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Last active October 13, 2023 09:20
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Automatic Learning Objective Extraction & Lesson Generation


This is a demo of

Given a raw/unstructured input and produce high quality dataset for training an expert language model.

The following is an example demonstrating only a couple parts:

  • Learning objective extraction with order/dependencies
  • Lesson generation
  • [TODO] Exercise generation
  • [TODO] Knowledge augmentation

Before (Raw/Unstructured)

Transcribed from a speech in this video:

Alright. Today, I'd like to talk to you about how to build an MVP or a minimum viable product. So if you haven't seen this before, this is a meme that we love to talk about when trying to help founders with their MVP, It's called the Midwitt meme. The person who is the Jedi, the super intelligent, the founder who's doing all the best things, and knows all the best things. And the idiot, the first time founder, the founder who has no idea what's going on. Many times, these 2 founders will actually come to the right decision. Before for the founder who is really smart as trying to work really hard and do everything right. And so in this situation with the MVP, best advice is to actually launch something quickly and iterate. Get a product into the hands of your customers. And then learn whether it helps them or doesn't, and then iterate it, improve it over time. The wrong answer is to do a hundred surveys and 600 user interviews and contact every single 1 of the competitors and spend, you know, a year fundraising and hire a hundred people and, you know, all these other things that you can distract yourself with. That it might appear like other smart things. But in reality, they really don't highlight the most important point about an MVP, which is you'd only really start learning about your user when you put a product in front of it. That doesn't mean that the thing you build in MVP is gonna work. Right? It's probably not gonna work. It's just the best way to start the conversation with the user and how you can solve their problems.

After (Clean/Automatically Generated)

The following diagram is a dependency graph showing all of the learning objectives/lessons and the others they depend on, which should be learned first.

graph TD;

    %% Nodes for Learning Objectives
    lo1("1 [Conceptual]: Understand the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)")
    lo2("2 [Factual]: Recognize the Midwitt meme in the context of building an MVP")
    lo3("3 [Procedural]: Identify the best practices for building an MVP such as launching and iterating quickly")
    lo4("4 [Factual]: Acknowledge that an MVP may not initially work but serves as a conversation starter with the user")
    lo5("5 [Conceptual]: Recognize the importance of putting a product in the hands of the customers to learn about their needs")
    lo6("6 [Factual]: Understand that overemphasis on surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building can distract from building the MVP")
    lo7("7 [Metacognitive]: Reflect on the ability to assess and prioritize tasks in building an MVP")

    %% Edges based on dependencies
    lo1 --> lo2
    lo1 --> lo3
    lo1 --> lo4
    lo3 --> lo4
    lo3 --> lo5
    lo4 --> lo5
    lo1 --> lo6
    lo3 --> lo7
    lo5 --> lo7
    lo6 --> lo7


Short (1-2 paragraphs)

[Conceptual] Understand the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. The two common types of founders, the experienced and the inexperienced or the "Jedi" and the "idiot" in our context, can both arrive at the right decision about the MVP. The vital takeaway is to launch a product quickly and iterate. This involves releasing a product to customers, learning whether it solves their problems or not, and then improving it over time. This route of quick launch and iteration is preferred to longer pathways involving numerous surveys, extensive competitor analysis, time-consuming fundraising, and large-scale hiring. While these may be perceived intelligent measures, they may steer you away from the core goal with an MVP, which is learning about your users. This learning only truly commences when there's a product in the users' hands. Bear in mind, an MVP may not work initially, but it serves as an initiating point of conversation to understand better and solve user problems. Remember, building an MVP is about assessing, prioritizing tasks, and above all, focusing on the user.

[Factual] Recognize the Midwitt meme in the context of building an MVP

The Midwitt meme is a communication tool applied in the context of building a minimum viable product, often used to delineate contrasting approaches between a "Jedi"—the experienced, knowledgeable founder—and an "idiot"—the first-time, inexperienced founder. Both types of founders may arrive at the correct decision in the end, but their paths differ significantly. The Midwitt meme is used to highlight the pitfalls of straying from focusing on quick launch and iterative improvement of the MVP, and falling into distractions. While the tools and activities that create these distractions may appear smart, they often prevent the founder from reaching the heart of MVP building: learning about the users by putting a product in front of them.

