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Last active June 3, 2016 17:41
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object Solution extends App{
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import scala.math.pow//{abs, pow, ceil, floor}
The first 168 prime numbers (all the prime numbers less than 1000) are:
//prime_LT1000.sliding(10, 10).map(_.toList.mkString(",")).mkString(",\n")
val primes_LT1000: Stream[Int] = Stream(
def direct_Trial_Divisions_Primes_Search(
up_To: Int = 1000
): List[Int] = {
///> work as expected, when primes in ascending order
def loop(
candidate: Int,
prime: Int,
// filtered | restricted by previously found primes
primes: List[Int],
limit: Int,
is_Condition: Boolean
): Boolean = {
if (
prime >= limit ||
) {
///> base case 1
//condition = true
} else if (candidate % prime == 0) {
///> base case 2
//condition = false
} else {
///> recursive step
candidate = candidate,
prime = primes.head,
primes = primes.tail,
limit = limit,
is_Condition = is_Condition
// must be sorted in ascending order
var primes_List: List[Int] = List(2)
var test_limit: Int = 1
var condition: Boolean = true
for (candidate <- 3 to up_To by 1) {
// scala> math.pow(3, 0.5).toInt
// res2: Int = 1
//scala> math.pow(4, 0.5)
//res1: Double = 2.0
test_limit = math.pow(candidate, 0.5).toInt
condition = true
if (false) {
// work as expected
// not-filtered | restricted by previously found primes
for (trail_Val <- 2 to (test_limit + 1) by 1) {
if (candidate % trail_Val == 0) {
condition = false
if (true) {
// work as expected
// filtered | restricted by previously found primes
condition = loop(
candidate = candidate,
prime = primes_List.head,
primes = primes_List.tail,
limit = test_limit + 1,
is_Condition = true//condition
if (condition) {
// append ?
//primes_List = candidate +: primes_List
primes_List = primes_List :+ candidate
scala> (100 to 1 by -1).take(20).sorted
res11: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100)
def prime_Factorization(
//error: reassignment to val
number: Int,
//error: reassignment to val
prime_Factors_Map: Map[Int, Int] = Map.empty[Int, Int],
is_Debug_Mode: Boolean = false
): Map[Int, Int] = {
var primes_List: List[Int] = direct_Trial_Divisions_Primes_Search(number + 1)
var condition: Boolean = true
var get_Prime: Option[Int] = None
var factors_Map: Map[Int, Int] = prime_Factors_Map
var current_Val: Int = number
if (primes_List.contains(current_Val)) {
factors_Map = factors_Map + (current_Val -> 1)
} else {
for (prime <- primes_List) {
condition = true
while (current_Val > 1 && condition) {
if (current_Val % prime == 0) {
get_Prime = factors_Map.get(prime)
if (get_Prime.nonEmpty) {
///> works as expected
///> but how pick max prime power from previous calls
//if (prime_Factors_Map.contains(prime)) {
prime_Factors_Map[prime] += 1
prime_Factors_Map = prime_Factors_Map + (prime -> (get_Prime.get + 1))
} else {
prime_Factors_Map = prime_Factors_Map + (prime -> 1)
get_Prime match {
case Some(v) => factors_Map = factors_Map + (prime -> (v + 1))
case _ => factors_Map = factors_Map + (prime -> 1)
current_Val = current_Val / prime
} else {
condition = false
def least_Common_Multiple(
///> Set[Int] may be better
//factors: List[Int],
factors: Array[Int],
is_Debug_Mode: Boolean = false
): Int = {
var max_Prime_Powers_Map = Map.empty[Int, Int]
