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Last active December 29, 2021 22:13
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  • Save GladOSkar/6964e6b55fa281a72090a1fce5895ae1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GladOSkar/6964e6b55fa281a72090a1fce5895ae1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while true
DAYOFMONTH=`date +"%d"`
DAYOFEVENT=`expr $DAYOFMONTH - 27` # adjusts for 0-indexing of array
echo -n "Reloading schedule... "
curl | jq ".schedule.conference.days[$DAYOFEVENT].rooms | {\"Chaosstudio Hamburg\", \"FeM Channel\", \"Haecksen Stream\", \"r3s - Monheim/Rhein\", \"Chaos-West TV\", \"ChaosZone TV\", \"Lichtung\", \"about:future stage\"}" > current.json
echo -n "comparing... "
diff old.json current.json | grep 'guid\|date\|start\|duration\|room\|title' > poll.diff
FSIZE=`stat --printf="%s" poll.diff`
if [ $FSIZE -gt 1 ]
notify-send "FAHRPLAN UPDATE!"
cp poll.diff `date -Iseconds`.diff
mv current.json old.json
echo "done"
sleep 300 # 5 minutes
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