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Created January 2, 2020 14:26
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* That namespace have the classes to the management of a SQLite3 database.
* It have's exceptions and the main classes.
* @author Giulliano Rossi <>
namespace SQLite3Connection{
use Exception;
use SQLite3;
* That class is a exception, it's used when the SQLite3 class tries to do some action
* And don't have , or already have a SQLite3 database connected.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @var ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR string The constant of the message to the error if the database already exists
* @var DATABASE_REQUESTED_ERR string The constant of the message of the error if the database is not connected
class DatabaseConnectionError extends Exception{
const ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR = "The class already have a database connected";
const DATABASE_REQUESTED_ERR = "The class requested a inexisting database";
* That method starts the class with a personalized way.
* @param int $code The default parameter of the original __construct method of the Exception class.
* @param bool $requested_db If the database was requested and not exists by default it's True.
* @return string
final public function __construct(bool $requested_db = True, int $code = 1){
$this->message = $requested_db ? self::DATABASE_REQUESTED_ERR : self::ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR;
$this->code = $code;
* That class is just a normal Exception.
* It's used when the class tries to execute a invalid SQL file in the SQLite3 Connection.
* Don't have nothing at that source, because all attributtes and methods came from the hierarchy of the Exception class.
class InvalidSQLFile extends Exception{ }
* That exception is used when the database file that the class's trying to connect, it's not a SQLite3 database file.
* This don't have nothing special, like the InvalidSQLFile.
class InvalidDBFile extends Exception{ }
* Exception used when a action was tried but the connection don't
class RootPermissionRequired extends Exception{
public function __construct(int $code = 0, string $message = "The class need root permissions to do that!"){
$this->code = $code;
$this->message = $message;
* That's the main class of the SQLite3 database connection.
* This class have the main methods of the management of the database.
* @var string|null $db_connected The path of the SQLite3 database that's the class is connected.
* @var bool $got_db If the class have a database connected, it starts with the false value.
* @var SQLite3|null $connection The main connection with the SQLite3 database, it's a object of the class SQLite3. With this the SQL querys are executeds
* @var bool|null $root_mode If the class have permissions for make changes at the database. If don't (False) the class will just deploy the connection and it data.
* @var string|null $connection_last_error The last error message that the class received.
class SQLite3Connection{
protected $db_connected = null;
protected $got_db = false;
protected $connection;
protected $root_mode = null;
private $connection_last_error = null;
* That method checks if the SQL script file is valid. It checks the file extension.
* @param string $path_ext The path of the file for check the extension.
* @return bool
private static function check_script_ext(string $path_ext){
$sp = explode(".", $path_ext);
return $sp[count($sp) - 1] == "sql";
* That static method checks if a file is a real SQLite database.
* It tries a connection with the class, if don't heve success, then will take it as it's not a database file.
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
private static function check_db_file(string $file_path){
$db_checker = new SQLite3($file_path);
$this->connection_last_error = $db_checker->lastErrorMsg();
return false;
else return true;
catch(Exception $e) {
return false;
* That method initalize the class and set up the attributtes
* @param string|null $db_path The database file to connect the table
* @param bool $root_mode If will manage the database has a root user.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If the database class already have a database.
* @return void
public function __construct(string $db_path = null, bool $root_mode = false){
if($this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError(False, 1);
$this->db_connected = $db_path;
// sets the default values
$this->got_db = false;
$this->root_mode = null;
$this->connection = null;
$this->connection = new SQLite3($this->db_connected);
$this->root_mode = $root_mode;
$this->got_db = true;
* Starts a connection with a database file.
* @param string $database_file The path for the database.
* @param bool $root_mode If the database will be managed as a root user.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If the class already have a database connected
* @throws InvalidDBFile If the file selected is not a SQLite3 database file.
* @return bool
public function connect_db(string $database_file, bool $root_mode = False){
if($this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError(False, 1);
if(!$this->check_db_file($database_file)) throw new InvalidDBFile("The file '$database_file' is not a SQLite3 database file!", 1);
$this->connection = new SQLite3($database_file);
$this->db_connected = $database_file;
$this->root_mode = $root_mode;
$this->got_db = true;
catch(Exception $e){ return false;}
return true;
* Closes a database connection.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If the class don't have any database connected!
* @return bool
public function disconnect_db(){
if(!$this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError(True, 1);
$this->db_connected = null;
$this->root_mode = null;
$this->got_db = false;
catch(Exception $e){ return false;}
return true;
* Destroys the class connection.
public function __destruct(){
$this->connection = null;
$this->db_connected = null;
$this->root_mode = null;
$this->got_db = false;
* Formats all the database tables. It requires the root_mode.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If there's no database connected;
* @throws RootPermissionRequired If the connection don't have root permissions.
