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Last active January 1, 2016 11:39
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Save Glorp/8139893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#lang reader "xmaslang.rkt"
+/|+5++3 1 1 <x +2x>
$->#2<x 1>s 1<i+s i>
+||#5<x ->x<y+$x z 100 <k - z k
>y> > <x $x a 0 <b +a b> > | -
$ ->#10<x#x>x0<y+x$y z0<y+y z>>
$ ->->#30<x+x1> <x%
4<bar*+foo bar bar>[-20 15]
|->#||1 <x+1x>
<x |1 <x+1x>>
<r $r p 0 <q +p q> >
]<i+100i> <x>x100>
acc 0 < item + acc item > >
merry-xmas1<b+merry-xmas b>
a-c0<m+m a-c>
|||*|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x*
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x+
||1<x 1><x+||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x><x+
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x+
||1<x 1><x+||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x>x><x+|*
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x*
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x+
||1<x 1><x+||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x><x+|||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x><x+||1<x 1><x+
||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x>x>x><x+||*
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x*
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x+
||1<x 1><x+||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x><x+|||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x><x+||1<x 1><x+
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>x>x><x+
|*|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x*
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>
|||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x><x+
||1<x 1><x+||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x>x>x><x+|||1<x 1><x+
|1<x 1>x><x+||1<x 1><x+
||1<x 1><x+|1<x 1>x>x>x>x>x>x>
||#80 <r =?r <e > e 80>>
<s $s acc 0 <i + a i>>
#lang racket
(require parser-tools/lex
(prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre))
(provide (rename-out (xmas-read-syntax read-syntax)
(xmas-read read)))
(define marker (make-syntax-introducer))
(define (tokenize ip)
(port-count-lines! ip)
(define my-lexer
[(eof) 'eof]
[(:or #\tab #\space #\newline) 'space]
["<" 'fstart]
["[" 'argstart]
["]" 'argend]
[">" 'gt]
["=" 'equal]
["?" 'ifelse]
["#" 'list]
["|" 'pipe]
["->" 'map]
["=?" 'filter]
["$" 'reduce]
["+" 'plus]
["-" 'minus]
["*" 'mul]
["/" 'div]
["%" 'rem]
[(:+ (:or (:/ #\a #\z) (:/ #\A #\Z) #\-)) `(id ,(string->symbol lexeme))]
[(:+ (:/ #\0 #\9)) `(num ,(string->number lexeme))]))
(define (next-token) (my-lexer ip))
(define (read-string s (src #f))
(read-stream (open-input-string s) src))
(define (read-stream s (src #f))
(define next (tokenize s))
(let loop ([token (next)])
(define a (position-token-token token))
(cond [(eq? a 'eof) (syntax/loc (token->syntax token src) ())]
[(eq? a 'space) (loop (next))]
[else (with-syntax ([stxa (token->syntax token src)]
[stxb (loop (next))])
#'(stxa . stxb))])))
(define dummy-stx #'e)
(define (token->syntax t src)
(match t
((position-token s (position start-pos line column) (position end-pos _ _))
(marker (datum->syntax dummy-stx s (list src line column start-pos (- end-pos start-pos)))))))
(define (scar stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((a . d) #'a)))
(define (scdr stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((a . d) #'d)))
(define-syntax with-next
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (stx rstx env) exp ...)
(let ([rstx stx])
exp ...))
((_ ((#:id x) xs ... stx rstx env) exp ...)
(syntax-case (scar stx) (id)
((id x) (with-next (xs ... (scdr stx) rstx env) exp ...))))
((_ (x xs ... stx rstx env) exp ...)
(match-let ([`(,tx ,rest) (parse-stx stx env)])
(with-syntax ([x tx])
(with-next (xs ... rest rstx env) exp ...))))))
(define (parse-stx stx (env (set)))
(match-define `(,x ,r) (parse-stx-helper stx env))
(let loop ([x x]
[r1 r])
(syntax-case r1 (argstart)
((argstart . r2)
(with-syntax ([fun x])
(with-next (arg #'r2 r3 env)
(loop #'(fun arg)
(syntax-case r3 (argend)
((argend . r4) #'r4)
((x . _) (raise (exn:fail:syntax
"bad syntax"
(_ `(,x ,r1)))))
(define (parse-stx-helper stx env)
(define-syntax-rule (res p r)
(list (syntax/loc (scar stx) p) r))
(syntax-case (scar stx) (fstart argstart argend gt equal ifelse list pipe map filter reduce plus minus mul div rem num id)
((num n) `(,#'n ,(scdr stx)))
((id i) (if (set-member? env (syntax->datum #'i))
(res i (scdr stx))
(raise (exn:fail:syntax:unbound
"unbound variable"
(with-next (a b c (scdr stx) r env)
(res (if a b c) r)))
(with-next (l (#:id acc) init (scdr stx) r1 env)
(with-next (fun r1 r2 (set-add env (syntax->datum #'acc)))
(res (for/fold
((acc init))
((el l))
(fun el))
(with-next (a (scdr stx) r env)
(res (stream->list (in-range (+ a 1))) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (+ a b) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (- a b) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (quotient a b) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (remainder a b) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (* a b) r)))
(with-next (a f (scdr stx) r env)
(res (f a) r)))
(with-next (l f (scdr stx) r env)
(res (map f l) r)))
(with-next (l p (scdr stx) r env)
(res (filter p l) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (> a b) r)))
(with-next (a b (scdr stx) r env)
(res (= a b) r)))
(with-next ((#:id p) (scdr stx) r1 env)
(with-next (x r1 r2 (set-add env (syntax->datum #'p)))
(syntax-case r2 (gt)
((gt . r3) (res (λ (p) x) #'r3))
((x . _) (raise (exn:fail:syntax
"bad syntax"
(define (xmas-read-syntax src in)
(with-syntax ([stx (car (parse-stx (read-stream in src)))])
#'(module xmas racket
(define (xmas-read in)
(xmas-read-syntax #f in))
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