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  • Save GiuseppeChillemi/f2499589d7ae4645f500dc1ac1f2e53c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GiuseppeChillemi/f2499589d7ae4645f500dc1ac1f2e53c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Right truncation error
///////// CODE:
cn: switch 'b-ok con
st: open cn
st/state/window: 1
st/state/cursor: 'static
columns: insert st "select top 1 * from cf where attributi is not null "
result: next st
probe pick st 'attributi
>> do
*** Script Error: ODBC error: ["01004" 0 {[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Tro
ncamento a destra della string
*** Where: ctx||440~fetch-value
*** Near : pick st 'attributi halt
*** Stack: do-file
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D638
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 93, col-size = 16
allocate buffer, 16 bytes @ 03B7D7E0...03B7D7EF
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D478
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 93
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D4A8...03B7D4A8
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D518
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 4 bytes @ 03B7D4C8...03B7D4CB
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D568
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 3
allocate buffer, 8 bytes @ 03B7D4D8...03B7D4DF
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D4E8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D4F8...03B7D4F8
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D528
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D508...03B7D508
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D538
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D408...03B7D408
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D3B8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D328...03B7D328
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D378
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 22
allocate buffer, 46 bytes @ 03B7D8D8...03B7D905
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D3C8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D3A8...03B7D3A8
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D318
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 100
allocate buffer, 202 bytes @ 03B7D910...03B7D9D9
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D338
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D418...03B7D418
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D2C8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D3F8...03B7D3F8
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D2B8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 4 bytes @ 03B7D3D8...03B7D3DB
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D3E8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 60
allocate buffer, 122 bytes @ 03B76EA0...03B76F19
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D2A8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 8
allocate buffer, 18 bytes @ 03B75A50...03B75A61
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D358
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 5
allocate buffer, 12 bytes @ 03B7D720...03B7D72B
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D348
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 60
allocate buffer, 122 bytes @ 03B76D90...03B76E09
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D428
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 3
allocate buffer, 8 bytes @ 03B7D438...03B7D43F
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D448
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 2
allocate buffer, 6 bytes @ 03B7D458...03B7D45D
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D468
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 28
allocate buffer, 58 bytes @ 03B7D9E8...03B7DA21
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D368
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 80
allocate buffer, 162 bytes @ 03B7DA30...03B7DAD1
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D288
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 60
allocate buffer, 122 bytes @ 03B77368...03B773E1
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D388
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 12, col-size = 60
allocate buffer, 122 bytes @ 03B773F0...03B77469
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D2D8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D298...03B7D298
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D278
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7D398...03B7D398
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D2E8
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65526, col-size = 1073741823
allocate buffer, 0 bytes @ 03B7D2F8...03B7D2F7
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7D308
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7DE90...03B7DE90
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DE00
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 4, col-size = 10
allocate buffer, 4 bytes @ 03B7DEB0...03B7DEB3
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DDD0
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 4
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 2, col-size = 18
allocate buffer, 19 bytes @ 03B75A70...03B75A82
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DE40
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 1
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7DE10...03B7DE10
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DD20
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7DE20...03B7DE20
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DE30
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65529, col-size = 1
allocate buffer, 1 bytes @ 03B7DE60...03B7DE60
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DD30
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65529
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 2
allocate buffer, 6 bytes @ 03B7DDC0...03B7DDC5
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DE50
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 2
allocate buffer, 6 bytes @ 03B7DE70...03B7DE75
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DD40
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 65530, col-size = 3
allocate buffer, 4 bytes @ 03B7DD70...03B7DD73
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DE80
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 4
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 4
allocate buffer, 10 bytes @ 03B7D828...03B7D831
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DDE0
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
SQLDescribeCol 0
sql-type = 1, col-size = 3
allocate buffer, 8 bytes @ 03B7DDF0...03B7DDF7
allocate strlen, 4 bytes @ 03B7DEA0
SQLBindCol 0
c-type = 65528
free name @ 03B7A0F8
window: 1
status: 03B7A0E8
SQLFetchScroll 1
allocate state, 12 bytes @ 03B7D7B0
allocate message, 4096 bytes @ 03B7DEE8
SQLGetDiagRec 0
03B7DEE8: 5b00 4d00 6900 6300 7200 6f00 7300 6f00 6600 7400 5d00 5b00 4f00 4
400 4200 4300 [.M.i.c.r.o.s.o.f.t.].[.O.D.B.C.
03B7DF08: 2000 5300 5100 4c00 2000 5300 6500 7200 7600 6500 7200 2000 4400 7
200 6900 7600 .S.Q.L. .S.e.r.v.e.r. .D.r.i.v.
03B7DF28: 6500 7200 5d00 5400 7200 6f00 6e00 6300 6100 6d00 6500 6e00 7400 6
f00 2000 6100 e.r.].T.r.o.n.c.a.m.e.n.t.o. .a.
03B7DF48: 2000 6400 6500 7300 7400 7200 6100 2000 6400 6500 6c00 6c00 6100 2
000 7300 7400 .d.e.s.t.r.a. .d.e.l.l.a. .s.t.
03B7DF68: 7200 6900 6e00 6700 6100 2000 6400 6900 2000 6400 6100 7400 6900 2
e00 r.i.n.g.a. .d.i. .d.a.t.i...
01004 0 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Troncamento a destra della stringa di
SQLGetDiagRec 100
free state @ 03B7D7B0
free message @ 03B7DEE8
fetched: 00390598 (1 rows)
allocate buffer, 0 bytes @ 03B7DEE8
SQLGetData 65535
allocate state, 12 bytes @ 03B7D840
allocate message, 4096 bytes @ 03B7EEF0
SQLGetDiagRec 0
03B7EEF0: 5b00 4d00 6900 6300 7200 6f00 7300 6f00 6600 7400 5d00 5b00 4f00 4
400 4200 4300 [.M.i.c.r.o.s.o.f.t.].[.O.D.B.C.
03B7EF10: 2000 5300 5100 4c00 2000 5300 6500 7200 7600 6500 7200 2000 4400 7
200 6900 7600 .S.Q.L. .S.e.r.v.e.r. .D.r.i.v.
03B7EF30: 6500 7200 5d00 4900 6e00 6400 6900 6300 6500 2000 6400 6500 6c00 2
000 6400 6500 e.r.].I.n.d.i.c.e. .d.e.l. .d.e.
03B7EF50: 7300 6300 7200 6900 7400 7400 6f00 7200 6500 2000 6e00 6f00 6e00 2
000 7600 6100 s.c.r.i.t.t.o.r.e. .n.o.n. .v.a.
03B7EF70: 6c00 6900 6400 6f00 2e00
07009 0 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Indice del descrittore non valido.
SQLGetDiagRec 100
free state @ 03B7D840
free message @ 03B7EEF0
*** Script Error: ODBC error: ["01004" 0 {[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Tro
ncamento a destra della string
*** Where: ctx||440~fetch-value
*** Near : pick st 'attributi halt
*** Stack: do-file
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