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  • Save GiuseppeChillemi/32f11f8f28496f911d26f505e7914695 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if is missing its cond argument
info: 0 max-driver-connections
info: 1 max-concurrent-activities
info: 2 data-source-name
info: 6 driver-name
info: 7 driver-ver
info: 10 odbc-ver
info: 11 row-updates
info: 13 server-name
info: 14 search-pattern-escape
info: 17 dbms-name
info: 18 dbms-ver
info: 19 accessible-tables
info: 20 accessible-procedures
info: 21 procedures
info: 22 concat-null-behavior
info: 23 cursor-commit-behavior
info: 24 cursor-rollback-behavior
info: 25 data-source-read-only
info: 26 default-txn-isolation
info: 27 expressions-in-orderby
info: 28 identifier-case
info: 29 identifier-quote-char
info: 30 max-column-name-len
info: 31 max-cursor-name-len
info: 32 max-schema-name-len
info: 33 max-procedure-name-len
info: 34 max-catalog-name-len
info: 35 max-table-name-len
info: 36 mult-result-sets
info: 37 multiple-active-txn
info: 38 outer-joins
info: 39 schema-term
info: 40 procedure-term
info: 41 catalog-name-separator
info: 42 catalog-term
info: 44 scroll-options
info: 45 table-term
info: 46 txn-capable
info: 47 user-name
info: 48 convert-functions
info: 49 numeric-functions
info: 50 string-functions
info: 51 system-functions
info: 52 timedate-functions
info: 53 convert-bigint
info: 54 convert-binary
info: 55 convert-bit
info: 56 convert-char
info: 57 convert-date
info: 58 convert-decimal
info: 59 convert-double
info: 60 convert-float
info: 61 convert-integer
info: 62 convert-longvarchar
info: 63 convert-numeric
info: 64 convert-real
info: 65 convert-smallint
info: 66 convert-time
info: 67 convert-timestamp
info: 68 convert-tinyint
info: 69 convert-varbinary
info: 70 convert-varchar
info: 71 convert-longvarbinary
info: 72 txn-isolation-option
info: 73 integrity
info: 74 correlation-name
info: 75 non-nullable-columns
info: 77 driver-odbc-ver
info: 81 getdata-extensions
info: 82 bookmark-persistence
info: 84 file-usage
info: 85 null-collation
info: 86 alter-table
info: 87 column-alias
info: 88 group-by
info: 89 keywords
info: 90 order-by-columns-in-select
info: 91 schema-usage
info: 92 catalog-usage
info: 93 quoted-identifier-case
info: 94 special-characters
info: 95 subqueries
info: 96 union
info: 97 max-columns-in-group-by
info: 98 max-columns-in-index
info: 99 max-columns-in-order-by
info: 100 max-columns-in-select
info: 101 max-columns-in-table
info: 102 max-index-size
info: 103 max-row-size-includes-long
info: 104 max-row-size
info: 105 max-statement-len
info: 106 max-tables-in-select
info: 107 max-user-name-len
info: 108 max-char-literal-len
info: 109 timedate-add-intervals
info: 110 timedate-diff-intervals
info: 111 need-long-data-len
info: 112 max-binary-literal-len
info: 113 like-escape-clause
info: 114 catalog-location
info: 115 oj-capabilities
info: 116 active-environments
info: 117 alter-domain
info: 118 sql-conformance
info: 120 batch-row-count
info: 121 batch-support
info: 127 create-assertion
info: 128 create-character-set
info: 129 create-collation
info: 130 create-domain
info: 131 create-schema
info: 132 create-table
info: 133 create-translation
info: 134 create-view
info: 136 drop-assertion
info: 137 drop-character-set
info: 138 drop-collation
info: 139 drop-domain
info: 140 drop-schema
info: 141 drop-table
info: 142 drop-translation
info: 143 drop-view
info: 144 dynamic-cursor-attributes1
info: 145 dynamic-cursor-attributes2
info: 146 forward-only-cursor-attributes1
info: 147 forward-only-cursor-attributes2
info: 148 index-keywords
info: 149 info-schema-views
info: 150 keyset-cursor-attributes1
info: 151 keyset-cursor-attributes2
info: 152 odbc-interface-conformance
info: 153 param-array-row-counts
info: 154 param-array-selects
info: 155 sql92-datetime-functions
info: 156 sql92-foreign-key-delete-rule
info: 157 sql92-foreign-key-update-rule
info: 158 sql92-grant
info: 159 sql92-numeric-value-functions
info: 160 sql92-predicates
info: 161 sql92-relational-join-operators
info: 162 sql92-revoke
info: 163 sql92-row-value-constructor
info: 164 sql92-string-functions
info: 165 sql92-value-expressions
info: 167 static-cursor-attributes1
info: 168 static-cursor-attributes2
info: 169 aggregate-functions
info: 170 ddl-index
info: 171 dm-ver
info: 172 insert-statement
info: 10002 describe-parameter
info: 10003 catalog-name
info: 10004 collation-seq
info: 10005 max-identifier-len
info: 10021 async-mode
info: 10024 driver-aware-pooling-supported
info: 10025 async-notification
actor/open: statement
SQLAllocHandle 0
allocate fetched, 4 bytes @ 001A0598
SQLSetStmtAttr 0
SQLFreeStmt 0
SQLFreeStmt 0
SQLFreeStmt 0
SQLPrepare 0
SQLExecute 0
SQLNumResultCols 0
allocate status/value, 4 bytes @ 0331A108
SQLSetStmtAttr 0
SQLSetStmtAttr 0
SQLSetStmtAttr 0
allocate name, 256 bytes @ 0331A118
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 6
allocate buffer, 14 bytes @ 0331A220...0331A22D
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 0331A238
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65526, col-size = 1073741823
allocate buffer, 0 bytes @ 0331A248...0331A247
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 0331A258
free name @ 0331A118
window: 1
status: 0331A108
SQLFetchScroll 0
fetched: 001A0598 (1 rows)
0331A220: 48c4 3103 c000 1a00 4400 7200 6900
[none deferred]
window: 1
status: 0331A108
SQLFetchScroll 0
fetched: 001A0598 (1 rows)
0331A220: 48c4 3103 c000 1a00 4400 7200 6900
[none deferred]
allocate buffer, 4096 bytes @ 0331C448 for column 2
SQLGetData 0
0331C448: 3c00 7200 6f00 7700 7300 3e00 3c00 7200 6f00 7700 2000 6100 7400 7
400 7200 6900 <.r.o.w.s.>.<.r.o.w. .a.t.t.r.i.
0331C468: 6200 7500 7400 6f00 3d00 2200 3100 3400 3600 2200 2f00 3e00 3c00 7
200 6f00 7700 b.u.t.o.=.".1.4.6."./.>.<.r.o.w.
0331C488: 2000 6100 7400 7400 7200 6900 6200 7500 7400 6f00 3d00 2200 3400 3
100 2200 2f00 .a.t.t.r.i.b.u.t.o.=.".4.1."./.
0331C4A8: 3e00 3c00 2f00 7200 6f00 7700 7300 3e00
SQLGetData 100
{<rows><row attributo="146"/><row attributo="41"/></rows>}
actor/close: connection
actor/close: statement
SQLFreeHandle 0
SQLDisconnect 0
SQLFreeHandle 0
*** Script Error: If is missing its cond argument
*** Where: If
*** Near : close cn If
*** Stack: do-file
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