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Last active January 2, 2016 20:59
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#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(define-syntax structs
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) (begin)]
[(_ (name args ...) rest ...) (begin (struct name (args ...) #:transparent)
(structs rest ...))]))
(inf c r ps)
(rul r i)
(ref x)
(sum l r)
(inl x)
(inr x)
(case x l lx r rx)
(prod f s)
(pair f s)
(fst x)
(snd x)
(fun from to)
(lam p t x)
(app f a)
(t l r))
(define (txt x (size 20))
(text (~a x) size "black"))
(define (infer c r . ps)
(inf c r ps))
(define (rule r (i #f))
(rul r i))
(define (draw-rule rule)
(match rule
[#f (txt " ")]
[(rul name num)
(define rimg (txt name))
(match num
[#f rimg]
[n (define iimg (txt n 14))
(overlay/xy rimg (image-width rimg) 10 iimg)])]))
(define (whitespace w)
(rectangle w 20 'solid (color 0 0 0 0)))
(define (besidel l)
(match l
['() (whitespace 10)]
[(list x) x]
[l (apply beside/align 'bottom l)]))
(define (draw-inf-halp i)
(match i
[(inf c r ps)
(define c-img (beside (whitespace 2) (txt c) (whitespace 2)))
(define r-img (draw-rule r))
(match (map draw-inf-halp ps)
[(list (list p-imgs p-insetls p-insetrs) ...)
(define p-img (besidel (add-between p-imgs (whitespace 15))))
(define p-insetl (if (null? p-insetls) 0 (first p-insetls)))
(define p-insetr (if (null? p-insetrs) 0 (last p-insetrs)))
(define p-insetlength (- (image-width p-img) p-insetl p-insetr))
(define c-start0 (+ (/ (- p-insetlength (image-width c-img)) 2) p-insetl))
(define c-start (if (< c-start0 0) 0 c-start0))
(define p-start (if (< c-start0 0) (- c-start0) 0))
(match (if (> p-insetlength (image-width c-img))
(cons (+ p-start p-insetl) p-insetlength)
(cons c-start (image-width c-img)))
[(cons line-start line-length)
(define line-end (+ line-start line-length))
(define empty (rectangle (max (+ p-start (image-width p-img))
(+ line-end (image-width r-img) 4)
(+ c-start (image-width c-img)))
(+ (image-height c-img) (image-height p-img) 6)
(color 0 0 0 0)))
(define (place-img arg scene)
(match arg
[(list img x y) (place-image/align img x y 'left 'top scene)]))
(define prem/conc (foldl place-img
(list (list p-img p-start 0)
(list c-img c-start (+ (image-height p-img) 6)))))
(define prem/conc/rul (if r
(foldl place-img
(list (list r-img (+ line-end 4) (- (image-height p-img) 12))
(list (line line-length 0 'black) line-start (+ (image-height p-img) 3))))
(list prem/conc/rul c-start (- (image-width empty) (+ c-start (image-width c-img))))])])]))
(define (typeof exp (env '()))
(match exp
[(ref x) (let ([res (assoc x env)])
(if res (cdr res) (broken)))]
[(inl x) (sum (typeof x env) (wild))]
[(inr x) (sum (wild) (typeof x env))]
[(case x l lx r rx)
(match (typeof x env)
[(sum lt rt) (typecheck (typeof lx (cons (cons l lt) env))
(typeof rx (cons (cons r rt) env)))])]
[(pair f s) (prod (typeof f env) (typeof s env))]
[(lam p t x) (fun t (typeof x (cons (cons p t) env)))]
[(app f a)
(match (typeof f env)
[(fun f t) (if (broken? (typecheck f (typeof a env))) (broken) t)]
[_ (broken)])]
[(fst x) (match (typeof x env) [(prod f _) f])]
[(snd x) (match (typeof x env) [(prod _ s) s])]
[(unit) (unitt)]))
(define (typecheck at bt)
(match (t at bt)
[(t (wild) x) x]
[(t x (wild)) x]
[(t (sum al ar) (sum bl br)) (sum (typecheck al bl) (typecheck ar br))]
[(t (prod af as) (prod bf bs)) (prod (typecheck af bf) (typecheck as bs))]