var get_Prime: Option[Int] = None
var lcm: Int = 1
var number_Factors_Map = Map.empty[Int, Int]
for (number <- factors) {
number_Factors_Map = prime_Factorization(number)//, Map.empty[Int, Int])
if (max_Prime_Powers_Map.isEmpty || max_Prime_Powers_Map.size == 0) {
max_Prime_Powers_Map = number_Factors_Map
} else {
scala> for ((k, v) <- myMap) yield (k, v)
res15: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(MI -> Michigan, OH -> Ohio, WI -> Wisconsin)
for ((k, v) <- number_Factors_Map) {
get_Prime = max_Prime_Powers_Map.get(k)
get_Prime match {
case Some(p) => if (p < v) {
max_Prime_Powers_Map = max_Prime_Powers_Map + (k -> v)
// None
case _ => max_Prime_Powers_Map = max_Prime_Powers_Map + (k -> v)
for ((k, v) <- max_Prime_Powers_Map) {
lcm = lcm * math.pow(k, v).toInt
///> '#::' is crutial for lazy evaluation, not just append '+:' <- fail
def mult(step: Int, state: Int): Stream[Int] = state #:: mult(step, state + step)
class Mult(seed: Int) {
var accum: Int = seed
def next: Int = {
val current_State: Int = accum
accum += seed
def inc_By(seed: Int): Int => Int = (step: Int) => seed + step
def add_Next(s: => Int)(a: => Int) = s + a
///> work as expected
def min_Common_Mult_4_Pair(
int_1: Int,
int_2: Int
): Int = {
var while_Guard: Int = 100000
var generator_1: Mult = new Mult(seed = int_1)
var generator_2: Int => Int = inc_By(seed = int_2)
var val_1: Int =
var val_2: Int = generator_2(int_2)
if (val_1 == val_2) {
} else {
while (val_1 != val_2 && while_Guard > 0) {
while_Guard -= 1
if (val_1 > val_2) {
val_2 = generator_2(val_2)
} else /*if (val_1 < val_2)*/ {
val_1 =
///> work as expected
def find_Pair_Min_Common_Int(
int_1: Int,
int_2: Int
): Int = {
var while_Guard: Int = 100000
var stream_1: Stream[Int] = mult(step = int_1, state = int_1)
var stream_2: Stream[Int] = mult(step = int_2, state = int_2)
var val_1 = stream_1.head
var val_2 = stream_2.head
if (val_1 == val_2) {
} else {
while (val_1 != val_2 && while_Guard > 0) {
while_Guard -= 1
if (val_1 > val_2) {
stream_2 = stream_2.tail
val_2 = stream_2.head
} else /*if (val_1 < val_2)*/ {
stream_1 = stream_1.tail
val_1 = stream_1.head
def sequence_Min_Common_Miltiple(
int_List: Array[Int]
): Int = {
var m_C_M: Int = 1
scala> (for (List(v1, v2) <- List(4,7,12,21,42).sliding(2,1)) yield (v1, v2)).toList
res15: List[(Int, Int)] = List((4,7), (7,12), (12,21), (21,42))
for (Array(n1, n2) <- int_List.sliding(2, 1)) {
if (m_C_M > 1) {
//m_C_M = find_Pair_Min_Common_Int(m_C_M, n2)
m_C_M = min_Common_Mult_4_Pair(m_C_M, n2)
} else {
//m_C_M = find_Pair_Min_Common_Int(n1, n2)
m_C_M = min_Common_Mult_4_Pair(n1, n2)
//gcd: [Int >: Double](a: Double, b: Double)Double
def gcd/*[Int >: Double]*/(a: Double, b: Double): Double = if (b == 0) {
///> base case
///> ??? a.abs ???
} else {
///> base case
// error: could not optimize @tailrec annotated method gcd:
// it is called recursively with different type arguments
gcd(b, a % b)
//gcd(b.toDouble, (a % b).toDouble) //{
//error: could not optimize @tailrec annotated method gcd:
// it contains a recursive call not in tail position
b match {
case 0 => a
case _ => gcd(b, (a % b))
2 3 4
1,2 => 1:{1},2:{1,2}, dif:{2}, => 2
2,3 => 2:{1,2},3:{1,3}, dif:{2,3) => 2*3=6
6,4 => 6:{1,2,3,6},4:{1,2,4}, dif:{3,6,4) => 3*6*4 = 72 ???
expected (2'*3, 2'*2) => 2'*(2*3) == 12 ? intersect * difference ?
