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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Draw Grid
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Window
main : Signal Element
main = render Window.dimensions
renderGridLine : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Form
renderGridLine ax ay bx by =
traced (dashed red) (path ([(toFloat ax, toFloat ay), (toFloat bx, toFloat by)]))
renderGridLines : Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Form) -> List Form
renderGridLines gridsz cellsz i renderLine =
if i == 0 then [] else
let j = i - 1
pos = j * cellsz
in (renderLine pos gridsz) :: (renderGridLines gridsz cellsz j renderLine)
renderGrid : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Element
renderGrid gridsz cellsz gx gy =
let renderHor = \pos sz -> renderGridLine pos 0 pos sz
renderVer = \pos sz -> renderGridLine 0 pos sz pos
grid = (renderGridLines gridsz cellsz gy renderHor) ++
(renderGridLines gridsz cellsz gx renderVer)
collage gridsz gridsz grid
render : (Int, Int) -> Element
render (x, y) =
renderGrid 400 50 8 8
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