[(t (fun af at) (fun bf bt)) (fun (typecheck af bf) (typecheck at bt))]
[(t (unitt) (unitt)) (unitt)]
[(t (void) (void)) (void)]
[(t at bt) (if (equal? at bt)
(broken) #;(error (format "expected: ~a found: ~a~n" at bt)))]))
(define-syntax parse
(syntax-rules (· λ : inl inr case ↦ pair fst snd)
[(_ ·) (unit)]
[(_ (pair f s)) (pair (parse f) (parse s))]
[(_ (fst x)) (fst (parse x))]
[(_ (snd x)) (snd (parse x))]
[(_ (inl l)) (inl (parse l))]
[(_ (inr r)) (inr (parse r))]
[(_ (case x (inl(l) ↦ lx) (inr(r) ↦ rx))) (case (parse x) 'l (parse lx) 'r (parse rx))]
[(_ (λ (p : t) x)) (lam 'p (parse-type t) (parse x))]
[(_ (λ (p : t) . rest)) (parse (λ (p : t) (λ . rest)))]
[(_ (f a)) (app (parse f) (parse a))]
[(_ (f a . rest)) (parse ((f a) . rest))]
[(_ x) (ref 'x)]))
(define (draw-inf i)
(car (draw-inf-halp i)))
(define-syntax parse-type
(syntax-rules (→ + ×)
[(_ (f → t)) (fun (parse-type f) (parse-type t))]
[(_ (f → t → . rest)) (parse-type (f → (t → . rest)))]
[(_ (f → t)) (fun (parse-type f) (parse-type t))]
[(_ (l + r)) (sum (parse-type l) (parse-type r))]
[(_ (f × s)) (prod (parse-type f) (parse-type s))]
[(_ 1) (unitt)]
[(_ 0) (void)]
[(_ x) 'x]))
(define (translate x (env '()))
(define c (string-append (string-join (map (compose translate-type cdr) (reverse env)) ", ")
(translate-type (typeof x env))))
(match x
[(unit) (infer c (rule "⊤I"))]
[(lam p t x) (infer c (rule "⊃I") (translate x (cons (cons p t) env)))]
[(app f a) (infer c (rule "⊃E") (translate f env) (translate a env))]
[(pair a b) (infer c (rule "∧I") (translate a env) (translate b env))]
[(fst p) (infer c (rule "∧E" 1) (translate p env))]
[(snd p) (infer c (rule "∧E" 2) (translate p env))]
[(inl l) (infer c (rule "∨I" 1) (translate l env))]
[(inr r) (infer c (rule "∨I" 2) (translate r env))]
[(case x l lx r rx) (match (typeof x env)
[(sum lt rt) (infer c
(rule "∨E")
(translate x env)
(translate lx (cons (cons l lt) env))
(translate rx (cons (cons r rt) env)))])]
[(ref x) (match env
['() (infer c (rule "?"))]
[(list (cons a _) rest ...)
(if (equal? a x)
(infer c (rule "H"))
(infer c (rule "W") (translate (ref x) rest)))])]
[_ (infer c (rule "?"))]))
(define (translate-type ty)
(if (symbol? ty)
(~a ty)
(match ty
[(fun f (void)) (string-append "¬" (translate-type f))]
[(fun (fun f1 f2) t) (string-append "(" (translate-type (fun f1 f2)) ")⊃" (translate-arg t))]
[(fun f t) (string-append (translate-type f) "⊃" (translate-type t))]
[(sum l r) (string-append (paren l) "∨" (paren r))]
[(prod f s) (string-append (paren f) "∧" (paren s))]
[(void) "⊥"]
[(unitt) "⊤"]
[(wild) "_"]
[(broken) "?"])))
(define (paren ty)
(if (symbol? ty)
(~a ty)
(match ty
[(void) "⊥"]
[(unitt) "⊤"]
[(wild) "_"]
[(broken) "?"]
[(fun f (void)) (string-append "¬" (translate-type f))]
[x (string-append "(" (translate-type x) ")")])))
(define (translate-arg a)
(match a
[(fun f (void)) (string-append "¬" (translate-type f))]
[(fun (fun f1 f2) t) (string-append "(" (translate-type (fun f1 f2)) ")⊃" (translate-arg t))]
[(fun f t) (string-append (translate-type f) "⊃" (translate-arg t))]
[x (translate-type x)]))
(define-syntax-rule (draw x) (draw-inf (translate (parse x))))
(λ (f : (A → B → C)) (x : (A × B))
(f (fst x) (snd x))))
(λ (f : (A → B)) (g : (B → C)) (a : A)
(g (f a))))
(λ (s : (A + B)) (f : (A → C)) (g : (B → C))
(case s
(inl(l) ↦ (f l))
(inr(r) ↦ (g r)))))
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