? primes only ?
Using prime factorizations
6,4 => 6:{1,2,3},4:{1,2,2}, common:{1,2} * dif:{3,2) => 1*2*3*2 = 12
def find_Least_Common_Multiple(
factors: Array[Int],
is_Debug_Mode: Boolean = false
): Double = {
def iterator(
seq: Array[Int],
///> lcm
result_Accum: Double = 1
///> Map(1->Set(1?),2->Set(1,2?),3->Set(1,3?),4->Set(1,2,4?))
//factors_Map: Map[Int, Set[Int]]
): Double = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
///> base case
} else {
///> recursive step
val current_Factor: Int = seq.head
val accum: Double = if (result_Accum == current_Factor){
} else /*if (result_Accum != current_Factor)*/ {
//(result_Accum.abs / gcd(current_Factor, result_Accum)) * current_Factor.abs
(result_Accum / gcd(result_Accum, current_Factor)) * current_Factor
} else if (result_Accum < current_Factor) {
val remainder: Double = current_Factor % result_Accum
if (remainder == 0) {
} else {
//current_Factor * result_Accum
scala> (4.0 / 2).max(6.0 / 2)
res51: Double = 3.0
//result_Accum * (current_Factor / remainder).min(result_Accum / remainder)
result_Accum * gcd(current_Factor, remainder)
} else /*if (result_Accum > current_Factor)*/ {
val remainder: Double = result_Accum % current_Factor
if (remainder == 0) {
} else {
//current_Factor * result_Accum
//current_Factor * (current_Factor / remainder).min(result_Accum / remainder)
current_Factor * gcd(current_Factor, remainder)
4:4 % 2 == 0 => 4/2 = 2 % 2 == 0 => same p, s - 4 + 2
7:7 % 2 != 0 => 7 % 2 != 0 => next p, s | s + 7
12:12 % 2 == 0 => 12 / 2 = 6 % 2 == 0 => same p, s - 12 + 6
21:21 % 2 != 0 => 21 % 2 != 0 => next p, s | s + 21
42:42 % 2 == 0 => 42 / 2 = 21 % 2 != 0 => next p, s - 42 + 21
-> round checked && not all == 1 && at least one elem % 2 == 0 | same p
s:{2,7,6,21,21} => {2,7,6,21}
2: % p == 0 && == p => 1 <- stop checking it s - 2
7: % p != 0 => 7, next p needed, s
6: % p == 0 && != p => 6 / p = 3 % p != 0, next p needed, s - 6 + 3
///> duplicates => ??? use memorization ??? <- set
21: % p != 0 => 21, next p needed, s
21: % p != 0 => 21, next p needed, s
-> p checked, not all == 1, next p
s:{7,3,21,21} => {7,3,21}
7: % p != 0 => 7, next p needed, s
3: % p == 0, == p => 1, <- stop checking it, s - 3
21: % p == 0, != p => 21 / p = 7, % p => next p, s - 21 + 7
-> p checked, not all == 1, next p
s:{7,7} => {7}
7: % p != 0 => 7, next p, s
-> p checked, not all == 1, next p
7: % p == 0, == p => 1, <- stop checking it, s - 7
-> p checked, all == 1, Done
r:[2,2,3,7].product = 84
s_S:{2, 3, 4}
def loop(
seq_State: Set[Int],
round_Progress: Set[Int] = Set.empty[Int],
primes: Stream[Int],
round_Prime: Int = 2,
///> lcm's factors
///> head is ? current | last prime factor ?
