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Last active September 4, 2022 15:38
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  • Save Gk0Wk/0fb573c3c3085416183735ded5580333 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gk0Wk/0fb573c3c3085416183735ded5580333 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module-type: echarts-component
title: GitHubHeatMap.js
type: application/javascript
/* Written by Gk0Wk( */
const getFilterByDate = (date, subfilter) => {
return `[all[tiddlers]${subfilter}sameday:created[${date}]][all[tiddlers]${subfilter}sameday:modified[${date}]]+[sort[]]`;
const yearDates = {};
const getData = (year, subfilter) => {
if (!yearDates[year]) {
const startDate = +echarts.number.parseDate(`${year}-01-01`);
const endDate = +echarts.number.parseDate(`${year + 1}-01-01`);
const dayTime = 3600 * 24 * 1000;
const dates = [];
for (let time = startDate; time < endDate; time += dayTime) {
const timeFmt = echarts.format.formatTime("yyyy-MM-dd", time);
const timeTW = timeFmt.replace(/-/g, "");
dates.push([timeFmt, timeTW]);
yearDates[year] = dates;
let total = 0;
return [
yearDates[year].map(([timeFmt, timeTW]) => {
const count = $, subfilter)).length;
total += count;
return [timeFmt, count];
const getPlatteColor = (name) =>
`<$transclude tiddler={{$:/palette}} index="${name}"><$transclude tiddler="$:/palettes/Vanilla" index="${name}"><$transclude tiddler="$:/config/DefaultColourMappings/${name}"/></$transclude></$transclude>`,
const checkIfChinese = () =>
$"$:/language").indexOf("zh") !== -1;
const checkIfDarkMode = () =>
] === "dark";
exports.onMount = () => {
return {};
exports.shouldUpdate = (_, changedTiddlers) => {
return $tw.utils.count(changedTiddlers) > 0;
const tooltipFormatter = (subfilter) => ({ value }) => {
const [dateValue, count] = value;
if (count === 0)
return checkIfChinese()
? `${echarts.format.formatTime("yyyy年M月d日", dateValue)} 无条目。`
: `${$tw.utils.formatDateString(
$tw.utils.parseDate(dateValue.replace(/-/g, "")),
)} no tiddler.`;
const p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerText = checkIfChinese()
? `${echarts.format.formatTime(
)} 共有 ${count} 篇:`
: `${$tw.utils.formatDateString(
$tw.utils.parseDate(dateValue.replace(/-/g, "")),
)} ${count} tiddler${count > 1 ? "s" : ""}.`;
const ul = document.createElement("ul");
const tiddlers = $
getFilterByDate(dateValue.replace(/-/g, ""), subfilter)
const len = tiddlers.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const tiddler = tiddlers[i];
const li = document.createElement("li");
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.innerText = tiddler;
a.className =
"tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-resolves tc-popup-handle tc-popup-absolute"; = "pointer";
a.onclick = () => new $tw.Story().navigateTiddler(tiddler);
return [p, ul];
exports.onUpdate = (myChart, _state, addonAttributes) => {
const year = parseInt(addonAttributes.year, 10) || new Date().getFullYear();
const subfilter = addonAttributes.subfilter || '!is[shadow]!prefix[$:/]';
const [data, total] = getData(year, subfilter);
title: {
top: 0,
left: "center",
text: checkIfChinese()
? `今年产出 ${total} 篇文章`
: `Produced ${total} tiddlers this year`,
tooltip: {
position: "top",
formatter: tooltipFormatter(subfilter),
triggerOn: "mousemove|click",
enterable: true,
hideDelay: 400,
backgroundColor: getPlatteColor("page-background"),
borderColor: getPlatteColor("very-muted-foreground"),
visualMap: {
type: "piecewise",
orient: "horizontal",
calculable: true,
showLabel: false,
right: 0,
top: 175,
pieces: [
// 设置分段范围
{ lte: 0, color: checkIfDarkMode() ? "#161B22" : "#EBEDF0" },
{ gt: 0, lte: 3, color: "#0E4429" },
{ gt: 3, lte: 7, color: "#006D32" },
{ gt: 7, lte: 15, color: "#26A641" },
{ gt: 15, color: "#39D353" },
calendar: {
top: 60,
cellSize: 15,
orient: "horizontal",
range: year,
itemStyle: {
borderWidth: 3,
borderCap: "round",
borderJoin: "round",
borderColor: getPlatteColor("background"),
splitLine: {
show: false,
dayLabel: {
show: true,
nameMap: checkIfChinese() ? "ZH" : "EN",
monthLabel: {
show: true,
nameMap: checkIfChinese() ? "ZH" : "EN",
yearLabel: { show: true },
series: {
type: "heatmap",
coordinateSystem: "calendar",
calendarIndex: 0,
data: data,
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