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Last active August 3, 2016 06:44
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Analyzing the results in case Bulgaria had plurality voting on past elections
package bg.elections.pv;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
public class PluralityVoting {
private static final int CONSTITUENCY_MARGIN = 300;
private static final int MPS = 120;
private static final Integer DEFAULT_YEAR = 2013;
private static final String DEFAULT_DATA_ROOT = "C:\\Users\\bozho\\Downloads\\cik\\export\\";
private static final String PROTOCOLS_FILE = "protocols";
private static final String PARTIES_FILE = "parties";
private static final String VOTES_FILE = "votes";
private static final Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> filenames = new HashMap<>();
static {
Map<String, String> elections2013 = new HashMap<>();
elections2013.put(PROTOCOLS_FILE, "pe2013_pe_protocols.txt");
elections2013.put(PARTIES_FILE, "pe2013_pe_cikparties.txt");
elections2013.put(VOTES_FILE, "pe2013_pe_votes.txt");
filenames.put(2013, elections2013);
Map<String, String> elections2014 = new HashMap<>();
elections2014.put(PROTOCOLS_FILE, "protocols_pe2014.txt");
elections2014.put(PARTIES_FILE, "parties_pe2014.txt");
elections2014.put(VOTES_FILE, "votes_pe2014.txt");
filenames.put(2014, elections2014);
private static final CSVFormat FORMAT = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withDelimiter(';');
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int year = DEFAULT_YEAR;
String dataRoot = DEFAULT_DATA_ROOT;
if (args.length > 0) {
year = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
dataRoot = args[1];
// 2013 results have section type as first column, so we have to account for that
boolean skipSectionType = year != 2013;
int recordOffset = year == 2013 ? 0 : 1;
CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(new File(dataRoot + filenames.get(year).get(PROTOCOLS_FILE)), Charsets.UTF_8, FORMAT);
int totalVoters = 0;
int totalEligible = 0;
Map<String, SectionData> sectionVoters = new HashMap<>();
for (CSVRecord record : parser) {
if (skipSectionType || record.get(0).isEmpty() || record.get(0).equals("Д")) {
int additionalOffset = year == 2013 ? 0 : 1; //2013 results have one extra column after 4
SectionData data = new SectionData();
int voters;
if (record.get(0).equals("Д")) {
voters = Integer.parseInt(record.get(4));
} else {
voters = Integer.parseInt(record.get(7 - recordOffset - additionalOffset));
data.setEligible(Integer.parseInt(record.get(4 - recordOffset)));
String section = record.get(1 - recordOffset);
totalVoters += voters;
totalEligible += data.getEligible();
// special case for sections abroad - actual voters = eligible
if (section.startsWith("32")) {
totalEligible += voters;
sectionVoters.put(section, data);
CSVParser partiesParser = CSVParser.parse(new File(dataRoot + filenames.get(year).get(PARTIES_FILE)), Charsets.UTF_8, FORMAT);
List<String> parties = new ArrayList<>(); // idx = key
for (CSVRecord record : partiesParser) {
if (year != 2013 || record.get(0).isEmpty()) {
parties.add(record.get(2 - recordOffset)); //offset here is because of an extra column for 2013
CSVParser votesParser = CSVParser.parse(new File(dataRoot + filenames.get(year).get(VOTES_FILE)), Charsets.UTF_8, FORMAT);
int votersPerConstituency = totalEligible / MPS;
List<Integer> partyVotes = new ArrayList<>();
resetPartyVotes(parties, partyVotes);
System.out.println("Voters per constituency " + votersPerConstituency);
System.out.println("Total voted " + totalVoters);
List<ConstituencyResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> constituencySections = new ArrayList<>();
int currentTotalVoters = 0;
int currentRecord = 0;
List<CSVRecord> records = votesParser.getRecords();
long totalRecords = records.size();
int columnMultiplier = 2;
for (CSVRecord record : records) {
if (skipSectionType || record.get(0).isEmpty()) {
int columnCount = (record.size() - 2 - recordOffset) / columnMultiplier - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
int idx;
if (year == 2013) {
String idxString = record.get(2 + (i * columnMultiplier));