///> changed once per round, when round_Progress.isEmpty => 100%
result_Accum: List[Int] = List(1),
//last_Checked: Boolean = false,
///> if all per round next p => true else false
///> if at least one per round same p => false else true
is_Next_Prime: Boolean = false,//true
is_Same_Prime: Boolean = true,
is_Debug_Mode: Boolean = false
): Double = {
if (
seq_State.isEmpty ||
) {
///> base case
} else {
///> recursive step
// until all of the numbers have been reduced to 1.
if (is_Debug_Mode) {
s"""seq_State:${seq_State}""" +
s""",round_Progress:${round_Progress}""" +
s""",primes:${primes}""" +
s""",round_Prime:${round_Prime}""" +
s""",result_Accum:${result_Accum}""" +
val (prime, primes_Left, next_Round, elem, not_Same_Prime/*, accum*/): (
) = if (
) {
///> starting new (check | round) for (current) (same | next) prime
if (is_Debug_Mode) {println(s"""next round start ...""")}
if (is_Next_Prime) {
(primes.head, primes.tail, seq_State.tail, seq_State.head, true)
} else {
(round_Prime, primes, seq_State.tail, seq_State.head, true)
} else /*if (round_Progress.nonEmpty)*/{
(round_Prime, primes, round_Progress.tail, round_Progress.head, is_Next_Prime)
val (next_State, next_Prime, accum): (Set[Int], Boolean, List[Int]) = if (elem % prime == 0) {
val next_Result: List[Int] = if (not_Same_Prime) {
///> first time per round % p == 0
prime +: result_Accum
} else {
if (elem == prime || elem == 1) {
///> discard elem
(seq_State - elem, not_Same_Prime, next_Result)
} else /*if (elem != prime)*/{
val next_Elem_Val = elem / prime
///> discard old elem
///> add new elem
scala> Set(2,4,3,7) - 4 + 1
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(2, 3, 7, 1)
if (is_Debug_Mode) {
s"""Same Prime check: ${next_Elem_Val} % ${prime} == 0 is: ${next_Elem_Val % prime == 0}""")}
(seq_State - elem + next_Elem_Val, (next_Elem_Val % prime != 0), next_Result)
} else /*if (elem % prime != 0)*/{
if (elem == 1) {
///> discard elem
(seq_State - elem, not_Same_Prime, result_Accum)
} else {
(seq_State, not_Same_Prime, result_Accum)
if (is_Debug_Mode) {
s""">>next_State:${next_State}""" +
s""",next_Round:${next_Round}""" +
s""",primes_Left:${primes_Left}""" +
s""",prime:${prime}""" +
s""",accum:${accum}""" +
///> reduced by elements equal to 1
seq_State = next_State,
round_Progress = next_Round,
primes = primes_Left,
round_Prime = prime,
result_Accum = accum,
is_Next_Prime = next_Prime,
is_Debug_Mode = is_Debug_Mode
///> initialization
seq_State = factors.toSet,
//round_Progress = seq_State,
primes = primes_LT1000,
round_Prime = 1,//2
is_Next_Prime = true,
is_Debug_Mode = is_Debug_Mode
//): Int
///>>>*** unit test ***<<<///
// Print the greatest common divisor of numbers in input of size N.
// For each test case it is guaranteed that
// solution will not exceed <= 2 * 10^18 <- very big number
val is_Debug_Mode: Boolean = (
val factors_Stream_Size_N: Int = Try(
) match {
case Success(f) => f // assert( f >= 2 && f <= 10)
case Failure(e) => /*println(e.getMessage)*/0
val factors_Stream: Array[/*Big*/Int] = Try(
) match {
case Success(str) => {
.split(" ")
// assert(_ >= 1 && _ <= pow(10, 6))
scala> scala.math.pow(10, 6)
res64: Double = 1000000.0
case Failure(e) => {
//"" // <- default
///> ??? WTF ???
