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Last active September 4, 2023 22:03
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Speed test for various key/val structures
;Red []
Rebol [
Title: "Speed test key val2"
purpose: "Evaluate which method and structures are better for key-val selection"
Notes: {Actually supports Rebol3 and Red}
Todo: {
debug r3 for slowness
debug r3 for error on saving
create a text questions standard with "ask",choices,menu-map
add integer validation
add choice of bases and tests
add filename selection for saving
add autosave flag
add tab management
add results on a secondary windows
test for misfind overhead like in version 1
implement r2
create auto output table formatter
add a wrapper contenxt
History: {
Added Red Graphical UI
Added R3 Text UI
Added an init section
Divided code in does blocks
release: 2.1.0
platform?: does [case [
3 = system/version/1 ['Rebol3]
2 = system/version/1 ['Rebol]
not rebol ['Red]
system/product = 'atronix-view ['Atronix]
align: func [
str [string!] "The string to aling right"
len [integer!] "The length to pad"
ch [String! char!] "The character to use for padding, deault SPACE"
] [
ch: any [ch " "]
ln: length? str
df: len - ln
if df > 0 [
loop df [
insert head str ch
initialized: false
top: 500000 ;Number of elements of each data pool
top2: 20000000 ;Number of iterations per test
top2-static: top2 ; some long test are executed for a fraction of times and
; results is multiplied to become time compatible with the other
; This sotre the original number of iteraction because top2 is
; changed dividing it for a factor in such tests
;top: 10
;top2: 2
;top: 1000000
;top2: 200
; Test searching the key each time
; Test with columns and index already translated
; testi with find
init-bases: does [
initialized: true
;======== Setup
test: copy []; this word builds the base container to create some of the others
results: copy [[language test-name structure structure-name execution-time]]
;The table to store the results
search-for: to-word rejoin ["s" top] ;we always search for the last element crated
;so the whole data pool is scanned in linear
;========= Preparing containers
repeat idx top [append test reduce [to-word rejoin ["s" idx] either idx < top ["here"]["I am"]]]
block: test ;block is the very basic data pool made of blocks and key-values
mtest: make map! test
bobtest: copy []
if platform? = 'red [
htest: make hash! test
hbobtest: make hash! []
hhbobtest: make hash! []
hobobtest: make hash! []
obobtest: copy []
object-proto: copy []
foreach [id val] test [
append/only bobtest reduce [id val]
if platform? = 'red [
append/only hbobtest reduce [id val]
append/only hhbobtest make hash! reduce [id val]
append/only hobobtest make object! reduce [to-set-word id val]
append/only obobtest make object! reduce [to-set-word id val]
append object-proto reduce [to-set-word id val]
object: make object! object-proto
;=== Container + description
;[divider-for-long-test language name-of-the-container string-description]
structures: [
10 all block "Block of key-value"
1 red htest "hashed-block of key-value"
1 all mtest "a pure map"
10 all bobtest "block + block of key-value"
10 red hbobtest "hash-blk + block of key-val"
10 red hhbobtest "hash-blk + hash-blk of key-val"
10 all obobtest "block + object"
10 red hobobtest "hashed block + object"
1 all object "a pure object"
;[block htest mtest bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest obobtest hobobtest object]
;[block htest object mtest] [bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest] [obobtest hobobtest]
tests: [
;test-name code data-pools
test-select-skip [
loop top2 [
test: head test
if select/skip test search-for 2 []
] [block htest]
test-SelectDirect [
loop top2 [
if select test :search-for []
] [mtest htest object]
test-SelectDirectRandom [
random-keys: copy []
random-keys-number: 1000
loop random-keys-number [
append random-keys to-word rejoin ["s" random top]
loop top2 [
;pick random-keys random random-keys-number
;random-keys/(random random-keys-number)
if select test random/only random-keys []; :search-for [] ;
] [mtest htest object]
test-select-bob [
loop top2 [
test: head test
forall test [if select/skip test/1 :search-for 2 []]
] [bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest]
test-path [
loop top2 [
if test/:search-for []
] [block htest mtest object] ;Rifai solo questo
test-foreach [
loop top2 [
test: head test
foreach [k v] test [if k = :search-for []]
] [block htest]
test-while-path-idx [
loop top2 [
test: head test
ln: length? test
idx: 1
while [idx < ln] [
k: test/:idx
idx: idx + 2
if k = :search-for []
] [block htest]
test-while-idx-idx2 [
