-1,7),(1,0,-1,8),(0,1,-1,6),(1,1,-1,5),(0,0,0,3),(1,0,0,4),(0,1,0,2),(1,1,0,1)]
4 -> [(-1,0,-1,7),(0,0,-1,8),(-1,1,-1,6),(0,1,-1,5),(-1,0,0,3),(0,0,0,4),(-1,1,0,2),(0,1,0,1)]
5 -> [(-1,-1,0,7),(0,-1,0,8),(-1,0,0,6),(0,0,0,5),(-1,-1,1,3),(0,-1,1,4),(-1,0,1,2),(0,0,1,1)]
6 -> [(0,-1,0,7),(1,-1,0,8),(0,0,0,6),(1,0,0,5),(0,-1,1,3),(1,-1,1,4),(0,0,1,2),(1,0,1,1)]
7 -> [(0,0,0,7),(1,0,0,8),(0,1,0,6),(1,1,0,5),(0,0,1,3),(1,0,1,4),(0,1,1,2),(1,1,1,1)]
8 -> [(-1,0,0,7),(0,0,0,8),(-1,1,0,6),(0,1,0,5),(-1,0,1,3),(0,0,1,4),(-1,1,1,2),(0,1,1,1)]
getCellIndexAndRelVerts:: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[(Int,Int)]]
getCellIndexAndRelVerts cellindex adjacent_surfs =
getAdjCellIndex :: (Int,Int,Int) -> Int ->Maybe Int
getAdjCellIndex (dx,dy,dz) cellindex =
if cellindex < 0 then Nothing
else if dx /= 0 then
let num = (if dx == 1 then 3 else 5) in
getAdjCellIndex (0,dy,dz) ((adjacent_surfs!! cellindex) !! num)
else if dy /= 0 then
let num = (if dy == 1 then 4 else 2) in
getAdjCellIndex (0,0,dz) ((adjacent_surfs !! cellindex) !! num)
else if dz /= 0 then
let num = (if dz == 1 then 1 else 0) in
getAdjCellIndex (0,0,0) ((adjacent_surfs !! cellindex) !! num)
Just cellindex
i <- [1..8]
let nearverts = getRelVertsNearRelVert i
return $ catMaybes $ map (\(dx,dy,dz,relv ) -> case getAdjCellIndex (dx,dy,dz) cellindex of {Just x -> Just (x,relv);Nothing -> Nothing}) nearverts
getCellIndexfromPQR (p,q,r) pmax qmax rmax = (p*qmax*rmax) + (q*rmax) + r
getPQRfromCellIndex index pmax qmax rmax =
r = index `mod` rmax
q = ((index - r) `div` rmax) `mod` qmax
p = (index - (q*rmax) -r) `div` (qmax*rmax)
getAdjVertsfromCellIndex cellindex pmax qmax rmax =
(p,q,r) = getPQRfromCellIndex cellindex pmax qmax rmax
i <- [1..8]
let vs = do
(dx,dy,dz,v) <- getRelVertsNearRelVert i
if 0 <= (p+dx) &&(p+dx) <pmax && 0 <= (q+dy) && (q+dy) < qmax && 0 <= (r+dz) && (r+dz) < rmax then
return $ Just ((p+dx), (q+dy), (r+dz), v)
return Nothing
return $ catMaybes vs
getAdjVertsfromPQR (p,q,r) pmax qmax rmax =
i <- [1..8]
let vs = do
(dx,dy,dz,v) <- getRelVertsNearRelVert i
if 0 <= (p+dx) &&(p+dx) <pmax && 0 <= (q+dy) && (q+dy) < qmax && 0 <= (r+dz) && (r+dz) < rmax then
return $ Just (getCellIndexfromPQR (p+dx,q+dy,r+dz) pmax qmax rmax, v)
return Nothing
return $ catMaybes vs
getAdjAverage_old:: (Int,Int,Int) -> Coord R.U -> Coord R.D
getAdjAverage_old (numr,numt,numz) row =
R.fromFunction (R.Z R.:. numr R.:. numt R.:. numz R.:. 20 R.:. 3) ave
average xs = realToFrac (sum xs) / fromIntegral (length xs)
ave v@(R.Z R.:. p R.:. q R.:. r R.:. relv R.:. axis) =
let adjs = getAdjVertsfromPQR (p,q,r) numr numt numz in
case relv of
_ | relv <= 7 -> trace (show (p,q,r,relv) ++ show (adjs !! relv)) $ average (map (\(cellindex,v_) ->(
let (p_,q_,r_) = (getPQRfromCellIndex cellindex numr numt numz)
val = row R.! (R.Z R.:. p_ R.:. q_ R.:. r_ R.:. v_-1 R.:. axis) in trace(show val)val )) (adjs !! relv))
| otherwise -> row R.! v
--pos_func:: セルインデックス -> 1_indexed頂点 -> 自然座標(x,y,z)
--relv:: 0~19頂点
--shared_vertexs (shared_vertexs !! cell) !! num -> num方向の面に隣接するセルの番号 numの並びは(0:-z,1:+z,2:-y,3:+x,4:+y,5:-x)
-- eg: (shared_vetexs !! 10) !! 1 = 10番目のセルの+dz方向の面に隣接するセル番号
-- returnNearestMapの出力をいれる。
getAdjAverage:: Int->Int->(Int->Int -> R.Array R.U R.DIM1 Double) ->[[Int]] -> (Double,Double,Double)