* @return bool
public function formatTables(){
if(!$this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError();
if(!$this->root_mode) throw new RootPermissionRequired(1);
$all_tbs = $this->connection->query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\"table\;");
while($row = $all_tbs->fetchArray()){ $qr_dl = $this->connection->query("DELETE FROM " . $row['name'] . ";"); }
catch(Exception $e){ return false; }
return true;
* List all the tables of the database. Will return a array with the tables names, if there's no tables will return null.
* @param bool $escape_sequence If the method will return the sqlite_sequence as a table too.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If the class don't have a database connected.
* @return array|null
public function getTables(bool $escape_sequence = true){
if(!$this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError();
$raw_query = $this->connection->query("SELECT name from sqlite_master where type='table';");
$results = [];
while($row = $raw_query->fetchArray()){
if(!$row['name'] == "sqlite_sequence" && $escape_sequence) $results[] = $row['name'];
else {} // do nothing
return count($results) > 0 ? $results : null;
* Show the table columns and it types. Will return a array with the columns, if the table don't exists will return null.
* @param string $table The table that will get the columns.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If there's no database connected.
* @return array|null.
public function describeTable(string $table){
if(!$this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError();
$pragma = $this->connection->query("PRAGMA table_info(\"$table\");");
$results = [];
while($row = $pragma->fetchArray()) $results[] = $row;
return count($results) > 0 ? $results : null;
* Executes a SQL file and send the changes to the database.
* @param string $script_path The path to the SQL script.
* @throws DatabaseConnectionError If there's no database connected
* @throws RootPermissionRequired If the connection is not in the root mode.
* @throws InvalidSQLFile If the file is not a SQL script.
* @return bool
public function execScript(string $script_path){
if(!$this->got_db) throw new DatabaseConnectionError();
if(!$this->root_mode) throw new RootPermissionRequired(1);
if(!$this->check_script_ext($script_path)) throw new InvalidSQLFile("The file '$script_path' is not a valid script file!", 1);
$sql = file_get_contents($script_path);
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($sql); $i++){ $exec_line = $this->connection->query($sql[$i]); }
catch(Exception $e){
$this->connection_last_error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
* Return the database path connected.
* @return string|null
public function get_database(){ return $this->db_connected;}
* Return the raw connection
* @return SQLite3|null
public function get_handler(){ return $this->connection; }
* Return connection status
* @return bool
public function get_db_connected(){ return $this->got_db;}
* Return the connection mode
* @return bool|null
public function get_mode(){ return $this->root_mode; }
* Return the last error message.
* @return string
public function get_last_error(){ return $this->connection_last_error; }
namespace MySQLConnection{
use Exception;
use mysqli;
* The same thing in the SQLite3 database connection. It will be throwed when the MySQL connection is connected or don't.
* @var string ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR The message that will be throwed with the exception, the default message if it's connected.
* @var string CONNECTION_REQUESTED_ERR The message that will be throwed with the exception, the default message if it's not connected.
class MySQLConnectionError extends Exception{
const ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR = "The MySQL class already have a connection!";
const CONNECTION_REQUESTED_ERR = "The MySQL class don't have the requested connection!";
* Starts the class with the choice of the message of the two types of that exception.
* @param int $code The default exception code, by default it's 1
* @param bool $missing_connection If it was a error because is not connected or not, by default it's true.
public function __construct(int $code = 1, bool $missing_connection = True){
$msg = $missing_connection ? self::CONNECTION_REQUESTED_ERR : self::ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERR;
parent::__construct($msg, $code);
* That class does the same thing then the MySQLConnectionError, however that exception will be throwed when the
* class don't have a database in the MySQL connection.
* @var string GOT_DB_ERR The message that will be throwed if the connection have a database connected.
* @var string MISSING_DB_ERR The message that will be throwed if the connection don't have a database connection.
class MySQLDatabaseError extends Exception{
const GOT_DB_ERR = "The MySQL connection already have a MySQL database!";
const MISSING_DB_ERR = "The MySQL connection don't have a database connected!";
* Starts the class in the same way the MySQLConnectionError, with a decision between the two types of that exception.
* @param int $code The default exception code. By default it's 1;
* @param bool $missing_database If the connection class don't have the requested database.
public function __construct(int $code = 1, bool $missing_database = true){
$msg = $missing_database ? self::MISSING_DB_ERR : self::GOT_DB_ERR;
parent::__construct($msg, $code);
* Exception throwed when the selected SQL script is invalid
class InvalidSQLScript extends Exception{}
* The main connection class, that manages and contains the main data in the database.
* @var string|null $host_connection The host of the connection that the mysqli class is connected. It is null when there's no connection.
