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Created December 19, 2020 13:10
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package elections;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
public class HareNiemayer {
private static String[] partyNames = new String[] {"РБ", "ГЕРБ", "АТАКА", "ББЦ", "АБВ", "ДПС", "БСП", "ПФ"};
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] constituencySeats = {11, 14, 15, 8, 4, 6, 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5, 9, 4, 9, 11, 11, 4, 8, 4, 6, 4, 16, 12, 14, 8, 11, 4, 8, 6, 4};
int[] rb = {10033, 11245, 17377, 7863, 2637, 3705, 3249, 4498, 1668, 2941, 3983, 6071, 6592, 5019, 8305, 13763, 7563, 3014, 7733, 3163, 4172, 2152, 43192, 32308, 21691, 7333, 9357, 3378, 15565, 4024, 2689, 15523};
int[] gerb = {50752, 63625, 69636, 32736, 12256, 21486, 21604, 23391, 11984, 20150, 19459, 17063, 36208, 19955, 32542, 61249, 46471, 10161, 30105, 16314, 25821, 18424, 74865, 59545, 65604, 36320, 49062, 11937, 34381, 21870, 18647, 38868};
int[] ataka = {5609, 4111, 8834, 5960, 2373, 5039, 3570, 3756, 791, 3996, 3431, 4937, 6621, 3464, 7459, 5652, 5728, 1143, 5410, 1425, 4269, 1753, 8444, 7404, 8721, 5187, 7301, 1511, 4515, 2909, 4510, 2429};
int[] bbc = {8075, 7936, 10016, 6150, 3485, 8729, 3283, 5621, 1138, 7539, 3716, 8683, 6475, 5630, 9824, 8242, 9814, 1469, 6025, 2295, 4481, 3900, 4483, 4147, 6665, 9513, 10598, 2507, 7499, 3395, 3933, 1672};
int[] abv = {5456, 5475, 9876, 5862, 1272, 5514, 2192, 3399, 709, 2364, 2672, 3620, 3994, 5177, 6727, 5707, 5602, 925, 3815, 2113, 2953, 1260, 9933, 6844, 9078, 4546, 5900, 2453, 3009, 2896, 2243, 2637};
int[] dps = {23025, 27298, 15798, 11685, 2425, 10626, 2931, 15855, 59881, 864, 8883, 4928, 17348, 1012, 10384, 5820, 14695, 33334, 12807, 21007, 7644, 12218, 1934, 2043, 2539, 5773, 14938, 26240, 20680, 28858, 3723, 59938};
int[] bsp = {19170, 21617, 24711, 19612, 11089, 16818, 9464, 12224, 4926, 14367, 12056, 10670, 19499, 9030, 21596, 19786, 28316, 5324, 13455, 8015, 12476, 9748, 32199, 23415, 24264, 21306, 28563, 7554, 16087, 10701, 13834, 3635};
int[] pf = {9424, 24627, 17551, 9632, 1720, 5521, 3969, 6834, 1753, 2668, 4460, 2532, 5475, 2870, 10955, 12992, 10538, 2563, 10086, 4182, 5589, 2335, 12290, 10317, 11711, 7275, 12394, 3224, 8685, 5576, 4203, 5150};
int[][] partyResults = new int[][] {rb, gerb, ataka, bbc, abv, dps, bsp, pf};
int rbTotal = IntStream.of(rb).sum();
int gerbTotal = IntStream.of(gerb).sum();
int atakaTotal = IntStream.of(ataka).sum();
int bbcTotal = IntStream.of(bbc).sum();
int abvTotal = IntStream.of(abv).sum();
int dpsTotal = IntStream.of(dps).sum();
int bspTotal = IntStream.of(bsp).sum();
int pfTotal = IntStream.of(pf).sum();
int total = rbTotal + gerbTotal + atakaTotal + bbcTotal + abvTotal + dpsTotal + bspTotal + pfTotal;
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> markedRemainders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> allRemainders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int[] partySeats = assignSeats(partyResults, total, 240, -1, markedRemainders, allRemainders);
int totalPreliminary = 0;
int[][] constituencyPartySeats = new int[constituencySeats.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < constituencySeats.length; i ++) {
int constituencyTotal = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < partyResults.length; k ++) {
constituencyTotal += partyResults[k][i];
int[] seats = assignSeats(partyResults, constituencyTotal, constituencySeats[i], i, markedRemainders, allRemainders);
constituencyPartySeats[i] = seats;
totalPreliminary += IntStream.of(seats).sum();
Set<Integer> excludedConstituencies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// needed for assigning seats, as the process can't use the dynamic "marked remainders"
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> originalNonAwardedRemainders = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> constituencyEntry : allRemainders.entrySet()) {
originalNonAwardedRemainders.put(constituencyEntry.getKey(), new LinkedHashMap<>());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> partyEntry : constituencyEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (!markedRemainders.get(constituencyEntry.getKey()).containsKey(partyEntry.getKey())) {
.put(partyEntry.getKey(), partyEntry.getValue());
while (needsReassignment(constituencySeats, partySeats, constituencyPartySeats)) {
System.out.println("Нужно е преразпределение на мандати");
// looping all constituencies