loop top2 [
test: head test
ln: length? test
idx: 1
idx2: 1
while [idx < ln] [
k: test/:idx/:idx2
idx: idx + 1
if k = :search-for []
] [bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest]
test-while-idx-key [
loop top2 [
test: head test
;ln: length? test
idx: 1
while [idx < ln] [
v: test/:idx/:search-for
idx: idx + 1
if v []
] [
test-while-idx-key-4ob [
loop top2 [
test: head test
;ln: length? test
idx: 1
while [idx < ln] [
if in test/:idx :search-for [v: test/:idx/:search-for]
idx: idx + 1
if v []
] [
test-forall-path-idx-key [
loop top2 [
test: head test
forall test [if test/1/:search-for []]
];Object can't do this test because wrong path name leads to error
] [bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest]
test-forall-select-idx [
loop top2 [
test: head test
forall test [if select/skip test/1 :search-for 2 []]
] [bobtest hbobtest hhbobtest obobtest hobobtest]
quick-tests: does [
;=== Looping
;For very quick test I uncomment this and set the parameters
;foreach test-base [object mtest htest] [
; test: get test-base
; pstr: align rejoin [to-string test-base " - " "test-path" ":"] 30
; print [pstr dt tests/test-path]
;foreach test-base [object mtest htest] [
; test: get test-base
; pstr: align rejoin [to-string test-base " - " "test-SelectDirect" ":"] 30
; print [pstr dt tests/test-SelectDirect]
foreach test-base [object] [
test: get test-base
pstr: align rejoin [to-string test-base " - " "test-SelectDirect" ":"] 30
print [pstr dt tests/test-SelectDirectRandom]
full-tests: does [
foreach [divider language structure name] structures [
if any [platform? = language language = 'all] [
foreach [test-name code candidates] tests [
;probe candidates
if find candidates structure [
top2: top2 / divider
test: get structure
out-string: rejoin [
to-string align to-string test-name 25 " ----- structure > " align to-string structures/:structure 34 " : "]
prin align out-string 80
execution-time: dt code
execution-time: execution-time * divider
append results reduce [reduce [platform? test-name structure structures/:structure execution-time]]
;append results: reduce [reduce [platform? test-name structures/:structure execution-time]]
print execution-time
top2: top2-static
;=== I am saving the results
save-results: does [
case [
platform? = 'Red [suffix:]
platform? = 'Rebol3 [suffix: %.r3]
platform? = 'Rebol [suffix: %.r2]
savename: rejoin [%speedtest-results suffix]
save savename
ask-test: does [
Print ""
Print "1) Quick test"
Print "2) Full test"
Print "3) Quit"
text-choice: ask "1 or 2 >> "
case [
text-choice = "1" [
Print ["Data pool elements: " top lf "Itarations: " top2]
print ""
Print "Starting test in few seconds"
wait 2
if not initialized [init-bases] init-bases
text-choice = "2" [
Print ["Data pool elements: " top lf "Itarations: " top2 lf]
print ""
Print "Starting test in few seconds"
wait 2
if not initialized [init-bases]
text-choice = "3" [
Print "Quitting"
true [
Print "Wrong Choice"
Print ""
ask-iterations: does [
Print ""
Print ["(D)ata pool elements, actual: " Top " "]
Print ["(I)terations, actual :" Top2 " "]
Print ["TBD: (L)oad preset!"]
Print ["(R)un test" ]
Print ["(Q) Quit" ]
Print ""
text-choice: Ask "Change which? >> "
text-choice: to-string text-choice
case [
text-choice = "D" [top: any [attempt [to-integer ask "New data pool elements count: "] top] ask-iterations]
text-choice = "I" [top2: any [attempt [to-integer ask "New Iterations: "] top2] ask-iterations]
text-choice = "L" [Print "Not implemented" ask-iterations ]
text-choice = "R" [print "Running test" ]
text-choice = "Q" [print "Stopping" halt]
true [
case [
platform? = 'red [
view [
Text "Data elements: " Field data top on-change [top: face/data] return
Text "Iterations per test" Field data top2 on-change [top2: face/data] return
button "Full tests" [Print ["Top: " top "Top2: " top2] warn/text: "Starting test in few seconds" wait 2 if not initialized [init-bases] full-tests]
button "Short Tests" [Print ["Top: " top "Top2: " top2] warn/text: "Starting test in few seconds" wait 2 if not initialized [init-bases] init-bases quick-tests]
button "quit" [quit] return
Warn: Text " "
true [
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You can replace:

		loop df [
			insert head str ch

With: insert/dup str ch df

Ok, tomorrow I will work on this. Actually have changed some text and gui UI.

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And you should avoid appending values to a hash like you do, especially when it is not preallocated... append to simple block and make a hash from it, when there are all values!

Thank you for your review

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