[Procedural] Identify the best practices for building an MVP such as launching and iterating quickly

Embarking on building an MVP implies adopting some best practices. The most notable one involves swiftly launching and iterating the product. To ensure that the product meets the need of your users, appropriate practice is to deploy a product quickly and embark on an iterative improvement process over time as you gain insights into how it benefits your users or not. Avoid falling into time-consuming pitfalls that can distract from the main focus, such as conducting excessive surveys, user interviews, competitor consultations, prolonged fundraising, or overextending in recruitment. Remember that while these steps may appear beneficial, they often fail to emphasize the fundamental aspect of an MVP - learning about your user primarily commences when they interact with your product. This process doesn't guarantee that the first version of your MVP will be successful. However, it is the most effective method to initiate conversations with your users on how you can better solve their problems.

[Factual] Acknowledge that an MVP may not initially work but serves as a conversation starter with the user

An MVP, or minimum viable product, serves not as a finalized solution but as a starting point for dialogue with the user. In reality, initial iterations might not function as intended. However, such early-stage products offer valuable opportunities to learn about user preferences and problems, enabling subsequent improvements and refinements. Always keep in mind that the creation of an MVP is all about user engagement, focused on addressing their real-life issues. It's important to expect failures and learn from them, as they provide essential data for the development and refinement process. Don't get distracted by pursuits that may seem intelligent, like excessive surveys or extensive competitor analysis. The sole focus should be on providing the users with a product to start learning from their interactions.

[Conceptual] Recognize the importance of putting a product in the hands of the customers to learn about their needs

The importance of building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) lies not in its immediate success, but in its value as a means of gaining crucial insights about your user's needs. The MVP is not meant to be the final product, but rather the initial step in an ongoing conversation with your user about how to solve their problems. To learn about their needs, it's crucial to launch something quickly, and then iterate it. This allows you to put the product in the hands of your customers and then determine whether it helps them or not, and subsequently refine it over time. When developing an MVP, avoid getting tangled in excessive surveys, verbose user interviews, daunting competitor analysis, extensive fundraising, and oversized team building, as these activities often distract from the key point of building an MVP: you truly understand your user when you put a product in front of them.

[Factual] Understand that overemphasis on surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building can distract from building the MVP

In the process of building an MVP (minimum viable product), it is essential not to get caught up in tasks that may seem smart but can distract from the main goal. Tasks such as conducting a hundred surveys or 600 user interviews, contacting every single competitor, spending a lot of time fundraising, and hiring a large team are not necessarily the smartest approaches. The key to creating an MVP is not focusing on these activities but rather building the product and getting it into the customers' hands quickly. The initial product may not function optimally, but it serves as the best way to start the conversation with the users and understand how to solve their problems. Hence, learning about your users only begins when they interact with your product, and subsequent improvements can be made based on this interaction.

[Metacognitive] Reflect on the ability to assess and prioritize tasks in building an MVP

In order to successfully build an MVP or minimum viable product, it is crucial to correctly assess and prioritize tasks. Therefore, one should focus on launching the product quickly and then iterating on it. Efforts should be directed towards getting the product into the hands of the customers rather than preoccupying oneself with surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, and team building. This approach can often prove counterproductive and serve as a distraction rather than aid in the process of building an MVP. Keep in mind that the goal of building an MVP is to start a conversation with the user to understand their problems, it does not necessarily mean that the MVP will perfectly function right away. The learning from this conversation will enable the founder to refine the product over time. Also, remember that the absence of immediate success does not equate to failure but rather offers an opportunity to learn and improve.


Short (1-2 paragraphs)

[Conceptual] Understand the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

To build a successful minimum viable product (MVP), it is important to remember that the main focus should be on launching something quickly and iterating based on user feedback. Surveys, user interviews, and competitor analysis might seem like smart ways to gather information, but they can distract from the most crucial aspect of an MVP: putting a product in front of the users. The purpose of an MVP is not to create a perfect solution right away, but rather to start a conversation with the users and understand their problems. It is crucial to learn from the users' experience with the product and continually improve it over time. So, remember to prioritize launching the product, gathering feedback, and iterating based on the needs and preferences of your users.