int[] currentPartySeats = calculatePartySeats(constituencySeats, constituencyPartySeats);
System.out.println("Мандати преди преразпределение: " + Arrays.toString(currentPartySeats));
System.out.println("Всички остатъци: " + allRemainders);
System.out.println("Маркирани остатъци: " + markedRemainders);
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> smallestPartyRemainders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int party = 0; party < partyNames.length; party++) {
if (currentPartySeats[party] > partySeats[party]) {
int partyMarkedRemainders = 0;
for (int constituency = 0; constituency < constituencySeats.length; constituency++) {
if (excludedConstituencies.contains(constituency)) {
Integer markedRemainder = markedRemainders.get(constituency).get(party);
if (markedRemainder != null && markedRemainder > 0) {
if (partyMarkedRemainders == 0) {
for (int constituency = 0; constituency < constituencySeats.length; constituency++) {
if (excludedConstituencies.contains(constituency)) {
// marking all remainders of parties that has more than seats than assigned nation-wide
// but does not have any additionally obtained seats
Integer remainder = allRemainders.get(constituency).get(party);
if (remainder != null && remainder > 0) {
markedRemainders.get(constituency).put(party, remainder);
// find the smallest remainders per party
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int c = 0; c < constituencySeats.length; c++) {
if (excludedConstituencies.contains(c)) {
Integer remainder = markedRemainders.get(c).get(party);
if (remainder != null && remainder < min && remainder > 0) {
min = remainder;
// smallestPartyRemainders only relevant to parties that got MORE than they should get
smallestPartyRemainders.put(party, new LinkedHashMap<>());
// find all constituencies with the same minimum remainder
for (int c = 0; c < constituencySeats.length; c++) {
if (excludedConstituencies.contains(c)) {
Integer remainder = markedRemainders.get(c).get(party);
if (remainder != null && remainder == min) {
smallestPartyRemainders.get(party).put(c, remainder);
} else if (currentPartySeats[party] < partySeats[party]) {
boolean allRemaindersMarked = true;
for (int constituency = 0; constituency < constituencySeats.length; constituency++) {
if (!markedRemainders.get(constituency).containsKey(party)) {
if (allRemainders.get(constituency).get(party) != 0) {
allRemaindersMarked = false;
if (allRemaindersMarked) {
for (int constituency = 0; constituency < constituencySeats.length; constituency++) {
System.out.println("Търсене на МИР с най-нисък остатък");
System.out.println("Изкючени МИР " + excludedConstituencies);
int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int partyWithLowestRemainder = -1;
int constituencyWithLowestRemainder = -1;
int iterations = 0;
do {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> partyRemainderEntry : smallestPartyRemainders.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> constituencyPartyRemainders : partyRemainderEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (constituencyPartyRemainders.getValue() < lowest && constituencyPartyRemainders.getValue() != 0) {
if (!excludedConstituencies.contains(constituencyPartyRemainders.getKey())) {
lowest = constituencyPartyRemainders.getValue();
partyWithLowestRemainder = partyRemainderEntry.getKey();
constituencyWithLowestRemainder = constituencyPartyRemainders.getKey();
Map<Integer, Integer> markedConstituencyRemainders = markedRemainders.get(constituencyWithLowestRemainder);
// this means no non-zero remainder is left in this constituency (except for the lowest one of the current party)
if (lowest == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
markedConstituencyRemainders.size() == allRemainders.get(constituencyWithLowestRemainder).size()) {
} else {
if (iterations > constituencySeats.length) {
} while (true);
if (partyWithLowestRemainder == -1) {
System.out.println("Стойност на най-малкия остатък: " + lowest);
System.out.println("Партия с най-малък маркиран остатък: " + partyNames[partyWithLowestRemainder]);
System.out.println("МИР с най-малък остатък: " + (constituencyWithLowestRemainder + 1));
if (incrementRunnerUp(originalNonAwardedRemainders.get(constituencyWithLowestRemainder),
partyWithLowestRemainder, currentPartySeats, partySeats)) {
// removing the remainders of the party whose results were decreased
} else {
System.out.println("Всички остатъци: " + allRemainders);
System.out.println("Маркирани остатъци: " + markedRemainders);
