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Created September 17, 2012 14:26
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A pretty fabfile to deploy a symfony2 project
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import green
env.hosts = ['my_user@my_host']
env.password = 'my_password'
env.app_path = 'my/app/path'
def commit():
print(green("Commit last modifs..."))
local('git add -A && git commit')
def pushpull():
with cd(env.app_path):
print(green("Pushing to the ref..."))
local('git push')
print(green("Pulling to the Prod..."))
run('git pull')
def colstat():
print(green("Prod Collecting Static Files..."))
with cd(env.app_path):
run('php app/console assets:install web --symlink')
def cacheclear():
print(green("Prod Clearing Cache..."))
with cd(env.app_path):
sudo('php app/console cache:clear --env=prod', user='www-data')
def httpdrst():
print(green("Prod Restarting Apache..."))
sudo('apache2ctl restart')
def deploy():
# syncdb()
# httpdrst()
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Glideh commented May 7, 2014

Assuming that we should use ssh key instead of plain password set here and ACLs for www-data instead of using sudos

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