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Created February 3, 2017 14:12
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binary tree creation|building|deserialization|unmarshalling, traversal, representation, serialization|marshalling
#!/usr/bin/env scala
// for The `bash` `shell script` './'
//import scala.math.{log, ceil}
import io.AnsiColor._
// or
// ? Is something wrong with:
// SubTree.toString ?
trait Binary_Tree {
//override def toString() = "{}"
// unimplemented interface
def to_Brackets_Str: String
def node_Label: String
def subSize: Int
def tier: Int
object Empty_Tree extends Binary_Tree {
override def toString() = "{}"
// warning:
// a pure expression does nothing in statement position;
// you may be omitting necessary parentheses
def to_Brackets_Str = "{}"
def node_Label: String = ""
def subSize: Int = 0
def tier: Int = 0
case class SubTree(
var left: Binary_Tree = Empty_Tree,
var right: Binary_Tree = Empty_Tree,
// recursive ?
// immutable ?
var parent: Binary_Tree = Empty_Tree,
var node_Label: String//,
//tier: Int = 1//,
// recursive ?
//var subSize: Int = 1
) extends Binary_Tree {
override def toString() = s"${left}<" +
s"n:${node_Label}" +
s"(${subSize})^[${parent.node_Label}]t:${tier}" +
// invalid escape '\{'
def to_Brackets_Str = s"""{${left.to_Brackets_Str}""" +
s"""${node_Label}""" +
def subSize: Int = 1 + left.subSize + right.subSize
def tier: Int = parent.tier + 1
// Done?: implement 'tree_From_Brackets_String'
tree_Str = "{{{{{}l8L{}}l4{{}r9L{}}}l2{{}r5L{}}}1*{{{}l6L{}}r3{{}r7L{}}}}",
is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 0
/** it must|expected|suppose to
* build a 'Binary_Tree'
* from the appropriate formatted string
* like this:
* "{{{{{}l8L{}}l4{{}r9L{}}}l2{{}r5L{}}}1*{{{}l6L{}}r3{{}r7L{}}}}"
def tree_From_Brackets_String(
tree_Str: String,
// <- go 1 tier|level down|start|add new subTree
open_Tree_Char: Char = '{',
// <- go 1 tier|level up|close|complete last subTree
close_Tree_Char: Char = '}',
is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 0
): Binary_Tree = if (
tree_Str.isEmpty ||
tree_Str.size < 3
) {
// return
} else {
// interesting case
// except format correctness check
def inner_Loop(
str_To_Parse_Left: String,
// previous state -> empty|open|close|label part
//previous_Char: Option[Char] = None,
//previous_Char: String = "",
node_Label: String = "",
// path|address|selector in a tree
// like function combinations|composition|chain
//insert_Pointer: Binary_Tree,
// changing main tree placeholder
// or complete tree so far
//result_Accum: Binary_Tree = Empty_Tree,
trees_List: List[Binary_Tree] = List(),
is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 0
): Binary_Tree = if (
str_To_Parse_Left.isEmpty ||
str_To_Parse_Left.size < 2
) {
// base case
if (trees_List.isEmpty) {
// guard
} else {
// expected to be|contain exactly one item
} else {
// recursive step
val next_Str_To_Parse: String = str_To_Parse_Left.tail
val curr_Chr: Char = str_To_Parse_Left.head
// Done: add|isert proper 'parent'
val (next_Label, next_Trees) = curr_Chr match {
// <- go 1 tier|level down|start|add new subTree
// use `backticks`
case `open_Tree_Char` => if (node_Label.isEmpty) {
// append current deepest subTree
(node_Label, Empty_Tree :: trees_List)
} else {
// reset|side effects|mutation
trees_List.head match {
case st @ SubTree(lT, rT, p, nL) => st.node_Label = node_Label
case _ => println("unexpected 'Empty_Tree' for `node_Label` change")
// return
("", Empty_Tree :: trees_List)
// <- go 1 tier|level up|close|complete last subTree
// insert last && completed into previous last (if any)
// current last|first.isComplete == true
// expected trees_List.tail.nonEmpty == true
case `close_Tree_Char` => if (
) {
println("unexpected empty `trees_List`")
// return
(node_Label, trees_List)
} else {
if (trees_List.tail.isEmpty) {
// it is fine if it is the last closing char '}'
if (1 == 1 && is_DeBug_Mode) {
unexpected `head` only in `trees_List`(1):List(
), curr_Chr:}, next_Str_To_Parse:
"unexpected `head` only in `trees_List`" +
s"(${trees_List.size}):${trees_List}" +
s""", curr_Chr:'${curr_Chr}'""" +
s""", next_Str_To_Parse:\"${next_Str_To_Parse}\""""
// return
(node_Label, trees_List)
} else {// if (trees_List.tail.nonEmpty) {
trees_List.tail.head match {
// add|insert right subT
//case st @ SubTree(lT, rT, p, nL) =>
case st @ SubTree(_, _, _, _) => {
// reset|side effects|mutation
trees_List.head match {
case rST @ SubTree(_, _, p, _) => {
rST.parent = st
// error: reassignment to val
//p = st
case _ => ()// <- skip
// reset|side effects|mutation
st.right = trees_List.head
// return
// drop last|first
(node_Label, trees_List.tail)
// add|insert left subT
// to the new subT replacing previous last|next first
//case eT: Empty_Tree.type => {}
case _ => trees_List.head match {
case lST @ SubTree(_, _, p, _) => {
// ? default ?