scala> s.fold(1)(f)
<console>:13: error: type mismatch;
found : ((Int, Int)) => Int
required: (Int, Int) => Int
def f(p: (Int, Int)): Int = p match { case (a, b) => BigInt(a).gcd(b).toInt }
test case 3-9 Terminated due to timeout
so, BigInt may be ?
def min_Common_Multiple(
numbers: Array[Int]
): Int = {
:param numbers:
// preprocessing
//var numb_Map: Map[Int, Int] = (
// for (n <- numbers) yield (n -> n)).toMap
scala> var i = -1
i: Int = -1
scala> val a_M = for (n <- Array(1,2,3,5,7,11,13)) yield {i += 1;(i, n, BigInt(n))}
a_M: Array[(Int, Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = Array(
(0,1,1), (1,2,2), (2,3,3), (3,5,5), (4,7,7), (5,11,11), (6,13,13))
scala> for (el <- a_M) {val (i, k, v) = el; a_M(i) = (i, k, v + 1)}
scala> a_M
res14: Array[(Int, Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = Array(
(0,1,2), (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,5,6), (4,7,8), (5,11,12), (6,13,14))
var i: Int = -1
var numb_ArrayMap: Array[(Int, Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = (
for (n <- numbers) yield {
i += 1
(i, n, BigInt(n))
//var while_Guard: Int = 1000000 <- less then test 3-9 iterations
//var max_So_Far: Int = 0
var max_So_Far: BigInt = BigInt(0)
var is_All_Equal: Boolean = false
var is_Not_All_Equal: Boolean = true
//condition = true
//var balance: Int = 0
//var div_Float = 1.0
//var div_Int = 1
while (
is_Not_All_Equal //&&
//while_Guard > 0
) {
//while_Guard -= 1
// new round
// reset
//balance = 0
is_Not_All_Equal = true
is_All_Equal = true//false
scala> val m = Map(1->"a",2->"b",3->"c")
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> a, 2 -> b, 3 -> c)
scala> for ((k, v) <- m) yield k
res5: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> for ((k, v) <- m) yield v
res6: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(a, b, c)
scala> val a_M = for (n <- Array(1,2,3,5,7,11,13)) yield (n, BigInt(n))
a_M: Array[(Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = Array(
(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (5,5), (7,7), (11,11), (13,13))
scala> for (el <- a_M) {val (k, v) = el; el = (k, v + 1)}
<console>:12: error: reassignment to val
for (el <- a_M) {val (k, v) = el; el = (k, v + 1)}
scala> a_M.zipWithIndex
res10: Array[((Int, scala.math.BigInt), Int)] = Array(
((1,1),0), ((2,2),1), ((3,3),2), ((5,5),3), ((7,7),4), ((11,11),5), ((13,13),6))
scala> for (el <- a_M.zipWithIndex) {val ((k, v), i) = el; a_M(i) = (k, v + 1)}
scala> a_M
res12: Array[(Int, scala.math.BigInt)] = Array(
(1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (11,12), (13,14))
// mutation inside iterator ? <- OK
//for ((k, v) <- numb_Map) {
for (el <- numb_ArrayMap) {
val (i, k, v) = el//; a_M(i) = (i, k, v + 1)
if (v > max_So_Far) {
max_So_Far = v
//balance = -1
//is_Not_All_Equal = false//true
is_All_Equal = false
} else if (v == max_So_Far) {
// skip | pass
} else /*if (v < max_So_Far)*/ {
//balance = -1
//is_Not_All_Equal = false
is_All_Equal = false
if (max_So_Far % k == 0) {
// update
//numb_Map = numb_Map + (k -> max_So_Far)
} else /*if (max_So_Far % k != 0)*/ {
// update
max_So_Far = (max_So_Far / k + 1) * k
//numb_Map = numb_Map + (k -> max_So_Far)
//numb_Map = numb_Map + (k -> max_So_Far)
numb_ArrayMap(i) = (i, k, max_So_Far)
// post check
// if unchanged
if (
is_All_Equal //||
//balance == 0
) {
is_Not_All_Equal = false
} else {
is_Not_All_Equal = true
