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Created March 4, 2017 12:17
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Exercise from Discrete Event Simulation Lecture of Functional Program Design In Scala course
#!/usr/bin/env scala
// for The `bash` `shell script` './'
// but App main object warper must be disabled|excluded
// it is imported twice in the same scope by
//import scala.Console._
/*object digital_Circuit_Logic_Gates extends App */{
/* A digital circuit is composed
of wires
and of functional components.
// conducting only {true|false} signals
class Wire {
// error: abstract member may not have private modifier
private var signal: Boolean = true
def get_Signal: Boolean = signal
def set_Signal(s_Val: Boolean): Unit = {
signal = s_Val}
The components have
a reaction time (or delay),
i.e. their outputs don't change immediately
after a change to their inputs.
/** output is the inverse of its input */
def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire): Unit = {
//output = !input
/** output is the conjunction of its inputs */
def and_Gate(
a1: Wire,
a2: Wire,
output: Wire
): Unit = {
//output = a1 && a2
output.set_Signal(a1.get_Signal && a2.get_Signal)
/** output is the disjunction of its inputs */
def or_Gate(
o1: Wire,
o2: Wire,
output: Wire
): Unit = {
//output = o1 || o2
output.set_Signal(o1.get_Signal || o2.get_Signal)
def half_Adder(
a: Wire, b: Wire, s: Wire, c: Wire
): Unit = {
val d = new Wire
val e = new Wire
or_Gate(a, b, d)
and_Gate(a, b, c)
inverter(c, e)
and_Gate(d, e, s)
def full_Adder(
a: Wire, b: Wire, cin: Wire, sum: Wire, cout: Wire
): Unit = {
val s = new Wire
val c1 = new Wire
val c2 = new Wire
half_Adder(b, cin, s, c1)
half_Adder(a, s, sum, c2)
or_Gate(c1, c2, cout)
def unknown_Gate(
a: Wire,
b: Wire,
c: Wire
): Unit = {
val d, e, f, g = new Wire
inverter(a, d)
inverter(b, e)
and_Gate(a, e, f)
and_Gate(b, d, g)
or_Gate(f, g, c)
def mark_String(
str: String,
expected_Val: Any,
actual_Val: Any
): String = if (
expected_Val == actual_Val
} else {
def log_2(x: Int): Int = (math.log(x) / math.log(2)).toInt
// scala> 3.toBinaryString
// res1: String = 11
//java.lang.Integer.parseInt(String s, int radix)
val combination_Size = 2
// pairs|combinations_Size|length
val range_Upper_Limit: Int = math.pow(2, combination_Size).toInt
val str_Max_Binary_Size = log_2(range_Upper_Limit)// + 1
val choices: Map[Char, Boolean] = Map('0' -> false, '1' -> true)
var results_Comparisons: Map[String, List[Boolean]] = Map(
"a_And_Not_B" -> List(),
"a_Equal_B" -> List(),
"a_And_Not_A_And_B" -> List(),
"a_Not_Equal_B" -> List(),
"Not_A_And_B" -> List()
val test_Wire = new Wire
println("(test_Wire = new Wire).get_Signal:" + test_Wire.get_Signal)
println("(test_Wire.set_Signal(false).get_Signal:" + test_Wire.get_Signal)
println("Combinations of {0|1} of length:" + combination_Size)
println(List(0, 1, 0).permutations.toArray.mkString("\n"))
(0 until range_Upper_Limit by 1).foreach(i => {
val b_Str = i.toBinaryString
val size_Diff = str_Max_Binary_Size - b_Str.size
val a = new Wire
val b = new Wire
val c = new Wire
if (size_Diff > 0) {
println("0" * size_Diff + b_Str)
} else {
println("unknown_Gate(a:" + a.get_Signal +
", b:" + b.get_Signal +
", c:" + c.get_Signal + ")")
val actual_Result = c.get_Signal
val a_And_Not_B = a.get_Signal && !b.get_Signal
val a_Equal_B = a.get_Signal == b.get_Signal
val a_And_Not_A_And_B = a.get_Signal && !(a.get_Signal && b.get_Signal)
val a_Not_Equal_B = a.get_Signal != b.get_Signal
val Not_A_And_B = !a.get_Signal && b.get_Signal
results_Comparisons += "a_And_Not_B" -> (
(actual_Result == a_And_Not_B) :: results_Comparisons.getOrElse("a_And_Not_B", List[Boolean]())
results_Comparisons += "a_Equal_B" -> (
(actual_Result == a_Equal_B) :: results_Comparisons.getOrElse("a_Equal_B", Nil)
results_Comparisons += "a_And_Not_A_And_B" -> (
(actual_Result == a_And_Not_A_And_B) :: results_Comparisons.getOrElse(
"a_And_Not_A_And_B", Nil)
results_Comparisons += "a_Not_Equal_B" -> (
(actual_Result == a_Not_Equal_B) :: results_Comparisons.getOrElse("a_Not_Equal_B", Nil)
results_Comparisons += "Not_A_And_B" -> (
(actual_Result == Not_A_And_B) :: results_Comparisons.getOrElse("Not_A_And_B", Nil)
"c:" + c.get_Signal +
"\n?= (a && !b):" + a_And_Not_B, a_And_Not_B, actual_Result) +
//"\n?= (a && !b):" + a_And_Not_B +
"\n?= (a == b):" + a_Equal_B, a_Equal_B, actual_Result) +
//"\n?= (a == b):" + (a.get_Signal == b.get_Signal) +
"\n?= (a && !(a && b)):" + a_And_Not_A_And_B,
a_And_Not_A_And_B, actual_Result) +
//"\n?= (a && !(a && b)):" + (a.get_Signal && !(a.get_Signal && b.get_Signal)) +
"\n?= (a != b):" + a_Not_Equal_B, a_Not_Equal_B, actual_Result) +
//"\n?= (a != b):" + (a.get_Signal != b.get_Signal) +
"\n?= (!a && b):" + Not_A_And_B, Not_A_And_B, actual_Result) +
//"\n?= (!a && b):" + (!a.get_Signal && b.get_Signal) +
//" ?= (a * b):" + a.get_Signal == b.get_Signal +
Console.println("digital_Circuit_Logic_Gates: ...")
.filter{case (k, v) => v.forall(i => i)}
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