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Last active March 22, 2022 23:57
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bbcollab / blackboard - set a gif as profile image

steps to set a GIF (or JPEG / PNG) as your blackboard profile image


⚠️ file types other than GIF, JPEG or PNG do not work.

Checking for the file size is not always accurate. If a file is just a little too big it will not change your profile picture on reload!

  1. Find a (small) GIF / image, otherwise you'll get a message telling you the file is too big.

  2. Open your browser console while on a "" page

  3. Copy and paste this script:

// import Sweetalert2 for error alert and file selection dialog
await import('')

const hostname = "";
// Max filesize. 508553 bytes is allowed. 508554 is NOT allowed
const maxSize = 508554;

if (window.location.hostname == hostname) {
    // ask for file
    const { value: file } = await{
        title: 'Select image',
        input: 'file',
        inputAttributes: {
            'accept': 'image/*',
            'aria-label': 'Upload your profile picture'

    // if the file is received, encode it and set it as the profile image
    if (file) { encodeImageFileAsURL(file) }

} else {'Wrong domain!', `Go to <a href="https://${hostname}">${hostname}</a> first!`, 'error')

function encodeImageFileAsURL(file) {
    // if file size is small enough proceed setting the profile image.
    if (file.size < maxSize) {
        // set up file reader
        var reader = new FileReader();
        // when reader is done, turn image in base64 encoding and set it as profile picture
        reader.onloadend = function () {
            // set profile image
            localStorage.setItem("profile.avatar", reader.result);
            // ask for page refresh
                'Refresh your page',
                `Only after refreshing your lecture page on ${hostname} will your new profile image will be shown.`,
        // read the file, afterwards it will be handled by reader.onloadend
    } else {
            'File too big!',
            `Max size is ${maxSize} bytes.<br>Your file was ${file.size} bytes.<br>This is ${file.size-maxSize} bytes too big!`,
  1. Reload the page!!!

  2. Profit


  • If you fix or change anything, please comment and add your modified code (or link to your fork).
  • If you found a bug please comment with a good explanation of the problem.
  • Ideas / feature requests are also welcome.

Change Log


  • Added: Sweetalert2 for nicer dialogs
  • Fixed: File selection broken due to onclick events not being able to be triggered via javascript anymore.


  • Fixed: Max file size check. Previous method calculated the max POST request size, not the max size of the image.


Initial release.

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