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Glench /
Created March 23, 2013 15:46
a python script that watches the current directory for changes to ipython notebooks, compiles them to html, and uploads them via scp to a server. an experiment in real-time coding for teaching python to new programmers
import time
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler
import envoy
import os
import datetime
class NotebookConverterHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def on_modified(self, event):
if event.src_path.endswith('.ipynb'):
// ==UserScript==
// @name Show Image Alt Text
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description
// @author You
// @match http*://*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name Filter Youtube Homepage by Age
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Remove Youtube videos from homepage that are over x years old
// @author @Glench
// @match
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function is_loading() {
return document.querySelector('#UpdateProgress3').getAttribute('aria-hidden') == 'false';
function wait_till_load_done() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (!is_loading()) {
} else {
Glench /
Last active August 2, 2021 10:34
An example of how to vary a parameter for an async callback function in python. Hint: don't use lambda functions in loops!
We want to run a function asychronously and run a
callback function with multiple parameters when it
In this example, we are pretending we're analyzing
the names and ages of some people. We want to print
jack 0
Glench /
Last active January 8, 2021 08:32
A command-line script to find the common tropes of two or more media items. To use, you need to install the python libraries 'pattern' and 'pyquery'. Then use like this, passing in media names or links to tv tropes pages: > python 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic' 'Hamlet'
# a script to get all the common tropes for media from tv tropes
# usage:
# python name1 name2 [name3...nameN]
# please put names with spaces or special characters in quotes
# you can also pass in the urls if it won't automatch by name.
# pip install pattern
# pip install pyquery
Glench / example.svelte
Last active December 19, 2020 19:02
An idea for how SvelteKit could bridge the front-end/back-end gap more elegantly
<script context="backend">
// /routes/index.svelte
import db from '/db';
export async function get(req, abort, redirect) {
const user = await db.User.findOne({where: {id: req.query.user_id}});
return {user}
Glench / scratch_fullscreen_cover.js
Last active April 14, 2020 17:36
Set Scratch UI to black
// sets everything but stage to black on full-screened
const stage = document.querySelector('[class^="stage_stage-bottom-wrapper"]')
const rect = stage.getBoundingClientRect();
const pageHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
var leftCover = document.createElement('div');
Glench /
Created April 26, 2019 19:50
A meditation reminder app when I'm using the computer
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import subprocess
import time
breathing_time = 30 # seconds
interval_between_breathing = 25 * 60 # seconds
applescript = """
display dialog "Breathe and make a home of your body" ¬
import play
def do(key):
text = play.new_text(':(', y=play.screen.bottom)
text.start_physics(x_speed=play.random_number(-20,20), y_speed=100, bounciness=.3)