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Created December 17, 2021 07:39
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This is a suggestion of how to backup a DB (MySQL/MariaBD), rotate the backups and mirror them from another server

Backup managment

This is a suggestion of how to backup a DB (MySQL/MariaBD), rotate the backups and mirror them from another server


First we need to backup the database on a given frequency

  • Create a dedicated directory
mkdir backup
  • Create a docker composition and add the backup service
nano docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

    image: databack/mysql-backup:ee17125b37e354e34d322a0ccbf61e144d542a0f
      - ./backup:/db
    user: "0"
      DB_DUMP_TARGET: /db
      DB_SERVER: db
      DB_DUMP_FREQ: "1440"
      DB_DUMP_BEGIN: "0000"
  • Set the DB_SERVER variable to point to the correct database host (use an Docker external network to be able to communicate with another composition)
  • Set DB_DUMP_FREQ to the delay between dumps in minutes (here 1440min: 24h)
  • Set DB_DUMP_BEGIN for the start time (here 00:00), comment for immediate start
  • Create a .env
nano docker-compose.yml
  • Start the service
docker-compose up -d
  • Check the backup directory content
ls -l backup/

All the backup files should be found here

Force a backup by specifying RUN_ONCE: 1 env var
For more info about the configuration, check the databacker/mysql-backup github


Now we need to rotate the backups (remove unneeded/too old backups)
For that we are going to use another docker image

  • Add the rotate service into the docker-compose.yml
# ...
    image: glide/cron-rotate-backups:0.1
      - ./backup:/data
      ROTATE_CRON: "0 * * * *"
      ROTATE_OPTIONS: "--daily=7 --weekly=4 --monthly=12 --yearly=2"
  • Set ROTATE_CRON cron string accordingly, this tells the frequency for the rotation script to run
  • Set ROTATE_OPTIONS to tell which time ranges are needed to keep the files
  • Update the services
docker-compose up -d
  • Check if the services are running
docker-compose ps
  • Check the logs for the new service
docker-compose logs -f rotate

For more info about the configuration, check the glide/cron-rotate-backups github

Mirror the backups

To ensure the persistence of our backups we need to have them copied to another host.
That allows us to avoid loosing all the backups in case of production total crash.
For that, we are going to use another Docker image.

  • SSH into the destination server (the host where the backups need to be copied)
  • Create a dedicated directory
mkdir backup
  • Create a docker composition and add the rsync service
nano docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

    image: glide/cron-rsync:0.1
      - ~/.ssh:/host-ssh:ro
      - ./backup:/backup
      RSYNC_CRONTAB: "0 * * * *"
      RSYNC_OPTIONS: "-tvr --delete /backup"
  • Set RSYNC_CRONTAB cron string accordingly, this tells the frequency for the rotation script to run
  • Set RSYNC_OPTIONS right part of the rsync command (rsync ${RSYNC_OPTIONS} will be run)
  • Replace by the production server where the backups are
  • Make sure the host can access without password (with an ssh key)
  • Run the service
docker-compose up -d
  • Check the logs
docker-compose logs -f rsync

For more info about the configuration, check the glide/cron-rsync github

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