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Created October 27, 2014 02:56
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SICP Simplifier
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang r5rs
;#!/usr/bin/env scheme-r5rs
;R5RS: SICP-Book: SICP-Video-Lectures:
(define (display-all . vs) (for-each display vs))
;______________________________Work in progress to get SICP code to work in R5RS
;provides the following for compatibilty with SICP
;λ user-initial-environment mapcar atom? true false inc dec nil identity
;the-empty-stream stream-null? cons-stream
(define-syntax λ (syntax-rules () ((_ param body ...) (lambda param body ...))))
(define user-initial-environment (scheme-report-environment 5))
(define mapcar map)(define (atom? x) (not (pair? x)))
(define true #t)(define false #f)(define (inc x) (+ x 1))(define (dec x) (- x 1))
(define nil '())(define (identity x) x)(define the-empty-stream '())(define (stream-null? x) (null? x))
(define-syntax cons-stream (syntax-rules () ((_ A B) (cons A (delay B)))))
;;error sicp-syntax-error
;(define-syntax error (syntax-rules () ((_ REASON ARG ...) (error REASON ARG ...))))
;(define-syntax sicp-syntax-error (syntax-rules () ((_) #f)))
;The simplifier from the 1986 SICP Video available at
(define (simplifier the-rules)
(define (simplify-exp exp)
(if (compound? exp)
(simplify-parts exp)
(define (simplify-parts exp)
(if (null? exp)
(cons (simplify-exp (car exp))
(simplify-parts (cdr exp)))))
(define (try-rules exp)
(define (scan rules)
(if (null? rules)
(let ((dictionary
(match (pattern (car rules))
(if (eq? dictionary 'failed)
(scan (cdr rules))
(skeleton (car rules))
(scan the-rules))
;After showing the students a list of calculus rules Sussman said this:
;So all rules on this page are something like this; I have patterns, and
;somehow, I have to produce, given a pattern, a skeleton. This is a rule. A
;pattern is something that matches, and a skeleton is something you substitute
;into in order to get a new expression. So what that means is that the pattern
;is matched against the expression, which is the source expression. And the
;result of the application of the rule is to produce a new expression, which
;I'll call a target, by instantiation of a skeleton. That's called
;instantiation. So that is the process by which these rules are described.
; Rule
;Patterns ---------> Skeleton
; | |
; | |
; | matched |Instantiation
; | |
; | |
; | |
; V V
;Expression -------->TargetExpression
;What I'd like to do today is build a language and a means of interpreting that
;language, a means of executing that language, where that language allows us to
;directly express these rules. And what we're going to do is instead of
;bringing the rules to the level of thecomputer by writing a program that is
;those rules in the computer's language-- at the moment, in a Lisp-- we're
;going to bring the computer to the level of us by writing a way by which the
;computer can understand rules of this sort.
;This is slightly emphasizing the idea that we had last time that we're trying
;to make a solution to a class of problems rather than a particular one. The
;problem is if I want to write rules for a different piece of mathematics, say,
;to simple algebraic simplification or something like that, or manipulation of
;trigonometric functions, I would have to write a different program in using
;yesterday's method. Whereas I would like to encapsulate all of the things that
;are common to both of those programs, meaning the idea of matching,
;instantiation, the control structure, which turns out to be very complicated
;for such a thing, I'd like to encapsulate that separately from the rules
(define deriv-rules ;; Symbolic Differentiation
((dd (?c c) (? v))
((dd (?v v) (? v))