val subT = SubTree(left = lST, node_Label = "")
// reset|side effects|mutation
// error: reassignment to val
//p = subT
lST.parent = subT
// return
(node_Label, subT :: trees_List.tail.tail)
case _ => (
//left = trees_List.head,// Empty_Tree
node_Label = node_Label
) :: trees_List.tail.tail
// return
// drop last|first
//(node_Label, trees_List.tail)
case _ => (node_Label + curr_Chr, trees_List)
/* cases for 'tree so far'
considering left -> root -> right traversal
- '{'|"{...{"|"{}" -> Empty_Tree
- Empty_Tree + label -> SubTree(
left = Empty_Tree|default, node_Label = "label", right = default)
right subTree progress
? is more complicated ?
? is List needed
to merge|add current|recent complete tree
to the last stored incomplete tree
with incompletre|empty right child|subTree ?
and list (size) must always contain at least one (?possibly empty?) tree
- SubTree + '{' -> same SubTree
// return
// resume|continue iteration
str_To_Parse_Left = next_Str_To_Parse,
node_Label = next_Label,
trees_List = next_Trees,
is_DeBug_Mode = is_DeBug_Mode
/// ### initialize ### ///
// main placeholder
/*val tree_Skeleton = SubTree(
//parent = Empty_Tree,
node_Label = "?"
// return
str_To_Parse_Left = tree_Str,
//previous_Char = "",
//insert_Pointer = tree_Skeleton.left,
//result_Accum = tree_Skeleton,
is_DeBug_Mode = is_DeBug_Mode
/** it must|expected|suppose to return
* nodes as label + tier + size
* in some tree traversal order(ing)
* test:
* res41: List[String] = List(1*, 1*, "")
* some_Order_Treversal(bin_Tree = tree_1)
* Done?: fix it & refactor to @tailrec
* add inner loop or somthing
def some_Order_Treversal(
bin_Tree: Binary_Tree,
is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 0
): List[(String, Int, Int)] = {
def inner_Loop(
// ? it must be 'stack|queue' here
// to iterate through ?
roots_Stack: List[Binary_Tree],
result_Accum: List[(String, Int, Int)] = List(),
is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 0
): List[(String, Int, Int)] = if (roots_Stack.isEmpty) {
// base case
// return
} else {
// recursive step
val sub_Tree = roots_Stack.head
val (next_Stack, next_Accum) = sub_Tree match {
case eT: Empty_Tree.type => {
//error: identifier expected but 'type' found.
//case Empty_Tree.type => {
// base case
// stop treversing (down)
// just reduce stack to converge to the base case|stop condition
(roots_Stack.tail, result_Accum)
//left_Result ++ right_Result
case st @ SubTree(lT, rT, p, nL) => {
// recursive step
// ? it must be known|tracked
// what roots|subTrees was already proccesed traversed ?
// ? to distinguish|choose between left|root|right ?
// <- actually no (need for that)
// ? scan 'result_Accum' ?
// ? or use dedicated Set ?
// ? merge ?
// ? is it 'tailrec' ?
/* cases:
- 'root' in
- 'left' in <- & what if it is an 'Empty_Tree' ?
- 'right' in <- & what if it is an 'Empty_Tree' ?
- nothing in yet, 1-st encounter|occurence
// return
// reducing stack to converge to the base case|stop condition
// managing|maintaining|creating appropriate ordering
// for: {{{}l2{}}1*{{}r3{}}}
// -> List(r3, l2, 1*)
//lT :: (rT :: roots_Stack.tail),
// -> List(l2, r3, 1*)
rT :: (lT :: roots_Stack.tail),
(nL, st.tier, st.subSize) :: result_Accum
// return
roots_Stack = next_Stack,
result_Accum = next_Accum,
is_DeBug_Mode = is_DeBug_Mode
/// ### initialize ### ///
// return
roots_Stack = List(bin_Tree),
result_Accum = List(),
is_DeBug_Mode = is_DeBug_Mode
// Done?: implement `print_Tier_By_Tier`
/** testing:
* print_Tier_By_Tier(bin_Tree = tree_1, is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 1)
def print_Tier_By_Tier(
bin_Tree: Binary_Tree,
is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 0
): Unit = {
import scala.math.{log, ceil}
import io.AnsiColor._
// or
// log(a)(x) = log(b)(x) / log(b)(a)
//scala> (0 to 8 by 1).map(i => (i, math.ceil(log_2(i)).toInt))
//res20: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector(
// (0,-2147483648), (1,0), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), (5,2), (6,2), (7,2), (8,3))
//scala> (0 to 8 by 1).map(i => (i, log_2(i)))
//res21: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector(
// (0,-2147483648), (1,0), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), (5,2), (6,2), (7,2), (8,3))
def log_2(x: Int): Int = (math.log(x) / math.log(2)).toInt
//error: value subSize is not a member of Binary_Tree ??? WTF !!!
