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Last active June 15, 2024 11:38
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Development for OMORI Console Plus has been stopped indefinitely as of 2024. I have no plans to update this.

Omori Console+ Commands

This is a command list for the mod "Console+" omori mod.

You can press / to show all them, but this command list covers most of the things on what it does.

What you need...

  • A computer.
  • A keyboard.
  • A mouse.
  • A monitor.
  • OneLoader.
  • A steam copy of OMORI.
  • Console Mod
  • Finally, the Console+ Mod.

Bult-in Commands

These commands came bundled with the console mod.

/clear - Clears the console
/reload - Restarts the game
/battle [id | name] - Starts a battle
/font [font] - Changes a font
/endbattle - Ends the battle
/maptp [id | name] - Teleports to map
/addparty [name] - Adds a character to the party
/removeparty [name] - Removes a character from the party
/hp [name] [value | max] - Sets the character's HP to value
/mp [name] [value | max] - Sets the character's MP to value
/heal [name] - Heals the character
/switch [name] [on | off] - Sets the switch to on or off. Passing only the name will show the value instead
/variable [name] [value] - Sets the variable to value. Passing only the name will show the value instead
/event [name] - Runs an event
/healall - Heals everyone
/bgm [name] [volume = 100] [pitch = 100] - Plays a BGM with volume and pitch specified
/addskill [character] [skill] - Adds a skill from a Character
/removeskill [character] [skill] - Removes a skill from a Character
/item [name] [amount] - Sets an item with amount specified
/healall - heals all party members
/restartbattle - restarts current battle
/js [code] - executes a Javascript code
/sfx [name] [volume = 100] [pitch = 100] - Plays a SE with volume and pitch specified
/load [saveid] - loads a save file
/save [saveid = currentsaveid] - saves a save file. Specifying an id is optional.

Console+ commands

This is the juicy stuff you wanna know, don't ya?

/help - Shows the list of commands
/hello [text] - Example command. Used as a template. 
/ping - pong
/8ball - Shakes the magic 8ball
/date - Shows the current date
/time - Shows the current time
/dice [number]- Roll a dice
/ding - fries are done
/picnicrecover - Recover your friends HP
/picnicsave - Save/Load with Maris picnic basket
/pluto - Calls pluto
/wtf [#] - Sets the WTF Level
/coinflip - Flip a coin
/donothing - Doesn't do anything
/echo [text] - echos text
/clearfx - Clear Game FX
/omori - omori
/savescreen - Force open the Save Screen
/quit - Quit the game (Does not save)
/menu - Opens the menu
/die - Instantly kills you. 
/weather - Changes the ingame weather 
/invisible - Turns yourself into invisable!
/about - About the mod.
/cc - close console
/folder [-l] - Opens the game directory. for linux, add -l next to it.
/leaderrename <name> [-ui] - rename the leader aka sunny/omori. -ui for opening the Name Prompt thing whatever
/uninstall - uninstall the game
/bgmNOW - tells what song is playing in the background.
/playtime - Tells you how long you've been playing omori
/agent - Tells your current user-agent
/wiki - opens
/MapName - Tells the current place you are currently in.

there will be bugs. so if you stumbled upon one, feel free to leave a issue or pull request. i guess.

Removed/Deprecated Commands

/pigmask - i have no idea why i added this lol
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