* @var string|null $db_connected The database that the class is connected. It's null when there's no database connected
* @var bool $got_connection If the class have a connection.
* @var int|null $port The port using in the connection.
* @var bool|null $root_mode If the connection can change the data and the structure of the database.
* @var mysqli $con_handler The connection handler, a object of the mysqli class of the PHP.
* @var string|null $last_error The last error message that the class received.
* @var string|null $username The user that's connected
class MySQLConnection{
private $host_connection;
private $db_connected;
protected $got_connection;
private $port;
protected $root_mode;
protected $con_handler;
public $last_error;
private $username;
* Checks if the file extension of a SQL script is valid.
* @param string $script_path The script path.
* @return bool
private static function checkScript(string $script_path){
$sp = explode(".", $script_path);
return $sp[count($sp) - 1] == "sql";
* Starts a MySQL connection.
* @param string $host The host to connect. by default is ''
* @param int $port The port using. By default is 3306
* @param string|null $db The database using. By default is null, for not connect to a database already.
* @param string $username The name of the user to make the connection.
* @param string $passwd The user password, that will not be saved in the attributtes. By default it is a empty string.
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If the class already have a connection.
* @return bool
public function connect_mysql(string $host = "", int $port = 3306, string $db = null, string $username, string $passwd = ""){
if($this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError(1, False);
$this->con_handler = new mysqli($host, $username, $passwd, $db, $port);
$this->db_connected = $db;
$this->host_connection = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->$username = $username;
$this->got_connection = True;
catch(Exception $e){
$this->last_error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
* Connects the MySQL connection with a database.
* @param string $db The database to connect.
* @throws MySQLDatabaseError If there's a database connected already.
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If there's no MySQL connection.
* @return bool
public function connect_db(string $db){
if($this->got_connection) throw new MySQLDatabaseError(1, False);
$this->con_handler->query("USE $db");
$this->db_connected = $db;
catch(Exception $e){
$this->last_error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
* Starts the class with the values of the connection, but if the host or another value is null, then it will start
* the class without the connection.
* @param string|null $host The host to connect, by default it's null
* @param string|null $user The user to connect to the host, by default it's null
* @param string|null $passwd The user passwd, also null by default
* @param string|null $db The database to connect already, it's null by default.
* @param int|null $port The port using at the connection, by default it's 3306
public function __construct(string $host = null, string $user = null, string $passwd = null, string $db = null, int $port = 3306){
$this->host_connection = null;
$this->username = null;
$this->db_connected = null;
$this->con_handler = new mysqli(); // empty class object
$this->got_connection = false;
if($this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError(1, false);
$this->con_handler = new mysqli($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port);
$this->host_connection = $host;
$this->username = $user;
$this->db_connected = $db;
$this->port = $port;
$this->got_connection = true;
* That class closes a connection with a MySQL host
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If there's no connection already
* @return bool
public function close_connection(){
if(!$this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError();
$this->host_connection = null;
$this->port = null;
$this->username = null;
$this->got_connection = false;
$this->db_connected = null;
catch(Exception $e){
$this->last_error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
* List all the databases at a host and put they names in a array.
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If there's no connection MySQL
* @return array|null
public function get_dbs(){
if(!$this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError();
$dbs = $this->con_handler->query("SHOW DATABASES;");
$results = [];
while($row = $dbs->fetch_array()) $results[] = $dbs;
return count($results) > 0 ? $results : null;
* List all the tables of the database at the connection.
* @throws MySQLDatabaseError If there's no database selected
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If there's no connection
* @return array|null
public function get_tbs(){
if(!$this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError();
if(is_null($this->db_connected)) throw new MySQLDatabaseError();
$all_tbs = $this->con_handler->query("show tables;");
$results = [];
while($row = $all_tbs) $results[] = $row;
return count($results) > 0 ? $results : null;
* List all the columns of a table in the database.
* @throws MySQLConnectionError If there's no connection to a MySQL host.
* @throws MySQLDatabaseError If there's no database selected.
* @param string $table The table to get the columns
* @return array|null
public function describeTable(string $table){
if(!$this->got_connection) throw new MySQLConnectionError();
if(is_null($this->db_connected)) throw new MySQLDatabaseError();
$columns = $this->con_handler->query("describe $table;");
$results = [];
while($row = $columns) $results[] = $row;
return count($results) > 0 ? $results : null;
* Return the host connected
* @return string|null
public function getHost(){ return $this->host_connection; }
* Return the connection handler
* @return mysqli|null
public function getCon(){ return $this->con_handler; }
* Return the database connected
* @return string|null
public function getDB(){ return $this->db_connected; }
* Return User connected
* @return string|null
public function getUser(){ return $this->username; }
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