[Factual] Recognize the Midwitt meme in the context of building an MVP

The Midwitt meme is a humorous way to highlight the importance of launching a minimum viable product (MVP) quickly and iterating based on customer feedback. It features two founders: the Jedi, who is knowledgeable and tries to do everything right, and the idiot, who is a first-time founder with little knowledge. Surprisingly, both founders often come to the right decision. The key point about an MVP is that it allows you to start learning about your users by putting a product in front of them. The goal is not to create a perfect product from the start, but rather to initiate a conversation with users and understand their problems. It's crucial to avoid getting distracted by excessive surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, fundraising, or team building, as these can hinder the learning process. Instead, launching the MVP and incorporating user feedback is the best way to improve and solve customer problems over time.

[Procedural] Identify the best practices for building an MVP such as launching and iterating quickly

To build a successful minimum viable product (MVP), it is important to follow certain best practices. One of the key principles is to launch your product quickly and iterate based on user feedback. This means getting your product into the hands of your customers as soon as possible. By doing so, you can learn whether your product is helpful to them or not, and make improvements over time.

It is crucial to understand that an MVP is not expected to work perfectly from the start. In fact, it is unlikely to work flawlessly. However, the purpose of an MVP is to start a conversation with the user and understand how you can solve their problems. Instead of getting caught up in excessive surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, fundraising, or team building, focus on putting a product in front of your users. Only then can you truly begin to learn about their needs and preferences. Remember, the goal of an MVP is to gather feedback and iterate, not to create a fully polished product right away.

[Factual] Acknowledge that an MVP may not initially work but serves as a conversation starter with the user

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is a crucial concept when developing a new product or service. The main purpose of an MVP is not to create a perfect, fully functioning solution from the start, but rather to initiate a conversation with the user about their needs and problems. It is important to understand that an MVP may not work initially, and that's okay. Its primary function is to gather feedback and insights from users so that it can be iterated and improved over time.

Many founders tend to spend a lot of time conducting surveys, user interviews, analyzing competitors, fundraising, and building large teams. While these activities may seem productive, they often distract from the main goal of building an MVP, which is to engage with users and solve their problems. The best approach is to launch an MVP quickly and put it in the hands of customers. This allows you to learn firsthand whether your product is helping or not, and to iterate accordingly. Remember, an MVP is just the beginning of the conversation with your users, and it is through this process that you can truly understand their needs and how to address them effectively.

[Conceptual] Recognize the importance of putting a product in the hands of the customers to learn about their needs

The most important aspect of building a minimum viable product (MVP) is to put it in the hands of your customers as quickly as possible. This allows you to learn about their needs and iterate on your product over time. It is common for founders to believe that conducting surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, and other activities will provide valuable insights. However, these activities can often be distractions from the most crucial point of an MVP, which is learning about your users through actual product usage. While it is likely that your initial MVP may not work perfectly, it serves as a starting point for a conversation with your users and helps you understand how you can solve their problems. Remember, launching quickly and iterating based on feedback is the key to success when building an MVP.

[Factual] Understand that overemphasis on surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building can distract from building the MVP

Focusing too much on activities like surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building can distract you from building a minimum viable product (MVP). While these activities may seem important, the key to building an MVP is actually launching something quickly and iterating based on customer feedback. By putting a product in front of your users, even if it's not perfect, you can start the conversation and learn how to better solve their problems. Keep in mind that the first version of your MVP may not work, but it serves as a way to gather valuable insights and improve over time. So, instead of getting caught up in endless research and planning, prioritize getting a product into the hands of your customers and learning from their experiences.

[Metacognitive] Reflect on the ability to assess and prioritize tasks in building an MVP

Assessing and prioritizing tasks is a crucial skill when building an MVP. It involves determining which tasks are most important and need to be completed first in order to successfully launch the product. By understanding the significance of each task and its impact on the end goal, you can effectively allocate your time and resources. It's essential to resist the temptation to get sidetracked by activities that may seem important but don't contribute directly to the development of the MVP. Instead, focus on launching something quickly and getting it into the hands of your customers. This allows you to gather valuable feedback and iterate on your product to better address their needs. Remember that an MVP is not expected to work perfectly from the start, but it serves as a starting point for conversations with users and helps you identify ways to solve their problems. So, prioritize tasks wisely and keep the end goal of your MVP in sight.

