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Created August 16, 2019 15:10
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# coding = utf-8
# using namespace std
class ColorSystem(object):
That class contains the main data information to change ANSI codification of a string
:cvar _foreground: A dict that contain the ANSI configuration of the letter on the text.
:cvar _foreground_modes: Another dict to the letter ANSI configuration, but that contains options, not colors,
options such as bold letter or inverse colors
:cvar _backgrounds: That dict contain the color information for the background of the text.
All the dicts and cvars have the 'default' option to return the text part with the standard codification.
_foreground = {
"red": "\033[1;31m",
"black": "\033[1;30m",
"green": "\033[1;32m",
"yellow": "\033[1;33m",
"blue": "\033[1;34m",
"default": "\033[0;0m",
"purple": "\033[1;35m",
"cyan": "\033[1;36m",
"gray": "\033[1;37m",
"dark-gray": "\033[1;90m",
"white-red": "\033[1;91m",
"white-green": "\033[1;92m",
"white-yellow": "\033[1;93m",
"white-blue": "\033[1;94m",
"white-purple": "\033[1;95m",
"white-cyan": "\033[1;96m",
"white": "\033[1;97m"
_foreground_modes = {
"bold": "\033[;1m",
"reverse": "\033[;7m",
"default": "\033[0;0m"
_backgrounds = {
"black": "\033[1;40m",
"red": "\033[1;41m",
"green": "\033[1;42m",
"yellow": "\033[1;43m",
"blue": "\033[1;44m",
"purple": "\033[1;45m",
"cyan": "\033[1;46m",
"gray": "\033[1;47m",
"dark-gray": "\033[1;100m",
"white-red": "\033[1;101m",
"white-green": "\033[1;102m",
"white-yellow": "\033[1;103m",
"white-blue": "\033[1;104m",
"white-purple": "\033[1;105m",
"white-cyan": "\033[1;106m",
"white": "\033[1;107m",
"default": "\033[0;0m"
class ColorNotFound(KeyError):
if the color can't be found as a key from the dict option.
args: str = "That color '$color' don't exist in the system!"
def __init__(self, *args):
Starts the error message that contain the error!
class InvalidColorType(Exception):
At the verification, it is used for the programming debug, if the option of the method 'check_valid_colors' have the
invalid *type_color
args: object = "That type of color '$color_type' don't exists!"
def __init__(self, *args):
Starts the error message that contain the error!
def check_valid_colors(cls, colors: str, type_color="foreground"):
Verify if a color is valid, if not raise the Exception cls.ColorNotFound
if type_color == "foreground":
if colors not in cls._foreground.keys(): raise cls.ColorNotFound(colors+" is not a valid color!")
elif type_color == "background":
if colors not in cls._backgrounds.keys(): raise cls.ColorNotFound(colors + " is not a valid color!")
elif type_color == "foreground-modes":
if colors not in cls._foreground_modes.keys(): raise cls.ColorNotFound(colors + "is not a valid color!")
else: raise cls.InvalidColorType(type_color)
def set_color_to(self, txt: str, foreground="default", background="none", foreground_mode="none"):
:return: The colored text!
colored = self._foreground[foreground] + txt + self._foreground["default"]
if background != "none":
self.check_valid_colors(background, "background")
colored = self._backgrounds[background] + colored
colored += self._backgrounds["default"]
if foreground_mode != "none":
self.check_valid_colors(foreground_mode, "foreground-modes")
colored = self._foreground_modes[foreground_mode] + colored
colored += self._foreground_modes["default"]
return colored
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