idx = Integer.parseInt(idxString) - 1; //0-based
} else {
idx = i;
// raw data is wrong - misses a column for some parties in some regions, which requires a shift
String section = record.get(0);
if (idx >= 20 && section.startsWith("07")) {
if (idx >= 9 && (section.startsWith("10") || section.startsWith("17"))) {
if (idx >= partyVotes.size()) {
// in 2013 the pairs are number:votes, and in 2014 they are valid:invalid
int columnIdx = 2 - recordOffset + (i * columnMultiplier) + (year == 2013 ? 1 : 0);
String votesString = record.get(columnIdx);
if (votesString.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Empty string for columnIdx " + columnIdx + " and row " + currentRecord);
int votes = Integer.parseInt(votesString);
partyVotes.set(idx, partyVotes.get(idx) + votes);
String section = record.get(1 - recordOffset);
if (sectionVoters.containsKey(section)) {
currentTotalVoters += sectionVoters.get(section).getEligible();
// the last constituency can be bigger in order to get the exact amount of MPs
if (currentTotalVoters > votersPerConstituency - CONSTITUENCY_MARGIN && results.size() < MPS - 1) {
ConstituencyResult result = getResult(partyVotes, parties);
result.setSections(new ArrayList<>(constituencySections));
currentTotalVoters = 0;
resetPartyVotes(parties, partyVotes);
} else {
System.out.println("Missing section: " + section);
if (currentRecord == totalRecords - 1) { //the final MP
ConstituencyResult result = getResult(partyVotes, parties);
result.setSections(new ArrayList<>(constituencySections));
currentRecord ++;
results.forEach(r -> System.out.println(r + " : " + r.getSections()));
Map<String, List<ConstituencyResult>> totals =;
totals.forEach((k, v) -> {
int firstRoundWins = -> w.isFirstRoundWin()).collect(Collectors.toList()).size();
System.out.println(k + " = " + v.size() + " (first round: " + firstRoundWins + ")");
private static void resetPartyVotes(List<String> parties, List<Integer> partyVotes) {
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++) {
private static ConstituencyResult getResult(List<Integer> partyVotes, List<String> parties) {
int maxVotes = Collections.max(partyVotes);
//assuming random winner if more than 1 party with equal votes
int idx = partyVotes.indexOf(maxVotes);
ConstituencyResult winner = new ConstituencyResult();
List<Integer> runnerUpVotes = new ArrayList<>(partyVotes);
runnerUpVotes.remove((Object) maxVotes);
int maxRunnerUpVotes = Collections.max(runnerUpVotes);
int runnerUpIdx = partyVotes.indexOf(maxRunnerUpVotes);
int remainingVotes = -> i).sum();
if (maxVotes > remainingVotes) {
return winner;
public static final class SectionData {
private int eligible;
private int activity;
public int getEligible() {
return eligible;
public void setEligible(int eligible) {
this.eligible = eligible;
public int getActivity() {
return activity;
public void setActivity(int activity) {
this.activity = activity;
public static final class ConstituencyResult {
private String winnerParty;
private int result;
private String runnerUpParty;
private int runnerUpResult;
private List<String> sections;
private boolean firstRoundWin;
public String getWinnerParty() {
return winnerParty;
public void setWinnerParty(String name) {
this.winnerParty = name;
public int getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(int result) {
this.result = result;
public String getRunnerUpParty() {
return runnerUpParty;
public void setRunnerUpParty(String runnerUpName) {
this.runnerUpParty = runnerUpName;
public int getRunnerUpResult() {
return runnerUpResult;
public void setRunnerUpResult(int runnerUpResult) {
this.runnerUpResult = runnerUpResult;
public List<String> getSections() {
return sections;
public void setSections(List<String> sections) {
this.sections = sections;
public boolean isFirstRoundWin() {
return firstRoundWin;
public void setFirstRoundWin(boolean firstRoundWin) {
this.firstRoundWin = firstRoundWin;
public String toString() {
return "ConstituencyResult [winnerParty=" + winnerParty + ", result=" + result
+ ", runnerUpParty=" + runnerUpParty + ", runnerUpResult=" + runnerUpResult + "]";
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