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Last active December 23, 2015 11:39
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#lang racket
(require racket/async-channel)
(provide spawn ! ? self)
;; kind of actors built from channels and parameters
;; which is not to say that that is a good idea
(define self-param (make-parameter #f))
(define (self) (or (self-param) (error)))
(struct actor (channel)) ;(could just use channel as identity; hiding it because Software Engineering)
;; spawn makes actor/channel
;; parameterizes self-param so (self) evaluates to this actor within f
;; runs f in thread
(define (spawn f . args)
(define a (actor (make-async-channel)))
(parameterize ((self-param a))
(thread (λ () (apply f args))))
;; send-proc
(define (! recipient message)
(async-channel-put (actor-channel recipient)
;; receive-proc, used by ?-syntax
(define (receive)
(async-channel-get (actor-channel (self))))
;; overloaded ? because why not
;; ? in (?) or operand position is receive proc
;; ? in operator position, along with operands, is pattern matchy receive syntax
(define-syntax ?
(syntax-id-rules ()
((_ pat pats ...) (match (?) pat pats ...))
((_) (receive))
(_ receive)))
;; bad example:
(define (goat name)
(define (loop friends)
(? (`(name-plox ,goat) (! goat `(im ,name))
(loop friends))
(`(befriend ,goat) (! goat `(friends! ,(self)))
(loop `(,goat . ,friends)))
(`(friends! ,goat) (loop `(,goat . ,friends)))
('print-friends (for ((g friends)) (! g `(name-plox ,(self))))
(cond ((null? friends)
(printf "~a has no friends :(~n" name)
(loop friends))
(else (print-friends friends '()))))))
(define (print-friends friends names)
(? (`(name ,goat) (! goat `(im ,name))
(print-friends friends names))
(`(befriend ,goat) (! goat)
(print-friends `(,goat . ,friends) names))
('print-friends (print-friends friends names))
(`(im ,a-name)
(let ((names `(,a-name . ,names)))
(cond ((= (length names) (length friends))
(if (= 1 (length names))
(printf "~a's friend is ~a~n" name (car names))
(printf "~a's friends are ~a~n"
(string-join names ", " #:before-last " and ")))
(loop friends))
(else (print-friends friends names)))))))
(loop '()))
(define billy (spawn goat "Billy"))
(define benny (spawn goat "Benny"))
(define bob (spawn goat "Bob"))
(! billy `(befriend ,bob))
(! billy `(befriend ,benny))
(sleep 1)
(! billy 'print-friends)
(sleep 1)
(! benny 'print-friends)
(sleep 1)
(! bob 'print-friends)
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