val max_Tier: Int = log_2(bin_Tree.subSize) + 1
val triers = Array.fill(max_Tier)(List[String]())
if (is_DeBug_Mode) {
s"triers(${triers.size}):" +
// traverse
var nodes_Stack = List(bin_Tree)
for(node <- 1 to bin_Tree.subSize){
val current_Node = nodes_Stack.head
nodes_Stack = nodes_Stack.tail
current_Node match {
case s: SubTree => {
//java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
triers(s.tier - 1) = s.node_Label :: triers(s.tier - 1)
if (1 == 1 && is_DeBug_Mode) {
s"s.tier:${RESET}${YELLOW_B}${RED}${UNDERLINED}${s.tier}${RESET}" +
s"s.subSize:${RESET}${YELLOW_B}${RED}${UNDERLINED}${s.subSize}${RESET}" +
s.left match {
case lT: SubTree => {// prepend
nodes_Stack = lT :: nodes_Stack}
case _ => ()
s.right match {
case rT: SubTree => {// prepend
nodes_Stack = rT :: nodes_Stack}
case _ => ()
case e: Empty_Tree.type => {
case _ => print("!!! unexpected undefined!!!")
if (1 == 0 && current_Node.isInstanceOf[SubTree]) {
/* scala> tree_1.getClass()
res24: Class[_ <: SubTree] = class SubTree
scala> tree_1.parent.getClass()
res25: Class[_ <: Binary_Tree] = class Empty_Tree$
scala> tree_1.parent.isInstanceOf[Empty_Tree.type]
res29: Boolean = true
scala> tree_1.parent.isInstanceOf[SubTree.type]
<console>:17: warning:
fruitless type test:
a value of type Binary_Tree
cannot also be a SubTree.type (the underlying of SubTree.type)
tree_1.parent.isInstanceOf[SubTree.type] ^
res30: Boolean = false
scala> tree_1.parent.isInstanceOf[SubTree]
res31: Boolean = false
scala> tree_1.isInstanceOf[SubTree]
res32: Boolean = true
scala> tree_1.isInstanceOf[Empty_Tree.type]
<console>:17: warning:
fruitless type test:
a value of type SubTree
cannot also be a Empty_Tree.type (the underlying of Empty_Tree.type)
res33: Boolean = false
// error: value left is not a member of Binary_Tree
/*if (current_Node.left.isInstanceOf[SubTree]) {
// prepend
nodes_Stack = current_Node.left :: nodes_Stack
if (current_Node.right.isInstanceOf[SubTree]) {
// prepend
nodes_Stack = current_Node.right :: nodes_Stack
triers(current_Node.subSize - 1) = current_Node.node_Label :: triers(
current_Node.subSize - 1)*/
// store nodes by levels|triers
triers.foreach(t => println(t.mkString(" ")))
def hierarchical_Drop_Down(
ordered_Nodes: List[(String, Int, Int)]
): Unit = {
println("hierarchical drop down")
for ((label, tier, t_Size) <- ordered_Nodes.reverseIterator) {
s"""${tier}:|${UNDERLINED}${"\t" * (tier - 1)}""" +
/// ### >>> unit test <<< ### ///
// that kind of invocation (instead of 'App.main()') works for `script`
val is_DeBug_Mode: Boolean = 1 == 1
val open_Tree = '{'
val close_Tree = '}'
val tree_Str_1 = "{{{{{}l8L{}}l4{{}r9L{}}}l2{{}r5L{}}}1*{{{}l6L{}}r3{{}r7L{}}}}"
val tree_1 = SubTree(
//parent = Empty_Tree,
node_Label = "1*"//,
//tier = 1//,
//subSize = 1//3//9
val subTree_2 = SubTree(
parent = tree_1,
node_Label = "l2"//,
//tier = 2,
//subSize = 1
val subTree_3 = SubTree(
parent = tree_1,
node_Label = "r3"//,
//tier = 2,
//subSize = 1
//tree_1.subSize += subTree_2.subSize + subTree_3.subSize
tree_1.left = subTree_2
tree_1.right = subTree_3
//res41: List[String] = List(1*, 1*, "")
val ordered_Nodes_1 = some_Order_Treversal(
bin_Tree = tree_1,
is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 0
"`some_Order_Treversal`:\n" +
print_Tier_By_Tier(bin_Tree = tree_1, is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 1)
println("`tree_From_Brackets_String` ...")
val tree_2 = tree_From_Brackets_String(
tree_Str = tree_Str_1,
open_Tree_Char = open_Tree,//'{',
close_Tree_Char = close_Tree,//'}',
is_DeBug_Mode = is_DeBug_Mode
val ordered_Nodes_2 = some_Order_Treversal(
bin_Tree = tree_2,
is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 0
"`some_Order_Treversal`:\n" +
print_Tier_By_Tier(bin_Tree = tree_2, is_DeBug_Mode = 1 == 1)
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