Long (no limit)

[Conceptual] Understand the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A minimum viable product, or MVP, is an essential concept in the world of entrepreneurship and product development. It involves creating a basic version of a product or service with just enough features to satisfy early customers and gather feedback for future improvements. The goal of an MVP is to quickly launch something into the market and iterate based on user feedback.

Many times, founders get caught up in trying to do everything perfectly and overthinking every aspect of their product. However, the best advice is to avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis and instead focus on getting a product into the hands of your customers as soon as possible. This allows you to start learning about your users and their needs.

It's important to understand that the MVP may not initially work perfectly or solve all the user's problems. In fact, it's quite likely that it won't. But that's not the main purpose of an MVP. Its primary function is to start a conversation with the user and gather valuable insights that can guide future iterations and improvements.

To build an MVP successfully, it's crucial to prioritize launching quickly and iterating based on user feedback. This means avoiding getting trapped in lengthy surveys, extensive competitor analysis, fundraising efforts, or hiring excessive teams. While these activities may seem important, they can actually distract you from the core purpose of an MVP.

Remember, the key to building an effective MVP is to put a product in front of your users and learn from their experiences. By doing so, you can gather valuable insights and iteratively improve your product over time. So, embrace the mindset of launching quickly, gathering feedback, and constantly iterating to create a product that truly addresses the needs of your customers.

[Factual] Recognize the Midwitt meme in the context of building an MVP

The Midwitt meme is often used to describe two types of founders when it comes to building a minimum viable product (MVP). On one hand, there is the Jedi founder, who is highly intelligent and seems to know everything about what they are doing. And on the other hand, there is the first-time founder, who may not have much experience and may seem clueless. Surprisingly, both of these founders often come to the same conclusion when it comes to building an MVP.

The key advice here is to launch something quickly and then iterate on it. Rather than spending a lot of time on surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building, it is more effective to get a product into the hands of your customers. This allows you to learn whether the product helps them or not and gives you the opportunity to improve it over time.

It is important to note that the MVP you build is not likely to work perfectly right away. In fact, it is expected that there will be room for improvement. However, the purpose of an MVP is not to have a perfect product from the start. Instead, it serves as a starting point for a conversation with the user and helps you understand their problems better.

So, the next time you are building an MVP, remember to focus on launching quickly, iterating on the product based on user feedback, and putting it in the hands of your customers to learn about their needs. Avoid getting too caught up in surveys, interviews, and other distractions that may seem important but do not contribute to the key purpose of the MVP.

[Procedural] Identify the best practices for building an MVP such as launching and iterating quickly

To build a successful MVP, or minimum viable product, it is important to follow certain best practices. One key aspect is to launch your product quickly and iterate on it. This means getting your product into the hands of your customers as soon as possible. By doing this, you can learn whether your product helps them or not, and then make improvements over time.

Sometimes, founders may believe that they need to do extensive research before launching their product. They might conduct numerous surveys and user interviews, analyze their competitors, spend a long time fundraising, and hire a large team. While these activities might seem like the smartest things to do, they can actually distract you from the most important point about an MVP.

The most crucial aspect of an MVP is that you only really start learning about your user when you put a product in front of them. This means that the product you build as an MVP might not work initially, and that's okay. The purpose of the MVP is to start a conversation with the user and understand how you can solve their problems.

To recap, the best practices for building an MVP include launching your product quickly, iterating on it based on user feedback, and focusing on putting a product in front of your users rather than getting caught up in extensive research and planning. By following these guidelines, you can build a successful MVP and start learning about your users' needs.

[Factual] Acknowledge that an MVP may not initially work but serves as a conversation starter with the user

The concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an important aspect of product development. An MVP is a version of a product that allows you to start a conversation with your users and learn from their feedback. It may not initially work perfectly, but it serves as a starting point to understand your users and their needs.

The main idea behind an MVP is to launch something quickly and iterate on it over time. By getting your product into the hands of your customers, you can gather real-world feedback and learn whether it helps them or not. This iterative process of learning and improving is crucial in the early stages of product development.

It is important to avoid getting caught up in activities that can distract you from building your MVP. Conducting an excessive number of surveys, user interviews, or competitor analyses, and spending too much time on fundraising or team building, may seem like the right approach, but they can divert your focus from the main goal. The real learning starts when you put your product in front of your users.