getAdjAverage cellindex relv pos_func adjacent_surfs = (ave (R.Z R.:.0),ave (R.Z R.:.1) , ave (R.Z R.:.2))
average xs = realToFrac (sum xs) / fromIntegral (length xs)
ave (R.Z R.:. axis) =
let adjs = getCellIndexAndRelVerts cellindex adjacent_surfs in
case relv of
_ | relv <= 7 -> average (map (\(index_,v_) ->let val = (pos_func index_ v_) R.! (R.Z R.:. axis) in val) (adjs !! relv))
| otherwise ->trace ("getAdjAverage: relv must be <=7") undefined
--for test
makeCubeTwn:: R.Array R.D R.DIM4 Int
makeCubeTwn = R.fromFunction(R.Z R.:.3 R.:. 3 R.:.3 R.:.20) (\( R.Z R.:.x R.:.y R.:.z R.:.n) ->(x*3*3*20)+(y*3*20)+(z*20)+n)
--for test
makeCubeRow:: Coord R.U
makeCubeRow = R.computeS $ R.fromFunction(R.Z R.:.3 R.:. 3 R.:.3 R.:.20 R.:.3) f where
f (R.Z R.:.p R.:.q R.:.r R.:.n R.:.axis) =
let v@(Point3dIndexed (Point3d x y z) _ _) = rubicCube !! (p*9+3*q+r)
(dx,dy,dz) =getRelativeTwnPos (n+1) in
case axis of
0 -> x + dx
1 -> y + dy
2 -> z + dz
calcAverage:: Coord R.U ->[[Int]]-> Coord R.U
calcAverage row adjacent_surfs =
sh@(R.Z R.:. numx R.:. numy R.:. numz R.:. numv R.:. numaxis) = R.extent row
ave (R.Z R.:. x R.:. y R.:. z R.:. relv) =
if relv <= 7 then
getAdjAverage (getCellIndexfromPQR (x,y,z) numx numy numz) (relv) (\x -> \y ->(let (p,q,r) = getPQRfromCellIndex x numx numy numz in R.computeS (R.slice row (R.Z R.:. p R.:. q R.:.r R.:.y-1 R.:. R.All)))) adjacent_surfs
else let pos =(( R.computeS (R.slice row (R.Z R.:.x R.:.y R.:.z R.:. relv R.:.R.All)))::R.Array R.U R.DIM1 Double) in (pos R.! (R.Z R.:.0),pos R.! (R.Z R.:.1),pos R.! (R.Z R.:.2))
tmp:: R.Array R.U R.DIM4 (Double,Double,Double)
tmp = R.computeS $ R.fromFunction (R.Z R.:.numx R.:.numy R.:.numz R.:.numv) ave
R.computeS $ R.fromFunction sh (\(R.Z R.:.x R.:.y R.:.z R.:.relv R.:.axis) -> (let (px,py,pz) = tmp R.! (R.Z R.:.x R.:.y R.:.z R.:.relv) in case axis of{ 0-> px; 1->py; 2->pz} ))
move_p3 :: Point3d->Point3d-> Point3d
move_p3 p d = Point3d (p3x p + p3x d) (p3y p + p3y d) (p3z p + p3z d)
move_p3i :: Point3dIndexed->Point3d->Point3dIndexed
move_p3i p3 d = Point3dIndexed (move_p3 (point p3) d) (index p3) (map (\x -> move_p3 x d) ( surfaceArray p3))
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = do
putStrLn "someFunc"
--putStrLn $ show $ returnNearestMap [rubicCube !! 3, rubicCube !! 4]
--let ps' = map (\x -> move_p3i x (Point3d 100 100 100)) rubicCube
--let ps03 = [ps' !! 3, ps'!! 4]
--putStrLn $ show $ ps03
--putStrLn $ show $ returnNearestMap ps03
--putStrLn $ show $ (1,2,3)
--putStrLn $ show $ getAdjVertsfromPQR (2,0,0) 3 3 3
print "cube"
let cube = makeCubeRow
let avedcube_old = ((R.computeS $ getAdjAverage_old (3,3,3) makeCubeRow ) :: Coord R.U)
print $ cube
print $ ((R.computeS $(cube R.-^ avedcube_old)) :: Coord R.U)
--print $ map (\i -> getCellIndexAndRelVerts i (returnNearestMap rubicCube)) [0..26]
--print $ makeCubeRow R.! (R.Z R.:. )
print $ getAdjAverage 9 6 (\x -> \y ->(let (p,q,r) = getPQRfromCellIndex x 3 3 3 in R.computeS (R.slice makeCubeRow (R.Z R.:. p R.:. q R.:.r R.:.y-1 R.:. R.All)))) (returnNearestMap rubicCube)
let avedcube = calcAverage makeCubeRow (returnNearestMap rubicCube)
print $ ((R.computeS $ (cube R.-^ avedcube))::Coord R.U)
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