//println("""while_Guard: ${}""".format(while_Guard))
//val result: Int = {
val result: String = {
scala> BigInt(3).gcd(5)
res5: scala.math.BigInt = 1
scala> BigInt(3).gcd(5).toInt
res6: Int = 1
scala> val s = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
s: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
scala> s.fold(0)(BigInt(_).gcd(_).toInt)
res7: Int = 1
scala> s.reduce(BigInt(_).gcd(_).toInt)
res8: Int = 1
scala> s.reduceRight(BigInt(_).gcd(_).toInt)
res9: Int = 1
scala> s.fold(0)({case (a: Int,b: Int) => BigInt(a).gcd(b).toInt})
res18: Int = 1
scala> s.fold[Int](1)({case (a: Int,b: Int) => BigInt(a).gcd(b).toInt})
res19: Int = 1
scala> s.fold(1)((x: Int, y: Int) => f((x, y)))
res32: Int = 1
scala> s.fold(1)((a: Int, b: Int) => BigInt(a).gcd(b).toInt)
res34: Int = 1
scala> s.fold(1){case p => BigInt(p._1).gcd(p._2).toInt}
res36: Int = 1
.fold[Int](1)//(_ + _)
// error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$2, x$3) => BigInt(x$2).gcd(x$3).toInt)
{ case (a: Int, b: Int) => BigInt(a).gcd(b).toInt}
//484 CPU time limit exceeded (core dumped) "$@"
///> alas, but fail
///> return (6) for {1, 3}
//is_Debug_Mode = false
// assert(
// result <=
// scala> 2 * scala.math.pow(10, 18)
// res44: Double = 2.0E18
.takeWhile(_ != '.')
//assert(9875 == 2)
//println(s"""${result.mkString(" ")}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
var test_result = direct_Trial_Divisions_Primes_Search()
var expected = 168
scala> (1 to 100 by 1).take(20)
res10: scala.collection.immutable.Range = Range(
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
assert( test_result.size == expected,
s"""test_result.size: ${test_result.size}, \ntest_result.take(20): ${test_result.take(20)}""")
s"""test_result.size: ${result.size} == expected: ${expected}, \ntest_result.take(20): ${test_result.take(20)}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
var test_result = prime_Factorization(12)
var expected = Map(2 -> 2, 3 -> 1)
assert( test_result == expected,
s"""test_result: ${test_result} != expected: ${expected}""")
s"""test_result: ${test_result} == expected: ${expected}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
var test_result = find_Pair_Min_Common_Int(4, 6)
var expected = 12
assert( test_result == expected,
s"""test_result: ${test_result} != expected: ${expected}""")
s"""test_result: ${test_result} == expected: ${expected}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
var test_result = min_Common_Mult_4_Pair(4, 6)
var expected = 12
assert( test_result == expected,
s"""test_result: ${test_result} != expected: ${expected}""")
s"""test_result: ${test_result} == expected: ${expected}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
//var test_result = sequence_Min_Common_Miltiple(List(4,7,12,21,42))
var test_result = sequence_Min_Common_Miltiple(Array(4,7,12,21,42))
var expected = 84
assert( test_result == expected,
s"""test_result: ${test_result} != expected: ${expected}""")
s"""test_result: ${test_result} == expected: ${expected}""")
if (is_Debug_Mode){
//var test_result = sequence_Min_Common_Miltiple(List(4,7,12,21,42))
var test_result = min_Common_Multiple(Array(4,7,12,21,42))
var expected = 84
assert( test_result == expected,
s"""test_result: ${test_result} != expected: ${expected}""")
s"""test_result: ${test_result} == expected: ${expected}""")
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