While it is likely that your MVP may not work perfectly, it is through this process that you can start the conversation with your users and begin to understand how you can solve their problems. Remember, the purpose of an MVP is not to create a flawless product from the start, but to gather feedback and iterate based on user needs.

By staying focused on launching quickly, gathering user feedback, and continuously improving your product, you can build a successful MVP that addresses the needs of your target audience.

[Conceptual] Recognize the importance of putting a product in the hands of the customers to learn about their needs

The most important aspect of building a successful product is understanding the needs of your customers. Today, we will focus on how putting a product in the hands of your customers can help you learn about their needs.

It is common for founders to spend excessive amounts of time on activities like surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building. While these tasks may seem important, they often distract from the main goal of building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). An MVP is a product that is launched quickly and iterated upon over time based on user feedback.

The key point to remember about an MVP is that you only really start learning about your user when you put a product in front of them. This means that all the surveys and interviews in the world won't give you the same insights as actually having a product that users can interact with.

Now, it's important to note that the MVP you build may not initially work. In fact, it's likely that it won't. But that's okay because the purpose of the MVP is not to have a perfect product right from the start. Instead, it serves as a starting point for a conversation with your users. By putting something in their hands, you can understand how they interact with it and learn how to solve their problems more effectively.

So, instead of getting caught up in endless analysis and planning, the best advice is to launch your product quickly and iterate based on user feedback. This allows you to make improvements over time and build a product that truly meets the needs of your customers.

In conclusion, the most important lesson in building an MVP is to put a product in the hands of your customers. This will enable you to learn about their needs and iterate towards a successful solution. Avoid getting distracted by excessive surveys and interviews, and focus on launching quickly and gathering user feedback. Remember, an MVP is not about having a perfect product right away, but rather about starting a conversation with your users and continuously improving based on their needs.

[Factual] Understand that overemphasis on surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building can distract from building the MVP

Overemphasizing certain activities can distract entrepreneurs and founders from building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). These activities include conducting numerous surveys, analyzing competitors, fundraising extensively, and focusing too much on team building. While these may seem like smart moves, they can divert attention and delay progress.

The key to building an MVP is to launch something quickly and iterate. It's important to get a product into the hands of customers and learn from their experience. This direct interaction with users is the most effective way to understand their needs and solve their problems.

It's worth noting that an MVP may not work initially. In fact, it's likely that it won't. However, it serves as a starting point for conversations with users. By putting a product in front of them, entrepreneurs can gather valuable feedback that will inform improvements and guide future iterations.

To stay focused on building an MVP, it's important to avoid spending excessive time on surveys, competitor analysis, fundraising, and team building. While these activities have their place, they should not overshadow the primary goal of creating and refining a product that addresses the needs of users.

In summary, when it comes to building an MVP, it's crucial to prioritize launching quickly, iterating based on user feedback, and staying focused on the needs of customers. Avoid getting caught up in distractions that may delay progress and hamper the product development process.

[Metacognitive] Reflect on the ability to assess and prioritize tasks in building an MVP

Assessing and prioritizing tasks is a crucial skill when building an MVP or a minimum viable product. The goal of an MVP is to quickly launch a product and gather feedback from customers in order to learn and iterate over time. In this lesson, we will reflect on the ability to assess and prioritize tasks effectively in the context of building an MVP.

When building an MVP, it is important to focus on the most essential tasks that will lead to valuable insights. Rather than getting caught up in activities like surveys, user interviews, competitor analysis, fundraising, or team building, it is crucial to prioritize the task of putting a product into the hands of your customers.

By launching a product quickly, you can begin the conversation with your users and understand their needs. It's important to note that the initial version of your product might not work perfectly, but it serves as a starting point for gathering feedback and improving upon it.

While it can be tempting to spend a lot of time gathering information and conducting extensive research before launching an MVP, it is often more effective to start small and iterate based on real user feedback. This approach allows you to learn directly from your users and make improvements that align with their needs.

To assess and prioritize tasks effectively, it is important to stay focused on the goal of learning from your users. Avoid getting distracted by tasks that may seem important but do not directly contribute to understanding your users' needs and preferences.

In conclusion, when building an MVP, prioritize the task of launching a product quickly and gathering feedback from customers. By assessing and prioritizing tasks effectively, you can maximize the value of your MVP and use it as a springboard for further improvements.

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