System.out.println("Окончателни мандати: " + Arrays.toString(calculatePartySeats(constituencySeats, constituencyPartySeats)));
for (int i = 0; i < constituencyPartySeats.length; i++) {
System.out.println((i + 1) + ":" + Arrays.toString(constituencyPartySeats[i]));
public static void reportInitialRemainders(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> allRemainders) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> e : allRemainders.entrySet()) {
System.out.println((e.getKey() + 1) + ":" );
int i = 0;
Map<Integer, Integer> nonAwarded = new LinkedHashMap<>(e.getValue());
int[] remainders = new int[nonAwarded.size()];
Map<Integer, Integer> index = MapUtils.invertMap(nonAwarded);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e1 : nonAwarded.entrySet()) {
remainders[i++] = e1.getValue();
for (int r : remainders) {
System.out.println((index.get(r) + 1) + " = " + r);
private static boolean incrementRunnerUp(Map<Integer, Integer> nonAwardedConstituencyRemainders,
Map<Integer, Integer> markedConstituencyRemainders, int[] currentPartySeats,
int partyWithLowestRemainder, int[] currentGlobalPartySeats, int[] partySeats) {
Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> runnerUp = null;
Set<Integer> nonAwardedPartiesRemainders = nonAwardedConstituencyRemainders.keySet();
int[] remainders = new int[nonAwardedPartiesRemainders.size()];
if (remainders.length == 0) {
return false;
Iterator<Integer> iterator = nonAwardedPartiesRemainders.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < remainders.length; i++) {
remainders[i] = nonAwardedConstituencyRemainders.get(;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : nonAwardedConstituencyRemainders.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() == remainders[0]) {
runnerUp = entry;
if (runnerUp != null) {
int party = runnerUp.getKey();
System.out.println("Партия с най-голям неудовлетворен с мандат остатък: " + partyNames[party]);
System.out.println("Стойност на най-големия неудовлетворен остатък: " + runnerUp.getValue());
markedConstituencyRemainders.put(party, runnerUp.getValue());
return true;
} else {
return false;
private static int[] calculatePartySeats(int[] constituencySeats, int[][] constituencyPartySeats) {
int[] currentPartySeats = new int[partyNames.length];
for (int c = 0; c < constituencyPartySeats.length; c++) {
for (int p = 0; p < constituencyPartySeats[c].length; p++) {
currentPartySeats[p] = currentPartySeats[p] + constituencyPartySeats[c][p];
return currentPartySeats;
public static boolean needsReassignment(int[] constituencySeats, int[] partySeats, int[][] constituencyPartySeats) {
for (int party = 0; party < partySeats.length; party ++) {
int partySeatsSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < constituencySeats.length; i ++) {
partySeatsSum += constituencyPartySeats[i][party];
if (partySeats[party] != partySeatsSum) {
return true;
return false;
public static int[] assignSeats(int[][] partyResults, int total, int seats, int constituency,
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> globalRemainders,
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> allRemainders) {
double quota = total / (double) seats;
System.out.println(constituency + " : " + quota + " : " + total);
int[] partySeats = new int[partyResults.length];
int[] remainders = new int[partyResults.length];
int[] integerRemainders = new int[partyResults.length];
Map<Integer, Integer> remainderIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < partyResults.length; i ++) {
//System.out.println(partyNames[i] + ":" + partyResults[i].length);
int partyTotal = 0;
if (constituency > -1) {
if (i == 31) { // no quotas for abroad
partyTotal = partyResults[i][constituency];
System.out.println("МИР " + (constituency + 1) + " Партия " + partyNames[i] + "=" + partyTotal);
} else {
partyTotal = IntStream.of(partyResults[i]).sum();
partySeats[i] = (int) (partyTotal / quota);
remainders[i] = (int) (((partyTotal / quota) - partySeats[i]) * 1000000);
remainderIndex.put(remainders[i], i);
int remaining = seats - IntStream.of(partySeats).sum();
Map<Integer, Integer> markedRemainders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < remaining ; i++) {
int idx = remainderIndex.get(remainders[i]);
partySeats[idx] = partySeats[idx] + 1;
markedRemainders.put(idx, remainders[i]);
globalRemainders.put(constituency, markedRemainders);
allRemainders.put(constituency, MapUtils.invertMap(remainderIndex));
return partySeats;
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