((dd (?v u) (? v))
((dd (+ (? x1) (? x2)) (? v)) (+ (dd (: x1) (: v))
(dd (: x2) (: v))))
((dd (* (? x1) (? x2)) (? v)) (+ (* (: x1) (dd (: x2) (: v)))
(* (dd (: x1) (: v)) (: x2))))
((dd (** (? x) (?c n)) (? v)) (* (* (: n) (+ (: x) (: (- n 1))))
(dd (: x) (: v))))
(define (compound? exp) (pair? exp))
(define (constant? exp) (number? exp))
(define (variable? exp) (atom? exp))
(define (pattern rule) (car rule))
(define (skeleton rule) (cadr rule))
(define (arbitrary-constant? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?c) false))
(define (arbitrary-expression? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?) false))
(define (arbitrary-variable? pattern)
(if (pair? pattern) (eq? (car pattern) '?v) false))
(define (variable-name pattern) (cadr pattern))
(define (match pattern expression dictionary)
(cond ((eq? dictionary 'failed) 'failed)
((atom? pattern)
(if (atom? expression)
(if (eq? pattern expression)
((arbitrary-constant? pattern)
(if (constant? expression)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary)
((arbitrary-variable? pattern)
(if (variable? expression)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary)
((arbitrary-expression? pattern)
(extend-dictionary pattern expression dictionary))
((atom? expression) 'failed)
(match (cdr pattern)
(cdr expression)
(match (car pattern)
(car expression)
(define (make-empty-dictionary) '())
(define (extend-dictionary pat dat dictionary)
(let ((vname (variable-name pat)))
(let ((v (assq vname dictionary)))
;(cond ((null? v);
(cond ((not v)
(cons (list vname dat) dictionary))
((eq? (cadr v) dat) dictionary)
(else 'failed)))))
(define (lookup var dictionary)
(let ((v (assq var dictionary)))
(if (null? v)
(cadr v))))
;________________________________________________Skeletons, Evaluations, & Forms
(define (skeleton-evaluation? skeleton)
(if (pair? skeleton) (eq? (car skeleton) ':) false))
(define (evaluation-expression evaluation) (cadr evaluation))
(define (instantiate skeleton dictionary)
(cond ((atom? skeleton) skeleton)
((skeleton-evaluation? skeleton)
(evaluate (evaluation-expression skeleton)
(else (cons (instantiate (car skeleton) dictionary)
(instantiate (cdr skeleton) dictionary)))))
;_____________________________________________________Evaluate (dangerous magic)
(define (evaluate form dictionary)
(if (atom? form)
(lookup form dictionary)
(apply (eval (lookup (car form) dictionary)
(mapcar (λ (v) (lookup v dictionary))
(cdr form)))))
;_________________________________________________________Example Rule Databases
(define algebra-rules ;; Algebraic simplification
(((? op) (?c c1) (?c c2))
(: (op c1 c2)))
(((? op) (? e) (?c c))
((: op) (: c) (: e)))
((+ 0 (? e))
(: e))
((* 1 (? e))
(: e))
((* 0 (? e)) 0)
((* (?c c1) (* (?c c2) (? e)))
(* (: (* c1 c2)) (: e)))
((* (? e1) (* (?c c) (? e2)))
(* (: c) (* (: e1) (: e2))))
((* (* (? e1) (? e2)) (? e3))
(* (: e1) (* (: e2) (: e3))))
((+ (?c c1) (+ (?c c2) (? e)))
(+ (: (+ c1 c2)) (: e)))
((+ (? e1) (+ (?c c) (? e2)))
(+ (: c) (+ (: e1) (: e2))))
((+ (+ (? e1) (? e2)) (? e3))
(+ (: e1) (+ (: e2) (: e3))))
((+ (* (?c c1) (? e)) (* (?c c2) (? e)))
(* (: (+ c1 c2)) (: e)))
((* (? e1) (+ (? e2) (? e3)))
(+ (* (: e1) (: e2))
(* (: e1) (: e3))))
(define scheme-rules
((square (?c n))
(: (* n n)))
((fact 0)
((fact (?c n))
(* (: n) (fact (: (- n 1)))))
((fib 0)
((fib 1)
((fib (?c n))
(+ (fib (: (- n 1)))
(fib (: (- n 2)))))
(((? op) (?c e1) (?c e2))
(: (op e1 e2)))
(define algsimp (simplifier algebra-rules))
(define dsimp (simplifier deriv-rules))
(define scheme-evaluator (simplifier scheme-rules))
(display-all "dsimp of \"(dd (+ x y) x)\" = " (dsimp '(dd (+ x y) x)) "\n")
;(display-all "algsimp of \"(dd (+ x y) x)\" = " (algsimp '(dd (+ x y) x)) "\n")
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